s-s-painland · 10 days
The Count of Monte Cristo AU?
I just finished rewatching the 2002 Count of Monte Cristo adaptation in preparation for getting my hands on an unabridged copy and was blessed with the thought of a SpaEng au (probably a/b/o) where Antonio is Dantes and Arthur is Mercedes. It would follow much more closely with the movie than the novel, with maybe some sprinklings in of the og novel. Oh and Albert would be split into the Italy twins I think. Though it might be fun to have Feli as Albert and Lovi as Valente? Valentine? and so I can further push my hidden Romerica agenda have Alfred as Maximillian ooooh so many possibilities!
I may write a little snippet of it to see how it feels, would you guys be interested in reading whatever hairbrained idea I came up with?
May even do a bit of doodling if the mood strikes me :]
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s-s-painland · 1 month
Pirate! Spain x Orca! England pt 0.5
I drew something for this au and I really wanted to show it off, but I think it'd be more fun if I wrote a little to accompany the piece. :3
This scene may be a little out of context, and when motivation strikes I'll start from the beginning later.
This takes place towards the beginning, when they're children.
Antonio had been visiting the old dock outside of town for the past four days since he met the strange mer-child. By the time he spots the hidden waterlogged dock the blonde child was already there, like they had been for the past four days as if waiting for him. He breaks out into a grin and speeds up to a jog, cheeks hurting at the force of his grin excited to spend the day with his new friend. Talking to each other was a little difficult, but to Antonio's amazement his new friend seems to be picking up on speaking rather quickly! They're already able to ask basic questions! Sometimes it's a little hard to understand but Toni tries his best and teaches his friend as they go along.
" 'Tonio!" A loud voice accompanied an inhuman squeal of excitement as they wave back. They had forgot the first syllable to his name again, but he didn't mind since they were so excited. Antonio slowed down as he neared the dock, skipping the last few steps before kneeling down at the edge close to the water where his friend was.
"Hi!" He breaths through labored breaths smiling still, the creature grinned back and chirped, large tail slapping against the surface of the water in their excitement.
"Hiii!" They drawled out hands tapping mindless patterns against the wood practically vibrating with their excitement. Antonio huffs out a fond laugh before setting down a book he brought with him.
"Look! I found a book on sea creatures! Maybe we'll find out what exactly you are!" He taps at the cover of his book vibrating in his own excitement. His friend pulls themselves up a bit to get a better look at what he brought.
"Booook? Wha' am?" They tilt their head to the side making a sound of confusion as they watch Antonio open the book.
Mhm~ You're not like any merfolk I've ever seen, so I thought maybe we'd find your kind in here!"
"Mewrfwok?" They tried, blinking a few times before furrowing their brow realizing what they said didn't sound like what he said. They open and close their mouth repeatedly trying to wrap their head around the sound they were supposed to make.
"Mer. Fol. k." Antonio breaks it down slowly while flipping through pages until he found the one on warmwater merfolk, he looks up and taps at the picture.
"These." His friend looks down at the page, tilting their head to try and get a better look at the picture. Laughing a little at their antics and turned the book around so it was upright for the creature. Bright green eyes go wide and they push themselves back with their arms while growling at the picture.
"B-aad!" They snap their teeth, low growl still rumbling in their chest. so deep Antonio could feel it in his. "Hu-rt me." They reach up and tap at their head where the wound he had fixed four days earlier for his friend.
"Is that how you got hurt?" A blonde head nods up and down quickly.
"Mea-n to me, don' kn-oh why. Me ne'er hu-rt th-eh-m" They whine scooting closer to the human, lifting themselves up into his space.
" Tonio st-ay fr-om meh-r f-oh-l-k." They demand seriously pressing even further into his face, he leans backwards a bit looking at his friend a little cross-eyed.
"Okay, promise." He nods slowly while the creature slowly pulls back out of his space looking satisfied. Antonio looks down again and turns the book back around to flip through it's pages, taking the time to read briefly and admire the illustrations, trying to find something that matches his friend. The two of them sat in silence save for the soft sound of the waves.
About half way through the book Antonio stops, staring down at the page in front of him in surprise.
an incredibly rare species with several different breeds, each of them immensely powerful in both strength and magic. frequently called the rulers of the ocean. Most whale-folk are friendly to terrestrial creatures, and even other sea dwelling creatures. Although there are a few that are notably hyperaggressive and dangerous.
