remnantsrpg · 3 years
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Remnants is a literate forum roleplay set in 2021, after a pandemic known as The Outbreak wiped out 90% of life on Earth. Now, a year has passed, and the world has been flipped around.
Those who turn sixteen do not grow sick. The disease seems to have sated its hunger. Now, those who survived have been left to pick up the pieces. They are the Remnants.
Remnants takes place in Western Seattle, where several groups of kids have carved out their own ways of life. From the Space Needle, the City Council watches with an air of disapproval, while The Legion fights amongst themselves, tooth and nail, to raise their own rank in the pecking order. Meanwhile, the Pacifics are divided between science and faith, and the Kids of the Pasture have created an entirely different faith, in which the Goddesses impart to them the messages of The Core. Above the world, the Jackals on the railroad tracks watch with a smirk as the Boardwalk Kids scavenge deeper and deeper into the city, under the orders of their tyrannical deputy.
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remnantsrpg · 3 years
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Remnants is a literate forum roleplay set in 2021, after a pandemic known as The Outbreak wiped out 90% of life on Earth. Now, a year has passed, and the world has been flipped around.
Those who turn sixteen do not grow sick. The disease seems to have sated its hunger. Now, those who survived have been left to pick up the pieces. They are the Remnants.
Remnants takes place in Western Seattle, where several groups of kids have carved out their own ways of life. From the Space Needle, the City Council watches with an air of disapproval, while The Legion fights amongst themselves, tooth and nail, to raise their own rank in the pecking order. Meanwhile, the Pacifics are divided between science and faith, and the Kids of the Pasture have created an entirely different faith, in which the Goddesses impart to them the messages of The Core. Above the world, the Jackals on the railroad tracks watch with a smirk as the Boardwalk Kids scavenge deeper and deeper into the city, under the orders of their tyrannical deputy.
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remnantsrpg · 3 years
       The scouts came first.        It would've been hard to pick them out from the leagues of scavengers and wanderers that roamed Seattle's streets in the daylight. Though, as those scavengers went about their work, they could not help but look at the newcomers and wonder: Who are they with?        Just some Jackals, the Pasture Kids assumed. Only the Council, the Legion hummed. Only the Boardwalkers. Only the Council. Only some loners.        By the time the sun came to its highest point in the sky, though, the wanderers all came to the same thought:        There shouldn't be that many of them.        The scouts swarmed the roads like ants, scrounging in areas long since left abandoned, finding their way into every corner like locusts. They ate the rot that had been passed over ages ago, and the second wave ate the rot that even the first wave turned away from.        The mass of bodies filled Seattle like a gas-- imperceptible at first, but too potent to stop, once it was too late. Without proper weaponry, many found themselves dragged off into alleys by the flesh-hungry. But they were not missed. More soon came to fill their vacant places in the swarm.        The swarm, though, had not yet come. These were merely the scouts, running ahead to found where the food lay.        The swarm came later, when the autumn sun had already begun to set. In the dusk light, one could have mistaken them for animals, perhaps. A herd of creatures from some unknown land, moving through the streets, filling the roads and alleys and overflowing into the buildings.            But they were not animals, any kid with a flashlight and enough courage could confirm. They were other children. Thousands of them, driven by some sort of trance in an incomprehensibly large mass. At their head, two horses led the way, their necks clad in blazing red beads, like blazing embers tucked away in shroud.        Like an Obscured Flame.
Writing by Finch on Remnants. Want to find out what happens next? Join us here! We’re a new site, still searching for characters to take high ranks.
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remnantsrpg · 3 years
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Antic is a member of The Jackals. Art made using Picrew, writing by @sneakcatjadecat​. More info under the cut.
