rk-ocs · 1 month
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This is money cat. He only appears every 1,383,986,917,198,001 posts. If you repost this in 30 seconds he will bring u good wealth and fortune.
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rk-ocs · 1 month
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the cavalier outfit is really cu-
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alright, what the actual fuck
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rk-ocs · 1 month
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the cavalier outfit is really cu-
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alright, what the actual fuck
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rk-ocs · 1 month
Happy birthday Desmond. This is a little late, but I'm sure its still march 13 somewhere in the world. Anyways, I usually post a story for his birthday, and while there is one on fanfiction, I decided the tumblr one would be a little diffrent.
I'm using an old oc. Or the varient she could have been had she been born a guy and also never become a time travler. Red Jordan-Ryan. You can learn more about this character and the verse by checking out rk-ocs. For this story, that OC is Jasper Jordan-Ryan. They share a knack for meeting intresting people, and getting into situations and secrets they probably would be better off without. And determination.
This is a variontion of the future Clay saw for Desmond where he stayed at the Farm. So I decided, he teaches the kids as the assassin teacher.
Several things happen diffrently due to this deviation, and the Isu are trying to hijack the plot back onto the railroad by hijacking.
Not be at all
Not be at all, may have a sister story of sorts,  called not be Nobel  someday, from a quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson. If I ever write it, I mean.
In a world where Desmond did stay on the farm.
Des 1987- 25
Clay 1982- 30
Sometimes Desmond looks at the road leading out of the farm, and wonders what would have happened if he followed it.
Sometimes, when he was younger , he had dreamed of running away. He imagined what he would see beyond the farm, that he could be someone who didn't live in a conspiracy cult.
Maybe he would be president.
Nah, that was silly. He'd probably be a waiter or something, but at least he would be seeing the world.
It wasn't like training was all that bad. Sure he wasn't amazing at it,  though he had learned faster then most of the kids when he was younger. Maybe he could teach novices when he was older.
Mom might like that. It would allow her to go on more missions. He would have really missed mom, out there in the world. And really, leaving her alone with Dad was just mean.
So sure,  sometimes he dreamed of running away, but he was here to stay, and it wasn't a bad life.
It's strange sometimes, training the older ones, but with Clay it's different somehow. Clay has a very biting wit, and when it's not being used on him, the results are absolutely hilarious.
Clay is not going to be an assassinating type of assassin. He will probably end up working on the Animus, everyone seems to be interested in. Maybe he will be partners with the apparently expert Rebecca. Desmond has never met her, but apparently she is making good progress in creating one.
He doesn't really know though, because he is trying to stay well away from the internal politics.
Training people is fun. He gets to meet new people, and hear stories from all over. Some days it's almost as good as the thought of seeing new places.
And then there's this terrifying child, who appeared out of nowhere that one time.
"How the hell did you get in here!" Desmond had asked the blond child, who had just shown up one day, dressed as a novice, that he had never seen before in his life.
"I rode in the car."
"How old are you?" He asked suspiciously.
"Fifteen." The kid had said, glaring.
Desmond stared at the kid suspiciously.
"Fine, I am fourteen."
"I'll talk to you after the class."
Even if his parents' paranoia was right, and this was part of some convoluted Templar infiltration plot, a single Parkour lesson would probably not make a difference. He hoped. God, he should have searched them, first, what if the kid had a bomb or something!
Thankfully, everything went fine. After the class, Desmond had pulled the kid aside, and walked into an empty room. He started with the question that had been bugging him the most.
"Are you a boy or a girl, or what kid?"
The kid got really offended, and went  red. "My name is Jasper, and I am a boy! How the hell did you not notice that!" An accent tinged his words, and his voice broke a little.
Desmond laughed.
"Aww kiddo, it's just kind of ambiguous. "
Jasper growled, sounding alarmingly like a dog about to attack.
"Don't call me kiddo." He declared , glaring at Desmond.
Desmond began to laugh again, which seemed to infuriate the kid, and he growled again, which made Desmond laugh harder.
Finally , Desmond was able to contain his laughter, and get down to the important questions.
"Where did you come from, and why are you here?"
"I came from Bo-.... I'm from Quebec. I'm here because I followed the man."
"What man?"
"The man who killed R-" then he stopped again. "Who killed my godfather! "
"How did you follow him?"
"That's a secret. I'm just good at finding  people. No one wants me to be It ,in hide and seek!"
"Can I have his name, at least?"
"His name was a lie!" Jasper spat.
"You are a strange kid."
"I came here to either learn to either hire someone to kill him, or learn to do it myself. Then I might pay that robber who nearly killed me as a child a visit. "
"You are a terrifying child." Desmond informed him.
"My godfather was just killed. I want revenge."
"So you tracked his killer here?"
"Yes." The kid told him. "And given you are an assassin , I brought money to hire you to kill him."
"I don't kill fellow Assassins ,Kid."
Jasper did his dog growl again, and shouted "osti d'éparis de marde!" before running off.
He could not find him afterwards, no matter where he looked.
Later Desmond found out Thomas had been killed by a throwing knife.
He spent years afterwards, wondering if he was responsible for it, if it could have been prevented by pulling him out of that parkour class earlier.
"How the hell did I fail to find him?" He kept wondering.
That kid was damned terrifying.
He kept an eye out for him out of Paranoia, but 2011's February kicked off with Clay being kidnaped by Abstergo.
His father kept saying they had an in, that someone would get him out when it was time. It was a frequent argument they had, whenever Desmond and his father were alone.
Then in August, they got the news that Clay had gone crazy from the bleeding effect and killed himself.
Desmond went back home to mourn and be with his students.
A month later, his mother was kidnaped.
Desmond was determined not to leave another person in the hands of the Templars, particularly not one he loved. Screw whatever Fathers plans were!
His students were perfectly happy to help plan a rescue mission.
Besides, he'd always wanted to go to Italy.
The rescue mission hits an unexpected obstacle.
Desmond screams at Lucy Stillman, his mothers... Keeper? Kidnapper? Guard? No, really, why the hell is she here.
"She tried to escape. She almost succeeded. It turns out Vidic really wasn't kidding. Lucy tells him distractedly ,looking upset and dazed. "The animus may be able to help her,  At least that's what Clay and William thought."
"Clays dead!" Desmond cried out, rubbing the tears off his face with his sweater. "Clays Dead, and my mother is in a coma, and it's all your fault. "
His face dryish, he signals Amalia and Rob that the cost is cleared.  Amalia guards the door, weapon ready, while Rob picks up his mother, and Desmond watches Lucy.
Lucy hums.
"You will need this, just give me a moment.
Desmond looks at Amalia, who shrugs, and holds her gun on Lucy, ready to shoot if she does something fishy.
Lucy comes back with a disk.
"It's the memory core Data. Get in contact with Rebeca,  and give this to her. Maybe it will help your mother."
She turns to leave, but hesitates. "I'm sorry Desmond." She says, before walking out of the room.
Desmond feels like he is about to break, but tells his students,  "lets go",  ordering David to look up Rebecca.
There are some injuries fighting their way out of Abstergo, but thankfully , no one is killed. Desmond is the worst. While his students are using the first aid kit , David drives them to a safe clinic.
While Desmond is being treated, a man named Shawn arrives, saying that Lucy called, and that he was here to bring his mother to Rebecca.
Desmond insisted on coming. So did Amalia. He told Rob and David to stay on standby, until he was safer.
Shawn grumbled under his breath, but sat and waited in the uncomfortable waiting room chair.
When they were finally done with him, Shawn helped carry his mother into his car, and drove them away.
Rebecca and Shawn were good friends to each other, and alternated between being annoyingly kind and sympathetic to him,  which drove him a little nuts.
They were trying to help, and were getting information from his Mother's genetic memories, and keeping her alive, and stimulated in hopes she would wake up, but Desmond hated sympathy, and the sad kindness was almost worse.
Sometimes his Father visited , and when he wasn't looking down at Mother, he was arguing with Desmond.
It wasn't like it was new, Desmond and his father had always had something of a strained relationship, but... Mom would have hated this.
At least Amalia still treated him normally,  and dragged him out to spar when he looked close to snapping. Otherwise he might have lost it.
Eventually he just had his students come to Italy to train, partly to get some normal conversation. It wasn't that strange, Shawn still kept up with his work, and his father did too.
The next month went by in a strange limbo , and  out of nowhere in the middle of November, that terrifying  blond kid showed up at the gas station, growling at him.
"What the Hell are you doing here!" Desmond cried out, alarmed.
He was more confused than anything. And a bit suspicious. Perhaps dads Ideas about super convoluted Templar plots had more merit than he thought. He moved his arm, and poised for a hidden blade strike.
"I'm here to invite you to my birthday party." Jasper started sarcastically, tone dry as ice. He stopped at Desmond's glare. "Fine. I'm here to tell you to stop sending me bizarre and terrifying spam. "
"I don't even know your last name, let alone anything about you, beyond that you possibly committed premeditated murder at age 14. If I knew anything about you,  I would have given it to the police, not sent you 'Bizarre and terrifying spam.'How did you even find me?!"
Jasper seemed unfazed by that.
"A friend owed me a favor, and agreed to help me track down my spammer. All the evidence leads to you. So I came here to talk to you. "
There was a moment of silence, before he added.
