reinerbrainrot · 11 months
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request from @yikes-matey​: “Hi can I request a scenario of Reiner and reader always getting cockblocked by Gabi. College au/modern au please🥺👉👈” / this request is so funny and cute, ngl. 
request status: OPEN
paring: reiner braun x fem! reader 
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reinerbrainrot · 11 months
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scenario: “We were forced to go outside due to a fire drill and I forgot my jacket, which sucks because it’s super cold. Thanks for lending me this jacket but you’re my crush and I almost screamed when you gave it to me.” 
request status: OPEN
note: like i’ve mentioned in my bio, i’m on semi-ia until further notice. school is kicking my ass because finals are coming up so these little prompts are just ways to keep my account active!! 
paring: reiner braun x fem! reader 
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reinerbrainrot · 11 months
Um🥺👉👈😳 can you do a Porco’s s/o gets pregnant (wrap it before you tap it buddy) scenario, college au please🥺 or Yelena relationship headcanons modern au. Whatever floats your boat🥰.
i decided to go with the Porco scenario! i honestly love writing about pregnancy, it's so cute 😔. i hope you enjoy! <3
Porco x Fem!Reader Modern AU: Accidents Happen
Warnings: Mentions of NSFW
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"Porco!" (Y/N) cried out in pleasure.
He continued to thrust into her at a quick pace. "You like that (Y/N)? Tell me how good it feels.." he whispered at nipped at her ear.
The two had finally got the time to get intimate, after weeks of exams, and stress. The couple finally got to let off steam, and it was much needed right now. Porco had been so stressed, he just wanted to feel his girlfriend around his cock.
"It feels so good baby!" she yelled out as she gripped at the sheets.
Porco laughed and continued to thrust into her. "I'm getting close.." he said and looked into her eyes.
(Y/N) was beginning to feel that knot forming in her stomach. "Me too.." she replied and bucked her hips as he continued fucking her.
His thrusts started to get sloppy, and he was starting to twitch. He felt (Y/N) clench around him, she had her orgasm. He noticed how shaky her legs were, and the sight alone sent him over the edge.
(Y/N) put her arms around his neck. "Cum come on baby" she said and smirked.
Porco pulled out as he came. His white sticky cum laying on her belly, he groaned as he stroked and watched it come out of his cock. (Y/N) took one of her fingers and licked it off her stomach.
"That was much needed" he said and wiped the sweat from his brow.
(Y/N) sat up and looked at him. "Yes it was" she replied and went to the bathroom.
"I love you, you know" he said from behind the door.
She couldn't help but giggle. "I love you too Porco" she replied and finished her business.
It was late. The two decided to finally head to bed, (Y/N)'s roommate was away for the weekend with family, so the two got to do whatever they wanted.
A few weeks had gone by, and (Y/N) was starting to feel weird. She was more moody than usual, and she felt more fatigued than ever. She blamed it on stress from her classes, but it was happening too much. Porco was a bit concerned, but he didn't think too much of it.
He was currently with her at his house. The two had been kind of busy, and today he invited her to his apartment.
"How have you been?" Porco asked and pulled her hips closer to him.
She sighed. "I've been okay, just more tired than usual" she replied and looked down at him.
He nodded. "You're gonna be fine babe, trust me" he said and held her hand.
(Y/N) smiled and then felt her stomach begin to turn. "Um-" she said and covered her mouth.
She ran to the toilet. "(Y/N)!" Porco yelled as he followed her to the bathroom.
He saw her vomiting in the toilet. The sight made him very worried, what the hell was going on?
"Shit! Are you okay?" he asked and rushed over giving her a towel to wipe her face.
She coughed into the toilet. "It's been going on for a bit, maybe I have food poisoning" she replied and wiped her mouth.
Porco rubbed her back. "I think you should go to the doctor. I don't like this, it's making me worried" he said.
She sat up and flushed the toilet. "I'm fine Porco... believe me" she said and gave a reassuring smile.
He didn't necessarily believe her, he didn't like how weird she was acting. What if she was sick? He wanted to make sure she was alright, but he didn't know why she was avoiding the doctor. (Y/N) hated doctors, but whenever she was sick, Porco always took her.
"Just take some medicine okay? I'll make you something to eat" Porco said and exited the bathroom.
What the hell was going on with her?
Unfortunately, as days went on, (Y/N) didn't get any better. She was still not feeling good, sometimes she would miss her morning classes, and her friends were starting to get worried. Porco didn't know what to do. He didn't want to force her to go, she might get pissed off at him.
"You look like you've seen better days" Ymir said and sat down next to (Y/N).
Ymir was her roommate, the two had a friendship, but they weren't the closest either.
"I've just been tired and sick" she replied and looked at the cup in front of her.
Ymir raised a brow. "You've been sick for days (Y/N)... I think it's time for you to go to the doctor" she said and crossed her arms.
She chuckled. "You sound like Porco.. but I think you're right Ymir. I hate feeling this way" she replied and rubbed her eyes.
Ymir stood up. "We have a free period, let's go right now. It shouldn't take very long" she said and grabbed her car keys.
(Y/N) decided to just go. She wanted to figure out what was wrong with her, so she didn't have much of a choice. She followed Ymir out of their dorm, and went to her car.
The car ride was kind of quiet, Ymir was becoming concerned after she walking in on her roommate vomiting lunch. She wanted to be a caring friend.
"Here we are" Ymir said and parked looking at the hospital.
(Y/N) sighed. "Let's do this" she said and got out of the car.
The two entered the hospital's immediate care. Many people sat in the waiting room, (Y/N) looked around the room.
"Can I help you?" the nurse behind the corner asked with a smile on her face.
(Y/N) walked up with Ymir. "Um yes... I haven't been feeling very well lately, and I wanted to see a doctor if it's possible" she said and looked at the nurse.
She nodded. "Alright! Fill this out for me sweetie, and bring it back once your done" she replied and handed (Y/N) a clipboard.
She sat down with Ymir and began to fill out the usual stuff, which was just her personal info. It wasn't too hard, but her nerves were high. She wasn't sure what the doctor was going to tell her.
She handed the clipboard back to the nurse, and sat waiting with Ymir. "I bet you got sexy disease or something" she said and laughed a bit.
(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh. "Hell no, when I look like this?" she said and pointed at her face.
After a few people went in, she saw a nurse come out. "(Y/N)?" she called.
She stood up and followed the nurse into the back, Ymir watched as she went with her. They did the usual height, weight, blood pressure, etc.
"So what brings you in today?" the nurse asked and nodded.
(Y/N) sighed. "I haven't been feeling well, I've been sick for a few weeks" she replied.
She nodded. "Okay, what have you been experiencing? I am a bit concerned with your sudden weight loss, so have you started any new diets?" she asked.
She leaned back. "No I haven't but I've been throwing up a lot, I'm more tired, and I sleep in a lot" she replied.
The nurse looked around her body. "Alright, um I'm going to bring a doctor in, so you sit tight for me dear" she said and smiled.
(Y/N) sat there for a few moments waiting for the doctor. What was he gonna tell her?
"Hello (Y/N). My name is Doctor Smith" he said and shut the door.
She smiled. "Hello" she replied and looked at him.
