slashersimpwrites 2 years
so sorry about the lack of posts, school has been kicking my ass cause i gotta balance it with working full-time. hopefully i will be able to upload soon! i got two requests in the works right now, a bioshock one and a dragon age one :)
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slashersimpwrites 2 years
so sorry about the lack of posts, school has been kicking my ass cause i gotta balance it with working full-time. hopefully i will be able to upload soon! i got two requests in the works right now, a bioshock one and a dragon age one :)
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slashersimpwrites 2 years
so sorry about the lack of posts, school has been kicking my ass cause i gotta balance it with working full-time. hopefully i will be able to upload soon! i got two requests in the works right now, a bioshock one and a dragon age one :)
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slashersimpwrites 2 years
饾櫒饾櫄饾櫂饾櫔饾櫑饾櫈饾櫓饾櫘 饾櫁饾櫑饾櫄饾櫀饾櫂饾櫇 饾櫂饾櫇饾櫀饾櫑饾櫀饾櫂饾櫓饾櫄饾櫑饾櫒 // 饾櫇饾櫔饾櫌饾櫀饾櫍 饾櫀饾櫔 饾櫇饾櫄饾櫀饾櫃饾櫂饾櫀饾櫍饾櫍饾櫎饾櫍饾櫒
human!security breach cast x gn!reader
headcannons for the looks and jobs of them + headcannons for how they would be in a relationship!
tw: swearing, slight nsfw mentioned with burntrap and bonnie
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/ glamrock freddy /
would definitely have a dad bod, with quite a bit of muscle hidden underneath
100% a poc, you cannot argue with me on this
honestly, he would dress however he wanted, he does not lock himself down to one certain style
tends to dress just slightly more masculine than feminine though
likes to wear face paint, or at the very least, eyeliner
dyes his hair often and it is very fluffy
the softest and kindest brown eyes ever, he does always look tired though
the prime example of a smart dumbass
founder and creator of his band, the glamrocks
constantly makes dad jokes
one of the sweetest people to exist
freddy with a s/o;
a gentle lover hands down
gives THE best hugs
LOVES to cuddle with his lover, does not care whether he is the little or big spoon
treats you like royalty: always checking on you, pampering you, making sure you know that he loves you
probably one of the healthiest relationships out of this list, along with sun
is also your best friend, that's just how great of a person he is
tries his hardest to make you laugh, especially when you are feeling down. he doesn't like seeing you sad :(
will drop anything and everything when you need him
does not get jealous of you when you hang out with other people, he knows you love him
would be the type of person to drive across the country just to give you a lil kiss kiss
all around, he is the sweetest person and would give you the world <3
/ glamrock bonnie /
i like the theory of bonnie being the aggressive one towards monty and that's why he got decommissioned, or just something along those lines
this kinda creates the basis for my personality for him
i see him as being one of the more aggressive ones out of them all
like he would take it upon himself to personally fight or call out anyone who was being an asshole at their shows
'oh you wanna put your hands where they shouldn't be? well get up here buddy and i'll show what i do to people like that.' stuff like that, y'aknow?
he was the bassist for the glamrocks until he left cause it didn't feel quite right and he wanted to go off and find himself
probably has super fluffy hair dyed purple
wears makeup, is not afraid to be in touch with his feminine side
dresses very punk, but like, bright colour/neon punk
bonnie with a s/o;
he can be a bit possessive, but it's not to a scary extent
like he'll let someone know your his if he notices them flirting with you (whether or not you look comfortable) through hands on you, a deathly stare, stuff like that
likes to go off and just do random things with you, like exploring and abandoned place, learning a random new thing, etc
he's an adrenaline junky
he is a bit more kinky than the others, mans has a big breeding kink no matter what's in your pants (he's a rabbit what do you expect)
he does try his best to take good care of you though, dw
he tries his best not to lash out and hurt you, and if he does, he will be apologizing for days and doing literally everything in his power to make it up to you
loves when you play with his hair, and loves playing with your hair
/ glamrock foxy /
drag queen? drag queen
used to do shows at harmonizing paradise's little drag area attached to the nightclub until they shut it down
now he's a backup keyboardist for the glamrocks
wasn't enough people there to cover the costs and bla bla bla
i see him as being quite a bit like julian from the arcana, with like the eyepatch and the fluffy slightly long red hair
though i see him as having more orange hair with blue streaks in it
he likes to dress a little bit on the 'elegantly medieval' side
has a pirate hyperfixation
cannot stress this ebough, THE KING OF DUMBASSERY
foxy with a s/o;
can be a little possessive like bonnie, but is more obsessive than anything
not yandere level though, dw
you'll be acting as an authority figure in this relationship, this man is a fckn mess, like i said, king of dumbassery
a very "messy" lover
like, he don't clean that much, showers just enough, very forgetful, etc
it's cute though, so you don't mind
completely melts around you, no doubt about it
likes quality time more than anything, he's fine with whatever, as long as he's with you
though he adores cuddling sessions
and likes movie dates at home where you kake fun if the characters
he's just a sweet chaotic boi
/ montgomery gator /
monty is 1000% a poc and i take no criticism, he is the king of rock and roll and black people invented it, so it's only fitting
he would have a floridian accent, or at the very least, a southern one
he would obviously have the iconic mohawk, but he would have amber eyes
he would dress pretty alternative
he would wear his iconic glasses, purple fingerless gloves, purple combat boots, and all his spiked jewelry
would have his fingernails painted black, they would have some chips
he would probably wear motorcycle pants, tripp pants, or a mixture of both with tank tops and cropped jackets
though we all know this man would try to be shirtless as much as possible
lots of freckles + faint scars
he would be the bassist for the glamrocks, but he became a new addition since bonnie left to find himself
he fit in very quickly though, some people grew to love him and some were resentful
definitely the most flirtatious and open of all them tho
monty with a s/o:
he was the one to come up to you and make the first move, we all know he wouldn't be the type of person to "keep it in his pants"
would prefer to take you on more simple dates like concerts, movies, amusement parks, etc. though, every so often he'll plan a weekend-long outing for you guys
he's tries his best to act all tough and bad-boy-ish around you, but a simple lil kiss on makes him melt
please give him forehead kisses!! he loves them!!