"Also, I haven't murdered anyone. My aunt caught up to me, and told me that revenge was up to my Godmother. So we waited in the car, and left when my Godmother came back. "
"You were still willing to go far enough for revenge murder, to track him into a different country, from Quebec! How long were you following him!"
"This coming from the guy who trains Assassins. "
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You are a terrifying child. "
Jasper Growled, possibly at Desmond calling him a child, then his eyes began glowing white, and he began to shake.
"Nonononononoooooo!" Jasper cried, and fell over
"What the hell is happening!" Desmond shouted, grabbing at Jasper, before his head hit the concrete.
Suddenly Cortana appears. Well, not really, but there was something distinctly unreal about her. She looked almost transparent, and hard to make out, and suddenly all these images were shooting through his head. It was like walking into the last half an hour of a movie, and everything was completely out of context. He strained to hear anything he felt she was saying, but his ears were ringing, and felt like they were bleeding.
When he regained control of his senses, he realized they were in a plane, that Jasper was sitting in the pilot's seat, frozen in terror."
" Did you just kidnap me!" He demanded ,outraged.
"The voice in my head kept telling me the world would end, and that part of preventing it involved kidnapping you to go dig up something in a graveyard for her. "
"I'm already teaching my students in Italy to be with my mother while she is in a coma! I don't have time to go around desecrating graves with my kidnapper!" He shouted, not bothering to wipe away the tears.
Jasper turned to look at Desmond with a dead look on his face. "I don't know how to fly Jets." He said, calmly.
"What." Desmond said flatly, feeling a chill go down his back.
"I am not flying this jet." He turned back to face the window, and it occurred to Desmond that they were both screwed.
He walked over to Jasper and hugged him. Jasper stiffened, and awkwardly patted his back when he began to cry.
They sat there in their own world, until the Jet began to shake.
"I'd say it was nice knowing you, but I would be lying, because all of our encounters have been really bizarre."
He told Jasper, positive they were about to die. As last words went, they weren't too bad.
"Same to you, assassin teacher."
They huddled together on the floor together, as the shaking increased.
He didn't know how long they were down there, before the shaking finally stopped.
There was silence for a moment, before Desmond asked what they were both thinking.
"Are we somehow alive?"
"If this is dead, then I'm going to file a complaint."
"That seems so underwhelming."
"Yah" he mumbled,  going to open the door. Then his eyes lit up again, and he began to shake.
"DESMOND MILES! " Jasper shouted in a strange voice. "FOLLOW!"
Desmond followed the possessed Jasper, without a word. Frankly, some things are bonding experiences ,and huddling together on the floor of a possessed jet, waiting for the end, was probably one of them.
Finally, the possessed Jasper reached the spot he needed, commanded them to dig.
Jasper fell to the ground  twitching and stuttering. Much as Desmond wanted to help, he decided to dig, lest the ghost/Cortona thing come back to possess the poor kid again.
When Jasper finally seemed to come to, Desmond still hadn't found whatever the hell they were supposed to be looking for. Jasper suggested they widen the hole.
He got a rock, and began scraping the sides .
"I really wish we had a shovel." Desmond told Jasper.
"It can't be Too too deep. Right... There's probably a coffin under here."
"Lets hope."
As it turns out, digging holes on Connor Davenport's grave, in an old abandoned graveyard, leaves a lot of time for talking. Or awkward silence.
Desmond breaks it with a question.
"So, how did you get to the farm, all those years ago?"
Jasper turns to with a confused look, and mouths 'farm?'
"I don't know why it's called that. "
"Well, as I told you, I followed him.
I'm good at finding people."
"You tracked him down, and followed him onto the plane?"
"How did you avoid being seen?"
"I don't like to question it ,really. Takes all the fun out of it."
"Weren't your parents worried?"
"Why would my parents be worried?"
"Why wouldn't they?"
"Well my family probably is worried , but they've grown a tad resigned to my... Adventures I guess. My parents are probably working, and Mom probably hasn't even noticed yet. "
"Nothing about your Dad."
"He works on a submarine."
"And your mom."
"I don't know. Usually when she's home, she is busy. "
"I see. It reminds me a bit of my dad. We've had a strained relationship for, well, a long time now."
"And your mom?"
"I have a good relationship with my mom. But, she's been in a coma inside the animus for a while now, and I don't know if she's going to wake up. "
"I'm sorry about that. You must miss her."
Desmond didn't feel like talking anymore. Jasper didn't either, and it was kind of nice.
They knew they had definitely found whatever it was they were looking for, when Jasper  picked up a decent sized clump of dirt to break apart , and his eyes went white.
Then his eyes stopped glowing, and he collapsed.
"Jazz." Desmond tried shaking him "Jasper."
Honestly, he wasn't surprised at the collapse. They had been digging holes for hours, and who knew when the last time the kid had eaten was.
Desmond broke the clump, to find some sort of jewelry , and put it in his pocket.
He picked up Jasper, or tried to. For all he called him kid, Jasper was pretty tall, and well muscled. God this was going to be awkward.
He considered trying to fly the jet, but really did not want to be flying in a possessed vehicle ever again.
"God I hope you wake up soon." He pleaded to Jasper, before picking a direction, and walking .
Jasper did eventually wake up. He groggily told Desmond that whatever was possessing him, wanted Desmond to sacrifice himself to the sun gods to save the world and free her.
" I think that translation works. It gets kind of hard to remember. Also the world is ending on my birthday."
"Happy birthday. "
"It's not tell December. December 21."
"Mine is on March 13."
"I'll be sure to buy you a present now, for when the world ends."
"Make it a survival kit. "
"And what are you getting me for mine."
"Is sacrificing myself to the sun gods to save the world not enough?"
"I would rather you come to my 16th birthday."
"Are we friends?"
"I think so. We've already had an  adventure, why not plan for more."
"Let's not have one like this again. "
"Or at least remember to bring food."
"We could try to catch something. I know how to clean fish at least. "
"That's not the same thing."
"It's something."
"Do we have any tools? Or will we have to throw rocks?"
"I have my hidden blade. And a few throwing knives."
"Can you hit anything with those?"
"I bet I can do better. Give me some."
"My cousin is a professional javelin thrower. We throw other things for the challenge too."
"Let's see you throw one then."
Desmond had to admit, he wasn't bad. But he was a teacher, and could think of many ways to improve Jasper's technique.
They were doing well in their track through the woods. Jasper's aim was improving, they had water and fish, and he was getting better at cleaning small animals with his hidden blade.
They were probably hopelessly lost, but it was better for morale If they focused on the positives. Like that their trap had caught a bunny.
Jasper was looking up at the sky, with a frown on his face.
"Tabarnak "
"What is it?" Desmond asked, but as he joined Jasper in looking at the sky , it was obvious. Early snow.
He looked at Jasper's black sweater, and down at his white one. Good for heavy weather, but not meant to be worn in snow. These sweaters would retain the water they soaked up, until they dried out.
"We're fucked" he announced to Jasper, who nodded.
"Would layers work?" He asked Jasper, who looked up confused.
"What layers?"
"Like if I gave you my sweater, would it keep yours dryish?"
Jasper frowned.
"Perhaps it might work for a little while, but Long term, everything would eventually soak through, I think. Besides, you would lose body heat when you gave it up, and it would feel colder when you put it back on. It would probably be smarter to keep the heat, and put up with the wetness."
"Got any ideas."
Jasper blushed hard.
"Sharing. But let's keep that as a last resort."
"Yah, I'm not into teenagers."
"I didn't mean it like that!"
Desmond laughed, as Jasper's face got redder and redder, the longer he laughed.
In reality, it wasn't too much of a stretch to go from huddling in fear on a jet, thinking they were going to die, to huddling together for warmth in the snow.
Eventually, salvation of sorts shows up when Jasper's eyes glow, and he grabs his hand and begins leading him  by the arm. Desmond's not sure how long they walked, long into the night, and the grey sky doesn't seem to get much lighter. His feet have gone numb, and he's walking on autopilot when Jasper drops, and Desmond looks up to see a gas station.
He doesn't have any cash on him, but thankfully he has his bank card and credit card.
He walks in, dragging Jasper behind him.
"I will pay you , if you give us a ride to the airport."
The lady at cash is staring at them bemused.
Oh right. They probably stink because the water got too cold to bathe in. And they hadn't had a change of clothes in ages. He's gotten nose blind to the smell, though he could tell it really bugged Jasper, though he never whines about it.
And they looked pretty gross.
How long had they been missing, anyways?
"Um, what day is it?"
"It's December the fifth."
"Oh. That was longer than we thought. " A lot longer than he thought.
Her eyebrows shoot up, and she looks on the verge of asking.
"Trust me. You really don't want to know how our day went. It was absolutely awful, and we were hopelessly lost. "
"I see a lot of strange things here.  Don't worry about it."
"I want to drink some Gatorade, and anything hot you have here. Then I'm going to go wash up in the bathroom."
"Tell you what, stay the night, take a shower, and I'll drive you to the airport in the morning."
"Thank you! No, really, thank you!"
Desmond could hug her. Well metaphorically. She probably wouldn't take one right now.
