samisinsane93 · 5 years
All I wanted to be when I was younger was an author. I thought that I could weave tales that people would enjoy reading. I thought that I could create worlds that people would love exploring. I never thought that self-publishing would only get my feet wet, but never get my works out there to the masses. I’ve seen fellow authors reach out into the world and get their works out there - works that started on the same platforms as me and I just sit there and wonder why my stories are not as prosperous as them. Am I not reaching out far enough? Am I not good enough?
But no matter what happens, I will never stop writing. Writing is in my blood and I have come too far, put too much energy into writing worlds to turn back and look for something else to occupy that place that writing has taken. Maybe one day I too will reach out and touch more people, entertain more readers. Until then, I will struggle and I will write because that’s all that an author like me can do.
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samisinsane93 · 5 years
It kind of sucks when you have to be the one that carries all the weight of others on your shoulders when you yourself are being crushed by your own world. Sometimes, it gets to be too much, but you have to put on a brave face and carry on because people are counting on you.
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samisinsane93 · 7 years
Editing is a B****
I used to pride myself on having correct grammar and punctuation, but I seem to have lost my touch. Old friends used to call me a Grammar Nazi in good fun, but that seems to have passed. While going through my most recent novel attempt, I found a lot of mistakes that would make my professors cringe and look at me in concern. I haven’t been this bad in years and that worries me. My red (currently pink) pen has been used more on this book than it has been used on anything a long time. What’s happened to me?
With all of this editing, it’s placed the hopeful publication date back a while. I now have no idea when this book will ever get to the publication process, but I’m not giving up. This book will be published and I will edit the next one in a much more thorough and quicker. That’s the goal anyway.
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samisinsane93 · 7 years
Words of Advice for a Writer
I’m not a well-published, very-famous author by any means but I do have three books out in publication. (They can be ordered on Amazon in paperback and e-book form.) And I have come across some things that could help other would-be authors. So here goes...
Word of Advice: Don’t name two (or more) main protagonists with the same first letter. While editing my most recent novel, I have found the wrong character’s name in the wrong spot...Not fun.
Spare yourself the pain and energy of going back and figuring out which character you meant to do/say what and don’t use the same letter for the first name.
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samisinsane93 · 8 years
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Long live the Goblin King!!!
It was a horrible way to wake up this morning since my mother told me at my bedside that David Bowie had left this world to dance among the stars. My friends flooded my Facebook feed with images of his face and quotes that he was related to if he had not said them himself because they knew what a fan I was since the moment I heard him sing. He was an idol and sung so many songs that made me feel not alone anymore. I owe him so much and I will miss hearing his laughter as well as his singing.
The man may be dead, but the legend never dies.
RIP David Bowie. May you forever sing and dance among the stars!
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
either really talented...or witch craft...
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
SEE? this is why I love Reid. He understands what’s it’s like to be in a family with a person who has schizophrenia. He gets us. And I am forever grateful that his character shows how narrow mindedness about mental illnesses and thinking that it makes us all monsters can be so, so wrong. We need more Reid’s in this world.
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Although Reid makes it personal, there’s still an important message here that shows Dr. Reid knows what’s up re: schizophrenia and violence
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
they’ll learn to run when they see my creepy chin....I’m scary!! lol
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
I believe this to be the absolute TRUTH!!!
the origons of Ouija boards are funny if you think about it like they’re part of an another country (China)’s ancient history that was practiced until one emporer decided “You know what this is probably a bad idea” and banned the practice. 
then centuries later an old buisnessman comes along and is like “I’m going to take this and market it as a toy to children.”
Which is the exact plot of Yu-Gi-Oh
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
ahahaha! My sister and I commonly quote this scene!!! It's just PERFECT!!!
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Nothing? Nothing?! Nothing, tra-la-la?
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
this is strangely terrifying and cool at the same time...:/
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
this made me mad at first and then got SOOOOO much better!!
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
haha! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
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The top yak at my school right now I’m dying
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
OMG!!! That's most of my childhood right there!!! Damn do I feel old!!!
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To be a kid again
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
remind me of the babe
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what babe
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samisinsane93 · 9 years
Still Stuck in 2014
The New Year is here folks! And the same old problems are there from last year. Problems that should have been dealt with in the past year.
I'm still forgetting a lot of things that happened as soon as five minutes ago.
I'm still feeling uncomfortable around people - no matter how close they are to me.
I'm still unable to tell the difference between reality and what's in my head. Which makes every sound and movement terrifying for me, especially at night.
I'm still in a lot of pain, but I won't grow up and make my own doctors' appointments - so why complain? I really don't anymore.
I still have friends and family around. I still have a roof over my head and clothes on my back. I still have my intelligence (for now) and I have an imagination that gets the weirdest ideas on paper. I still have a book that's been published.
And I am still alive, young, and loved. What more could I ask for?
Maybe this year won't turn out so bad after all? I just hope that I can remember to write "2015" on my papers instead of "2014".
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