row-boats3 · 7 months
A bit of a different chapter, but super happy to have kicked some writers block and post chapter 8 of Welcome Home Son!
I have finally realized I am incapable of having multiple updating projects at once, somethings always gonna get left behind, so I’m hoping to prioritize this one again!
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row-boats3 · 7 months
Encantober - Fear
This was originally going to be longer but I fell in love with the OCs I’ve created for this and they deserve a more fleshed out, proper chapter after I’ve spent hours finding the perfect names for them.
Alma Madrigal thought she had been done with the horrors of that river when Mirabel led her home. She thought, finally, her grief could begin to make room for her familia’s future.
Staring forward into the eyes of the children in front of her, seeing the distrust and sadness and anger and pure grief in their eyes, she felt her heart stop all over again.
The first time she met the children, she’d found them huddled together on the floor, taking no advantage of the large space the sitting areas provided them, as most of the children were practically on top of each other.
All but one had succumbed to their exhaustion.
The eldest boy, no older than a teen, sat stiffly. He subtly scooted forward to be in front of the others.
His shirt was still covered in dirt and blood.
Alma approached slowly, a pile of clothes in her hand. She set it all in the floor beside them, except the shirt and pants for the boy in front of her.
“Go get changed, nino.” She offered gently, extending the clothes to him.
The boy, she hadn’t yet gotten his name lifted his head so his hair wouldn’t block his eyes, shoulders drawing up to his ears with one firm shake of his head.
His fists clenched anxiously, as his mouth opened and closed several times before speaking.
“I’m not leaving them.” He mumbled, voice just barely loud enough for her to hear him.
With just the sound of his voice, cracking painfully, full of distrust and loyalty to his people, Alma was transported.
Suddenly, she was twenty years old, holding her babies tightly for hours no matter how much they cried to be put down, because the thought of letting them out of her arms was terrifying.
Suddenly, she was twenty again, with no time to think of, because people were looking at her to lead, to guide.
Suddenly, she became a lost, scared woman.
With a shuttered breath, she caught the boys haunted eyes and saw his desperation. With a nod, she slid the clothes towards him.
“You don’t have to.” She spoke, ignoring the raw sound of her own voice. “I’ll close the door so you can get out of those clothes.”
She stood slowly, her old age meaning bending was not as easy ion her as it used to be, making her way to the door.
“Señora?” The young, heavy voice called her once again, catching her attention.
“Gracias.” He mumbled.
Alma only smiled.
She may know fear, but now, she also knew healing.
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row-boats3 · 7 months
My days are going to be out of order, but I was able to get yesterday���s prompt done!!
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row-boats3 · 7 months
Encantober 2 - Siblings
Another short one! It’s not my favorite thing I’ve written, but I think getting it up at all with the day I’ve had is enough of an achievement!!
The pieces of their family finally fall into place.
Adopted!Mirabel AU!
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row-boats3 · 7 months
Encantober - Sunsets
It’s a bit short but I wanted to post something for the first prompt! Honestly, I probably won’t be able to do them all, or make them all very long, but something more than nothing, right? Enjoy!!
“The rain had yet to stop by the time she found him, hidden away on the roof of casita, just as she knew he’d be.
Ever since they’d found their house, fifteen years ago, the roof had become Bruno’s solace, much to his mother and sisters dismay.
Julieta hated being on the roof, and she stumbled clumsily on the tile. Casita helped as best it could, rolling the tiles to guide her along until she was able to sit next to her brother's shaking form.”
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row-boats3 · 7 months
What was supposed to be a quick drabble has turned into a three-part, potentially introduction to my new favorite AU series because I have no idea when to tell the little movie theater in my brain no.
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row-boats3 · 8 months
This is really scary for me, I’ve never done a fic with such a huge undertaking, so I decided to put up the first half now!
Mirabel-centric, Bruno-centric Celeb AU with as much angst as I am physically capable of!
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row-boats3 · 9 months
Sharing this for anyone in a position to help out :)
Help-A-Seda 2
Hello again all, I am - very, very unfortunately - still out of work, and at this time need roughly $200 ASAP to cover my car insurance, car loan, and phone bills (and food too I suppose), which are all due between now and September 5. Because life is like that.
THE GOOD NEWS: I have (another) interview on Tuesday, which will hopefully pan out so this will be my last round of begging! Optimism!
If - and only if! - you are in a position to help out and wish to do so, you can donate at Ko-Fi , or Venmo @Sedakari. Otherwise, signal boosts are welcome and appreciated <3
Once again, I cannot thank you all for your generosity and kindness through this long, difficult summer. As soon as I am in a position to do so, I will pay it forward to the best of my ability.
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row-boats3 · 9 months
I entered a challenge where you’re given three AU prompts for separate works, with 15 days left, I’ve only worked on one (2300 words in) and have barely opened the doc for the other two. Plus I’ve written maybe three paragraphs for my multi-chapter fix’s next update.
You’re not alone. Some of us just aren’t built for multi-tasking :(
I think it’s a lot more fun if you don’t worry about consistent updates. Let your writing be fun! Update when you feel like you have something you want to post, not that you have to post!