"No problem. Your friend there is... just sleeping, right.
"Yah, he's just pretty exhausted."
Jasper woke up in the car, disoriented and speaking French. And although Desmond had picked up something from living with him for a few weeks in the middle of nowhere, he was speaking too fast for that to matter.
"Calm down Jasper. This nice girl named Marcy, is going to put us up  for the night, and give us a lift."
"Just think. Hot showers!"
"That sounds so nice right now."
"Doesn't it?"
"Mmm" Jasper agreed, then dozed off again.
The shower was heaven. So was the Meat pie she cooked for them, and fruit salad the next day.
Their clothes had been washed, they were clean, and fed, and even caffeinated. Desmond felt better than he had in a long time.
Desmond left her $300 for her generosity.
She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and slipped a paper into his pocket.
He wondered if in another life, he might have just stayed there. Kept Jasper, and Lived at Marcy's house, and settled into something domestic.
It was a nice thought. But he had other people in his life who needed him now. Students, and friends, and a possibly kidnapped Father to rescue. He was an assassin, and he was happy with that.
Jasper dosed on his shoulder on the plane, a far cry from the beginning where he had stiffened at Desmond so much as tapping him.
Desmond watched the clouds for a bit, and appreciated that this one had a living pilot, before joining his friend in sleep.
Amalia was keeping watch when they got back.
"Where did you go!" She demanded, sounding furious.
"Did you know we thought you had been kidnapped!"
"Well, you're not wrong. Only it wasn't by Templars, so much as... Well a ghost, I guess. Umm... It was way weirder than that actually. It wanted me to retrieve this." He held up the necklace, as If that would explain everything .
"Kidnapped by a ghost. Do you have any Idea how ridiculous that sounds! And who is that?" She pointed to Jasper.
"That's Jasper. Who is apparently able to be possessed by ghosts. He came here to find out why I was sending him... What was it you called it..."
"Bizarre and terrifying spam."
"Yah. Which made no sense, as I haven't been on my email in forever.
Next thing I know his eyes glowed, and we woke up on a jet, that no one was flying. We presume it was the Alien ghost lady, and thought we were going to die when it landed."
"I'm still not totally sure this isn't just your bizarre way of taking a vacation."
"Would I really do that?" Desmond asked, a bit hurt. "Also, If that was a vacation, then I never want another one for as long as I live. "
Amalia laughed at that.
"How is mom?" he asked, carefully.
Amalia got a weird look on her face.
"Well she is awake... But she isn't herself."
"Brain damage ?"
"Perhaps. But it seems that the personality of Altair is the one in charge. She only speaks Arabic now , to start with. So... Nope, nothing I could say would be funny or helpful in this context... I'm sorry Desmond."
'Mom' was incessantly interested now in finding the apple of Eden.
Which wasn't a bad thing, as it would apparently be needed to save his father sometime down the road... According to the ghost possessing Jasper, who also insisted things like the world was ending soon.
Even with all that going on, Desmond still trained his students, and even added Jasper to the group. Jasper seemed pretty confused about this, and still occasionally gave him 'why the hell are you doing this' looks, but for the most part, had gotten with the program.
Bizarrely enough ‘'Mom' had found an Apple of Eden in Italy , and had gone on a one woman rampage to free Father, despite the ransom call not even coming yet, and nobody even telling her he was missing or where he had last been seen.
"We have a theory for how we might put your mom back in the pilot seat."
Amalia told him one day.
"Well, the Animus explores genetic memories, right?"
"So, it could be possible to let her explore her own memories?"
"That's... Not a bad theory. You would still have to get her back in the chair."
Apparently they took that as a challenge.  Mom was back in the chair.
Around the 18th , Jasper stormed in, eyes glowing again.
"I want my mother back."
"I am right where I am supposed to be."
Whatever was possessing Jasper, threw its hands up, and turned to his father.
"PERHAPS YOU WILL BE MORE COMPLIANT" it told him, before touching him, and causing him to twitch and spasm.
If that thing thought Desmond's father was more cooperative then him, it had another thing coming.
They left the cave, and Desmond realized he still had the jewelry they had gone grave digging for.
"I thought you were kidding." Amalia confessed, staring at him. "That was way creepier than you let on."
"I think we will need to catch up with them." He told her, holding up the necklace.
Finding a place you have never been to within four days was not a realistic task.
They were together in America when it started.
"Oh. Oh my god!" She cried out looking at the sky."
"Happy birthday Jasper." Desmond called out, before they left to find shelter.
They survived. A lot of former cities were dead silent now, but they were alive.
"What do we do?" Amalia asked, a dead look in her eye, as she looked at the remains of a car.
"We find survivors." Desmond began, feeling determined. "It doesn't matter whether they are Assassins, Civilians, or Templars now, what matters is that we are survivors."
Amalia looked at him. It was different then the looks she normally gave him as a teacher. This was the look of a follower to a leader.  Loyalty and trust, and would die for you.
"Yes. We will."
Together they began their search.
For another AU check my other account Rk-ocs, for the fic "Burn like the sun"
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rk-ocs · 1 month
It does have more, but I kind of changed ideas again here. Also remembered that first person POV is not my prefered style
Much to anyone's surprise, that wasn't the end
I didn't expect to wake up. If I had put any thought into where I would wake up, though, it would have been in a hospital. 
This place didn't smell like a hospital. It smelt of some kind of wood, and heavily premated with  unknown herbs, and other injured or sick people, and smoke. 
I felt pain, but that wasn't what I was thinking about at the time. I’m not actually sure there was a clear thought at the time. I had been stabbed. 
My reaction to that, was to promptly have a melt down. With my neck healing from recent stab wound, I'm sure you can imagine how badly that went. 
My ears rung, and everything was muted. 
Someone came over to try to calm me, but that only made it worse. I had no idea what he was saying. 
Why was I in a not-hospital with people I didn't know, who spoke a language I had never heard?
I wasn't in any state to articulate these questions at the time, nor did I have the words to make them understood. 
Finally he decided to drug me. I struggled , but I was eight and throwing an exhausting temper tantrum that was setting back the progress my throat had made healing. 
The next time I woke up, I was too exhausted to freak out. Externally, at least. Internally, I was still panicking. My throat would not let me scream. I don't even know how loud I had gotten the first time. 
Even terror gets exhausting to keep up, and I surrendered it, to pay attention to my surroundings. 
This was one of the attempts to start the story about Red the time traveling whose death activates the PoE to Travel to a new time. Featuring, my attempts at using french, as she is originally from Quebec.
The last word
The last word I spoke in life was Bah.
It's not even really much of a word. Its… well I guess an expression of  incomprehension. What? 
 Kind of embarrassing, even. Then again, there never is much dignity in dying. You have to settle for how you approach it, but the moment it's self is always undignified. Among other things, you shit yourself. But I digress.
I died in a robbery. A convenience store robbery. Couche-Tard. 
I wasn't to good at English , back then. Its also one thing to know robbery is a thing, another to have it actually happen. 
I was sitting too close to the door. Not close enough that I would get hit or something, but close enough to be in easy reach for a determined hostage taker. Not that I knew that at the time. I was more focused on the gameboy. 
The door opens, and two people walk in. These people are dangerous. There's nothing that gives it away at an initial glance, it's just one of these things that you know. 
I needed to not be here. Maybe I was going to try to leave for help. Maybe I was going to abandon my cousin working here,  and find safety. I don't remember. I just needed to leave. 
Sometimes, I wonder if it would have changed anything if I had stilled. Would their eyes have passed over me? 
I did move, and that drew the attention of the taller man, who caught up and grabbed me. 
“Don't move” he commanded, knife pressed against my throat. 
I heard my cousin and the other man faintly in the background, but it was secondary next to the rushing in my ears. 
I don't remember what anyone said. I remember him. Superficially, he smelt of cigarettes. He was indifferent until he felt anger. 
Cold steel plunged into my throat. 
I remember once , when I had been swimming with friends, and someone had thought it Would be funny to hold my head under water after I had touched the deep end, and was trying to come up for air. 
This is different. It tastes of blood. There is no water working against me, or hands. . It's painful, and your throat burns, and you need air, but it's nowhere near comparable to drowning. 
I'm holding my throat, in a futile effort to stop the bleeding. My hands are covered in blood. 
My cousin is  by my side with panic & fear , and the robbers run off feeling the same way for different reasons. 
“Restez avec moi. Je demande de l'aide.”
I didn't. Or perhaps more accurately, couldn't. I'm sorry. 
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rk-ocs · 1 month
As its Desmonds Birthday, I'm going to upload an old fic with him in it, and also a varient if my OC, Red Jordan-Ryan
This one was an AU set in a universe where Desmond was Mechanic, Red is not a time traveler and never left home or changed her name, her cousin is a twin, and oh yah its set in the xman verse, and Desmond has Charles power, Red is Reven, and Aiden is Magneto, at least powerwise if not personality.
Burn like the sun
Sometimes Desmond likes to play hero. Mostly he uses his talent to avoid, to hide. He knows when someone sees him, and exactly what they think about him. He works at an auto body shop in Chicago. Mostly they internally bitch at him over prices.
He's on vacation. Exploring Quebec , and struggling with the pronunciation even if he can find the words he needs in their minds.