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Antic is a 5'7 white kid with freckles and several scars, of which they earned from various wild animal encounters. Their short reddish-brown hair seems to be in a permanent state of bedhead, and their eyes are a very dark brown. ____________________________________     
Antic grew up in a small cottage-like house in the woods beyond Seattle. His parents were in the hunting business, and every pet they owned were involved in some way. The most notable is Antic's cat, Spy, who was given to him for his thirteenth birthday. Spy's an intelligent siamese with brown markings and blue eyes. Her job was to track down prey and either take it down herself, or lead her owners to it. (Nowadays her job is pretty much the same, except now she's also been trained to scout for zombies and alert Antic when they're nearby.) After the outbreak Antic got backed into a corner by his once-parents and was forced to kill them to survive. This experience left them utterly paranoid causing him to never leave the confines of his home for months, except for the occasional hunting trip. It was only when his friend Caper came around to convince him to travel with them did he actually leave. After he and Spy left with Caper, they joined the boardwalk. Antic was only allowed to stay for a little while though, as one of his pranks had gone too far and got them kicked out. Luckily for him Caper doesn't seem to want to leave his side. It's been a while since then, and now Antic seems to have found a permanent place to call home. A home called the Jackals.
Mischievous and reckless with a heart of gold, Antic has been found to be incredibly loyal to anyone they're close with. -When his friends are in danger, his self preservation is thrown out the window and he will stop at nothing to make sure they stay alive. Broken bones are repairable, stolen lives aren't. -Will talk to their cat for hours. -Tries their best to keep themself out of the defeatist mindset. -Still feels bad about being one of the reasons Orin's leg got fucked up. -Has Adhd. -Identifies as Pansexual and as a Demiboy.
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remnantsrpg · 3 years
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Whisker is the Representative of Defense of the City Council. Art made with Picrew, writing by Finch on Remnants. More info under the cut.
   Whisker is a lithe kid with fluffy, blonde hair. She is of Southwest Asian descent, mainly Malay. She tends to wear a collection of suits. Additionally, her eyes are almost always glazed over, as she is completely blind. 
   Whisker was not a Seattle native. She grew up in Minneapolis, and ended up in Seattle during a day camp, which was intended to teach business practices to future entrepreneurs. When the outbreak struck, she was stuck in Seattle. She traveled with a group of scavengers, who ended up settling in the Space Needle. In a few months, she worked her way up from laborer to the Representative of Defense-- though no one is quite sure what happened to the former Representative. 
   By others, Whisker would almost certainly be called stuck-up. She believes herself to be above those her work for her, though she respects them and their work. She speaks in a way that is oddly formal, and if she has ever lost her temper, no one else has ever seen it.
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remnantsrpg · 3 years
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Orin is the Head Scientist of The Pacifics. Art made with Artbreeder, writing by Sam. More info under the cut.
   Orin is a 16 year old boy of Middle-eastern heritage. He is roughly 5’9 and has a slender build. He has tan skin, curly black hair, and hazel eyes. His right leg is amputated just below the knee. He wears a pair of browline glasses, a white lab coat taken from his parents, a blue button-down shirt, and jeans.
   The majority of Orin’s scientific knowledge came from his parents - before the outbreak, they were prestigious biologists working for Seattle University and the Woodland Park Zoo respectively. They pressured him to follow in their footsteps, causing a level of resentment between them, but his knowledge proved to be useful when the outbreak struck. After losing both parents, Orin took it upon himself to find a cure to the disease (or an effective way to kill zombies) and appointed himself as the Head Scientist of the Pacifics using his scientific know-how and general charisma.     While he has a decent understanding of magic he was never able to get a grip of it himself, leaving his abilities sub-par without help. He lost his leg due to a trap placed by Caper, and therefore spends most of his time in and around the science center due to his injury, duty as leader, and resulting fear of being hurt again. When he does leave, he heavily prefers to be accompanied as he is not particularly agile and would have difficulty holding his own in a fight.
   Despite his rather friendly nature before the outbreak, the stress of leadership at the science center and the constant spats caused by factional divides has caused Orin to turn in on himself and somewhat reject outside interaction. Although his methods may be extreme, Orin means best for all of the kids in Seattle and will work tirelessly to better their situation.