Amongst these aggressive breeds is the Killer folk. The Killer folk closely resemble the killer whale, with the large black and white tale and face markings. But most notably is their wicked intelligence and propensity for violence. Sailors are most afraid of these folk, their magic just as violent and conniving as their personalities. Some Killer folk had been known to disguise themselves as humans and play with terrestrial folk, usually reaping widespread destruction in their boredom. Of all the Whale-folk the killer breed are the most feared and were often hunted to minimal success-
Antonio stops reading and looks up at his friend, staring at the pretty and soft face in front of him. He tilts his head to the right and studies the possible orca. His friend blinks and tilts their head with him, staring back while cooing in question. 'They don't seem all that dangerous.... Are they really an orca?' He leans to the side and tries to get a peak at their tale. catching the familiar sight of the black and white pattern of an orca he nods his head, fully confident in his decision. He closes the book and puts it behind him before laying down on his stomach grinning in excitement.
"I think I figured out what you are." He hums laying his head on his folded arms watching as his friend lowers themselves back into the water to look at him better staring with rapt attention and amazement.
"Mm? Wha' am?"
"You're what's called a whale-folk, more specific, you're an Orca." He states confidently while reaching out to hold and play with a clawed hand. giggling at the sparkle of excitement in the eyes of his pretty orca friend.
"Orc-aa?" Antonio nods a little smiling.
"Orca!" His friend trills claws flexing slightly.
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Lol this was as fun to write as it was to draw, its kinda half-assed in it's worldbuilding and I'm likely to change things around a bit at a later date. But I hope you all enjoyed!
Antonio is 10 and Arthur is about 8. Idk if it's obvious but Arthur doesn't get a proper name until a little while after this. Also lol Antonio can't tell if Arthur is a boy or girl and just thinks he's really pretty and moved on.
@breadsoda here you are <3
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s-s-painland · 1 month
SpaEng Orca AU
To anyone curious here's the concept/first draft of the Orca AU I never finished. Thoughts and ideas are loved and welcomed! I really need some help with getting fics actually written out lol >///<
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s-s-painland · 1 month
I'm working on a thingy based on this :3
It'll prolly be pretty messy tho, I messed up my wrist recently ;-;
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Toni looking a little too happy imagining Arthur naked 😏
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s-s-painland · 1 month
So, I waited to long to finish this comic n’ now my art style has changed a lot. Should I post what I have? Or attempt to redraw it?
Disclaimer! Redrawing it all will take me a while!
Soooo, I got sick for like a week and then lost my Apple Pencil(it has since been found don’t worry), so it’ll be a little while longer before the SpaEng comic will be done.
As a consolation prize I shall give you a sneak peak of my current favorite panel. UwU
Drunk Artie and done Alfie hehe
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s-s-painland · 2 months
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Afternoon Rendezvous.
Nyo! England x Nyo! Spain
The easiest way to get me to get off my ass and draw ship art is for there to be almost *nothing* available for said ship.
Also, why?? Is there?? Almost?? No?? Nyo SpaEng?? I can’t be the only one desperate for food! (I have other doodles in my sketchbook but idk when I’ll get to them)
Anyway here’s the lineart.
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s-s-painland · 2 months
SpaEng WIP I either won’t finish or redraw from the beginning.
Bad anatomy=no motivation
Oh there’s also another version with them in their usual uniforms…if anyone is interested. It ain’t good tho.
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s-s-painland · 4 months
For whatever reason I felt like sharing some of my thoughts about spuk today.
I kind of have this hc that Arthur's a really good story teller (probably because i've grown up with tlotr, hp and arthurian legends, plus, you know, the chronicles of narnia, alice in wonderland, peter pan and a lot of fantasy literature for kids and teens), and I like to imagine that, perhaps, back in the day and before all the drama, during the Middle Ages and first decades of the Modern Era, when Spain (and the different Spanish kingdoms) and England had a rather good relationship, when visiting England for whatever diplomatic mission, Antonio would ask Arthur to tell him some stories before bedtime, or during "nap time" after lunch, while laying on a meadow under the shadow of a tree, maybe a oak or old chestnut (so romantic u.u) It is kind of canon, I believe, that Antonio was a huge fan of chivalric themes and medieval heroic epics, like most of Europe at the time, and Spain fed a lot on the chivalric poetry and romance, not only during Medieval times, but also later on. It may seem out of topic, but Spanish conquerors and explorers (which would led to the begining of the Spanish empire), for better or for worse, were greatly inspired by both, classic epic, but also chivalric novels (maybe it is not a coincidence that the literary work that universally mocked the chivalric genre ended up being a Spanish production, Don Quixote). Medieval romance poetry is also a big deal in Spanish literature and folk culture, so it is only fitting he would enjoy fantasy tales and chivalric epic, as well as romance and poetry. The two would complement each other. Arthur would enjoy making up stories, and telling old chivalric romances, adding a little bit of magical and fantastic elements to it (like the magic cauldron tell, or magical swords,and whatnot), that Antonio would very much enjoy, while Antonio would passionately deliver passages from classic works, like The Aeneid, and recite poetry, also around the themes of chivalry and romance, while playing the lute, sometimes singing, rather than merely reciting the verses.