He steps into the connivance store to prevent a robbery, to talk a situation down.
He didn't expect anything to come of it.
Carnelian is like him. Her talent is changing.  She is the shift.
She shifts forms as easily as breathing.
Unshifted, she is pale blue, with eyes like silver and hair like gold.
He finds himself helping her. She's a child, and for all her cousin loves her, she doesn't know how to help her fit in.
Desmond does. They sit at the window and people watch , and he tells her about them. Tells her about trends and fashion and how other people blend in.
Before he goes, she decides her main shift. It consists of vibrantly blonde hair, dark blue eyes, tan skin, and it has a scar on her lip.
He's a bit confused that out of any detail that she would use from him, she chose that, but she is notoriously stubborn.
He gives her his email, and they exchange letters regularly.
Until he disappears.
Carnelians main male alter ego, contains traits from her cousins and from Desmond.
If anyone were to ask, she's not sure whether she would claim to be their cousin or their kid.
She has his coloring, with her features.
She's never told them about this male alter.
She never tells them about a lot of things she gets up to.
For all that she  will practice Javelin with Monique, and critique Derek's buildings, and religiously email Desmond, but she has her own hobbies too.
Probably not ones they would approve of, particularly hacking.
She's learning. She has a talent for computers, and its fascinating stuff.
Her contacts build up, lawful and lawless.  She calls this Alias "Ghost", because none of her contacts ever see the same face or persona.
Maybe it will get her killed someday.
She likes to think she is more careful then that.
She has IDs set up if they need to disappear.  She's worried about Desmond, he's being followed. They've never talked about it, but sometimes Monique will insist on being with him, and Derek will "insist" Desmond stay another night, because tonight would be "terrible for driving" .
She's not stupid.
She doesn't know what "They" want with Desmond,  but she does know she is in the best position to do something when "They" come.
She can be anyone, after all.
She will be anyone, to help Desmond get away. She owes him, after he helped teach her to blend enough to be around people.
He's sort of family at this point, and there isn't a lot she wouldn't do for family.
It's one of Carnelian's contacts in Chicago that tells them Desmond has disappeared.
Derek and Monique are going to have to have a chat with Carnelian, about just what she gets up to in her spare time, because contacts..? When did she get contacts.  What Does she need with all these connections, and fake IDs.
Just because she can shift, doesn't mean she needs to use it for this. What is she planning? 
But first, Desmond. Where did he disappear to?
Carnelian already had people on that.
Aiden Pearce was a fixer, who Carnelian had never met, but heard was talented and willing to work, but also extremely antisocial. He also occasionally fancied himself a hero, and Carnelian was hoping this trait would work in their favor when she agreed to meet him in person to exchange information.  Or maybe Brenks would be useful at least.  He was good when paid
Derek was going to meet these fixers with her. It was going to be expensive, but there was no way they were going to let their friend be kidnaped.  Particularly not a mutant. Not in this kind of environment. Would anyone else even look if they knew?
"I can be intimidating enough, Derek," Carnelian complained again. She shifted into a tall muscled man. "I can be anyone and everyone.  I could probably be Aiden, and get the information myself, provided I do a job. I hear he gets a lot of leeway to be rude, because they are aware he's talented, and hope for him to owe them one."
"You're not doing that, Carnelian."
"For the last time, I'm coming with you. You can be a scary looking man if you want, but I'm still coming."
She went and sat in the driver's seat, and shifted into a man.
"You're not driving. You're too young to drive. "
" I have a license."
"What lunatic gave you a license?!"
"Hey! This one is legit. I went to school for it."
"This one is legit?" How many forged licenses does she have!
"Just get in the car."
Derek got in the car, for lack of any better options. He could spend the ride asking her what other highly illegal activities she has been up to.
Damien had to admit, It was strange to be involved in a missing persons case.  Normally, they went through proper channels for these, but Ghost was known for paying well for quality work. And Aiden had insisted on meeting him.  Which was unusual.
There were several mismatched descriptions of his appearance, and while ghost was known as a decent hacker, his disguise abilities were why he was hired, when he took Jobs anyways.
So what did he want with Desmond Miles?
Desmond's Id was fake. Oh, he had no doubt that the guy's name was real, but a bit of digging revealed a lot of holes in it. For Ghost to reach out to so many people about his disappearance, had to mean something important.
He had asked for a face to face meeting to talk.  Face to face encounters could be very informative. People were easier to read these days, and he wanted to see Ghosts disguise skills in action. He might be someone worth working with in the future if this went well. 
He frowned at his coffee.  It was running low, and Aiden still wasn't here. What the hell was he even doing?
He got up to get more coffee. Aiden could pay for his own damn coffee when he was this late.
When he got back to his table, Aiden was there with two unknown men.
One was a tall skinny blond ,  where the other was short, muscular , and darker than his companion. They both wore jeans and cool gray hoodies.
Aiden was frowning at the taller one. Aiden is fingering a metal memory stick,  and the last thing Damien wants is for a fight to break out between them in a public cafe. So many witnesses.
The shorter male turns around, and fingers an envelope, before tucking it back into his sweater.
"You must be Damien."
"And you are."
"I am Ghost. And this is Interceptor."
'Interceptor' shot him a dark look. Apparently they had failed to talk this over before arriving.
"Now ,what happened to Desmond Miles."
Ghost was unexpectedly blunt. This was not how he was used to information drops going.
Aiden, however, laughed. He waved a memory stick at Ghost. Ghost in turn waved $500 at him.  Interceptor offered a laptop, and Aiden inserted the memory stick, and snagged the bills.
Ghost and Interceptor watched the footage they had gotten of Desmond's kidnapping.
"What do you know of Abstergo?"
Ghost asked.
"Officially they are electronics and entertainment. Gary  once told me that he once was writing a book on the CIA, and mentioned that Abstergo has interests in every large company across the  planet."
"Can I talk to Gary?"
"Gary died in 2004, and all his notes disappeared ."
"That seems suspicious."
"It does, doesn't it."
"So, officially Desmond was kidnaped by the TV company."
"Perhaps they needed a cheap mechanic."
"Haha. Very Funny." Ghost told him Deadpan.
"Why is Desmond so important to you anyways? He's a mechanic, and beyond his fake Id, he doesn't seem to be particularly interesting"
"He's... Talented alright."
"And almost family.  So, where do you think he has been taken?"
Aiden stared hard at Ghost.
"Pay up the rest. "
"Yah, yah."
He handed over the envelope , and Aiden checked it, before handing over half to Daimon.
"Kent, Ohio. I have a map of the route they took on this stick."
Ghost took the memory stick.
"Thank you."
Interceptor packed up the laptop.
Aiden caught Ghost before he left the booth." I assume you are going for a plan with infiltration, first, but would you say no to backup?"
Ghost smiled. "At what price."
"Warren Vidics . I'll get you a password, if you can get his card, and a good disguise."
Ghost gave him a thumbs up. "Hell yeah. You've had us covered, right?"
"Just who do you think you are talking to?" Aiden asked, mock offended.
"Where shall we meet up later?"
"Remember that Coffee shop in Fort Wayne."
"Sounds like a good place to switch cars."
"See you there then."
Ghost and Interceptor left, and Damien stole Aidens hat to get his attention.  While Aiden glared at him, Damien asked his question.
"What the Hell is going on?"
Aiden Pearce had a way with metal.
It wasn't something he went out of his way to show off.  Mutants were not looked on favorably , to say the least.
It had interesting uses in his line of work. His shots were more accurate, he wasn't in the habit of getting hit by bullets, it did some interesting things to cars, and it made locks impossible or open without his say-so.
He didn't use his "Talent" more creatively, unless he was off camera.
That's when he met Carnelian.
He had  frozen his pursuers in place  by dropping their pants by the Zipper, stolen their  guns and shot them with them, when he heard a voice comment on it.
"Hey that was pretty cool? Are you some kind of telekinetic?"
He had turned his gun on the man, and he had been pretty sure he was alone, and was not about to have the secret blown now.
"Woah buddy!  I'm not bulletproof! watch where you point that thing. "
He hadn't been amused."
"I am the last person in the world who would talk about something like that."
The man had insisted.
The man was now a woman.
"I think we can work something out", she insisted, before she became his doppelgänger.
"This ought to be suitably confusing, right." She had insisted, in his voice.
Well, he had no intention of shooting him after that.
Once he was back in the safe house , he turned to the unknown, whose zipper was not real, or so his metal "sense" told him.
"So, let's work something out." He told the man.``
Desmond was working on the Abstergo scenario. He knew Lucy had orders to eventually get him out after he gave them what they wanted, though he was not sure where her loyalties lay. He was also aware Viddic wasn't kidding with his coma threats. He was working with them, hoping to get out of this situation with everyone intact, and disappear again.
He was dubious of his ability to last that long. It was bad enough hearing everyone's thoughts in the present. All the time in the Animus has given him access to the thoughts of people in the past.  What's more , his ancestors " talent" was showing up in the present. Sometimes his eyes would glow gold, and show him secrets. Sometimes he thought he heard the Animus talking to him.
Sometimes in his waking moments, he was Altaïr.
