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The background story is the bride and groom were expecting their first child. The fun thing was no one except the doctor and then the cake maker knew the sex of the baby. So the cake maker was asked to reveal the sex in the cake - blue for boys and pink for a girl... here’s their reaction.
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Cosplayer Tiffany Dean (https://www.facebook.com/TiffanyDeanCosplay/) asked me to work with her on a Wonder Woman inspired shoot. Here are a couple of our images... 
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Body Paint with Rebecca (model) and artist Lorna Nickels
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This is Marley Cross - burlesque performer and make up artist. She is also a pin up model that’s been published internationally. In 2016 she won Miss Burlesque in South Australia and one thing I was thinking about is if you’re going to want a make up artist, wouldn’t it be amazing to have someone who’s done so much as a performer and artist... 
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A short wedding story. Alicia and Rob’s wedding had a very special moment. Alicia was pregnant but no one knew the sex of the baby except the doc and the cake maker. The surprise was in the cake - the person making the cake was asked to secretly colour the cake - blue for a boy and pink for a girl.  No one had any idea what colour the cake was so cutting this wedding cake was a celebration in lots of ways.
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I don’t always like posed pictures. It’s nice to show who they really are, fun and happy. But sometimes if I miss a shot or see something that fits with who they are - then I’ll ask them to do pose or a look that fits. Couple’s photography, might be engagement, portraits, family ... whatever you want. There shouldn’t be rules, just memories.
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If no one cares, why do I take the bloody picture?
I watched a Youtube video the other day. It was called - "No one cares about your photography."
Confronting right..?
But true. I'm sitting here wondering how many photos are taken each day and I found out someone worked it out to 1 trillion photos taken each year.
That's 1,000,000,000,000 ( I think ) if you're interested in such things you can see one article on that here - http://mylio.com/…/how-many-digital-photos-will-be-taken-20…
If you're not, and I'm guessing that's most people it's not cause you're not interested but more because your time poor - as in too busy. So what tends to happen is you click a picture, take a look and move on... right? Maybe that's what he (in the Youtube clip) means by no one really cares about your photography..?
So I'm sitting here wondering - Why am I taking pictures? Well I'm not really wondering that, I know why I take them. I take them cause it let's me be a bit creative, it's an outlet for the frustrated art-type person that hides in all of us. It also and most importantly let's me make photos that I hope the person I'm photographing will like and maybe even love...
That's why I take them - the hope that it might make someone smile, or be happy or simply just like how they look and if that makes them feel good about themselves - that's me happy too.
So with all my talk out the way - this is Amy Caldwell and she's awesome and I loved photographing her. Hope some of my photos made her happy.
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Some people just really photograph brilliantly. 
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Future model... Aleah.
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Ego is a dirty word...
There was a band in Oz called Skyhooks who had a cool kinda song called “Ego (Is Not a Dirty Word)”  and I’ve been thinking about that cause I disagree. Ego can make you do and think really stupid things. It can put you at the centre of your world and get you thinking you deserve more then you do.
Truth is when it comes to photography, do we deserve anything more then the gift of site and the ability to use that gift to create what we create?
I don’t know - all I do know is that sometimes I think I deserve some sort of recognition that goes above likes and friends saying “hey that’s really good!”
But that’s the problem - I don’t deserve any of it. My love of photography should be simply a pure love that is based on the joy of owning a camera and being able to get around to take a picture or two and use my eyes and heart and soul to capture what is before me. 
And so I’m burying my ego today. It’s caused me pain and stress and desires that are not healthy for my soul. I’ll be happy with the camera system I have, the abilities I have and work on growing and the freedom to be able to walk around or travel and take pictures. 
Goodby ego - you were a dirty word.
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Some favourite photos from the past 2 years or so...
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