Dr.Smith sat down and began to look at his laptop. "Alright, so you told the nurse that you haven't been feeling well, and you've had a sudden weight loss" he said and looked at her. "This is concerning, since you are very young" he added.
She looked around the room. "So what does it mean?" she asked.
He sighed and put on gloves. "Well... I'm going to examine your stomach, and ask a few questions. Could you lift your shirt for me and lie down?" he asked.
She nodded and lifted her shirt, which revealed her belly. The doctor began to press onto her stomach, he seemed a bit concerned.
"Are you sexually active?" he asked.
She looked at him. "Yes..." she replied.
He nodded. "Do you use protection and have you gotten your period?" he asked.
(Y/N) thought for a moment, her period was kind of late the past few days. "No and no my period hasn't come" she replied.
He removed his gloves and looked towards her. "I'm going to ask you to take a pregnancy test for me (Y/N). Your stomach muscles have softened, and your symptoms, along with your period being late could be a sign of pregnancy" he explained.
Her heart practically stopped when those words came out of his mouth. "Um.. okay" she said and looked down.
Dr.Smith took out a pregnancy test from the drawer. "Head to the bathroom, and pee onto it. Bring it back and we'll find out then" he said and handed it to her.
She hopped off the bed, and went towards the bathroom. (Y/N) was shaky as she took out the test, what was going to happen if she was pregnant? How the hell would Porco react? Would he hate her?
She peed onto the test and came back into the exam room. Those 5 minutes felt like hours, she felt her heart beating at a quick pace.
"Alright! Times up, let's see" Dr.Smith said and walked over to read the test.
He smiled. "Congratulations! You're expecting" he said and looked at her.
(Y/N) took the test and stared at the two lines that formed on the test. Her heart was racing, and she felt so scared.
What happens now?
A day had gone by, and she still hadn't told Porco. Ymir found out and told her to tell him immediately, but (Y/N) wasn't sure how to tell him. She had ignored his messages and his calls, she just didn't want to talk right now.
Porco on the other hand, was so worried. She hadn't come to class, and she was ignoring him. Was she going to break up with him? He sure hoped not.
He decided to come by her dorm. That was the only other place she could be. Porco had a key, so he just walked right in.
"(Y/N)?" he called and shut the door.
She sat on her bed staring at the ceiling, hearing Porco's voice startled her a bit. She didn't know what to do, should she tell him?
"Porco?" she said and exited her room.
He rushed to her when he saw her. "(Y/N)! Oh my gosh princess, are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked and cupped her cheek.
She felt tears beginning to welt in her eyes. "I-I.." she said and began to sob.
Porco rubbed the back of her head as he hugged her tightly. "Sh... it's okay" he said and kissed the top of her head.
"Porco... I'm sorry for ignoring you" she said in between sobs.
He looked down at her. "It's okay... what's wrong beautiful? Tell me" he asked and wiped her tears.
(Y/N) took out the pregnancy test from her pocket. "Um.. I-I'm pregnant.." she replied and held the test out to him.
Porco looked down and grabbed it. The test showed two lines, he looked at his girlfriend who was still teary eyed. She was waiting for him to get upset.
"(Y/N)... that's amazing! We're going to be parents?! Holy shit!" he yelled as he smiled at her.
She looked up a bit surprised at his reaction. "Wait you're not mad?" she asked.
He nodded. "No, not at all. (Y/N) this is exciting! I wouldn't ever be pissed. I love you" he replied and hugged her tightly.
She felt a smile grow. "I love you too Porco" she said and lied her head on his chest.
He crouched down to her belly. "I can't wait to meet you" he said and lied his head onto her belly.
She smiled at the sight. "I can't wait.." she said and rubbed his head.
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reinerbrainrot · 11 months
The Smut Pile Fantasy Collab
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Continuing this week!
This writing collaboration is brought to you by the members of our discord server, Pleasant & Strider Present: The Smut Pile. This server is hosted by @pleasantanathema​, @linestrider​, and @present-mel​
Step into our storybook of enchantment and get swept away by writing inspired by all things fairy tale, fantasy, mystic, and, most importantly, sinful. Between our chapters you’ll find sexy tales of witches and witchers, knights and princesses, fairies and demons, and so much more, all explored through our favorite characters.
Every chapter piece is adult 18+ only content and will have appropriate warnings at the beginning of each work.
Once upon a time…
Chapter 1: My Hero Academia
@pleasantanathema​ All Smite (Villain All Might)
@linestrider​ Hawks
@enjifuckersupreme​ Inasa Yoarashi
@mindninjax​ Katsuki Bakugou (3 Parts)
@jackrrabbit​ Overhaul
@enjifuckersupreme​ Shouta Aizawa
Chapter 2: Haikyuu
@joyousandverywarlike​: Atsumu Miya & Osamu Miya
@whats-her-quirk​ Daichi Sawamura
@blahkugo​ Kei Tsukishima
@jackrrabbit​​ Keiji Akaashi
@bonnuit-tournesol​ Kenma Kozume
@thisisthehardestthing​ Satori Tendō
@bakatenshii​ Team Seijoh
@lookslikeleese​ Tetsurō Kuroo
@pleasantanathema​ Ushijima Wakatoshi
Chapter 3: Attack on Titan
@present-mel​ Reiner Braun Part I, Part 2
@emailandpassword​ Zeke Yeager
Our collab doesn’t have a hard deadline for our members, so keep checking back to see when your favorite character has a link!
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
a special gift
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pairing: reiner x reader
tags: fluff, sfw, a bit of angst, modern au
note: i'm writing a lot about reiner, but i just love him too much and too much is never enough. btw, happy birthday to my beloved Reiner Braun♡
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When Reiner woke up, he saw that the side of the bed where you usually sleep was empty.
"Maybe she's in the kitchen" he thought.
However when he got up he looked all over the house for you, you had obviously gone out, but you hadn't told him either and that worried him a lot.
In the last few weeks you acted very strange and distant, Reiner was afraid you were going to break up with him. Anxiety was eating him alive.
Fuck, he remembered that today is his birthday. Usually you were always the first to congratulate him, you got up early to greet him with a smile and breakfast ready. That day no one could separate you from Reiner. You were like his shadow, and one who filled him with cuddles.
"Are things that bad between us?" he spoke quietly to himself, thinking the worst.
His cell phone rang alerting him of a notification, thinking it was you, but it wasn't.
" Happy birthday!!! " he read, it was several messages from his friends. Even Gabi had written to him.
But from you there was no trace.
You hadn't left the house, since all your things were there. After breakfast he decided to call you, he made several attempts until you finally answered.
"Dove, I was worried. Where are you?"
"Rei, good morning. I'm buying some groceries, did you wake up well?"
"Yes, I woke up fine.... Uhm, what time will you arrive? If you want I can come pick you up" he asked trying not to sound shaky, the idea that you were going to finish him was tormenting him.
"No need, I'll see you later.... It's my turn to pay, see ya" and you hung up.
Reiner swallowed dryly, you didn't sound as sweet as you used to.
You didn't mention anything about his birthday.
He cursed under his breath and sat down on the sofa, running his hands over his face. He barely started his day and already he felt that everything was going from bad to worse. He wanted to forget those thoughts about the possible end of their relationship, so he decided he'd better go for a walk in the park.
