scrambled-elf · 5 years
So, I think a lot written is presumptions based on subtext. But I do actually think it's canon that Claude is the child of Nader and Judith
1. Judith and Claude have a good family resemblence.
2. Hilda mentions that the Hero of Daphnel got her name fighting Almyrans and infamously talked an Almyran general into a tearful apology. That totally sounds like the beginning of a connection between a Leicester noble and Almyran general that's too coincidental if they're not his parents.
3. Claude promised his parents not to speak of their identities or his homeland making it possible that they are just VERY heavy handed about covering it up for some reason.
fe3h spoilers///
but no really, i'm on chapter 19 and i'm still hung up on that tiny detail because nowhere in the golden deer route does it confirm that judith and nader are claude's parents other than the hint maybe that they're kinda close to claude. the characters refer to nader as a famous almyran general. there really isn't anything suggesting judith is originally from house riegan but married into house daphnel. judith is surprised that nardel is nader. and claude's description of his parents make it sound like both his mother and father were with him throughout his childhood. are there some facts revealed in extra materials, like artbook or something? because i swear i haven't seen a hint of what the wiki or tvtropes is saying in the monastery conversations or the library
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it could've been really cool though if they were
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos
High Hopes by Panic! at the Disco
King of the Clouds by Panic! at the Disco
Bird Song by Florence + the Machine
Africa by Toto
Look at Those Eyes by Alexz Johnson
Wait For It from Hamilton
Can't Pretend by Tom Odell
Who Are You Really? by Mikky Ekko
While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles
The Golden Age by Woodkid
Head Over Heels (cover) by Hugh Willson
[I tried linking to my Spotify playlist but wouldn't work so here. Take your pick of some of my favs]
What are some songs that radiate Claude energy??
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
Linhardt definitely has a romanyic ending with Male Byleth. Idk what's uo eith Gilbert and Alois but Linhardt has the same support with both and it includes a love confession, exchanging of engagement rings and a mention of "waking up beside you."
Besides that Linhardt and Caspar also have a paired romantic ending with eachother. So to say there's no romance isn't percisely accurate but the lack of it (in comparison to the other queer content between the female characters) is still justifiably disappointing.
So, no mlm romance that's mentioned in the game
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
I getting told Claude isn't roamnceable by ANY Byleth in 3 houses. Is this true? He's literally the only character I cared about S supporting!
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
Just to add, all the actors who don't know what's happening in other story lines are often choosing not to read those parts of the script themselves (either to align wih their method or because they themselves were fans who want to watch the show in earlier seasons when things were less tied up in each other.)
Anyway I hate almost everything about the way the Russos direct. between not telling Tom Holland who he’s fighting in a scene and the fact that they locked their actors in rooms for hours to read the whole infinity war script without letting them process it on their own, and then those scripts turning out to be fake, it’s very clear that they don’t care about telling a compelling story. Not only is it disrespectful to the actors, but a good director should want their actors to fully understand the show they’re making so they can get the best out of them and find new hidden nuances. They would want to create the best art possible. A good story can still be good after being spoiled, because the journey itself is the interesting part.
But the Russos are admitting with their very direction style that these movies aren’t intended to be art, they’re products.
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
Know what would kill me in DA4. If Solas grew some scruff. Not a beard and full lengeth hair. Just scruff. I would just die.
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
He was shaving with a templar sword and got an ouchie.
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So i made a thing.
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
Dragon Age Inquisition romances react to the Inquisitor pressing their deadly cold ice feet to their legs in bed
Iron Bull: 
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
ironic plot twist = the real cliffhanger and tragedy of the Solas romance is not the story itself, but how any hope of a conclusion is being held hostage by EA
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
So, the Inquisitor, more so than any other protagonist in Dragon Age, has a very up to interpretation age. Thery're anywhere from their 20's to early 50's.
The Warden can be headvanoned as any age but most if not all the Origins suggest they're rather young, just coming into adulthood.
Hawke has a mostly set age throughout 2 so they can stay consistant with Dragon Age's established timeline.
Quizzy though, it's an unkown element. Except for one thing.
Solas calls an elf Inquisitor Da'len. Roughly translates to "Little one" for those of you who don't know (though affectionate it can also be used formally.) Mind you, one could say because Solas is much older than the Inquisitor regardless of how old we choose to make them but if he's supposed to be hiding that he's not doing a very good job.
This is not a theory, or a meta, just a headcanon but hear me out: Lavellan is short. Not by the standards of modern elves in Thedas maybe but when the ancient elves we see are much taller and Solas stands at a nice canon 6' tall well...they're short.
I only point this out because I really like the idea of my 40 yo warrior Lavellan saying hi hearing that "Da'len" and being like, "you want to fight me buddy? Think you're hot shit 'cause you're tall!? Let's go!"
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
They aren't reusing code from anthem, they are reusing the modified engine that runs anthem.
Frostbite is a engine pushed on Bioware by EA for the purpose of promoting their in house engine and saving money but it does RPG's very poorly as it really made for FPS.
The las three games made by Bioware they had to start from scratch modifuing the engine for each when they were supposed to be working on the game.
So, instead of once again modding Frostbite for the fourth time and spending money and time on a engine they've decided to recycle the modified code from Anthem's version of Frostbite and use it for Dragon Age 4.
That may or may not be good news. On one hand, problems with Anthem may have started in Frostbite's code (although that's less likely than it being broken game code.) On the other hand if they can start with an already completed engine they'll be able to avoid the issue they had with Andromeda and Anthem - the games being built entirely in the last 3 - 6 months of development crunch.
That being said, as it's not Anthem's actual game code you likely wonr see systems, assets or UI being reused.
I sincerely hope they know what they’re doing with DA4 right now. I’m both worried and curious about this whole “reusing of Anthem’s code”. 
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
I kid you not there is an in lore reason for them being short, pointy eared humans.
Bruh arent elves supposed to be long and elegant creatures ? Not just dudes pointy ears? DaO elves really feel like they are just some short people with really thick pointy ears…
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
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wait are you telling me this wasn’t how it went in the game?
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
i will no longer be inviting my enemies to ‘meet me in the pit’ from now on you are all expected to meet me in the hinterlands, a far more terrifying prospect due to the fact you must first FIND me in the hinterlands, which may take years
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scrambled-elf · 5 years
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Dragon Age Story Generator. @a-shakespearean-in-paris & @kagetsukai thought you’d find this fun!
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