Some days, he thought he heard Carnelian asking him to get Viddic's Wallet for her. She told him she had a plan to get him out of there. She kept asking him to log into a Runescape account she had set up, and go onto a chat with her.
But Carnelian was supposed to be in Quebec.
And her voice in his head kept telling him how to Log into Vidic's computer.
Something had to give.
So, after a particularly long session, when he was supposed to be asleep, he went to the computer, and Logged in
"Des, what the Hell Kept you?" RockinRed4012778 demanded.
No really Dude, I've been calling out to you for days, and you weren't doing anything about it. I've been in the chat for days, you should be able to hear me.
Did whatever they've had you doing ,scramble your brains completely?
"Your in" he types
-"Yes" she thinks. "Send me a face so  I know you comprehend me."
:  (
-"She thinks.
-"Not tomorrow, but the day after,  Viddic and Lucy have a meeting, at seven PM. I'm going to get someone to delay Lucy long enough that I can come in as her, get you, and Go. "
:  )
"Do you think you can get me Viddic's bank cards?
"Why" he typed
"I promised someone a favor for this."
It probably won't be hard to get that with his pick pocketing skills, if Viddic has it on him.
"If he has it." He types
"He will," she assures him.
She keeps expecting something to go wrong. For someone to demand to know what she's doing.
Nothing happens.
She gets Desmond, he holds up the cards, and off they go.
It's bizarre.
Not even her bank Robbery, where she takes the bank card Desmond got her, goes to the bank as Viddic, and withdraws everything with the password Aiden got her, goes off without a hitch.
She gives Aiden most of the money, and they Drive off to meet Monique at Hell, Michigan.
She supposes This is Monique's expressing displeasure at staying behind for this adventure.
"Remember How you wanted to live in New Brunswick, once"
Derek looks over at his little cousin in confusion.
"What does this have to do with anything?"
"I think you guys should go there. You have the money, after all."
"What are you getting at?"
"I'm thinking you should marry Desmond, have him take our last name, and more importantly Canadian citizenship, and have him add our new fortunes to your accounts, under his temporary false name. Because the two of you are afraid aunt Eleanor and Uncle David won't be understanding of your Sexuality, the two of you eloped and went to New Brunswick."
"I'm not Gay, Kiddo."
"I know. You don't have a type.  
"Why did you even suggest this then," Derek asks, looking back at the sleeping Desmond drooling on the window.
"He's family. I want the world to know it. I want him to be a cousin. "
"He already is family."
" I know. It just seemed to be a pretty good idea. No one could question it that way."
"They always will kiddo. Why didn't you suggest Monique. She actually likes Men."
"And have her give up Javelin, to go into hiding?"
"Do you think even that would get in the way of her  Javelin training? Or throwing sports in general."
"Might make it hard for her to be the world champion."
"We will figure something out kiddo."
We spent the rest of the drive talking about plans."
When Monique saw Derek and Desmond walk into screams Ice cream, she gave them each a bear hug .
"I still don't understand Why you didn't take me?"
"It was a stealth mission, Monique"
"I can be stealthy. "
"Sure you can."
"I brought the stuff. "
"We've switched cars a few times. Let's drive this one somewhere else to drop it , and then stick to your car.  How does living in Ontario sound Desmond  Ryan?"
"You're going to be a cousin. We will work out the legalities."
"How does Sudbury sound?"
"I can be a mechanic in Sudbury. Just so long as it doesn't require me to fake an accent. "
"Keep your nose clean."
"Carnelian, we have a lot to talk about, in that department, regarding your hobbies."
"Yes I have some useful hobbies, don't I."
"Kid. Quit while you're ahead."
Desmond Advised.
"You have some explaining to do."
Monique insisted.
"First off , I'd like to ask why you never outright let me be involved in the plans about "the people who follow Desmond."
"Nope, we asked first. Start talking Kiddo."
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rk-ocs · 1 month
There is more. But I didn't continue in part as I remembered First oerson POV is not my fav
Much to anyone's surprise, that wasn't the end.
I didn't expect to wake up. If I had put any thought into where I would wake up, though, it would have been in a hospital. 
This place didn't smell like a hospital. It smelt of some kind of wood, and heavily premated with  unknown herbs, and other injured or sick people, and smoke. 
I felt pain, but that wasn't what I was thinking about at the time. I’m not actually sure there was a clear thought at the time. I had been stabbed. 
My reaction to that, was to promptly have a melt down. With my neck healing from recent stab wound, I'm sure you can imagine how badly that went. 
My ears rung, and everything was muted. 
Someone came over to try to calm me, but that only made it worse. I had no idea what he was saying. 
Why was I in a not-hospital with people I didn't know, who spoke a language I had never heard?
I wasn't in any state to articulate these questions at the time, nor did I have the words to make them understood. 
Finally he decided to drug me. I struggled , but I was eight and throwing an exhausting temper tantrum that was setting back the progress my throat had made healing. 
The next time I woke up, I was too exhausted to freak out. Externally, at least. Internally, I was still panicking. My throat would not let me scream. I don't even know how loud I had gotten the first time. 
Even terror gets exhausting to keep up, and I surrendered it, to pay attention to my surroundings. 
This was one of the attempts to start the story about Red the time traveling whose death activates the PoE to Travel to a new time. Featuring, my attempts at using french, as she is originally from Quebec.
The last word
The last word I spoke in life was Bah.
It's not even really much of a word. Its… well I guess an expression of  incomprehension. What? 
 Kind of embarrassing, even. Then again, there never is much dignity in dying. You have to settle for how you approach it, but the moment it's self is always undignified. Among other things, you shit yourself. But I digress.
I died in a robbery. A convenience store robbery. Couche-Tard. 
I wasn't to good at English , back then. Its also one thing to know robbery is a thing, another to have it actually happen. 
I was sitting too close to the door. Not close enough that I would get hit or something, but close enough to be in easy reach for a determined hostage taker. Not that I knew that at the time. I was more focused on the gameboy. 
The door opens, and two people walk in. These people are dangerous. There's nothing that gives it away at an initial glance, it's just one of these things that you know. 
I needed to not be here. Maybe I was going to try to leave for help. Maybe I was going to abandon my cousin working here,  and find safety. I don't remember. I just needed to leave. 
Sometimes, I wonder if it would have changed anything if I had stilled. Would their eyes have passed over me? 
I did move, and that drew the attention of the taller man, who caught up and grabbed me. 
“Don't move” he commanded, knife pressed against my throat. 
I heard my cousin and the other man faintly in the background, but it was secondary next to the rushing in my ears. 
I don't remember what anyone said. I remember him. Superficially, he smelt of cigarettes. He was indifferent until he felt anger. 
Cold steel plunged into my throat. 
I remember once , when I had been swimming with friends, and someone had thought it Would be funny to hold my head under water after I had touched the deep end, and was trying to come up for air. 
This is different. It tastes of blood. There is no water working against me, or hands. . It's painful, and your throat burns, and you need air, but it's nowhere near comparable to drowning. 
I'm holding my throat, in a futile effort to stop the bleeding. My hands are covered in blood. 
My cousin is  by my side with panic & fear , and the robbers run off feeling the same way for different reasons. 
“Restez avec moi. Je demande de l'aide.”
I didn't. Or perhaps more accurately, couldn't. I'm sorry. 
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rk-ocs · 1 month
This was one of the attempts to start the story about Red the time traveling whose death activates the PoE to Travel to a new time. Featuring, my attempts at using french, as she is originally from Quebec.
The last word
The last word I spoke in life was Bah.
It's not even really much of a word. Its… well I guess an expression of  incomprehension. What? 
 Kind of embarrassing, even. Then again, there never is much dignity in dying. You have to settle for how you approach it, but the moment it's self is always undignified. Among other things, you shit yourself. But I digress.
I died in a robbery. A convenience store robbery. Couche-Tard. 
I wasn't to good at English , back then. Its also one thing to know robbery is a thing, another to have it actually happen. 
I was sitting too close to the door. Not close enough that I would get hit or something, but close enough to be in easy reach for a determined hostage taker. Not that I knew that at the time. I was more focused on the gameboy. 
The door opens, and two people walk in. These people are dangerous. There's nothing that gives it away at an initial glance, it's just one of these things that you know. 
I needed to not be here. Maybe I was going to try to leave for help. Maybe I was going to abandon my cousin working here,  and find safety. I don't remember. I just needed to leave. 
Sometimes, I wonder if it would have changed anything if I had stilled. Would their eyes have passed over me? 
I did move, and that drew the attention of the taller man, who caught up and grabbed me. 
“Don't move” he commanded, knife pressed against my throat. 
I heard my cousin and the other man faintly in the background, but it was secondary next to the rushing in my ears. 
I don't remember what anyone said. I remember him. Superficially, he smelt of cigarettes. He was indifferent until he felt anger. 
Cold steel plunged into my throat. 
I remember once , when I had been swimming with friends, and someone had thought it Would be funny to hold my head under water after I had touched the deep end, and was trying to come up for air. 
This is different. It tastes of blood. There is no water working against me, or hands. . It's painful, and your throat burns, and you need air, but it's nowhere near comparable to drowning. 
I'm holding my throat, in a futile effort to stop the bleeding. My hands are covered in blood. 