He wants to be alone for a while.
He dressed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, he needed to be comfortable. The park was luckily almost empty. That would allow him to think more clearly.
He walked for quite a while, although there was a moment when he received a call from his mother who also congratulated him on his birthday. Reiner spent several minutes talking to her, Karina was excited about how the time had passed. Suddenly though the blond was caught off guard.
"Are you okay?" she asked him with some concern in her voice. "You sound a little tired"
Reiner puts the phone away a little and sighs, he wanted to tell her about his insecurity with his relationship with you. But the words don't come out, he ends up making an excuse.
"Yeah, I'm a little tired. I couldn't sleep well last night and today (Y/N) has kept me up all morning" he lied. Karina readily believed him.
Then they said goodbye and hung up the call. He still didn't read any messages from you regarding his birthday, or where you were, or what you were doing.
Reiner felt his eyes watering, but he didn't want to cry, at least not if he didn't talk to you about it. He didn't want to know that maybe he was crying in vain or that maybe a painful truth awaited him.
No, he needed his mind blank.
After walking around the park alone for a while longer, he decided he would go home. His walk was slow and heavy, almost as if he was afraid to enter his apartment. Minutes passed in front of the door until he dared to enter.
He felt noise and a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. He advanced towards the place and found you engrossed in preparing lunch.
He admired your expression of concentration, you always looked beautiful to him.
"Hey..." he greets you with a faint smile.
You turn to see him and return the greeting with the same smile.
"Lunch will be ready soon" you merely say.
"Okay" he replies averting his gaze and scratching the back of his neck. "Ehmm... I'll set the table" he adds, to which you reply with an ok without even looking at him.
There was a hellish silence for Reiner as you finished cooking and as long as it took to eat the whole lunch.
"It was delicious" he says wanting to bring up some topic for conversation, but you just say "Thank you" without continuing the conversation.
Once you finish you get up to tidy up and clean up. The silence is becoming overwhelming, Reiner can't stop looking at you trying to find a way to say he needs to talk to you about your relationship. But he doesn't need to be the one to initiate that conversation, because you were the one who decided to make the first move.
"Hey...uhmm.... I need to talk something important with you" you averted your gaze as you blurted out each word.
Reiner swallowed heavily.
"Please wait for me in the living room" you finished leaving the room.
Reiner didn't say anything to you, he just went to where you indicated and sat on the couch waiting for the worst. After a few minutes you came back, you had one hand behind your body, hiding something. Reiner watched you waiting for your next words, but instead he saw you kneel down in front of him. Suddenly you gave him a sweet smile that melted his heart.
"I'm a little nervous about this. Could you close your eyes for a moment?"
He looked at you confused, but he complied.
You sighed and revealed your hidden hand that held a sky blue gift box with a white gift ribbon on the lid. You set the gift box down on his lap, Reiner frowned still keeping his eyes closed, trying to guess what you were doing.
"You can look now" you said quietly.
Reiner's golden eyes saw your blushing face, he was slowly starting to feel relief invade his body. He was still silent, but he didn't wait any longer to open the gift.
" Congratulations, Dad♡ " was the first thing he read. It was a note in your handwriting.
The intrigued blond lifted the paper and found a pregnancy test that marked two little lines. And underneath the item, there was a larger folded piece of paper.
"(Y/N)" he called your name trying not to sound trembling.
"Please read it" you reply, in your case, trying to control your excitement.
Reiner pulled out the paper and unfolded it, it was medical exams confirming your pregnancy.
"Four weeks" he repeated what he read.
"Happy birthday, babe" you blurted out at last.
Reiner's fears vanished. He got up from the couch and grabbed your hand to pull you up in a tight but careful hug.
"Dammit! I love you. You had me worried," he confessed to you.
"I wanted to surprise you."
Reiner just started filling your face with kisses. He wasn't able to let you go, but after a while of cuddling splashing kisses on each other, he finally put you down. He was touched by the news, but he also talked to you about how he was afraid you were going to break up with him.
"I'm sorry, I was just too nervous and if I didn't act serious it was going to show too much emotion" you apologized. "But I have a thousand ideas to make it up to you"
"Well, you're giving me a baby and that makes me more than happy."
You smiled at him gawking.
"I love you too much to think that it could be over between us" you admitted. Reiner let out a small laugh and was internally thankful that he didn't cry out of sadness in the park.
If he would cry, it would be from happiness.
"I love you so much, and our little baby too."
It was the most special gift he had ever received, one that was starting a new chapter in his life.
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
Happy birthday to my main Dilf😩
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
Y’all need to watch Pokémon journeys, I’m sorry but their chemistry in the show is better than any character ash has been shipped with before.
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I´m your idiot... Forever! 💍💍
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
Hi! I hope you had a good day! All I can think about is Reiner ngl 😭. Hopefully I can request a Reiner x reader. Where Reiner begged Peick and Zeke to take you with them to Marley if shit went south (like you wrote in the Bertholdt x reader one) and the reader is prego with Reiner child. How would Reiners mom and his family react bringing her home? (I’ve been honestly thinking that his family would hate the reader because she’s a devil in there eyes especially his mom 😀.) but slowly learn to like the reader after the years being in Marley (I BEG let Bertholdt be alive in this ) And love break my heart make the hate so Angsty (Only if your comfortable !!!!!)
And keep up the amazing work!!!!!! I love them all !!!!
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Warnings : canon-divergent AU, Bertholdt is alive and well in this, implications of sex, teenage pregnancy, vulgar language curse words, Reiner and reader are both 17 and then 18, reader is female!
Genre : mixture of angst and fluff
Word count : 5.8K words (I got carried away again afshdkdk)
Synopsis : Reiner never thought he'd make it out alive, let alone have a blessing added into his life.
Additional notes : As you can see, I wrote so much and took a while to post this oops. It was so much fun writing this (I'm a sucker for domestic Reiner and angst; sue me), so I hope you enjoy this! I'd love to hear your feedback of course. PS: I apologize for the very bulky format, but Tumblr has a paragraph limit, so I had to lump some paragraphs together when it came to posting.
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
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Pieck didn't have it in her heart to voice any complaints---not when Reiner's last ounce of strength had been used up to yell a single name, a plea in his raspy voice for his comrade to pick her up. The cart titan wanted nothing more than to selflessly help him out, but it really wasn't as easy as he'd made it out to seem, considering the fact that she'd already had to snatch both Bertholdt and Reiner himself away, after having dragged Zeke's mangled body out of Levi's shackles. Still, honoring her now-unconscious friend's request, she swiped at the girl's small body, picking her up as quickly as she could in that huge body of hers, trying her best to be gentle in the process (she often forgot her own strength in this form). It wouldn't have done if she'd accidentally hurt her; the blonde would've given her an earful, going off on a tangent about how much the girl Pieck had rescued meant to him, and how precious she was, in a way that had him wanting to treasure her.
Sure, Pieck could mildly understand the sentiments behind his request; the affectionate yet somehow sorrowful look in his eyes held a thousand stories of adoration and trials, and she could tell that this girl was someone who'd entered his world to turn it upside down. After all, she wasn't blind, and she could easily tell that he was madly in love with her just from the desperation that had bled through his shouts for her to rescue the girl the moment things went south for them in Shiganshina. But still, wasn't that a bit too extreme? At least, in her opinion, that is. Sure, she could excuse his hurry by believing that he was enamored by her, but what had him dealing with the situation as though it were a matter of life or death, when he himself was slipping away? Despite her compliance, Pieck still didn't get it; she didn't get it all, and she didn't think she really wanted to know.
