sdmnbuttercream · 7 years
Dilemma- Jack Maynard
 A/N: this is my first imagine, hope you enjoy!
Fandom: buttercream squad
Summary: Y/N has always had a thing for Jack, he was too stubborn to realise and too jealous to do something about it.
Word count: 2,782
The ten year old trouble-maker sat on top of the roof of his best friend’s house, the midday sun beaming on the playful children. Jack pulled out a pair of retro “stylish” sunglasses his mum had bought him a few weeks ago in preparation for the Summer. He ran a hand through his sweaty hair, the heat getting to him after their game of chasing, and sighed dramatically, “Think your mum could hurry up with those drinks?” He asked impatiently, swatting his boyish hands in the air at the sound of a fly. 
Y/N directed her heavy huff of air towards her childhood friend as she joined him on the roof, eyeing him intensely. “I don’t see you making an effort to help,” She replied defensively while carrying out a plate of cookies. Jack’s greedy hands dove in for the chocolate chip goodness but Y/N slyly tilted it away from her neighbour, a grin appearing on her face as Jack fell flat on his bum. “That’s rude!” He exclaimed in a provocative manner. “So are you.” 
 “What was our homework?” Jack asked cheekily at Y/N’s front door, his signature grin appearing on his childish face. “Come in and I’ll show you,” Y/N commanded as she led him through her house. That’s what Jack loved about Y/N, she was her own person, never let anyone bully her around. His smile faded when Y/N presented the list of things they had for homework that night, his eyes fluttering closed in the hope that it wasn’t real, “Am I dreaming?” 
Y/N shook her head with a small laugh and a shake of her head, “Stop being so lazy, Jack. You’ll grow old on your mum’s couch.” “Not happening.” He contested lazily, with a wink of his eye. Y/N took out her books, readying her self to endure the homework for the night. Jack gave her a weird look, and forcing a cough out, “Aren’t you coming to mine to help me?” He asked curiously. “You wish. I’m staying here, so if you want my help then go get your stuff.” Jack sighed, rolling his eyes and trudging out the front door, mentally and physically preparing himself for the long night ahead.
“Did you hear that Amelia likes me, Y/N?”
“Really?” Y/N replied, her arms crossed over her chest. She faked a smile and directed it towards her friend. She had slowly but eventually developed a crush on her long time friend. “That’s cool.”
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked cautiously but almost in a world of his own, a smile emerging on his thin, pink lips. 
“Am I not pretty enough for boys to like me?” Y/N asked doubtfully and wondrously, her gaze meeting Jack. “That’s so not true, Y/N, any boy that doesn’t love you is stupid,” He says softly with a reassuring smile, the kind gesture causing his friend to smile in return. “Then you’re really stupid, Jack.” “I do love you, I never said I liked Amelia.”
His thin, pink lips found hers, pressing themselves against each other.
Y/N was disappointed at the fact that Jack declined her invitation to her fourteenth birthday party, He was “too busy”, like he had always been lately. He was spending almost all of his time with his girlfriend Amelia, whom he’d asked out at his 12th birthday. Conor attended, which pleased Y/N but it didn’t outweigh the negative feeling at the pit of her stomach.”Happy birthday Y/N!” Conor exclaimed while hugging his friend. “You too Conor- I mean thanks,” She replied glumly.
Days later Conor and Y/N were hanging out at her house, phones in hands, the occasional off topic conversation when they weren’t showing each other funny memes they found. Jack stalked in soon after, glancing at Y/N and offering her a weak smile. “Happy late birthday, sorry I couldn’t go.” He looked sad, almost disappointed in himself. Y/N returned the smile and returned to her phone.
“Y’know he broke up with Amelia,” Conor informed as Jack left, peeking over at her to catch her expression. She looked over at him, her eyes met his and she began to chew the inside of her mouth. “Why?” She asked with a blank expression, Conor wasn’t exactly a mind reader so he was quite lost as to telling her true emotions. He shrugged,”said she was too clingy.” They both burst into laughter, Y/N rolling closer to Conor as they enjoyed each other’s company.
“Jack? Are you drunk?” Conor questioned his brother, concerned about his brothers recent troubles. “Drunk? Do I look drunk?” Jack replied with a question as he struggled to sit down on the kitchen stool. Conor nodded as Y/N entered the kitchen. “Yes Jack, you look drunk, why are you drinking?” Y/N interrogated. “It’s none of your business, you bum. What’s your problem anyway?” He said with a glare, his blue eyes tracing around the room.
“Nothing,” Y/N mumbled and disappeared out of the room, never to speak to Jack again.
