sephy-chu · 6 years
I think one of the things in particular that irks me about the fact that they’ve gradually painted all the 90s tech out of VII (apart for the reasons why it was done, cough cough dirge hojo was a zip file buy the panasonic piv900) is because it would have actually made more sense to keep it. 
It unintentionally added this rich layer of lore and alternate history to the game. In the real world, the  miniaturisation of computers was driven by the space race. There was a need to minimise the weight aboard the shuttle and the resulting boom in technology happened in order to out-compete the Russians with who could make the smallest, lightest, most powerful chips led to us having computers and smartphones the way that they are today. 
But the Shinra No.26 never took off. The Planet in VII never achieved space flight, and thus never had a reason to develop very very tiny computers, and thus logically would still be using brick phones and bigass CRT monitors and have no internet to speak of because that very vital step of Needing Computers To Be Small Enough For Repeated Space Trips just never happened. 
 And, because there was never that area to focus on in the first place, the biotechnology became super advanced in its stead, especially given Jenova’s discovery stole a lot of thunder from the space program and put more focus on things like genetic engineering and “medical science” (if we can call what Hojo and Gast did that). 
 I miss that extra bit of depth that that added, even if it wasn’t planned.
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sephy-chu · 6 years
Lilly!!! thank you :) I can’t stay away from my muse for too long XDD
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For some reason this image won’t leave my mind, so I had to put it out there. Aptly enough inspired after a run of documentaries on the sacking of Carthage by the Romans.
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sephy-chu · 6 years
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For some reason this image won’t leave my mind, so I had to put it out there. Aptly enough inspired after a run of documentaries on the sacking of Carthage by the Romans.
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sephy-chu · 6 years
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I miss my muse ;__;
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sephy-chu · 7 years
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I was informed that my Aerith fanart is selling on TeeDope website - It is there WITHOUT my permission so please DO NOT buy from this site. My Aerith prints are sold either via Etsy (oniyon.etsy.com) or Society6 (society6.com/haniemohd), and ONLY on those two sites. PLEASE spread the word and do NOT buy from TeeDope as they steal from a lot of other artists as well. If you see any other works on TD that you know belong to other people, help share it with them and let them know too.
#intw #stolen #artwork #aerith #haniemohd #teedope #teedopesteals
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sephy-chu · 7 years
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Long story short - I have a Patreon now, where you can support me financially in exchange for cool rewards! Wow, so cool, right?
Go check that shit out!
Short story long - as some of you already know, your dear old uncle Crim is a veterinarian. In the last few years I’ve tried very hard to juggle full-time vet work with drawing things for my sanity and your entertainment, until, funnily enough, I had a mental meltdown a few months ago from the stress of it all and did some pretty stupid unhealthy things.
So, after talking to a few people, at least one of whom was a professional who talked to people for a living, I decided to swallow my pride and stop trying to do too much before I could do even more stupid, unhealthy things to myself. Thus, this crazy scheme was born - the one that involves quitting my full-time secure-paycheck job, to make being sane and entertaining you guys my first priority.
Patreon is a neat place where you can pledge a monthly amount to me so I can keep doing what I like to do. Then, every month, I give you something back to thank you for your trouble. It’s a win-win situation! And not only do you get neat art, you’ll also get the warm fuzzy satisfaction of knowing you’ve helped a guy out, so he doesn’t have to worry about when his savings will run out or stay up all night wondering whether he’s made completely the wrong life choices.
So, if that sounds good to you… please consider giving me your patronage! I will be flattered and humbled to have you with me for this upcoming year of crazy uncertainty and artistic enlightenment.
Thank you! I look forward to drawing with you! And here’s the link again for good measure!
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sephy-chu · 7 years
if I may say so....