"How are you feeling?" Reiner's voice was soft, as calm and collected as he could muster, despite the thick steam that his body emitted as it tried to heal itself, pulling himself to sit upright as he checked his girlfriend's body over a million times, "Anything hurting?" his question laced with worry, and the furrow in his eyebrows showing how concerned he was.
She gave him a weak nod, hand reaching up to rub at her temples, clearly sporting some sort of headache, "Nothing much, just a migraine," squinting at the bright sunlight, she felt around and realized she was sitting on planks of sturdy wood, "Where are we?"
A momentary feeling of shame washed over him, after having nearly failed to protect her in the mission he couldn't finish, "On the ship Zeke took to Paradis. We're going back home."
"To Marley?" she couldn't do much in protest but to frown, and Reiner was suddenly reminded of the fact that the mainland was far from home to her; in fact, she probably would've never believed it even existed months ago.
His lack of reply to her question and his faraway gaze towards Bertholdt's unconscious body to the far north of the deck counted as confirmation, and the girl sighed beside him, the sound a mix of sadness, melancholy, and helplessness. It didn't take a genius for him to understand that she'd simply given up the fight, knowing better than to argue with him about taking her back to Liberio. Even if he himself didn't know if the technicalities would all work out immediately, at the very least he knew that she'd be under his watchful eye---and she knew perfectly well (after having several arguments concerning this topic) that he had every right to be as protective as he was of her.
He had to admit, her presence in his life had been a factor he hadn't taken account of when he'd planned on retrieving the founder as had been instructed of him and his two remaining comrades. Bertholdt in particular had been especially weary of the girl's presence, his anxious nature leading him to overthink that maybe she'd caught onto their secret, and that that was the reason why she'd expressed the desire to get closer to his blonde friend. But his worry had been entirely in vain, because the truth was that she simply found Reiner so enticing in every possible way that she couldn't stay away from him. And that character he'd adopted after what happened with Marcel only drew her in further. He seemed so dependable, so wise, and so charming, in an unconventional almost-brutish way. Every thing about him, she'd said, from the way he'd laugh boisterously with Connie over dinner to the way he'd cooed as a lost kitten licked at his cheek, had dragged her into a never-ending loop of fond stares and a want to get closer to him. Reiner (having grown up so lonesome and starved of proper affection) couldn't find it in himself to push away her more-than-obvious advances, often indulging in them more than he should have (much to Annie's chagrin, as she would sit, staring at them talking quietly with something akin to disgust in her eyes, believing that he was getting far too ahead of himself).
The attraction was far from one-sided, after all, so it really was no surprise to the cadets when they saw how their strong big brother Reiner wound up dating the girl who'd weaseled her way into his heart, filling every nook and cranny with the warmth he so craved. Perhaps he was a coward who ran away from his duties and shut off his subconscious to adopt a personality he never should have tried to delude himself into thinking was real, but he was at least a young man who couldn't deny how he felt; not when his head was swimming with thoughts of her in the same way she'd confessed she couldn't get him out of her mind, even after they'd joined the scouting regiment and knew they'd be even busier than ever before.
And with the recklessness that came with youth, came bouts of times when Reiner really, really couldn't stop himself from begging to see her whenever he could find the barracks devoid of any other cadets, and with the unbridled passion they both shared as most teenagers often did, they often found themselves lost in each other's moans, bodies entwined and writhing in pleasure on the sheets, just barely making themselves look presentable before the others would come back. Their disheveled appearance wasn't turned a blind eye to, and everyone had their fair share of teasing to dish out to the flustered and yet entirely shameless couple. Bearing it with red cheeks and blinding grins that held some sort of secret, the two 17 year-olds maintained their nightly escapades, even sometimes having Eren or Ymir help them sneak out and ensuring they wouldn't get caught (not that there weren't a few close calls when Levi's sudden appearance hadn't been put into consideration and they'd been forced to hide in a nearby storage room where they still wound up muffling their sighs of pleasure on the spotless floor as they came as one).
As caught up as he was with bedding his girlfriend at every possible chance, Reiner was every bit attentive as he was all over her. He'd always kept a close eye on her, in tune with how she felt and reacted to everything, so he'd know the correct course of action to take. Hell-bent on being the perfect boyfriend as he was the perfect comrade, he'd noticed how she grew more fatigued, irritable, and even sick at times. Undoubtedly concerned for her well-being, especially after witnessing firsthand how tender---sometimes sore, even---her body had gotten over the past while whenever they'd get the chance to fall into each other's arms at night, he found her breaking down in his arms, whimpering how she'd missed her period and how absolutely terrified she'd felt. The implications of her words had sent him spiraling into shock and worry, unable to voice his thoughts of how he hadn't intended to forcibly tie her down like this, especially with his impending betrayal. Knowing that the revelation of the truth would be inevitable, Reiner had sat her down on his lap, petite hands clasped in his huge palms, offering some sort of grounding and stability as he prepared her for the huge news that he knew would either make or break them.
His whispered confession of his secret had let to a horrified gasp, with her almost scrambling to get off of him as though being within a five mile radius of his presence disgusted her. Unsurprised but still every bit as heartbroken, the blonde had left her to her devices, allowing her to process the information over days and weeks. But when his lingering glances became too much to ignore when she herself was itching to find her way back to him, she found herself gulping and reaching out for him with shaking hands, knowing that he was still every bit of the young man she'd fallen for. They were both foolish and senseless, and they found consolation in loving each other---that much she couldn't deny, no matter how many times she discovered that he was a traitor. And with a quivering voice, she'd told him of her visit to the infirmary; of her confirmed pregnancy that frightened her to no end, and of how she still wanted him to be by her side, and her by his, even should the world come crashing down on their shoulders. Back then, Reiner didn't know whether to break down in tears or hold her like he'd never let her go ever again, so he'd opted to doing a bit of both.
And right now, with the ocean breeze licking at their hair and the seagulls crying overhead, Reiner felt a sense of dread inside him, but oddly enough, he also felt he was looking forward to the upcoming period of their lives, come what may.
His girlfriend pushed herself up slowly, trudging across the deck to stand near to the metal rail, gripping it tight as she fluttered her eyes shut, inhaling sharply, "So this is what the sea is like," she mused, voice carried by the wind and reaching Reiner, his heart pounding as he saw her mingle with what she'd always been deprived of; the nature she'd never seen.
Glancing down, he lamneted the fact that his limbs hadn't all grown back, wanting nothing more than to stand up and join her. Instead, he settled for smiling at her figure as her hand subconsciously fell to her still-quite-flat belly, thinking of the future that awaited them once they'd reach the pier.
"C'mere sweetheart," he rasped out, fondness in his eyes, calloused palms waiting until she was within arm's reach to pull her down beside him, "Lay down beside me, you might get sea-sick." Settling her tiny palm against his tattered shirt, she rested her head against his broad chest, and he was sure that if she strained her ear, amdist the sounds of the waves she could hear his heart pounding in his chest as his mind wandered to what might lie ahead of them.
