red-dye-number-five · 6 years
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red-dye-number-five · 6 years
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@renaroo, look! I have a niece! She’s the first one! I got to meet her an hour after she was born! This is Logan’s new sister and her name is Natalie Blake.
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
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Here’s a compilation of Halloween cocktails! Here is where I got them from. I’ll be posting Halloween content all month!
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
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FANCASTING: Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Milo Thatch: Andrew Garfield
‘Kida’ Kidagakash: Zoe Saldana
Commander Rourke: Tommy Lee Jones
Helga Sinclair: Charlize Theron
Audrey Ramirez: Francia Raisa
Dr. Joshua Sweet: Terry Crews
‘Vinny’ Santorini: John Turturro
Gaetan ‘The Mole’: Timothy Spall
Mrs. Packard: Helen Mirren
King Kashekim Nedakh: Morgan Freeman
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
Rebecca Sugar QnA- Volume 1 Finale of the SU Podcast
- long post about Rebecca answering fan questions - info from the podcast episode “Leading the Way- Rebecca and Steven Sugar”
If Rebecca were a gem, she’d be under Blue or Pink Diamond’s court
The gem placements of the main characters relate to who they are - Pearl (head)- way too inside her head, intellectual - Amethyst (chest)- passionate, impulsive, speaks from the heart all the time - Garnet (hands)- “hands-on”, active, extremely balanced
For every new gem, [the crew] evaluates who they are based on where their gem is placed
Amethyst’s favorite soda is Apple Seedra (?)
Flourite’s design was inspired by the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland and Grandmother Willow
Pearl’s favorite color is pink
Rebecca loves pineapples on pizza
Rebecca’s favorite job to do in animation is storyboarding (if it is a board-driven show)
Rebecca’s favorite arc in One Piece is the Sogeking Usopp vs. Luffy fight/arc, Usopp is her favorite character
Pumpkin doesn’t need to eat but he does sleep
When asked if Steven Universe is canonically just a cartoon and if so, if Sardonyx is aware of this, Rebecca replied, “Sardonyx is self-aware. I think Steven Universe is canonically just a cartoon in the canon of real life but within the show, it’s reality. But Sardonyx has this transcendent mind. I think of Sardonyx a little like Psycho Mantis (…) from Metal Gear. She can see outside of what’s going on y’know and that’s something that I feel like Garnet can see beyond the moment into the future and not just into the future but also all of these possible futures so Sardonyx is sort of on this other level where she has that ability but Pearl’s also in there so it’s also obnoxious.”
The theory about Garnet’s glasses changing the ratio of red or blue depending on if Ruby or Sapphire’s personality is dominant at the time is NOT TRUE. Garnet isn’t piloted by two people, she is her own person.
The zircons are poofed, not shattered. “They are certainly not not in trouble, but they’re not shattered.” -Rebecca
The people in the SU Universe have a different relationship towards stories about superheroes due to the gem war
On references of the zircons’ designs: Paul Villeco showed Rebecca history about a night club in Paris called Le Monocle, the monocle as this iconic lesbian fashion statement. Other inspirations include: What’s the Truth about Mother Goose, Jughead and Film Film Film
The Unfamiliar Familiar is a reference to ‘His Dark Materials’
When asked if gems who have their gem over their eye have any sight impairments, Rebecca said, “I think it could affect their depth perception but I don’t know if gems necessarily function the way humans do. I think, if anything, they might even have some sort of enhanced sight (…) like, your gem placement I think has a lot do, like I said, with you as a person. And even Eyeball, I mean, was sort of scrutinizing everything. Then I suppose also other senses could be heightened but that’s very human. I think gems—gems are different. They work a little differently.” McKenzie: “So does that mean Jasper has a really good sense of smell?” Rebecca: “Oh, that I don’t know. Maybe not. I mean that was sort of just a simple—like hard-nosed thought as a way a person could be.”
It is possible for a non-fusion gem to have the same gem-type as a fusion (e.g. a Garnet that is just one gem) It would look different though
Rebecca would like to have an OK K.O. crossover.
Back when OK K.O. was called Lakewood Plaza Turbo, Rebecca and Ian hoped that to have a crossover called Stewood Plaven Turbiverse, resulting in mushing the 2 shows together. Characters would include Mr. Gar-net (Garnet & Mr. Gars), K-ven (Steven & K.O.), Penid (Pearl & Enid), and Radethyst (Amethyst & Radecles)
feel free to add on to this post if I missed any information!
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
Animation Is The Best
Traditional animation
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CGI animation
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Rotoscope animation
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Stop Motion animation
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Cutout animation
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Motion Capture animation 
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Animatronic animation
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American animation
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Foreign animation
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Zoetrope animation 
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Sand animation 
Kinetic Typography animation
Paint on Glass animation
Drawn on Film animation
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Pinscreen animation
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
@instantcatfish so the next time we hang out we're watching this gem, yeah?
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
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I redrew a couple utena fight scenes with pearl and jasper for fun but I got so excited with it that I fleshed it out into a bigger sequence! (i think it’s about half utena, half my shots. i especially had to do the flower stab scene)
I do think it’s cool that pearl and jasper are both famed war veteran dual-wielding gems, I’d love to see them challenge/talk to each other in the future
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
This is the best.
andarthas-webreplied to your post:[Captain America (2011-2012) #1]“Got solid intel…
*facepalms* Painfully obvious none of you read the comics and are making snap judgements based on incomplete info. Also, you couldn’t tell a nazi from a fascist and a hero from a villain if your life depended on it….