I also have this hc about Arthur being an exceptionally good archer and timidly trying to show off so Antonio notices him. On the other hand, I think Antonio would be skilled in the art of poetry, and be good at languages in general, making him a good rhapsodist. He would also be a pretty skilful musician, and play the lute, the vihuela and be surprisingly good at playing the clavichord (not at all referencing Antonio de Cabezón here). I even imagine during the times of Catalina de Aragon as queen of England he would try to teach Arthur how to improve his fingering and playing technic.
Just a few of my silly hc.
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s-s-painland · 4 months
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Toni looking a little too happy imagining Arthur naked 😏
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s-s-painland · 4 months
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these two
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s-s-painland · 4 months
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Mmm pirate Arthurrr. Okay yeah yeah this doesn’t have anything to do with SpaEng, but like?? I’m so proud of this?? And it’s lineart?? Please praise me even a little bit?
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s-s-painland · 4 months
spain: england kissed me!
prussia: NO!
france: oh mon dieu, oh mon dieu!
spain: it was unbelievable.
france: oh mon dieu, oh mon dieu!!!
prussia: we want to hear everything!
france: yes, was it like a soft brush against your lips or like...
prussia: or an 'i got to have you now' thing?
spain: well, at first it was very intense, and then we just sort of sunk into it...
france: was he holding you or was his hands like on your back?
spain: no, actually, first they started on my waist and then they slid up, and then they were in my hair.
france and prussia, melting: ohh...
[ meanwhile ]
england, sipping tea: and uh, and then i kissed him.
imaginary fae: tongue?
england: yeah
imaginary fae: cool.
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s-s-painland · 4 months
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he found his little fangs!
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s-s-painland · 4 months
Tomato Leaves?
I was going through some of my WIPs and I thought this was really sweet and fluffy and decided to share it, it's from a nsfw oneshot I started a little bit ago.
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Antonio dances his fingers along Arthur’s ribs, giggling when it gets him a swat to the back of his head.
“That tickles.” The blonde pouts while lifting his arm off his eyes, letting Toni see the bright green that reminds him of his precious tomatoes’ leaves. With that thought in mind, he reaches up and brushes his knuckles softly across the thin skin under Arthur’s eye.
“They’re so pretty.~ Like tomato leaves.” He watches as Arthur blinks a few times before snorting in amusement.
“Thanks? That’s a first.” It didn’t take long for the blonde to devolve into a fit of giggles as the ridiculousness of Antonio’s compliment hits him full force. Antonio tilts his head and smiles, not really getting why what he said was so funny but loving the bright laughter coming from Arthur. After a few bouts of manic giggling Arthur finally calms down and looks at Antonio with a breathtaking carefree smile, dimples on full display.
“You’re an idiot.~”
“Si, but I’m your idiot.~” Antonio sits up on his elbows and leaned forward to press a kiss at the corner of Arthur’s mouth.
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I was planning on starting on a different fanfic but thought this was too sweet to let rot. So! Here you go!
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s-s-painland · 1 year
I keep making England fluffier and fluffier every time I draw him
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s-s-painland · 1 year
The Mystery of Spain's Lockscreen
The subject of Spain’s lockscreen was something of a mystery that almost everyone wanted to answer too. France especially wanted to know, no needed to know. His easy going friend had never been secretive before. Spain had also been known to just leave his phone in random places, even needing to buy a new one a few times. Now, however, he was always mindful of where he left it and tended to panic briefly when he didn't have it in his hand or pocket. Not to mention! Spain only let his friends look at his screen after it was unlocked! So obviously whatever was on that lockscreen is either embarrassing or scandalous! And France lived for the drama, sure it might piss off Spain, but he’ll get a glimpse of that lockscreen if it's the last thing he’ll do!
Easier said than done it would seem. France had been at it for little over two weeks now. Obvious and sneaky attempts all failed to get him any more than a brief flash of color. Although, he would admit, he never really asked Spain what his lockscreen was. And so! France’s next great plan would be to just ask.
Patiently, our silly French protagonist bided his time for the right moment to ask. And soon that day came. On a usual ‘boys’ night with him, Spain, and Prussia he decided to corner Spain and ask, wanting to finally, finally get his answer.
“Heyyy~ Tony? Gotta question for you.” He purrs, sliding closer into his friend's bubble.
“Hmm?” Spain looks up from his menu with a smile and a tilt of his head. “What is it?”
“It’s been bugging me for a while now,” France pauses for the drama, “what is your lockscreen?” At his question Prussia finally looks up from his beer and looks to Spain expectantly.