My cousin is  by my side with panic & fear , and the robbers run off feeling the same way for different reasons. 
“Restez avec moi. Je demande de l'aide.”
I didn't. Or perhaps more accurately, couldn't. I'm sorry. 
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rk-ocs · 3 months
Jumbo Ask Game
💖 Has your OC ever been in love, be it romantic or platonic or otherwise? Who with and did they ever express their feelings or keep it private? How long did these feelings persist / do they still feel this way?
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
🌹 How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone?
🍒 What kind of things do they expect from their relationships? Does this differ between platonic relationships and romantic ones? Is your OC “demanding” or a door mat? What kinds of things do people expect from them in a relationship?
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
What is your OC’s most hated food? Stuff they can’t stand to eat or drink?
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
Is there anywhere your OC hates to go to? Anywhere that stresses them out or have negative memories of?
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
Who does your OC absolutely hate, the one person who they’d sell to Satan for one corn chip? Why do they loathe this person so?
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
💛 In general, how in control of their emotions is your OC? Do they have a good hold on them or do their emotions control them, not the other way around? What do you think is the reason behind this and is your OC ever concerned about their lack of or good control?
Mental Health
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now?
🍏 Does your OC have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses? In what ways does your OC react to being triggered?
🥝 What does a bad mental health day look like for your OC? Walk us through it with them. What kind of things can help them out of this slump and what kinds of things comfort them when they start to feel like this?
🍐 What is your OC’s mentality? Are they overall positive? Negative? A bit of both? Describe their thought patterns and reasoning behind their choice making!
💚 Talk about some of the traumatic events in your OC’s life. These events can be ones that have happened to them or a loved one. These events can be minor or major.
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
🌠 Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
🌀 Where is your OC from? Where were they born? Do they still live there, if not why did they move? If they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? How many places has your OC lived in and where has been their favourite?
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
This or That
🍇 Day or Night? Sun or Rain? Summer or Winter?
🛍️ Function or Aesthetic? Skirts or Pants? Heels or Flats?
🔮 Star gazing or cloud watching? Hand-holding or snuggles? Early mornings or late nights?
💜 Music or Silence? Swords or Spells? Cities or Nature?
🍆 Tea or Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Sweet or Spicy? Fruits or Vegetables?
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care?
💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends / family / lover(s) / people they know think is their best feature and why?
🌺 Does your OC have any tattoos or other body art? Does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? Do they have any scars? How did they get those scars? Any birthmarks?
🌷 In what ways would your OC alter their body if they could? How would they do it using mundane means (hair dye, surgery, make-up?). What is their ideal look for themself?
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rk-ocs · 3 months
You know what? Let your OCs be overpowered and super hot. It’s not cringe, it’s good for the mental health.
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rk-ocs · 3 months
Reasons to keep writing:
it brings you joy
somebody has to take care of the characters
you have a lesson to teach
it gets you through everyday life
there's people excited for the next chapter
to provide hope for yourself and others
if you don't tell the story, no one else will
it's a way of expressing yourself / what you go through
to make yourself and others feel less alone
people adore your writing
your characters would miss you if you left
nobody can take your place / write your stories for you
to leave something behind to be remembered by
to release your emotions
to inspire other people
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rk-ocs · 3 months
40 OC Development Questions
I enjoy making character development questions way too much. These ones have basic and more random ones mixed in, but I tried to make them more in-depth.
Feel free to send in some asks with some numbers! Pick an oc, or I’ll pick randomly. If you reblog, I’ll roll a few dice and shoot some numbers your way, too!
If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
If you were to choose another name for your oc, what do you think it would be? Did you choose it for how it sounds or for its meaning?
How does your oc fare in the dark? Are they scared? Do they trip over things really easily or navigate like they have night vision? (Or do they have night vision?)
How well would your oc fare as a teacher? What subject would they be best at teaching? What about the worst?
What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
Does your oc have any allergies, intolerances, or other sensitivities? How dangerous is it? Does this affect their daily life in any way?
Does your oc prefer being in a crowd or being completely alone? How many people can be around them before they get uncomfortable?
How easily does your oc make friends? Do they have difficulty talking to new people? Why?
How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to your oc?  Do they still feel ashamed for it? Were there any witnesses?
Does your oc have any best friends? Who was/is their closest friend? What about their worst enemy?
How dangerous is your oc? Are they completely innocent, or someone to be feared? Do others know?
What is your oc’s vision like? Do they require glasses, are they completely blind, or do they have 20/20 vision? Does this have an effect on their life?
What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
How often does your oc lie? Why is that? What was the biggest lie they’ve ever told?
How well can your oc keep secrets? Is there a difference between how they handle their own vs someone else’s? To what lengths would they go to keep something hidden?
How does your oc fare in an emergency situation? Do they panic, do they freeze, do they take charge?
If your oc were to be arrested for something, what would it be for? For being too kind, for a legitimate crime?
What is your oc’s personal hygiene like? Is it important to them? What is their daily routine for this like?
Are there any public events your oc would love to go to? Concerts, plays, movies, parties, etc? What about ones that they would hate? Why?
How quiet or loud is your oc? Are they easily capable of sneaking around without being heard, or do they feel it’s impossible to stop talking?
How difficult is it for your oc to get to sleep? Do they fall asleep the moment they hit the pillow, or do they have insomnia? Any reason why?
How dramatic is your oc? Do they make a big deal over every little thing, or do they fail to react to even the most crazy of events?
How does your oc handle being sick? Do they pretend not to be? Do they complain a lot? How susceptible to getting sick are they?
How stylistically fancy is your oc? Or would they rather go for comfort and plainness instead?
What’s your oc’s preferred mode of transportation? Walking, vehicle, (or in a sci-fi/magic setting) teleportation?
Is your oc always late, always early, or always right on time? Is there any reason for this?
How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why?
How much does your oc swear? Or do they keep completely clean? Why is this? Is there any situation where they would be the opposite?
What is your oc’s sense of humour like? What do they find funny? Do they try to be funny? Are they actually?
Is your oc a pacifist, or someone who picks fights? Why? In what situations would they be the opposite?
How does your oc’s own perception of themselves compare to how other people see them? Is your oc aware that other people see them differently (if it’s different)?
How easily does your oc throw something away? As soon as something is through with its usefulness, or are they more like a hoarder? Is there a reason?
Is your oc a workaholic, or do they find it hard to be busy at all? Do they find it easy to relax, or must they have something to do at all times? Why?
What is your oc’s ideal night out like? Or would they rather spend it at home?
How picky is your oc? Will they not accept something because of the smallest details being off, or do they not care in the slightest? Why?
How energetic is your oc? Do they have trouble sitting still or do they feel low on juice all the time? Any reason why?
Is it difficult for your oc to focus, or do they have no trouble being in the moment? Do they daydream or zone out?
How humble is your oc? Or are they closer to royal in their self-perception? Why? Is this obvious to others?
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rk-ocs · 3 months
So the Cycles series needs some context.
It was an overambitious Dragon age timelooping series, where The Curent cycles Protagonist was able to get advice from the previous protagonist whenever they got a TPK. As a sort of mentor. Orgins character Castless Dwarven Warrior (F)would advise orgins character (F) City elf Rouge (, Agressive Hawke (F) would advise silly Hawke (F), ect.
After being taken out of the story for that cycle, the previous protagonist becomes meantor, and the former mentor can go use that knowledge to change things about the timeline.
I wasn't going to do all the cycles, so much as let the mentor, and former player characters tell the current character about their cycles.
I also made the decision to have 2 universes, with oppisite gendered and choices characters of the first worlds incarnations. Sometimes they just swap places in the universes. Had fun with coming up with their stories, but is also probably the reason I never wrote it. I was not ready to keep the varried timelines and universes, with their changes, cohearent.
Here's from what I wrote down on a google docs about it .
(Like Red, there is a possibility of more)
DAO story
Main for 7th: Hazel Surana (Mage elf)
Mage human: girl- Ida Amell
City elf: girl - Margret Tarbris
Dalish elf: boy - Ash Marihal
Brosca : boy- Cobalt  Brosca
Nobel: boy- Stephan Cousland
Dwarf Nobel : girl-Khutulun  Aeduncan
M Surana:  Joseph
M Amell : Simon
M Tarbris: Jarred
F Brosca : Amber
F Cousland : Elizabeth-
M Aeducan : Dailen
F Marihal : Ebony
Chronological - Mica wins proving.  Time - , Eleanor's  wedding goes horribly wrong. Time. Zhanshi gets exiled. Time. Ash explores cave. Time. Hazel gets harrowed. Time Stephan's  family is massacred. ->blight.
7th cycle
Mica wins Proving. Zhanashi meets up with Mica, gets her to work with him.  Eleanor  invites Stephan to her wedding, when the Couslands are in Denreim for weapons.  Couslands go to wedding. Eleanor and Stephan go on a massacre to get her cousin back. Couslands become involved in eleven affairs.  Zhànshì manages to avert  Exile because he knows his way around Belhans Bs by now. He enters political campaign. Hazel gets harrowed and recruited. Stephan manages to avoid the massacre.
They are all friends in a way. Brosca to Aeducan. Tarbris to Cousland.  The Dalish Elf and the Mage were occasionally close, depending on who  was there, but Ash had always felt himself a bit of a lone wolf.