Standing in front of his house, limping a little and clasping his girlfriend's hand tight, Reiner came to the realization that he really hadn't thought this through. With a quick glance to her left arm, he realized her lack of armband said one of two things, one of which was an impossibility, the other punishable by crime---an unfavorable position eitherways, and one he knew his mother would be quick to notice. Picking up on his sudden discomfort and hesitance to knock on the door, his lover turned to frown at him, "What's wrong, Reiner?"
Shaking it off because he didn't want to concern her when she had more than enough to worry about, he shook his head, giving her a small smile and a peck on the lips to momentarily satiate her, "'s nothing. Don't sweat it."
The words directed towards himself too and not just her, he gathered all his nerves and rapped his knuckles against the wood, waiting to greet his mother with the happiest expression he could muster. The woman in front of him looked as though she'd been worn down by the years, to the extent that he almost couldn't recognize her. But they were still the same kind eyes that had tried to comfort him when he was a young child who was confused as to why he was the only one among his peers without a father, and her lavender shawl was the same tattered one he'd clutched years ago when he couldn't sleep at night.
"Reiner?" she breathed, tearing up at the sight of her son who now towered over her, "You're back?"
With a small hum, he gave her his warmest smile. As she flung her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her chest, she let loose a few sobs in his shoulder, missing the warmth of the child that had been taken from her years ago. As much as a part of him loathed her for bribing him with a dream that would never come true, Reiner couldn't help but blink his tears away. Before he could even register the hug, she'd pulled away, eyeing the girl standing awkwardly but politely behind them.
"Is that one of your warrior friends?" she enthused, tugging her inside with a curious twinkle in her glossy eyes, "Or... someone special to you?"
"Let's not rush things," he patted her back gently, a weak smile on his face as he stood between them, "But yeah, she's my girlfriend. She's not a warrior though."
With a frown, she glanced at her arm, "You should be careful. We might be in the internment zone, but the laws are strict and you still have to wear your armband at all times," her tone wasn't unkind though, and she ushered them to the living room while she began to peel some oranges for them by the sink, "You don't know where the guards are lurking." Nervously, the young couple glanced at each other, remaining silent, and as she turned to see them fidgeting like that, his mother's eyes widened while she balanced the plate of fruit between her hands, "Don't tell me... Reiner?! Have you forgotten what happened because your father was Marleyan?!"
Curling his fists against his pants, he shook his head, "No, I haven't, I---mother, that's not it, she's not from..."
Drifting off, his mother's scowl only grew, and her feet remained rooted to the spot, her grip on the plate steely, "How long have you been together?" she asked through gritted teeth.
If he could curl into a ball out of shame, he would've, but all he could do was stare at his lap, "A year. Give or take."
"Mother!" Reiner cried out, stumbling over the carpet as he tried to hurry and clean the remains of the glass dish on the floor, but the old woman made no move, shaking out of fury and pure, unadulterated rage as she gave the girl on the couch a glare that could've shredded her to pieces.
Her silence was eery enough as it is, and the clinking as Reiner carefully picked up the largest glass pieces only made it more unnerving. No one dared breathe loudly, his girlfriend almost statuesque as she still remained silent, knowing that she'd only probably make things worse if she spoke.
"You've... you've brought a devil into my house."
Eyes softening, he dropped everything, trying to cross the damage to make his way over to the woman who'd brought him into this life, "No, she's not... listen, it's a long story---"
"Reiner!" she yelled his name, face growing red as horror struck her, "Her people are the reason why we live in fear, why your father left," gnashing her teeth, she stomped her foot down, flames flickering in the eyes he'd grown up beside, "She's the spawn of Satan himself, the reason why humans were at risk of extinction, and she's filthied our house with her bloody hands!"
"Mother, she's never hurt anyone," he tried to reach out for her, only to have her jerk away from him, a pang resonating in his heart, "Please, I know it's difficult to believe, but I love her, and she loves me."
Snarling at him, she touched her chest, "What would you know about love, Reiner? When was the last time you've witnessed that emotion, when all you've ever had was me?"
"I know enough, I'm not a child anymore," he began to raise his voice, though it didn't seem like he noticed it, "You don't get a choice eitherways, she's here to stay with me."
"What good could ever come from someone like... like that?" she groaned, disgust lacing her voice, "It's like you're trying to ruin what you've built by associating yourself with that wretched devil."
"She's carrying my child."
The middle-aged woman froze in place, unblinking at his deadpan expression. It didn't seem like she fully processed his words, and it took her a couple of seconds to speak, "Pardon?"
Locking his jaw, Reiner backpedalled to rest a firm hand against his girlfriend's shoulder, partially to affirm his statement, partially to steady her shivering form, and partially to ground his own self, "She's pregnant now."
When his mother spoke again, the bitterness wasn't held back from her words, "So you've knocked up a whore."
"Excuse me?" in an offended tone, the girl finally spoke up, a scowl set deeply on her face, "I'm not some common hussy you speak of like that."
"I'll call you whatever I want, scum," his mother spat out, looking down on her as she sneered, "Spreading your legs for any man that comes near you, I bet that's what lowlifes like you do."
Livid, she tried her best to maintain her voice leveled, "Ma'am, I've never even been near another man aside from your son---"
"And that was enough for you to get pregnant with that demon child as soon as you saw him, like the animal you are," Karina scoffed, venom in her eyes as she slammed her hand down the small table to her left, "Terminate it."
"What?" the girl hissed, eyes narrowed, about to get up, had Reiner's grip on her shoulder not tightened to get her to remain seated, "You don't get a say in that---"
"That's my child, mother," Reiner's voice was colder than she'd ever heard, and it was honestly rather surprising to both parties that they shut up for a moment, "Are you aware of what you're saying?"
"See some sense, child, she's just using you as a ticket to leave the island," she sounded exasperated as she pointed at the girl protectively touching her belly, "That wretched slut only ever wanted to be tied down to you."
"I'm the one who dragged her into this, and frankly, while I don't want to discuss my intimate matters with you, trust me, she's far from being the one who was the reason behind the pregnancy," crossing his arms, Reiner gave her a challenging glare that he never dreamt he'd give his mother.
As she gaped at him, she tried to reason, "That's my grandchild, who'll carry the family name! If their mother is that bitch, then I don't want them."
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Reiner grumbled, "When are you going to realize that you can't live your life through me? I'm capable of making my own goddamn choices."
"She's even turning you against your own mother, you never would've cursed at me---"
"Because I was a cowardly 12 year-old when I left!" the blonde raised his voice, frustration evident in his voice as he tried his best not to go overboard and end up yelling at the woman who, at the end of the day, had raised him, "I hope you'll come to your senses someday, but until then, we're going somewhere where we could take care of our child," turning to gently pull up his girlfriend, he mumbled under his breath on their way out, completely ignoring his livid mother, "I should've known better than to come here."
Doing his best not to slam the door behind them, he let out a heavy breath of air, slumping his shoulders and instantly wrapping his arm around the girl's waist, pulling her back into his chest as he squeezed her tight. Breathing softly into her neck, she held him back just as firmly, as though leaning back on him for strength just as he stabilized himself. The comforting embrace lasted a couple of minutes, before he unwrapped his arms from around her, rubbing her stomach comfortingly.