will not admit it, but he loves being the little spoon
this man just wants someone to love him and tell him he's perfect and more than a replacement :(
more than anything his love language would probably be words of affirmation, so be ready to get told how perfect you are <3
he would also definitely want to show you off because he's so proud of you and you mean so much to him <3
/ dj music man /
i also see djmm being poc, got no reason for this one other than vibes
he would wear sunglasses 24/7, but underneath probably has really pretty brown eyes
pretty flamboyant and likes to wear bright striking makeup and bright clothing
basically fits in with the rave scene real easily
wears very bright and very shiny clothing while working, probably an obnoxiously shiny suit (minus the jacket)
off of work he wears more comfortable stuff like a simple tank top or hoodie with some tattered jeans
would definitely have some facial piercings, probably a tattoo or a few hidden somewhere
despite his flamboyant dj persona, he's a pretty quiet person, preferring to drown the world out with music
main headlining dj for the harmonizing paradise nightclub (which just happens to be the main hangout spot for the glamrocks)
was one of the founders of said nightclub
djmm with a s/o:
alright, first thing's first: this man would be incredibly difficult to bag
i see him as being someone who is oblivious to romantic advances, so at first he just thinks you're being nice to be friends with him, but realizes when you just outright tell him you think he's hot
very wary in the beginning, worrying about if he'd just end up hurting you, but after telling him a few times about how much you trust and cherish him, he'll become more confident
his love language would be acts of service or gift giving, so expect errands to be randomly done, little gifts left for you, songs written for you, etc
he just wants you to know that he loves you, even if he can't be there all the time
expect lots nd lots of cuddles when he gets home from work, he really misses you and loves being in your presence
adores being the little spoon
will give you hugs nd kisses in public, he's not ashamed to let people know how much he loves you <3
/ sundrop /
this man would literally be the sweetest fucking person ever, you would get a toothache just from being in his presence
he would have short & messy natural blonde hair, maybe with a little bit of orange from sun exposure
he would have sun-kissed skin with a few faint freckles and very pale blue eyes that would look white from far away
he would probably have some acne scarring along his forehead and chin
he has the brightest smile, literally radiates sunshine
would prefer to wear softer and brighter colours
his clothing style would fall under yellow academia x softcore
would wear a few rings, no necklaces, and bracelets from the kids
would work in a daycare with moon, like they would work in the same room together
the two are definitely besties
the kids probably prefer sunny over moon and he feels bad about it, moon deserves love too!
was nicknamed 'mr. sunshine' by the children because of how bright his personality and clothing are
sunny with a s/o:
he would be such a sweet and caring partner
would always be checking up on you, either in person or over text, to make sure you're okay
sometimes it can be suffocating, but you know he means well <3
his love language would be physical touch, so expect lots nd lots of cuddling, hand holding, etc
would be very awkward in public and only exhibit a little pda; soft touches here, hand holding there, sitting close to you, etc
was definitely the one to make the first move, this man has a hard time holding things in (though you almost did it first)
his favourite things to do with you are watching movies, crafts, and exploring
he is definitely a chaotic dumbass please watch him
/ moondrop /
i feel like moon would also have skin like sunny, cause of the mask and how white the real moon is
he tends to look stern more often than not, but it's not cause he's mad! he just has a resting mad face :(
^ it's part of the reason the children are more scared of him than they are of sun
he would have heterochromia, his left eye being brown and his right eye being blue
like sun, he also has a bit of acne scarring around the edges of his face
he would keep his hair a little long, sharp, and styled. this plus his pretty pale complexion would kind make him look like a vampire :>
he is a very neat and tidy person
he would wear comfier clothing than sun, but it somehow ends up looking more formal
he'd do the whole sweater/sweater vest over button-up thing with some jeans and dress shoes
would wear tons of accessories, necklaces? yes. rings? yes. bracelets? absolutely!