Stephan and Eleanor team up, as well as Aeducan and Brosca (along with his second and Leske). Ash runs to the wilds, through it, becomes a warden and brings Zevren, Shale, Fiona (with a bit of trickery) gets Anders to escape with her early, heads to Ashs cave, and saves his life. They then leave to make him a warden, and grab Davith and leave early.
Change. With enough tries at it over the timeline Daveth becomes a warden. So does Couslands friend.
Hazels team consists of Dog, Alister, Morrigan, Sten, Lillianna, Oghren, and ,Wynn.
Brosca's mentor is Ash. She is third cycle. She mentors Tabris, who mentors Aeducan, who mentors Cousland. Mages are a bit out of it, because they interact differently within the Fade, even for Dwarves, who shouldn't be in there.  Richard mentors Hazel.
Khutulun is a badass Mongolian princess. Why not name Lady Aeducan after her?
Dailen is the name of the dwarf who was in charge of the last stand of Kal'Hirol. Fitting for a house who got their paragon status for saying "screw politics" and taking control of the army during the first blight to defend Orzammar.
Cobalt: A blue colour related to metal
Amber: fits both yellow and vaguely related to rocks, sort of
Ida Amell has an unrequited crush on Ash, who does not want to engage with it, as he wishes for his children to be elves. Unfourtunatly, Margret Tarbris who he respects as a fighter, is very gay and likes Ebony.
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rk-ocs · 3 months
Red imagery
I associate red with her POE. that she wears around her neck. Weapons. Fire. Violence. 
Both as a victim and a bringer. 
She has her lines. And will cross them only to keep a promise. Not always nice promises, but it gets interesting with acting. But overall got to keep character. 
What face you wear, what name you are going by means something. Its kind of a weird way of truth, but its truth
Kind of like the fae??? I guess.
"I gave you my word,but he made no such promise"
Like letter not always spirit I guess
Won't be that initially
Her bag too, always ready to go somewhere
Her honesty is not often soft
Kindness is a choice. A hard one, especially in hard times. 
She can choose it, but can does not mean always
And she's liklier for friends
Like, she can be nice. She can hide what she's feeling beneath masks. 
She finds it hard to give people her real reaction, especially sadness or fear. Happiness or competitiveness or cold anger, or fake happy meaning anger are good for strangers. Relaxed, and other friend emotions are doable with friends.
Acting is different. You can be sad acting, and even have the source be real sadness, but that's ok because it's preformitive
Reds weird. 
Her social norms have been influenced by a lot of cultures, as part of it too
And also there's tramua going on. 
Timeless do go to therapy, but there's always more to work through
With all the new deaths and all
Picture her tall and shadowed against a bright fire, sword in hand, bag on back. The fire is reflected on the blade
If Victoria is wreaked by the world, then Red for a long time is angry at it
But if asked to vote for or against vengeance, she would vote for it
Mercy is a victory. It is also a luxury.
To give mercy you must have a place to store prisoners. 
I kind of have Red use the Pastiv on herself to try to fix her head, or at least stop naturally dreaming to stop the nightmares
"what did you do to stop your nightmares"
"Not something recommend to try at home" laughs in a way that says, stop asking about it
When she does actually give an answer, it makes another timeless give her a "what the fuck were you thinking" speech.
On the plus side she has great mental defences.
E:-Great mental defenses but at what cost. Jk
Am doodling red.
And am like. I want her to have nice clothes
What are Red's favorite plants again. 
K:- fruit blossoms. She likes fruit. I've probably said some others too. 
And. Had other benefits. But of course downside too. 
E:-Sometimes I wanna draw flowers on her. 
K:-Pale eyes, light hair, light skin. Like a ghost. Sometimes called that by the superstitious. 
E:- its been awhile since we talked about Jazz. What clothes does he like mores. 
K:-Well, he wears less layers, as he did not inherit the grudge against the sun. 
Or as never left my head "fuck the sun club" with Desmond as president. Still probably has scarf, and headphones around. 
I like to have them have magically adaptable headphones, which at basic can be turned to mute to protect your ears from guns even when not plugged in. 
(Math magic)
Just imagine doing the crazy motion around the headphones,but actually they adjusting volume. And less likely to wear a hat. Has more of a tan. So Jazz is much likelier to wear shorts or Capris unprompted without use of products for sun protection (and illusions)
Probably a vibrant shirt, and darker pants. Usually with silly sayings on them, like nonsensical slogans
He knows how to dress up, but red is the one likelier to be found in formal clothing. Or fitted, when she picks. She could just as easily wear something won from the cereal box. 
In contrast Jazz would usually go for casual, but probably shares some of the objections to borrowing she has.
Oh Eclipse, draw them in Pajamas! Thats a contrast. I know they're just as likely to crash in clothes, but consider. 
Red in a matched patterned pajamas, and Jazz in old shorts and really faded t shirt
I mean like, depends on location. 
Rapture Jazz is probably just like "clothes that fit vaguely and not on a corpse. Good enough for me"
"I know it probably will not stay bloodfree for long, but wearing them makes today a good day"
Hmm... Asters and Harry beard tounges are native to quebec
Maybe some cardinal flowers too.
E:-The imagine of him reminds me of some ppl ngl. Lol am concern about Rapture him but also its Rapture that place is....weird. 
0 notes
rk-ocs · 3 months
AU worlds
1.In any other universe it is likely that a different sperm won the race, and that means different characteristics and environment. For your character this means a different face, hight,  colouring, weight, body type , and quite possibly name and gender. There's a whole world of possibilities out there, but for story purposes we will stick with one set of names for each gender of the character, such as Desmond miles becoming Mackenzie miles when female.
The behaviour of this character and that other characters in the verse are influenced to the changes made within the environment (what sort of world is this AU / crossover) the changes and influences this has on other characters personality and their social web, and how your newcomer impacts this (are they high profile? Or low?)
2. In alternate worlds, pop culture will have differences, as will historical events. A small instance could be a change in music history and its effects on modern music due to the plane-crash the song American pie was written about, had never happened.
Or big things, like making positive environmental difference rather then selling it for your private island.
You might know the story.
This will come out very differently in other worlds.  Take the avengers, which shows that Hydra Natzis have successfully infiltrated places like shield and are alive and well.  What kind of history have they written. How has this infiltration of racists impacted society.
Then there is Stark teck. Ran by Iron man. A hero. You can bet that's an incentive to buy. And plenty of propo.
"I'm commander Shepard , and this is my favourite store in the Citidale. "
Also consider the environmental, property, and technological damage done by superhero fighting.
Then there's the cultural influence of heroism.
The avengers are success stories. For every success story, there are at least 3 (I'm being generous ) failure stories)
How about a teenager to tries to be like their hero Spider-Man , and be a masked vigilante only to get killed. Or, who goes after the wrong person, and alerts the real villain to what's going on, so villain gets away scot free thanks to the warning. Or whose stereotyping methods leads to an innocent death and sparks conflict.
Apparently I need an AU note for Red and Dez
Non romantic soul mates of forced circumstances. Because to me most of the time, these two have friendship, guardianship, or even broship, but no romantic-ship type.
- where Red died in the robbery and spends the next nine years and beyond haunting Desmond.
-where red died in the Robbery, spends time talking to clay, and they meet up with dead Desmond after the end (cannon probably)
-where MT gets pulled into the past with her.
-where Desmond dies via mugger on his run from home at age sixteen, and Haunts Lill red. He can 1. Be a guardian to a Red growing up in modern times, and do his best to keep her from being killed. 2. Be a guardian to Lill Red growing up in various times, as an almost immortal timetravler.
3. Where Desmond dies at the apple and is sent back in time Dead, haunting a child. Who he tries to convince to meet up and rescue his alive self.
-where an unrelated Desmond gets swept up in Reds TT, and as they are the only consistent presences in their crazy life, they fall in...love, or at least habit. Their lives revolve around each other, to the point of being thrown into chaos if missing the other. (In this box)
-where a Young Lill red is the subject of the prophecy, after Desmond Miles  (presumed dead) disappears off the map December 22. ( also known as that universe where Desmond is the literal timetravler and Red is the mental one who hijacks bodies.)
-where Desmond's hitchhiking takes him to Quebec instead. He winds up in Boucherville, and saves a hostage during a robbery. MT asks him out to dinner.
No boundaries: where Red and Des live each others lives without worrying about sense of self, to the point that the bleeding effect happens on a daily basis because the other is still alive and experiencing emotions- like codependent psychics. Desmond knows what kind of cloths, food, pads, ect she likes, and keeps stocked on things they both like because he's just as likely to wear it as she is. They share a bed non romantically, and work with each other like clockwork.
she's already pretty dependant on him in my Headcannon, he's her scout, confidant, therapist, spy, and best friend who won't leave her (until he's revived, and where the false gods want him. On his part, she's one of his only conversation options, and the only consistent one, they talk a lot. She knows a lot about him, more then anyone else. He's used to following her orders, and suggestions, "like singing to the music -who else can hear you and complain but me- or spotting for her on a sniper mission". It's going to build some hard to drop habits when he's revived, is all Im saying.