At sixteen Y/N and Conor were inseparable, they did everything together. Walked to school, walked home, went to parties, played sports together, watched football together, dinner together; the usual teenage life. They were best friends, and Jack didn’t like that. He found the “tough act” only attracted desperate girls and he didn’t want that anymore. He hadn’t realised, but it was Y/N he wanted.
Not long after her sixteenth birthday (that Jack didn’t attend), Conor asked Y/N to be his girlfriend. It was pretty special, he had asked her out on top of the roof of her house one summer morning, where she once held memories with Jack as kids. They had both grown to like each other romantically, Conor more so than Y/N but she really did care about Conor and believed it was time to get over Jack.
They spent long days, nights, even weekends together. Both sets of parents a big fan of the relationship- unlike Jack who was completely against it but kept his mouth shut for his own sake and for his brother. Y/N was a model student, straight A’s and involved in many extra curricular activities, Conor brought out the wild side to her, she kept him out of trouble most times.
Jack and Y/N hadn’t talked in two full years, every time they were even in the same room, a cloud of tension could be felt, almost seen. He didn’t bother to hide his annoyance at Y/N and her relationship. “Con, why does Jack hate me so much? I did nothing wrong,” she complained to her boyfriend, resting on his shoulder as they watched TV. “I couldn’t tell you, love. But that’s his problem and you’re my problem,” He replied with a smug smile as he drew her closer to his side and wrapped his warm arms around Y/N.
21. Jack was pronounced a full fledged adult in the eyes of society, he was throwing a massive birthday bash that Conor had helped him plan; leading to an excess amount of Y/N’s presence. Irritating him all the more. Jack’s youtube channel had soared, as did Conors, who was doing covers of songs regularly on his channel. Conor didn’t hide his relationship from his fans but he didn’t boast about it either, they knew Y/N existed.
Conor would often have gigs and Y/N would tag along, whether they were in London or in Prague, he was getting all sorts of opportunities and Y/N was so proud of her boyfriend. They still spent lots of time together, just like when they were in school, they celebrated anniversaries together and birthdays, everything that included her didn’t involve Jack.
Just hours before his party, Jack was sitting on the kitchen counter, engaged in his phone. Conor had gone out for some last minute shopping but Y/N had stayed behind to get a few things sorted. “Con, check this out,” Jack began as he heard footfalls advance in his direction.”-never mind. I was just leaving anyway.” He stated as Y/N entered the white-walled kitchen, he hopped off the counter and proceeded to the door.
Y/N had made up her mind as to what she was planning to say to Jack when she saw him. She was fed up with his ignorant behaviour and was going to do something about it. She grabbed his arm gently as he approached the door, his immediate reaction was to shake her off but in his head he wanted to hold her, call her his own. “Five years. Five years, Jack. Why?”
All he could do was stare blankly, regret filled his gut. He wanted to speak but his voice wouldn’t let him. His cold blue eyes softened as Y/N searched for an answer. When Y/N realised Jack couldn’t (wouldn’t) respond she sighed and let go of his arm. She gave him a soft smile and as she exited the room she spoke one last time, “I give up, Jack. You win.”
Jack had never felt so guilty in his entire life, he watched as Y/N’s beautiful smile that he so dearly loved fade away as she left him, for good.
The party was still to go on, all of Jack’s youtube friends attended. It was going so well, Jack was opening his presents, his eyes lit up as he saw his present from Conor- Calvin Klein, Eternity and a brand new Tommy Hilfiger watch. He was totally in love with his gifts and thanked Conor endlessly. He then picked up a silver package recklessly shoved to the side of the pile. In it, he found two VIP tickets for the Drake concert and a new pair of football boots that he had been dying to get. His eyes scanned the room, in search of the culprit, Conor gave him a small nod towards his long-time girlfriend, hinting that she was the guilty party. Jack’s eyes widened slightly when he understood what Conor was getting at. “Thank you, Y/N. I love it,” he thanked with a guilty smile, acknowledging Y/N’s presence for the first time that night. A thin but weak line found itself on her face, nodding in response as she turned to leave, asking Conor to take her home.
Exactly six months later Conor and Y/N had a serious conversation regarding their relationship. They were sitting on a soft, beige, velvet couch that Conor had helped Y/N pick out for her new apartment, not far from Jack and Conor’s house. “So, what are we going to do now?” Conor inquired, his eyes meeting hers, full of sincerity. “I hate to say ‘call it quits’ but I guess that’s where it’s going isn’t it?” She replied, a genuine smile on her face, she had so much love for him but eventually considered that friendship was the best option.