he seems like someone that would need glasses idk
he works in the daycare with sun
the children nicknamed him 'mr. moonrise' cause he's the one in charge of nap time
moon with a s/o;
he would be a quiet but passionate lover
he wouldn't like pda, especially in front of the children, but he would be all over you when you guys were alone
he loves telling you how great you are and how much you light up his world
he kind of has ups and downs when it comes to his passion though, sometimes he's cold and distant at home too
it would just be because he's overwhelmed though, and he wouldn't want to get triggered by something small and lash out at you
be sure to stay away for the time being and just vibe with him, maybe read to him. he'll calm down within no time <3
in the case you do get on his nerves during this time, he van become a bit obsessive and possessive
he would be one to worry over your sleep, making sure you go to bed at a reasonable time, getting enough sleep, not sleeping in a way that is harmful to you, etc
speaking of which! if you ever show signs of insomnia or sleep apnea he will do as much as he can to help you! he would love to read you some stories and sing you some lullabies <3
please give him jawline kisses!!
/ burntrap /
this man is the coldest mother fucker to ever exist
now don't get me wrong, i am extremely down bad for him, but he can be a real asshole sometimes
he loves causing chaos, especially if it involves pranking his s/o or turning the glamrocks against eachother
in this au he is in his mid-late 30s, he is not a peepaw here
he would have lots nd lots of scars all over his body
shaggy and very messy dirty blond hair
white eyes that seem to have a purple hue in the sunlight
probably one of those bitches who wears the same thing every day. is it clean? does he only own the one outfit? when did he last shower? who knows.
probably wears a casually formal style -> loose button-ups, heavy boots, patterned trousers with some tattering, loose ties, loose vests, a few rings
works as security personnel for the glamrocks; sometimes they hate him, but he is the best they've had and keeps them quite safe
very reserved about his personal life
obviously has the iconic william accent, a little more gravelly though
burntrap with a s/o;
loves loves loves pranking you
his relationship with you would be much more sexual in nature than it would be with any of the other guys
gets very jealous when other guys, and sometimes even girls, look at you
makes sure to let everyone know you guys are together, be it a display on your neck, jewlery, or just him always being at his side
will sometimes sneak you in to shows to either have fun, or so you can see the glamrocks for free (score!)
can be very sweet at times of course, but it's only ever when you are alone with him, he has a fa莽ade to keep up
loves holding you and hugging you from behind
adores when you give his scars light kisses
overall, he can be a gentle lover, but he would rather have people not know that
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slashersimpwrites 2 years
masterlist of works
here you'll find a masterlist of works, seperated by fandom
requests are currently open, feel free to req something if you don't see as much as you'd like!
/ original works /
The Day the Shadows Came;
prologue ; coming soon
chapter one ; coming soon
/ fnaf /
security breach // human au headcannons
human!sun x reader ; coming soon
human!glamrock bonnie x reader ; coming soon
human!burntrap x reader ; coming soon
/ bioshock /
elizabeth x afab!reader ; coming soon
/ dragon age /
da2 companions 脳 gn!reader headcannons ; coming soon
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slashersimpwrites 2 years
intro + rules + masterlist
/ intro /
hey there! the name's holland, but a lot of people know me as felix instead. my pronouns are they/he, i am eighteen, and i'm studying to become a paramedic + learning russian.
i'm just starting to get into writing, so it'll probably start rough. i will be writing both fanfics and original works! with the fanfics, for the most part they will be x readers, unless specifically requested!
/ info /
there are quite a bit of fandoms that i will write for, i am in so many. before sending a request ask me if i know the fandom first if it's one i have not written for!
i will likely mainly write for fnaf, slashers, dbd, mass effect, resident evil, dragon age, greedfall, bioshock, various anime, obey me!, and ocs (mine or yours!). in said fandoms, i will write for almost any character.
unless specified, reader will be gn and will have an androgynous style + body.
the only other place you should be seeing my works is @/slashersimp101 on AO3!
/ rules /
i will write canon x canon only if it's not a problematic ship (underage/overage, incest, etc).
i will not write underage/overage, rape, incest, or anything problematic like that (may need to expand this in the future-)
mental illnesses are a grey area, i will only write them if it's one i struggle with (sleep stuff, depression, anxiety, ocd, adhd, sensory issues, autism), as to not offend anyone reading.
i will only write slight nsfw content (i am ace so the concept of sex and the way an aroused human body work are very foreign)
i will not write about real people
aus are allowed!!
lgbtq+ relationships are of course allowed!!
if you become a regular, it would be pretty neat if you had a call sign!
/ my masterlist of works /
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