Dat ass XDDD (also nice rendition of the shoes. That angle is always particularly tricky)
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Louboutins for the classy one.  I would imagine him exclusively stripping to The Weeknd if I’m honest
Others in the series: Sephiroth, Cloud, Zack, Tseng, Vincent, Reno
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sephy-chu · 9 years
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Hey honey are you ready ? All are waiting for your return. Take your time,we wait for you.! : ’) ___________________ FFVII REMAKE //
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sephy-chu · 9 years
This is an utterly wonderful surprise, because I followed your blog for quite a while now and yet would never have expected you to be my SS. It's been fun knowing a bit more about you. I noodled around the word puzzle a bit last night before going to bed and would've spent more time on it if I don't have a comic convention for prepare for!  Thank you so much for the lovely questions and indulging me in my lengthy replies. Once I'm done with this convention - I'll draw you a little something. Maybe an Elizabethan Seph ;)
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Here is my little Secret Santa gift for my Silver Elite giftee Sephy-chu. To be honest, what I really want to make for you was a drawing of an Elizabethan Sephiroth, because I know you like historical costume, but everything I drew was just so awful, I decided to make you a Sephiroth-themed word search puzzle instead. The words are:
Aerith, Angeal, Black Materia, Clone, Dark Energy, Hojo, Jenova, Leather, Lucrecia,Masamune,Meteor, Mother, Nibelheim, Octoslash, Reunion, Sephiroth, Shinra, Silver Hair, Soldier, Valentine, Wutai
I hope this will provide you with a little quiet amusement in the middle of your busy Christmas Day! Merry Christmas, and thanks for all the beautiful art you generously share with us. 
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sephy-chu · 9 years
Thanks for your lovely reply. I've been a big Ardwynna fan for years! What offering would I place in the FFVII Church? Hmmm... We are supposed to offer the fruits of our labours, and I write fanfic, so - maybe a handwritten, hand bound illuminated version of the Great Gospel? On to the shipping news: aside from Aerith, what relationships, romantic or otherwise, do you head canon for Sehiroth? Can you share some of your favourite head canons for him with us?
Ah so you are a writer! Am I to assume you are also a Sephiroth and possibly Aeris fan, judging from painstakingly handmade and bound offering of the Great Gospel? (which I would probably steal when no one’s looking)Seph and relationships - oh boy! The guy has such an ‘untouchable’ and somewhat ethereal persona in the original game that it’s hard to imagine him even interacting on a personal level with anyone, doesn’t he? There is a possible scenario that I like to muse on sometimes though  - and that is if Gast had not died the way he did, or if that some point he was able to share the knowledge he learnt at Cosmo Canyon with Sephiroth - and if that somehow led to Sephiroth himself going to Cosmo Canyon to learn more.. would he have been friends with Red XIII? There is little interaction between Seph and Red in the game, but the closest thing to a father figure they had (Gast, Bugenhagen) must’ve known each other well enough to share (and possibly learn from one another) similar philosophy on life and science.
How would Seph, a person who had known he is ‘different’ and ‘special’ from a young age, interact with Red - whose long years made him more perceptive and wise than anyone? They have so much similarities, when I think about it - they both hate their dads (at least red did before the quest of the Gi Cave XD), they both grew up knowing they were ‘different’ (Seph because of his overachieving alien genes XD, and Red because he’s basically a super, super rare species), they were both stronger and smarter than the average human.Had they been friends, it would have one that would greatly enrich each other in terms of what they can learn and develop together. That or they’d just annoy one another XD (I imagine if Seph want to annoy/ piss off Red he’d just throw a ball at him and say ‘fetch boy fetch!)
One of my recurring head cannon for Seph is not really about relationship though XD It is that there was a whole lot MORE that he discovered in the Shinra basement library other than his origin (which could be the straw that broke the camel’s back, or the pebble that eventually became an avalanche by the time he got to the bottom of it all). It’s like Edward Snowden first discovering the unethical things done by the government of the strongest nation in the world. Only he leaked it all and made a run for it, while Sephiroth reacted to Shinra’s deceit and hypocrisy by attempting to destroy the world and create another one out of the ashes. And that is probably because he himself - has a hand in delivering destruction and death under the guise of whatever Shinra’s justification is for the war…  I have a lot of thoughts about this - though it will probably take me ages to properly articulate those thoughts XDSo if you made it to this paragraph - there you have it! Hope that is sufficient amount of sharing, though you’d probably asked for far less than the floodgate of words I just typed XD 
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sephy-chu · 9 years
Hi there Sephy-chu, this is your Secret Santa. I could totally get on board with a church of all things FFVII. I've been trying to think of some little things I can post to you, but I don't think the "ask" accepts pictures. So I thought I'd give you a link to a fic you might like. It's a bit dark and angstsy but hopeful - and Aerith lives. It's works no. 122148 at A03. I enjoyed it. Let me know what you think. (Don't be mad at me if you hate it, please!)