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remnantsrpg · 3 years
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Blue is the leader of the Boardwalk Kids. Art made with Picrew, writing by Finch. More info below the cut.
   Blue is a 14 year old girl, though the outbreak has aged her considerably. She keeps her hair dyed a cyan blue, and is almost never seen without some kind of earrings, usually black rings. Despite the intense heat that often hits Seattle, she always wears a green winter coat, with a hood rimmed by faux fur.    Though her official position at the Boardwalk is Leader, most people tend to call Blue the Queen or the Monarch. Her attitude towards her "subjects" is the cause of this, as, most of the time, she acts rather condescending towards them. Many boardwalk kids praise her for her harsh practices and her unwavering tenacity, but others call her The Mad Queen, and talks of revolution are never far from the Aquarium.
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remnantsrpg · 3 years
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Ace is the leader of The Legion. Art and writing by Jade. More info below the cut.
Ace is 6'3, and has a tired air of perseverance. His hair is a fluffy half-black half-white mess and his eyes are a blazing orange. He wears: -A leather jacket with two small spades stitched into the front, and a large ace of spades stitched into the back. -A denim sweater under the jacket. -A white inside-out cat shirt. -Jeans -Black leather boots -Black leather finger-less gloves. (He hopes the combination of leather and denim will prevent zombies from breaking skin.) He's not fond of the outfit, but it's what he thinks works best for the... environment he lives in. Its not a rare occurrence for him to get a little overheated because of it though.
Before the outbreak and... Shenanigans, Ace lived as a fairly normal kid with a fascinated obsession with the earth. Specifically, how interconnected everything on it was. The garden he'd created back in Ohio was something to behold, as he had incorporated a large variety of local plants in with his vegetables, berries, and fruit trees. Unfortunately he couldn't keep it for long as his family had moved to Seattle for work two years before the outbreak. When the outbreak did occur, there wasn't any surprise that he joined the Pasture. Whenever he wasn't tending to the plants or sitting around reading a book, he would do his best to educate everyone else on the intricacies of the earth. Of course... that too didn't last for long. It was meant to be a quick trip. Get to the pacfics, see if they had any medical supplies, get back. There weren't supposed to be any zombies on this route. There weren't supposed to be any traps on this route. But fate doesn't care about the preconceived notions of a naive child. Fate only cares about what must be. The bear trap bites mercilessly into his leg, and his scream of pain becomes his death sentence. Starving zombies that had been idly wandering the alleys were lured by his cry and quickly closed in on their newest victim Then the victim wakes up in his bed, several years younger than he should be, and the calendar on the wall reads August 15th, 2017.
Ace has been found to be completely hesitant, or even downright stubborn to reveal anything about himself. This stubbornness even reaches as far as his name, causing the faction to start calling him "Ace" in reference to the pattern on his jacket. The only thing he hasn't refused to give out are his pronouns. -Thinks "Any knowledge gained is worth a death or two." and "Self preservation is a game and i'm winning." are statements that can and should coexist. -Has a hard time not getting attached, so he refuses to let people in that he isn't already attached to. -People he's attached to have an easier time getting him to spill information. -Likely has autism but is undiagnosed. -He's also Demiromantic Asexual.
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remnantsrpg · 3 years
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remnantsrpg · 3 years
    Remnants is a text-based hardcore roleplaying game loosely based on the book series "The Enemy" by Charlie Higson. We have no set site plot, meaning that our roleplay is run by the players that participate in it!
  Our roleplay is set in Seattle, after an outbreak of a disease known as Humophiocordyceps unilateralis has turned every human over the age of 16 into a flesh-hungry zombie, or as the residents of Seattle call them, Strangers. The story of Remnants begins 9 months after this initial outbreak, with the young residents of Seattle forced to fight for their survival.
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