Before they could take any steps forward, a small body plowed into Reiner's side with a yell of his name, with more force than he'd anticipated, causing him to nearly lose his footing in surprise.
"Gabi?" he grinned, picking her up, earning an excited nod and equally enthusiastic laugh, and he couldn't help but hug her close, "You've grown so much, holy crap. How old are you now?"
"Eight!" she proudly said, puffing her chest and pointing one thumb towards her self while the other arm clung to his neck, "And just so you know, it's only a matter of time before I'm the second Braun to inherit the armored titan," she sounded so smug, before turning her head and finally noticing the girl, "Hey, who's she?"
"Gabi, it's rude to point," he sighed exasperatedly, already feeling how heavy she'd grown in his arms, "Anyways, she's my girlfriend."
Hopping off, the brunette leaned in close so she could inspect the young woman, "Woah, you're beautiful! How did Reiner ever date you?"
With a laugh, she replied, "He did get quite lucky, yeah."
"You haven't seen your cousin in five years and here you are ganging up against him," he shook his head, "Where are your parents?"
Gabi waved behind them, and he turned with a look of surprise to find his uncle and his wife standing together with kind smiles. Greeting them with quick hugs that didn't express half of how he felt and how much he'd missed being home, he wondered how long it would be before his happiness would be shattered.
"Say, who's the lovely young lady beside you?" his uncle asked, "She looks rather taken by you, if I'm not mistaken."
Awkwardly laughing, Reiner rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah, we're together."
"How long have you guys been---"
Before he could begin to anxiously sweat profusely, a hand clapped down on his shoulder, startling him and cutting the conversation off (much to his relief).
"I've been looking for you two all over," the soft voice he'd been fretting about not hearing ever again was comforting to finally hear.
"Bertholdt, you're alright," he breathed, wrapping an arm around the shoulder of his best friend, "When were you released?"
"I left the hospital this morning," he jerked his thumb in the direction outside the gates, "I got word from HQ that they want all warriors gathered at 4 PM, said it was important," he turned to the pregnant girl, lowering his voice and his eyes growing softer, "Think you can blend in?"
After a moment of thinking, she nodded, "Yeah, no big deal. I'll stay in the yard."
"Good, c'mon," with a wave towards his friend's extended family, Bertholdt practically dragged the couple away from any more prying questions.
The meeting had proven to be quite useful, considering that without it they wouldn't have been able to stay in Liberio. Once at HQ, the top brass had discussed their funding and salaries, granting the returned warriors the choice to receive hard cash or lodging instead. After much consideration and discussion with his beloved, it was only logical to pick a standard two-bedroom house to live in, instead of splurging on a mansion that was neither practical nor necessary---especially considering that since there were no urgent missions for the next while, he'd have no regular income of money---so that he could stash away the remaining cash portion for use in their daily lives, until they could find a better alternative. As of now, his girlfriend was heavily pregnant and found it difficult to go anywhere without waddling like a penguin. Her walk had earned them several stares as they made their way to visit his old house---or at the very least, attempt to. So far they'd tried knocking on the door once a month, and every time a venomous reply had been thrown their way after the door had been cracked open.
"Mother, how long do you intend to keep this up," Reiner sighed exasperatedly, "All we want is to talk to you."
"The baby is healthy," his lover spoke quietly as she touched her stomach, the baby kicking as though knowing they were talking about them, "In case you were wondering."
A moment of silence, before---
"To hell with it."
Another sigh of defeat, and then they were on their way back home again, bumping into Zeke who'd only just made it out of his grandparents' house.
"Difficulty getting through again?" he gave them a sympathetic smile, "C'mon, why the long faces? It's not the last chance you'll get to try and make amends."
Frustrated, the teenager ran his fingers through his hair, "Thing is, we shouldn't have been discussing things in the first place. It's my child, and I'm the one who knocked her up."
Rolling her eyes, the girl punched his arm, "You could've phrased it differently."
With a quick apology, he bent down to kiss her lips chastely, blushing at the way the wonder boy smirked at them knowingly.
"See, this is how she ended up pregnant in the first place."
As they strolled back home, Reiner found himself lost in thought, feet kicking up the gravel absent-mindedly. He must've spaced out completely, because his lover was soon nudging him.
"You okay, love?"
A little startled, his eyes went wide, before he nodded, settling into a more comfortable walking pace. They lapsed into silence for a couple of minutes as they trekked the path to their home, until he found the courage to speak up again and spill what was on his mind and had been taking up his thoughts for the past God-knows-how-long.
"Have you... thought about us taking our relationship further?" his voice was quiet when he asked the question tentatively.
Chuckling, she took his large hands in hers, "Honestly, how much further can we go when we're already having a child together that might pop out any day now?"
Cracking a smile, he patted her head, "Finally, we'll get to see them," his hand lingered on her hair, "But no, that's not I meant. I meant us, as a couple, without a third party."
"You mean... marriage?" she softly questioned, and he could only nod with burning red cheeks, "Well, I'd be lying if I said I haven't. You're too charming sometimes."
"Flatterer," he coughed, "You just want a foot massage at home."
"That too," cheerily admitting it, she gave him a breathtaking smile that instantly disarmed him and had his heart fluttering in his ribcage, "No, but seriously, I know we're young and all, but it's not like we've got the luxury of time either."
Reiner had tried multiple times to forget that he didn't have that many years ahead of him, not wanting to put them through the hurt of thinking of something tragic like that, but she handled the topic surprising well, even broaching it herself. She never failed to surprise him. She went on to say, "Being with you forever... isn't that the thing I've wanted from the start? And if I can't have forever, then all the time I can borrow works for me too," staring at the sky that held the airships she'd never seen before, she looked so peaceful; so beautiful to him, "Carrying your last name is only one final confirmation."
His voice was low and thick with emotion when he spoke again, hazel eyes a few shades darker as his gaze intensified, "Have I ever told you how absolutely head over heels I am for you?"
With a flirty wink, she grinned, "Might wanna remind me when we're inside, then, future husband."
"He's fussing again," she groaned, the baby swaddled in the blanket crying as he kicked about, pulling him closer to her chest in a vain attempt to pacify him with her familiar scent. Chuckling, Reiner leaned down to look at his son's red face, "What did you expect, he's only two months old and this is his first proper outing," tenderly, he stroked his tear-stained cheeks with two of his knuckles, "Mother used to tell me that I was a restless baby too."
"He's a carbon copy of you already, imagine being as annoying as you are too," she grumbled, causing him to playfully glare at her, before his son distracted him again.
"Look at him," he mused, a happy sigh escaping him without even noticing it had, brushing his little blond locks with his fingertips, "He's so small." With a snort, she playfully elbowed him, "You're the one who's too big. He's the perfect size for holding."
"Never thought we'd be parents at the age of 18, honestly," he hummed, holding his arms out as a silent invitation to pass his wriggling son to him, "But I'm glad it happened." As Reiner began to hush him and rock him gently, she looked on in awe as he began to settle down in his arms, as though his father's presence alone was enough to ease his nerves.
"I carry him for nine months, and he still ends up being a daddy's boy?" she huffed in pretend-annoyance.