-in the aus where one of them is a ghost, the ghost is a paranoid overprotective sibling in everything- researching  potential dates (including cyberstalking)- instructing you in cooking- scouting- hacking- and therapy.
-in the AU where Des and red are an Item, the world is connected to the one viewed in tyranny of king Washington. As a descendant of Conner, Des has Wolf ears and eyes, and stronger smell, so he always wears a hood and scarf to hide his features . To compliment this, red has drunk red willow-bark tea, and can change into a raven.
She jumps from cliffs to kick start her flying, like a bird taking off.  Or buildings or trees.
Ravens (in life) lead wolves to prey, and alert them to danger, and are rewarded by a share of the spoils. It is a symbiotic relationship.
Consequently, she has eagle vision in this universe, where Des has the stronger other senses, at cost of eyes.  After Washington was defeated there was a lot of chaos and battle. Still is. The linage  of the resistance members are known for their animal traits.
Desmond's tattoo is on right hand.
I believe he lost his left to the "save the world cause" but its hard to be sure. But his watch was on there so, probably yah. So if red were there she lost her right.
"I've never thought myself particularly suicidial, but the world has enough people fighting over it. I don't know if I could stand to lead a war against a false god too." She says, placing her hand on the apple, and calling on her piece, her raven form, her patron, and any abilities she might have to contain Juno and save the world.
It doesn't work fully for anyone. Juno is out, but Reds interference drew on her powers to save the world, as well as their blood. As such it severely weakens her. Parts of the earth still get reckt up as a result of confusion over last minuet intentions. Juno is free but severely weakened. Red failed to prevent Juno from escaping, but she and Desmond ended up almost Dead on mars, and she gains a permeant traveling companion. Desmond, for his part, almost dies and they both need a lot of recovery. 
Both are war leaders
One kid later (left with Aeiden)
----where Red decides "I am going to make a better world for the people I love", and deliberately makes massive changes to the timeline, creating an alternate universe. Starting with creating her own cause, and recruiting both Haythem and Zilo to it, ensuring along the way, Conner grows up with both parents.
fighting to make America free to her high standards.
No Assassins, no Templars, just the Wild Roses.  "The wild, crimson Lady Rose of America,
"I've got a better Idea." Faints
"Zilo where did she come from?"
(Hmm, this needs work)
----in where Desmond decides "forget the timeline, I need to be a better brother" and 1. Finds a POE and sends his sixteen year old self back in time, 2. Goes to that store the day of the robbery, stops it from killing her, or 3. One of them gets 'killed' anyways and the other is back in time with them. 
---in where the same as above happens, but inverse.  Red takes advantage of being back in time to rescue younger Desmond from Abstergo,  in memory of the brother he once was.
-in where Des and Red from the dependant bleeding effect memory verse, change Conners childhood together with his consent, to one similar to American wild roses.
The wild, crimson Lady Rose of America, and her loyal guard Sir Briar.
Wolf Desmond traits.  He walks on his toes, like a wolf would. His heel rarely touches the ground. He has long messy hair, and wears a hood all the time , both to cover his ears. He often wears sunglasses to protect his eyes. Fox girl is similar but wears a hat.  Back to des. He often brushes Reds hair, going so far as to wash it sometimes ( if needed), and expects her to do the same.  He asks for a spar, dropping into a crouch, otherwise he will just sit. Then they engage in wrestling. He also occasionally rubs his back , or uses his hands on  her, usually beacuse she smells strange to him.  They communicate a lot through faces and body language, or he talks she reads
Desmond does growl and show his teeth when mad, squints when suspicious,  hunches when afraid-rarely wimpers. Sharp teeth, and a careful smile.
Alt red is a raven, because that's what she does. She plans tactics , warns early, draws maps, and can hit hard in a pinch, but prefers to have others do it, and is much better at teamwork.  She can lead a pack,  or in this case armies. Its leadership. That Des is her optimal hunting partner is just good luck, or the work of a false god.
Were cannon Red to drink the red Tea, she would become a fox. See, foxes work alone, strike alone, and have highly tuned senses, including a sort of sniper sense. She can work in small teams, but is a lot more introverted, yet people starved.  Des would be a Kite.
With plenty of tablet citations.
-body swap
-in where Desmond ends up in the past alive, and stops the robbery.
0 notes
rk-ocs · 3 months
There is someone coming into her house that shouldn't be.
She kind of expected this,mom had fought with uncle Aiden over this, when they met up to remember Jackson and mourn.
She didn't expect it to happen when she was home.
She puts on her gun glasses and earplugs.
Steady hands, she reminds herself, as she carefully sets up her gun.  She carefully checks it for obstructions, and ammunition. Once she has completed Reds safety checklist.  , she looks for a good position. Then she loads it.
Steady breathing. She reminds herself. Steady hands.
She has had a lot more practice then Red realizes. There is something southing about shooting at the targets. She's controlled, powerful. She wonders if it will be the same if Red takes her hunting.  She's nervous, and keeping her finger away from the trigger. No need to get twitchy.
He's coming near her spot now. Time to speak up.
Raising her voice, and trying to sound as adult like as she delivers her warning.
"Get the hell out of my house before I shoot you!"
He turns towards her, and she considered that maybe she should have just hid. Or quietly left the house while he robbed it.
But what if he was some kind of murder or kidnapper, who would hide and wait for her or mother?
Shit, what if he is?
"I mean it. Don't come any closer. " she warns.
He looks at her.
"Your not going to shoot me. But having you will be good leverage against Aiden. Possibly even better then Nicole". He gets out his gun.
" Put down your gun, and come with me, and no one will get hurt. "
Something in her freezes at the sight of a gun pointed at her.
"Did he load it?" She wildly wonders. "Or is he bluffing?" She's never been so scared in her life.
She doesn't wait to find out.
"When I shoot deer, I aim for the eyes. It keeps the fur in the best condition." She remembers Red saying once.
The head is a safe place to aim, and he is not wearing goggles.
She adjusts as he steps forward,  then she shoots.
It is a clean shot.
She has just killed someone.
She mechanically empties and cleans her gun, unable to process this properly.
"I am a murder", she realizes, somewhere between (emptying) his gun , and putting both in a safe place.
I just fucking killed someone. 
It dawns on her, that she can't be in this room anymore.
She goes to her room, and curls up on her bed, feeling numb.
She can't think. She can't feel. She's empty.
"I just killed someone. " She tells herself blankly, and waits for the world to start majoring sense again.
Later, she's going to therapy, under a false ID.  They all are. Red is paying. Aiden asks where Red is getting the money, and occasionally accuses her of stealing. Red doesn't really deny it, but she does call Aiden a hypocrite for it.
Some days therapy does help. Other days are bad days.  Shes still not talking. Mom and Aiden are mad at Red for teaching her to shoot. Red says she can't undo it, but she can try to help things.
One day Red takes her on a walk.
"I remember you once said shooting a gun was soothing. It made you feel controlled and powerful. I don't know if you want to continue that, but I feel, you would still want to be able to defend yourself. "
She  looked up.  They were outside a Dojo.
"I should have taken you here in the first place. I thought it was just expensive at the time, but I have to remember, not everyone has trainers. The trainers I have, are probably expensive. And maybe this style will be more suited to you.  Karate. To teach you to defend. To build up muscle. There's a reason I started you on the H&R that I did, and that's because most others have recoil that would teach you bad habits. Would probably really mess up your aim. If Im guessing right, If this is something you feel you will enjoy, do you want to go try it out. "
Lena did like Karate. By the end of it, her  muscles were pleasantly sore, and She felt alert and energized.  Red copied down the times for practice, bought me a gii, a belt, and a years subscription.
"I made you an account. You can use it to pay for The subscription and other supplies, like a new gii one day. But I have to see that your putting work into this. I want to see your moves and your belts. No blowing it on drug money, alright , that's just wasteful. "
Lena rolled her eyes. Like she planned on getting into drugs.  When Red kept ranting how expensive they were. She certainly had a better track record at staying out of the hospital.
In some ways
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rk-ocs · 3 months
For Jackson
Red waits for  Aiden in his hideout, after finally finding it. It took awhile , but she knows his scent well, and can track it. She was not trained as a hunter for no reason.
She waits for him to arrive, by going through his stuff.
He could use some more cloths. She could use some cloths too, come to think of it.
Before she goes out to swipe and shop, Aiden returns from wherever he had been.
"I want to join your quest." Red demands, without beating around the bush.
"No." He insists.
"I will be useful. I can find people again, after meeting them. I can poison them. I can pick their pockets of weapons and get away. I could shoot them, or spot you. Or you can teach me to hack. That way you have an exit. We can communicate through earpiece. Just please let me help."
"No" he growls.
Reds voice nearly breaks.
"Jackson was my friend too! " she shouts. "I want to get revenge on the bastards who killed my friend! I want to use my skills for a cause of my choice, and I can't think of a better one. "
He closes his eyes, and tilts his head back, as if to ask the ceiling for guidance.
She gives a fake smirk.
"This is a bargain for you really. Normally I'm very expensive, far out of your price range."
"You will stick to support, and you will do what I tell you to do." It's not a question, its a statement. If she is to help, she must obey.
Red nods. He never forbade her from doing anything, and he did not define support. She can work these instructions,  easily enough.
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