“Oh! Oh! Me too! I wanna know!” Prussia leans across the table to get in on the ‘invade Antonio’s space’ program. The interrogatee goes still for a moment, surprised at the question. Spain lifts the menu to hide the bottom half of his face and glances at his face-down phone.
“Mmm..It’s y’know..” He trails off thinking of what he wanted to say as a hidden smile forms on his face. “It’s..something special is all.”
“That,” Prussia starts, “that didn’t answer shit.”
“I agree, what the hell does that mean?” France speaks up next scooting closer, blue eyes flicking down to the phone. Instead of explaining, Spain just shrugs and goes back to checking out the food options. France, annoyed and ten times more curious, slowly reaches out and goes to grab his friend’s phone.
Just as he started sliding it over to him a rough, tanned hand slams down on top of his wrist and squeezes lightly. The blond goes still and looks over at Spain in surprise.
“It would be appreciated if you’d just let it go.” Spain’s smile was warm and friendly as always, but his tone was cold and clipped. Shocked at this shift in personality, France can only nod dumbly and let go of the phone. Quickly Spain swipes it off the table and into his pocket. 
After that frankly terrifying failure, France had seemingly given up on satiating his curiosity. Sighing loudly he leans back in his assigned seat. The world meeting had ended a short while ago and he was contemplating what to do. Normally he’d torment tease England, but the brat had been quick to disappear on him recently, seemingly having better things to do than to argue uselessly. And strangely enough, Spain had gone and fucked off early today too. Which was pretty lame of him, in Prussia’s words.
Unintelligible Italian screeching was heard sharply over the low buzz of conversation. Which took France by surprise, he knew that screech.
Normally, Romano is one of the first to leave, especially if Spain isn’t there. Curious for a whole new reason, France gets up from his seat and stalks around the room searching for his temperamental entertainment.
It didn’t take long truthfully. With how loud Romano was being, all he had to do was wait for the Italian’s next string of curses. It was like playing a weird one sided form of marco polo. With a wide grin he sneaks up on Romano and plants a hand on his shoulder. The older twin jumped in surprise and whipped his head around with an angry scowl. 
“The fuck you want?”
“Nice to see you too Roma~” At his teasing, Romano’s scowl turned into a snarl.
“Easy easy~” France chuckled. “I was just curious as to why you’re still here.” France removes his hand from a tense shoulder. “Spain isn’t here after all.~”
“No shit,” Romano spits before turning to face the blond, arms crossing over his chest. “Shithead took-” The brunette cuts himself off for a moment before correcting his statement, “He went out on a date. And I didn’t wanna deal with him being all lovey dovey again.” Romano finishes with an exasperated roll of his eyes.
“A date?” France is scandalized. “He has a lover?! And he didn’t tell me??”
“Yeah, can’t imagine why.” The sarcastic comment goes ignored by its recipient. With a hand to his chest and a dramatic lean back against a table, France looks at his annoyed conversation partner.
“Do you know who? Do you know who has weaseled their way into my dear friend’s fragile heart!?” He knows that his dramatics were only frustrating the younger even more, but he hadn’t been able to annoy England recently so of course he’d do it to Romano.
“I do.” France perks up. Straightening he goes to open his mouth but is cut off by Romano. “I’m not telling you though. That bastard can deal with your meltdown. Also, I think it was the other way around.” After he finished, Romano turned around to go hunt his twin down again and try to convince Feli to let him stay the night (Also to do some more nagging). 
“Wait!! You live with Spain! So do you know what his lockscreen is? It’s been driving me crazy!” France hastily asks, leaping forward a few steps to reinvade Romano’s space. Romano, to his credit, didn’t punch or curse out France but instead sighed heavily, seemingly exhausted by this short interaction.
“What is it?”
“Gross. It’s gross and soft and weird.” And with that, Romano speeds off. Leaving France confused and insatiably curious all over again.
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I love the idea that Spain is aggressively protective of soft England. But he also can't help but brag endlessly to Romano, who couldn't care less and desperately wants Spain to shut up. But at the same time, he kinda enjoys England's company when the blonde is over at their place.
Idk I just want Romano to adopt England as his honorary older brother :/
Also also, the marking on England are a head cannon of mine, they're inspired by but not based on any proper Celtic knotwork/druid tattoos. You don't see them normally because he wears makeup to hide the ones on his face and neck, and obviously he wouldn't be caught dead in anything "too revealing" at the world meetings.
And please do me the favor of imagining with me the shit show that will happen when France finds out Spain and England are dating UwU
Maybe I should write that one next.....
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s-s-painland · 1 year
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Extremely late but I had to draw something for his birthday this year </3
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