With a smirk, he quipped back, "Guess he likes your husband more. Can't blame him, really, neither of you can resist me."
At the mention of it, she subconsciously touched her ring finger, "Still can't believe we're married now," she spoke, wonder in her voice, a blissful sigh escaping her, "It's so nice, though, living in our own little world."
"Wouldn't have happened without Porco, though," Reiner said, voice lowered so as not to disturb his resting baby boy, "Who knew his father was an officiator?"
"It's not just that," she shook her head as she leaned her head against Reiner's sturdy shoulder, watching the rhythmic breathing of the child in his arms, "Porco must've gone through a hell lot of crap trying to cover up the fact that I'm not from here. He must've fabricated lots documents and government papers, and that can't have had no risks."
His tone dark, Reiner added, "Especially since he isn't too fond of me, and especially since it's important to have a clean record as a warrior."
Wrapping her arm around his shoulder, she pressed a gentle kiss to his neck, and Reiner felt something stirring inside him at the sweet intimacy, "He's a good kid."
"My memories of him aren't the best, but I'm willing to look past that after the huge favor he did us," Reiner admitted, before turning his head with a hopeful look in his eyes, "So? Wanna give it a try?" Nodding, she exhaled sharply, "How many times have we gotten kicked off your mother's doorstep, now?"
"15 times, this'll be the 16th," he rolled his eyes, "How stubborn can one woman get, really." Arching her eyebrow, his wife gave him a pointed look, "The pot calling the kettle black?"
"You sure pick up idioms fast," he grumbled, looking away to knock on the door for what felt like the hundredth time since his arrival to Marley. Before she could quip back a smart reply, the door swung open, revealing his scowling mother, giving them a mild look of offense for having them step in front of her.
"What do you want?" she barked, impatient as always.
"We just thought you might want to see him," the young mother stiffly said, clearly not wanting to interact much with the woman who'd called her every insult under the sun. Skeptical, Karina eyed the child from afar, and Reiner could swear her eyes almost instantly shifted to something akin to longing. "He looks... a lot like you did back then," she croaked out, voice thick, before she blinked twice, as though trying to stop herself from drifting away from the plan she'd originally had.
Reiner had the sudden epiphany that she probably had an innate desire to see her only grandchild, but her deeply ingrained morals denied her of the pleasure. Knowing that she'd never voice her wishes out loud, he decided he'd be the one extending the olive branch---if not for his sake, then for his son's sake, so as not to deprive him of the happiness a grandparent's presence brought. "Want to hold him?" he offered, waiting for the nod that only came a minute later.
Still on the doorstep of the house he'd grown up in, he carefully began to lift his arms, cooing his name and ready to snuggle his son into the arms of the only person who'd made him feel safe and loved as a child. The baby only whimpered twice at the change of surroundings, before he surprised them all by clutching at his grandmother's shirt with his tiny fists as soon as he settled down against her chest. Breath hitching, Karina didn't move a muscle as the boy's chest rose and fell rhythmically with every rock of her arms.
She breathed his name out, and it was like a magic spell had been cast and blanketed the entryway, her eyes glimmering with what could easily be taken for tears. In that very moment, every single person in the room knew that everything had changed; that nothing would ever be the same again.
Even if it took them a million baby steps to maintain a sense of normalcy in this dysfunctional family, the new parents both knew---with absolute certainty---that they would wait however long was needed to ensure that their boy grew up, loved and beloved by every person that had a string of fate tied to his pudgy index finger---they had more than enough love to share between them, and they were sure that he'd ensnare the hearts of every person he crossed, given time. After all, he was a miracle child, born of abnormal circumstances; they'd be damned if they didn't give him the entire world and more.
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
I’m sorry for my inactive presence, Ever since snk ended I was hit with a wave of sadness because SNK had all my comfort character - despite the characters needing some sort of therapy- and to not see them anymore and now forever seeing them in that state where I have to keep rereading SNK just to connect with them again and not grow with them together ( I started SNK when I was young like 11/12 years old, so I kind of basically grew up with the series) was sad so I tried to move past it but instead I ended up hopping onto the video game fandom, specifically Detroit: become human and Resident Evil 8. I will be coming back once SNKS4 part 2 comes out, because I am still sad that SNK has ended. But trust me when I say that I still simp for reiner and his milkers😭
Ps. I know that’s how you use brackets properly but idc anymore.
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
Mother Miranda: [Pointing to Heisenberg] Stinky
You: No!! Don't be mean!
Mother Miranda, smirking: Stinky bastard man
You: No!!!
Lady Dimitrescu: [without looking up] Trash man, stupid man thing.
You: [distraught] No!!!
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
Y’all my reiner brain rot is going nuts, you know what the fuck we need??
We need reiner fics set in aot junior high. My god that shit will hit different. PLEASE ONLY FLUFF CUZ YA KNOW... I don’t think I have to spell it out for you but, like everyone’s like ya know in the age range of 14-16 so like keep it extra fluffy y’all.
So like if you a writer and you see this and decide to write Reiner fics set in aot junior high please do tag my ass😩
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
Phone Call-Erwin Smith x Fem Reader
Modern au
Spicy Drabble, just testing out the waters to see what I could do with spicy stuff.
Warning: Nsfw
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“Yes please do print out 15 copies of the itinerary, I’m afraid we won’t have enough for everyone... yes thank you.” Erwin replies holding in a groan.
“Anything else you’d like sir?” His assistant asks before ending the call.
“Yes I’d like to get a tall dark roast coffee and a medium chamomile tea for my wife, I’m afraid she’s gotten the cold today and her throat is feeling a bit sore.” He says looking down at you. Eyes watering and mouth full of his cock, your nose grazing against his pelvis.
“Ok sir I’ll see you later.” She ends the call. Erwin pulls you off his drenched cock and sits down.
“You almost got me caught darling.” He lifts your chin up to face him.
“As for punishment you’ll have to get yourself off on your own, now sit on daddies cock while I continue with my work.” He states. You got up and slowly slid down on his member and started rocking on him slowly, still overwhelmed with how long you had the tip prodding against the back of your throat for what felt like hours.
“Hmm, you’re doing so good.” He says, he then continues where he left off while you let out quiet whimpers of pleasure as you quietly ride him and hope his assistant doesn’t walk in anytime soon.
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
Damn the difference between my tumblr fics and my wattpad fics are huge😁
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
can i req some dad reiner fluff? i feel like he would have a lot of kids bc of the breeding kink 🥴 but yeah just some cute stuff pls thank uuuu!!
Dad Reiner who was such a hot mess moments before he became one. The pair of you are situated inside a hospital room, occupied with things much bigger than a sprained ankle. He stood alongside you, his beloved, all the while; Encouraging your efforts and attempting to ease your pain with the squeeze of your hand within his bigger one. As fretful as he feels, it's no surprise that Reiner ends up passing out a good few times, and he wasn't even the one in labor. Though, the hard part is now over, and all his worry has subsided.