How does anyone write more than one story and still update consistently? It’s so hard for me to update one story on a constant bases.
I am trying to write two other stories alongside my current one and haven’t touched the other two in a week or so. Honestly, respect to those who keep writing their multiple stories, write them all so well, and update exactly when promised.
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row-boats3 · 9 months
Me doing a little jig any time people talk to me about writing đź‘€
Reblog if you write fic and people can inbox you random-ass questions about your stories, itemized number lists be damned.
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row-boats3 · 9 months
The anxiety-gremlins are getting to me about writing today.
Here’s more out-of-context writing because it’s 1:30 in the morning and I need to convince myself to go to bed by feeling accomplished instead of obsessing over trying to “fix” my writing.
““He was wearing a solid dark green runa, plain bar the few patches of mismatched fabrics over different tears. She cringed at how the clear forest green would have a haphazard dash of lime or mint all over. His hair was wild with loose curls not dissimilar to her own, but left messily strewn in a way Abuela wouldn’t dare let her leave the house like.
He looked tired, too, with an unsettled gaze in his eyes and dark bags underneath. Idly, she flinched at the thought she’d been the one to do that to him.
“It’s alright if you, Um, want to go to bed? I don’t want to keep you.” She spoke in a way where it sounded like she hadn’t even meant to, but since there was nothing else to occupy her, it came out anyways.
He blinked, before shaking his head. “Not much of a sleeper.” He answered, with a shrug as he settled back in.
“Does your mother know you're here?”
She stiffened. Mirabel had never been a great liar, it was one of the reasons she’d never done well at auditions, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t try.
“Of course.” She told him, smiling brightly.
The man sighed, “Kid, I’ve seen a lot of good acts before. That wasn’t one of them.” He deadpanned, looking straight at her once again.””
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row-boats3 · 9 months
Positing bits of my WIP because it’s going to be over 2000 words by the time it’s done and that’s really hard for me. I need the instant gratification to push forward.
The ball had climbed to her throat already, begining to stretch upward to prick tears in her eyes. In some turn of last inkling of hope, Mirabel felt the words begin to tumble from her mouth.
Uh, hello? Bruno?” Her voice called again, wavering for a moment.
“Who is this?” The man (Bruno? Her tio Bruno?) asked. Before she could open her mouth, it cut in, “Whatever agent gave you my number, I’m not interested. I’m not working right now.”
Mirabel could hear a twinge of annoyance that made her pull into herself just slightly. Less than two minutes and she was already off to a bad foot.
“I’m not an agent.” She said, toying with her cracked glasses in her freehand. She’d said that sentence countless times, especially when she had to call her sister's offices when they were too busy to check their phones, so the words were natural, automated. “It’s Mirabel.”
The phone stayed silent
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row-boats3 · 9 months
I’m having such a hard time writing Bruno.
Like, he’s definitely not a pushover, he’s got some kick to him - His confrontation with Alma shows that, or even when Mira finds him. Bruno would 100 percent have some attitude in the form of snarky comments and sarcastic jokes to dish out in most situations.
The issue is that I am a complete pushover.
I don’t have any cheeky little comments to give him.
How do I give this man sass when I am simply not sass.
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row-boats3 · 9 months
Something about comments on your writing that just makes you want to do little giddy dances
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the cycle continues :)
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row-boats3 · 9 months
I signed up for the AU Roulette challenge organized by @astriiformes !!
My prompts are honestly stumping me a little bit, but I’m so excited to push myself with this. It’s such a cool idea, and I really encourage everyone to support the others participating!
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row-boats3 · 9 months
One of my favorite fic writers reblogged a piece of my writing, complimenting it.
I must go scream.
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row-boats3 · 9 months
I’m trying to challenge myself with a work centered around Mirabel and Bruno, because they are both really scary/intimidating to me in terms of characterization.
I have a scene that didn’t make the cut (in its current form) so I figured I would post it as an idea of what I’ve got.
Here ya go!
Mirabel despised doing anything without her glasses.
Ever since she was given her first pair of round, green glasses, the world suddenly snapped into clarity. Suddenly, coloring in the lines or threading a needle became a far easier feat.
School got easier, too. Mirabel had long thought she’d never read well. The words often looked fuzzy and muddled, morphing into long, in-cohesive strips. She’d get so frustrated, staring at pages for hours at a time with tears streaming, never understanding why Camilo could so easily make sense of the words in their bedtime stories.
She still remembered the first time she came home from school, just weeks picking up her glasses, she’d recieved her first “A+” on a reading assignment.
The little Mirabel had all but thrown herself into her apartment, vibrating with excitement while shouting, “look, Abuela, look!”
Her grandmother had smiled gently at her, patiently reminding Mirabel not to run, before lifting the fragile paper to her sights. Alma gently helped her granddaughter onto her lap, wrapping her in a tight hug.
An ember of fierce pride she’d seen in her Abuela’s eyes few times sparked as she leaned in to whisper;
“I’m so proud of you, Mariposa.”
The spark grew, strong and bright, reflecting in Mirabel’s own eyes. The fire had spread, as the young girl knew all she’d ever need was to make her family proud.
But now, it was all gone.
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