They sighed in unison, both fell into a fit of giggles and noting that they were doing the right thing. “I love you so much, Conor.” “Yeah, but you love Jack way more.” At that moment, Y/N felt at peace, she was truly happy with herself. Conor felt the same, someone new had made their way into his life and Y/N had noticed this, accepting the reality. “So, tell me about her; Claire was it?” Y/N was truly happy for Conor, but she couldn’t help but feel a tad bit jealous when Conor told her about this girl, his eyes glowed at the thought of this girl.
“You really like her Con, good luck.”
Fast-forward to two years later; everyone had moved on in their lives. Conor and Jack soaring in the youtube world and Y/N was doing what she loved most, archaeology. She had been working locally for a company but she had been granted the opportunity to participate in a project in Canada. At first, she had a lot to think about, if she was ready to leave all of that behind for a whole year. But the main question was: what about Jack? 
Jack had heard about Y/N’s decision towards this offer and immediately understood that he had to apologise, say something to Y/N before she left. Maybe even stop her from going but he knew that was selfish. When he arrived at her front door, he took a sharp intake of air and knocked firmly, he was a man on a mission. “Jack?”
“Y/N please hear me out. I need to apologise for being such an idiot for 9 years. I was so so stupid, I don’t know how you put up with me for so long. You deserve to call me any name under the sun, to be honest I don’t deserve you or your forgiveness but I’ll ask anyway. I beg of you Y/N, please forgive me.”
Y/N could only stare in shock, for so long she was treated horribly by this boy. But she thought to herself, ‘how can I not forgive him?’ She was so madly in love with him that hatred could not devour her love for him and ability to forgive. She sighed deeply, eyes never leaving his broader figure as she invited him into her abode.
“Would it really be me if I didn’t forgive you? Of course I do,”she said lovingly, with a look that she couldn’t even explain. ” But don’t mistake my love for you as a weakness. I’m still as fierce as I was when I was ten.” “I remember that so well, like it was yesterday. On the roof with the cookies and drinks. Our parents knew it even then,” He mentioned while reminiscing that very day. “Knew what?” She replied, slightly befuddled. 
“That we’d grow up to love each other.”
“Grow up to?- as cheesy as it sounds; Jack, I’ve always loved you.”
“Yeah, I said that wrong, I mean they knew we’d realise we were in love.”
A comforting silence filled the room, their bodies only millimeters away from each other, they moved as they spoke. “Can I kiss you?” Jack asked, still in a hazy atmosphere, his face so close to hers. With little nod of her head, Jack took the opportunity to press his lips onto Y/N’s. He so tenderly caressed her hair, softly stroking it and pulling her as close as he could, his mouth moved slowly, softly and lovingly with hers.
As they pulled away, Jack remembered what he came to do, change her mind about that project. “Please don’t go to Canada.”
“Jack- I already accepted, my flight is in two days. I really want this and as a good friend you should support me.”
He frowned, crossing his arms in the process. “I don’t want to be just your friend.”
“Well then do something about it,” Y/N replied wittily. 
“I can’t live without you for a whole year-”
“-You’ve done that before, two years actually.”
Jack glared at her playfully, reminding himself that he was such a fool to ever mistreat this girl in front of him. 
“Will you be my girlfriend Y/N?”
“Yes Jack,” She answers happily as she pulls him into a tight hug. “Please don’t go.” He tried again, pleading with puppy eyes.
“It’s only a year, Jack,” Y/N answered with a short laugh. His eyes widened at this, “Only?! A year without you and I can’t live like that again.”
“Then come with me. Canada is amazing and you could do lots of cool things for youtube there,” Y/N suggested hopefully. Her eyes shined in the dimly lit room. Jack shook his head, he knew he couldn’t leave this all behind, he was still astonished at the fact Y/N was doing it. “I can’t, Y/N, you know that I can’t.”
Two days later Jack escorted Y/N to the airport, happy that she was pursuing her dreams but devastated that he wouldn't see her for a whole year. “Don’t fall in love with any Canadian guys,” Jack warned in a joking manner but also in a serious tone. “If you’re implying that you’re suddenly Canadian then it’s already too late, love.” Jack laughed and hugged his girlfriend one last time, so tight, so full of love. He had been in love with this girl since he was little and had only recently figured this out. It was a huge dilemma he had to go through but it was totally worth it.
“Jack I love you so much. So much.”
“Y/N I love you so much. So very much.”
The announcement was made that Y/N’s flight was about to board its passengers. 
She breathed in his all too familiar scent one last time as they finally parted their hug. A smile, a soft, comforting smile rested on both of their faces. 
“See you in a year, Jack.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
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sdmnbuttercream · 7 years
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Can’t say much about these guys because we’d be here forever, but just look at them.
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sdmnbuttercream · 7 years
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New blog, new me, New to tumblr. So please bear with me, I'll get the hang of it soon.
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