rhymbic · 1 year
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Sharing oranges: a love language.
intimacy - E.C. - 2020/art by Youquing (Eugene) Wang/via @bashert/Nina Lacour: We Are Okay/via @rosewater1997/via pinterest/via @spacefroggity/ via pinterest/ (x)/ via Pinterest
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rhymbic · 1 year
"What if I'm not trans, what if I'm choosing to be trans for [list of reasons]"
I am grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you like a can of soda. If, for whatever reason, you looked within yourself and decided to be trans - you're still trans. We (as trans people) don't need to have an "I always knew" story. We don't need to have the ~magical transsexual gene~. It's incredibly hard for so many of us to figure out why we're trans, and if being trans was always a choice, the reasons for choosing to be trans would be complex. If being trans is always a choice, that doesn't negate that we deserve human dignity and respect for who we are.
It shouldn't matter if you chose your trans identity or not, becayse you still are a person. You breath the same air I do, and you deserve to live how you want, on your terms. You watch the same sunrises and sunsets I do, you are here. I, for one, welcome you no matter what your inner reflections are about your transness. You have a place in this world, you have inherent worth.
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rhymbic · 1 year
Chuuya putting flowers in Akutagawa's hair is my absolute favorite genre of chuuaku art :') Thank you!
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Chuuaku go brrr
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rhymbic · 1 year
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haven’t i given enough?
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rhymbic · 1 year
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dog nightmare
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rhymbic · 1 year
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rhymbic · 1 year
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art accompaniment for the fic “would anyone notice what i scream”, which is itself an accompaniment to the fic “if the heavens opened up (would anyone hear the dragon’s triumphant roar?)”
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rhymbic · 1 year
Morning Embrace
The sound of the rustling wind from outside pulled Lucy from the warm darkness of sleep. The breeze that crept into the room danced over her bare skin with its chill, as she reached further and further into consciousness. Her body ached with every move, protested as she pulled at the covers that wrapped messily around her waist.
The bed dipped—her senses flared up and she turned her head around so fast that she thought her neck would snap.
A single palm on the bed, white, silvery hair tousled in every direction. Atsushi’s hand trembled, their jeans hugged their legs tightly as his mind scrambled. He looked as if he’d dash out of the room if even one word was spoken. Both of them stared at each other in stunned silence, not knowing what to do, what to say.
Those usually bright sunset eyes widened in shock, a mix of hope and fear swirling in them like a whirlpool. Lucy’s eyes took in everything she could; Atsushi’s clearly slept-on hair tousled in every direction, an intricate web of wounds on their arm fading from their mission two days ago. The wounds would disappear soon enough.
Her hands outstretched towards him, a wordless plea to stay.
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rhymbic · 1 year
Ocean Eyes
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Pairing: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakahara Chuuya
Rating: Teen
Word Count ~ 4.4K
A gift work for @inkantigen!
“Akutagawa, just spit it out, will you? Do you like me? Answer yes or no. I don’t have time for long winded explanations.” He says, anticipating a silence of denial in case Akutagawa couldn’t say no, couldn’t lie outright. Akutagawa surprises him yet again by leaning forward and placing tentative lips on his. When he draws back, his pale face is dusted with rose, the blinding light of the early morning sun painting his skin golden. “You said you were going to kiss me again if I still wanted to.” He whispers. “I do want you to.” And Chuuya indulges him, wondering if he just found the answer to the question he has been turning over in his mind.
Three snapshot scenes of Chuuya & Akutagawa and their changing relationship with every returning visit to an island resort.
Read here!
Based on this artwork!
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rhymbic · 1 year
It takes a village to raise one child and the mafia to raise two of them
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Pairing: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakahara Chuuya
Rating: Teen
Word Count ~ 1.6K
Headcanon compilation for ChuuAku’s children for @bosuneg & @magenta-cat-drawingss!
Disclaimer: Chuuya and Ryuunosuke are both cisgender men in this version since I think of my T4T ChuuAku as being consciously and voluntarily childfree. Chuuya and Ryuunosuke’s son Ayumu and daughter Sayuri are both born of the same surrogate mother with a difference of five years between the two of them. The mother is absent from the upbringing of the Akutagawa-Nakahara siblings.
This work contains no scenes of childbirth or description of pregnancy.
Read Here!
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rhymbic · 1 year
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(please don’t repost)
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rhymbic · 1 year
Entry for @bsd-rarepairweek Day 2:
“It may well be imperfect,” I say, “But it leaves traces. And we can follow those traces, like footsteps in the snow.” (Haruki Murakami)
(Please note that the chosen prompt has been used only thematically in this work.)
Pairing: Fukuzawa Yukichi/Ozaki Kouyou (T4T) Rating: Teen (for referenced sex but none onscreen) Word Count: 3.9K
(This fic is set after the Guild Arc. Neither Kouyou nor Fukuzawa is on HRT, and the plot touches upon on what that entails for them as a trans woman and a trans man respectively, including mentions of transphobia, transmisandry and transmisogyny. Please stay mindful of this going into the fic.)
Yukichi tells her about his subordinates and their shenanigans that both amuse and irk him; she notes him speaking rather highly and fondly of one Doppo Kunikida, and wonders if Yukichi means to appoint him as his successor when he retires. She, in turn, tells him of the alliances the Port Mafia made the past week, the ones she presided over and approved of. None of them share the more unsavory details of their work, although each of them is perfectly aware of those; it’s just an inescapable part of living in a city so volatile as Yokohama, after all. And this, these few moments that she can steal away from the day to be with her lover—this isn’t a part of that life. For Kouyou, it’s a fantasy; a beautiful one, tangible even, but a fantasy nevertheless.
Read more here.
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rhymbic · 1 year
You're the fire in the cold rain
Entry for @bsd-rarepairweek Day 1: Wish
Pairing: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakahara Chuuya (T4T) Rating: Mature (for nudity) Word Count: 4.2K
ChuuAku Mythological AU with Human Akutagawa/Kitsune Chuuya.
(This fic contains aged non-op trans male characters where one is undergoing menstruation. There are mentions of blood and one character's very subjective consideration of menstruation being something impure, rather than as something dysphoria-inducing. If any of these make you uncomfortable, please refrain from reading this. The AO3 Summary includes detailed tags and more warnings, please be mindful of them and stay safe.)
The small shrine on the mountain lies at peace with the moonless dark and the stars, underneath its blanket of freshly-fallen snow. A small flame upon an altar burns weakly before a woodcut image of Inari Okami. It casts ghostlike shadows of the incense stand and a cup emptied of the sake that the priest had poured out to the goddess earlier in the day before leaving in a hurry, upon the loosely nailed beams that form the walls of the shrine. The wind occasionally forces its way in through the open door as well as the gaps in the wood, and the weak flame struggles to remain lit against the intrusive gusts of air, flickering so dimly that its light does not reach even the small wooden statue of a fox seated on its haunches just beyond the door, stationed almost as though guarding the gates of the goddess.
Read More Here.
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rhymbic · 2 years
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BSD Rarepair Winter Weekend 2022! December 16th-18th, 2022
Note: For consistency's sake, we will be using the usual event tag that this account uses for its events to not confuse anyone. Meaning you are free to tag it as #bsdrarepairweek2022 despite the fact it is only a weekend event.
As always, the same rules and guidelines apply which you can find here!
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