reemtalha · 6 years
كل الذين بَكوُا لله ضَحكوا ،، !
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reemtalha · 6 years
كل الذين بَكوُا لله ضَحكوا ،، !
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reemtalha · 6 years
“اللَّهُمَّ زِدْنَا ولا تَنْقُصْنا، وأكْرِمْنَا ولا تُهنَّا، وأعْطِنَا ولا تَحْرِمْنَا،وآثِرْنَا ولا تؤْثِرْ عَلَيْنَا،وأرْضِنَا وارْضَ عَنا”
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reemtalha · 6 years
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"ما الذي طلبه أصحاب الكهف حين أووا للكهف وهم في شدة البلاء والملاحقة .... ؟ إنهم سألوا اللّه " الرُشد" دون أن يسألوه النصر، ولا الظفر، ولا التمكين !!! " ربنا آتنا من لدُنكَ رحمة ًوهئ لنا من أمرِنا رشدا " " رشدا ". وماذا طلب الجن من ربهم لما سمعوا القرآن أول مرة... ؟ طلبوا " الرشد " قالوا : ( إنّا سمِعنا قرآنا ًعجبا يهدى إلى الرُشد فآمنا به ). وفي قوله تعالى : "وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ ۖ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ ۖ فَلْيَسْتَجِيبُوا لِي وَلْيُؤْمِنُوا بِي لَعَلَّهُمْ يَرْشُدُونَ" " الرشد ". *فما الرشد* ؟ الرشد : - إصابة وجه الحقيقة.. - هو السداد ... - هو السير في الاتجاه الصحيح ... فإذا أرشدك اللّه فقد أوتيت َخيرا ًعظيما.ً.. و بوركت خطواتك !! وبهذا يوصيك اللّه أن تردد : " وقل عسى أن يهديني ربي لأقرب من هذا رشدا ". بالرشد تختصر المراحل ، و يختزل كثير من المعاناة ، وتتعاظم النتائج ... حين يكون اللّه لك " وليا ًمرشدا ً". لذلك حين بلغ موسى الرجل الصالح لم يطلب منه إلاّ أمرا ًواحدا ًهو : " هل أتبعك على أن تُعلِـّمَن ِمِمّا عُلَِّمت َرُشداً " فقط رُشداً ... فإن اللّه إذا هيأ لك أسباب الرشد ، فإنه قد هيأ لك أسباب الوصول *للنجاح الدنيوي والفلاح الأخروي*💫 *🌱اللّهـُمّ هيئ لنا من أمرِنا رشداً🌱* #منقول
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reemtalha · 6 years
كَلَّا لَا تُطِعْهُ وَاسْجُدْ وَاقْتَرِب ۩ (19)
شعورك بالبرد عند الوضوء يبدل دفئ يملأ قلبك بعد الصلاة 🌸💚
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reemtalha · 6 years
من أعظم ما تثقُل به موازينك يوم القيامة، نقاء سريرتك، وصفاء روحك، وحُسن خلُقك، قال ﷺ"ما شيء أثقلَ في ميزان المؤمن يوم القيامة من خُلق حسَن❤
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reemtalha · 6 years
صَلوا علي من قالت في وصفه عائشة ❤قرآن يمشى علي الأرض ❤
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reemtalha · 6 years
وفاة الرسول الكريم.
تقول السيدة عائشة :
" فسقطَت يد النبي وثقلت رأسه في صدري ، فعرفت أنه قد مات فلم أدري ما أفعل ، فما كان مني غير أن خرجت من حجرتي ‏وفتحتُ بابي الذي يطل على الرجال في المسجد وأقول : " مات رسول الله ، مات رسول الله "
فانفجر المسجد بالبكاء ، وكان أثبتهم أبو بكر (رضي الله عنه) ‏فدخل على النبي واحتضنه وقال :
" وا خليلاه، وا صفياه ، وا حبيباه ، وا نبياه " ، وقبَّل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم .
وكان عمر ينكر وفاة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم ، بقوله : ( والله ما مات رسول الله ، ليبعثنه الله)
فخرج أبو بكر وقال لعمر : ( أيها الحالف على رِسْلك . . ألا من كان يعبد محمداً فإن محمداً قد مات ، ومن كان يعبد الله فإن الله حي لا يموت ) ثم تلا قوله تعالى :
" وما محمد إلا رسول قد خلت من قبله الرسل "
وسقط السيف من يد عمر بن الخطاب ، يقول عمر : فعرفت أنه قد مات... وخرجت أجري أبحث عن مكان أجلس فيه وحدي لأبكي وحدي..
وأتى بلال يؤذن بعد وفاة الرسول وقبل دفنه ...
فإذا قال: "أشهد أنّ محمداً رسول الله" ارتجَّ المسجد بالبكاء والنحيب.
#صل_الله_عليه_وسلم ✨🌸💙
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reemtalha · 6 years
"ركض لخديجة وهو أشجع وأعظم وأقوى رجال أمته، يقول لها: "دثريني زمليني،" لا تخجلوا من مشاعركم وعيشوها،
فالمشاعر لا تقلل من قيمة أصحابها." ❤
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reemtalha · 6 years
أدع كثيرا لـ مَن تعرف ومن لا تعرف , , أدع حتى لـِ مَيت سمعت عنه !