Hey SS! Sorry for the late reply - events in real life have eaten the time I can spend on the virtual sphere. I actually wrote a loooong reply to your latest PM, and saved it as draft and suddenly it disappeared, sobs. I think Tumblr ate and digested it then pooped it out into the dark recesses of wherever lost drafts go. So the following is a combination of replies to both that and this message :)Whatever sleuthing you have made, you got it right LOL. It’s not really a big secret, but I keep 2 blogs - one for professional artworks,  another for Seph-centric stuff. If another professional artist or prospective employer should come sniffing around - I would prefer for them to see a myriad of varied artworks and NOT one chock full of Sephiroth LOL. As stunning a visage Sephiroth is, he really doesn’t make for a diverse portfolio ;)Anyways, I have read that fanfic before (in fact I’ve practically devoured everything Ardwynna wrote) and I didn’t hate it (or you, unless you eat puppies and kittens for breakfast), but damn it does depress me for days T_TI know you wrote more in the message-that-was-eaten-in-the-internet.. but I can’t remember what they are! damn. I’m getting old and soon I probably have more teeth than brain cells. I hope you don’t mind messaging me again what you wrote before. (I’m terrible, I know -I’m so getting a coal in my Xmas stockings)A little question for you in return, Secret Santa - what offering would YOU place on the altar of the FFVII church? :)
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sephy-chu · 9 years
Hi Sephy-chu, I'm your Silver Elite Secret Santa. So, I heard you like Sephiroth.... Your artwork is absolutely gobsmackingly stunning. That recent piece, the white materia and the black, should be a stained glass window in a church. It's just gorgeous. So tell me, when did you first play FFVII and what draws you to Sephiroth?
Thank you, Secret Santa! That church (if such a church would bear my artworks on their windows) would be one erected for the sole purpose of mortals offering adoration in forms of fanfics, artworks and gushing essays made of feels on the altar of FFVII.I first played the game when I was a wee pup and the world was still new. The first thing that drew me to Sephiroth was, to be honest - his silver hair, which like those adorned by so many badass anime/ games characters of that time - is a total babe magnet.
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sephy-chu · 9 years
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sephy-chu · 9 years
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So these are done. Finally and completely done and I've sworn not to tinker with them anymore (maybe. Oaths are made to broken at any rate). Aptly enough this also marks about one year I've had this blog. Granted I've not been here as often as I'd like to be thanks to the nagging, interfering presence of Work in Real Life, but it's been fun sneaking in little indulgent drawings that has nothing to do with work and delighting in the shenanigans of the FFVII fandom. Which, even after more than a decade, has not lost its zest and fervour. I won't be around here much due to new responsibilities (how I hate that word!) in my professional line but this place shall stay. It started because I just wanted to draw Sephiroth. I still will want to, however indefinitely in the future, and when it happens it'll make its way here.
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sephy-chu · 10 years
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may have had too much fun working on this I didn't want to stop. This is essentially completed, but looking at it now there's a 100 little fiddly stuff that I'd still like to fiddle around with.. The ending FMV of FFVII popped in intermittently the whole time I was working on this, going 'Hey remember me? Remember when this particular event happened, coupled with that particular music cut - and it all culminated into a huge amount of revelation and heightened emotions that blew your mind and tugged at your heart and leave an impression that you will never ever forget?'  Which then sparked a whole level of musings that I wasn't able to put into words yet, as they now exist as amorphous blobby tons of feels that all but squeeze the words out of me. Maybe when I'm not so linguistically challenged I'll write it down.
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sephy-chu · 10 years
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sephy-chu · 10 years
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a lil' bit of progress
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