Dad Reiner who recalls whimpering, weakly grinning, and eventually bawling of joy when holding his child for the first time. You'd never seen his cries mingled with such joy before. He cradles yours and his newborn within firm forearms and large, mindful hands. The pair of you sob and smile, ogle your baby with a relieved, content thrum in your heart. You allow Reiner to attempt squeezing into the hospital bed beside you, as broad and weighty as he is, with your child being held right between you and him. He’s a hot mess, but an overjoyed one who has you; and little Reiner x [Y/N] junior 🥺
Dad Reiner who converses with you for days before ultimately deciding on a name for yours and his daughter— Joyce Braun. He contemplated on “Karina”, the name of his dear mother. Though, he wants his little girl to be better than any past generation, and rather goes with a more revitalizing name, one that holds a simple, but deep meaning in his perspective. As obvious as it sounds, the name means “Joyful”. That's all he wants; for his kid to be happy in this life, happier than he ever was. Therefore, he bases her name, the root of his dear child’s identity, on cheerfulness.
Dad Reiner who tends to grow somewhat frustrated. Not with you of course, not even with Joyce’s incessant wailing in the early hours of the morning, but with himself. It wasn't as though he did anything wrong, he simply hopes that he won't. Begs himself not to fuck up with this whole “Parent” thing. If it wasn’t clear enough, Reiner wants to be nothing like his own father. He’ll never, ever shoo his child away and disregard them, but instead use those same hands to hold, guide, and lift them up. It doesn't take long for the blonde to snap out of his funk, because he's sure that he can become all the better for the sake of his little family.
Dad Reiner who wakes to your still, ethereal-like form every morning, and it's enough to make his day. A kiss to your neck, a nibble along your earlobe, and a couple repetitive rubs to your waist and thighs are enough to stir you right awake. And if that isn't the case, then it's usually the other way around; You pressing soft, lengthy kisses to his sharp, attractive cheekbones. Despite who arises first, there’s always one thing that's bound to happen— Joyce making her arrival into the bedroom via crawl, with a babble and a cute, happy little shriek upon seeing her parents.
The pair of you have no clue as to how she manages to make her way over to your room every time, but you're simply glad that she does so safely. It's Reiner’s cue to leap out of bed and scoop her off of the carpet and into his awaiting arms, clad in nothing but a white tee and the baggiest sweats. He appears disheveled, but it's still clear to see the main striking similarity between him and his pretty little daughter; Those amber brown eyes that hold the same warm, yellowish hue as his do.
He rocks the giggling one-year old, back and forth and right back again, gazing upon his squirming bundle of joy until you mention that he’s been doing so for a whole ten minutes. He grows sheepish and merely chuckles in reply, resting Joyce’s head upon his firm chest with a sigh. He could do this for ten hours more if it were up to him.
Dad Reiner who knocked you up a couple more times, and real damn good at that. There’s something of a breeding fetish that he’s got on him, which is the reason why your little family is now two kids larger. There’s Joyce, who’s now seven years old, along with her two baby brothers, the pair being a mere one year apart from the other. You and Reiner no longer have to worry about checking on Joyce in her crib, for she sleeps on her own bed now, like the “big girl” she claims to be.
Though, the boys now have you both occupied, and you’re lucky to have an older daughter who’s so understanding and rarely ever  grows jealous. Joyce, your girl who’s on more of the rambunctious side but ironically never pleads for attention, has been spending much more quality time with Reiner. Both you and him are busy with the boys, but the blonde tends to have free time on his hands every now and then. Besides, someone’s got to keep Joyce company.
Reiner happily obliges, and makes this father-daughter time worthwhile. Wholesome picnics to the park that always end in races back to the car and Reiner being a damned klutz and dropping his sandwich. Having a “spa day”, filled with Reiner’s not-so-great attempts at doing his girl’s hair, messy manicures and a hefty bag of makeup that Joyce “borrowed” from you. He spoils the girl as if the lot of you are rich (and since Reiner’s always got a hefty load of spare cash, you technically are), but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Dad Reiner who’s a lot more used to this “dad” thing now, since it’s been a couple good years down the line. You and him have amazing bonds with each of your kids, but they seem to latch onto Reiner’s large, broad body at any given time a lot more than they do you. Joyce is twelve, the brothers are five and six, and Reiner’s officially a DILF— The finest one at that. His stubble stays nicely trimmed, along with the subtle creases at his eyes becoming a little more distinctive. Goes to work, and sometimes takes the kid’s lunches instead of his own, because that's just the Reiner Way.
He’s the ultimate father in practically every situation, even when looking out for peers and comrades. He doesn’t mean to, it’s just that habits easily stick with Reiner, and it’s rather difficult for him to let them go. Besides, with three kids, how do you expect him to not be in “dad mode”?
Dad Reiner who utterly loves having random little talks with his kids, and never invalidates them, not for one second. It’s almost as though he can see things in their perspective, and they don’t know anyone else better to vent to other than their dad and mom. Though, when they tend to babble on about something that’s rather popular within their generation, it gets hard for him to catch up. They proceed to call him “old” and receive a good chase around the house before they get caught and looped into a tickle attack, and that's basically the worst thing imaginable if you’re in the Braun family. The reason being is Reiner’s unparalleled speed, despite his age; Thirties to early forties, but he’s still extremely fit, and has no problem running a mile if he has to.
Dad Reiner who’s in love with his family and the person they’ve gradually helped him become. You cherish him and your kids like none other, and he does the same. Sometimes it abruptly dawns on him; He’s a dad, and he’s actually a good one, who would’ve known? He smiles to himself, allowing his amber eyes to flit over to wherever you are before his soft grin grows wider. You look back, blow a kiss, and he does the same. The action is exchanged before he strides over to give you the real deal— Though, your sweet little peck is all cut short when Joyce and the boys skip in and start making kissy noises, with you and Reiner laughing all the while.
“Papa,” Gale, the youngest son of the bunch, calls aloud and gains his father’s attention. Reiner peers up from his book and gives a brief, questioning response. “Yes, dove?” It’s a simple, sweet nickname; One that he calls you, Joyce, and the boys.
“Mommy’s in the bathroom crying.” The blonde drops his novel with an punctuating hitch of his breath, the book falling upon the couch with a dull thump. “—Why? Is she alright?” Reiner, the man who generally keeps himself rather poised, is now frantic, sharp brows downturned at his son's statement.
“Uh, I dunno. She’s crying, but smiling too.” This then causes Reiner’s brows to furrow. “Smiling, you say?”
“Yeah. Can we go out to get ice cream today? I wanna get, uh.. Chocolate chip, please!”
Reiner lets a brief laugh slip loose at Gale’s query, but he has to prioritize his wife over a summertime snack. He then begins to make a beeline towards the bathroom, in search of you. “Soon enough, dove. I’ve got to go up there and check on your momma first, alright—?”
Gale then shrugs and hops onto the couch, little feet padding along the spacey seat as the leather creases underneath his weight.
“By the way, Papa,” Reiner then pauses, open to any vital information his son could give, “she has this funny stick thingy in her hand. It’s got two little lines on it and stuff.”
Reiner chokes on his breath, lower lip beginning to tremble and quirk into a smile. If the case is what he thinks it is, he’s got all the reason to bust out with the teary eyes and jovial whimpers, just as he did when receiving the news of his three expected children in the past.
“A stick..?”
“Mhm,” hums Gale, proceeding to jump upon the dark brown couch, “Mama probably wants some chocolate chip ice cream too.”
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reinerbrainrot · 3 years
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Something sweet, perhaps?
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