يكفيك قول الملائكه : ولك مِثلُه ❤
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reemtalha · 6 years
- غاية الرضّى :
" وَلَلْآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ لَّكَ مِنَ الْأُولَىٰ " 💚
الضُحى | ٠٤
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reemtalha · 7 years
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reemtalha · 7 years
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"The people who broke me were not to blame any more than gravity can be blamed for breaking a vase that is placed where it will inevitably fall. We can’t blame the laws of physics when a twig snaps because we leaned on it for support. The twig was never created to carry us. Our weight was only meant to be carried by God. There is only one hand-hold that never breaks. There is only one place where we can lay our dependencies. There is only one relationship that should define our self-worth and only one source from which to seek our ultimate happiness, fulfillment, and security. That place is God. Don’t let youe definition of success, failure, or self-worth be anything other than your position with Him. And if you do this, you become unbreakable, because your hand-hold is unbreakable. You become unconquerable, because your supporter can never be conquered. And you will never become empty, because your source of fulfillment is unending and never diminishes.” – Reclaim Your Heart
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reemtalha · 7 years
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reemtalha · 7 years
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Today's a day to wake up and do something different. It's a day to face the sea. It's a day to get rid of your enemy. Not your eternal enemy, you can't rid of him. You have to fight him until death. It's time to get rid of the enemy within you. Your bad habits that limit you. That stop you from getting closer to Allah. Imagine you are at the sea shore and imagine your bad habits are behind you, gaining on you, wanting to overpower you and you are running away from them. Turn to Allah, to help you conquer them. To cross the sea and put an ocean between you and them, with Allah's help. Knowing that he is Al Samee' Al Baseer ( The all Hearing, The all seeing). He is watching you after you have asked Him to help you. He could have split the sea for Moosa alayhi salam without him having to do anything. But He wanted him to do a small action with faith and determination. He is waiting for us to make that change in ourselves, to rid ourselves off laziness and He by His mercy will bless us and help us.
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reemtalha · 7 years
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Today's a day to wake up and do something different. It's a day to face the sea. It's a day to get rid of your enemy. Not your eternal enemy, you can't rid of him. You have to fight him until death. It's time to get rid of the enemy within you. Your bad habits that limit you. That stop you from getting closer to Allah. Imagine you are at the sea shore and imagine your bad habits are behind you, gaining on you, wanting to overpower you and you are running away from them. Turn to Allah, to help you conquer them. To cross the sea and put an ocean between you and them, with Allah's help. Knowing that he is Al Samee' Al Baseer ( The all Hearing, The all seeing). He is watching you after you have asked Him to help you. He could have split the sea for Moosa alayhi salam without him having to do anything. But He wanted him to do a small action with faith and determination. He is waiting for us to make that change in ourselves, to rid ourselves off laziness and He by His mercy will bless us and help us.
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reemtalha · 7 years
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There is just so much to be grateful for Alhamdulilah. We wake up from our warm beds every morning, eat a hearty breakfast, dress up, play and go to sleep with a roof over our heads. Alhamdulilah, we have not been tested with true hardship, the kind that leaves you walking miles for water, or a health diagnosis that leaves you with only days or weeks to live and we don’t have to worry about not knowing where our next meal will come from. We may not have what others have, but we also have to remember that we have more than many. Teaching the concept of gratitude is certainly not an easy task especially because preschoolers are naturally self centered. Nonetheless, it is a crucial life skill to learn.  In fact, research shows that gratitude benefits both adults and kids alike on a basic level. Studies reveal that cultivating gratitude can increase happiness and cause individuals to live happier, more satisfied lives and enjoy increased levels of self-esteem, hope, empathy and optimism. Other studies have shown that kids who practice grateful thinking have more positive attitudes toward school and family.   Do’s and Don’t s: Do let them be thankful to the people around them Tip: Get them into a habit of saying jazakillah khair or thank you when someone does anything for them. Do expose them to how other people less fortunate than them live Tip: You can do this through books for younger children Do model Gratitude Tip: Work it into your daily lives, as our children model us and will follow our lead. Do ask what they are thankful for in the evening and/or morning Tip: Teach your child the dua for when they wake up and explain the meaning. They may not fully comprehend it but eventually they will. Don’t look or compare yourself to those who have more Tip: If you do happen to compare, let it be with those who have less, and remember to be grateful yourself. Don’t buy them too much stuff Tip: Instead teach them to take care of what they already have and rotate their stuff so they don’t get too bored with one thing Initially when we first started making our Dua book, it was to count their blessings. I had already made a habit of asking them what they were grateful for each night while tucking them into bed, but I wanted to write it down. This soon evolved into adding more pages and including the duas they were memorizing. They learn a new dua every so often so I wanted a way to keep track and remember which ones they already know and what they are learning. Ideas of easy Du’at that toddlers and preschoolers can learn: Giving Salaam and Accepting itGiving thanks to the people (Jazakillaah khairan) Giving thanks to Allaah (Alhamdulilah) Praising Allaah with (Alaahu Akbar) When angry (A’uuthu Billah) Dua for eating and when doneSleeping and Waking up When leaving the house and returning homeGoing inside the restroom and leaving Seeking forgiveness Dua for when they sneeze. Dua for asking for the best in this world and the nextFor parentsHow to make your own Dua book There are a ton of ways you can use this Dua book. For older children, you can let them write their own dua and decorate it, while for younger children you can print it out or write it for them. Put a sticker on the fingers so you know which supplication they have memorized.  You will need:PaperPencil for tracingYour little ones hand 🙂 Scissors Optional for turning it into a book: a String and whole puncher.   Directions: Fold the paper in half and trace your child’s hand on the folded side. Cut it out. For the gratitude ‘page’ write “Alhamdulilaah” in the middle and ask your child 10 things they are grateful for and write them on each finger. For the dua ‘page,’ choose a dua that you will focus on learning/ memorizing and write it on the page, to keep track of the ones your child already know.  
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