Okay. Wow. I can’t believe we’re here. I’m savoring this moment hold on. Let me breathe it in. Let me just lap it up. I have to feel the grace of God come over me so I don’t school yo ass too hard. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Yup. First off, you…. commented on a screencap of me reading the comic. That I own. That I can take screencaps of. That is in my library. On Comixology. That I paid for. Since most of my library, y’know this one
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pales in comparison to the one I’m used to having since I moved across the country and don’t have access to the accumulative collection of mine, my dad’s, and my sister’s. Y’know. The one that has comics dating back to first printings in the 60s. But whatever.
What do I have on Comixology at this point?
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Oh right. 2634, most of which are trade collections. And that’s not counting the hundreds of issues I have in the archive because I’ve already used them on my comic book reference blog @renaramblesaboutcomics​. Y’know. Where I’m hosting my comic reviews and live reads I’ve been doing on tumblr since 2011.
But you’re riiiiiight. Maybe I don’t have the reference for Cap. Gosh darnit I’m just such a newb. What the fuck’s wrong with me, commenting on Cap comics I don’t know shit about.
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Ohhhhhhhh right. I just own the whole fucking run you’re referring to. Right right. Not to mention I have read the Ultimate comics, the Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale Captain America: White, the Sam Wilson Cap comic before Spencer lost his goddamn mind, and a couple dozen more not to mention the Avengers comics I own, the Spider-Man guest appearances, the X-Men guest appearances, the guest appearances in Captain and Ms. Marvel books, and all those other comics that feature him.
My bad. Looks like you’re full of shit. And I’m an actual Cap Fan. Uh oh.
Looks like you’re in trouble.
But I have to close out with one more thing:
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Okay I’ll stay away from the obvious answer which is that you…. apparently know that the National Socialist Movement in 1930s Germany was …. fascist. But that’s okay. (It’s actually not, it just shows you’re fucking ridiculous)
The thing is you’re accusing me of not being able to recognize either. So let me introduce you to someone I’m pretty sure knows Nazis when she sees them.
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Hi. I’m Renaroo. I run this blog, also @renaramblesaboutcomics​. Along with being a lifetime comic book fan,the daughter of comic book fans, and the granddaughter of comic book fans, I’m something else that you would know if you wandered around my blog any:
I’m German-American. Specifically I’m only the second generation of Americans in my family. My family came over from post-Nazi Germany in 1950. Specifically I have to thank this little woman in the middle:
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That’s my grandma. Actually she’s all of our Grandma – We’re now a family of Italian-German-Americans,l Mexican-Americans, Polish-German Americans, and (my sister and I) Appalachian-German-Americans.
My Grandma just turned 78 this year and in her lifetime she lived through, you guessed it, World War II and Nazi Germany. In fact, she lost her father in the war – my great-grandfather.
She was also as a young child mauled and attacked by an SS German police dog, which she has scars on her arms from. They’re next to the scars she got from her time as a welder in a metal shop in Akron, Ohio during the rubber boom, but that’s less relevant.
This 4′9″ woman has taught me many things over the years. She helped raise my sister and me. And some of things she, and my great-grandmother before she died at the age of 98, would talk to us about was living under a fascist dictatorship and how that place was called…
wait for it…
Nazi Germany.
So, yes. I know what Nazis are. I know what fascists are. If I didn’t, I could call up my comic book collecting dad who is also a history professor, and get him to explain it to us, but I’m pretty sure I don’t have to.
Because before slow roasting you over a fire, I guess I could’ve pointed out this. It’s sometimes hard to find so I don’t really blame you for not having read it yourself. I’m not an asshole comic book fan who lords that sort of thing over people
But here’s Captain America (1941-1950) #1:
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[Captain America (1940-1941) #1]
Oh wow look it’’s Red Skull’s first appearance. What’s that he’s wearing on his chest? Why doesn’t he know he leads HYDRA? Not Nazis. That’s so weird I wonder what the two have in common…
P.S. @andarthas-web​, in case it’s not obviously apparent from the entirety of this post you enabled by trying smear shit on my original post: You’re a fucking idiot.
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
I love this.
Tim Drake is the trouble child, comes from a bad home (not as bad as Jason). Poor guy got "stuck" between Jason and Damian during his Robin tenure. But, as you and others have said, there is a right way and wrong way to show how those three can be aggressive and violent against each other. They do it, not for attention, but to cement that they are the only Robin worthy of holding that title. So they go after the Robins before them (only the guy Robins, though). Or, that's my take away of it
Also, in your opinion, whose more violent/aggressive when it comes to taking on villains, Damian or Jason?And hope my weigh in on the Jason/Tim/Damian violence issue didn’t offend or upset you
Well, first off, it doesn’t offend me at all. I actually put a lot of thought into these situations and especially these three’s relationships. My only issues with discussing it is that people tend to take my posts down rabbit holes that I’m not exactly thrilled about. Either the Blame Game or the Problematic Police and that’s when I tend to get eye rolly.
My general issue with the Jason-Tim-Damian aggression as it plays out in both the comics and in fandom is that there’s this like…. “Victimization Olympics” that has come into play over the years. Like you can’t sympathize more with any one of their histories or abuses without lessening the others even though they all come from very different forms of bad backgrounds.
Jason being a victim of economic strife and poverty which led to him losing his adopted mother to preventable healthcare neglect (either cancer treatment they couldn’t afford or drug abuse that she wasn’t helped with depending on the canon), and a father who died from taking a job that was criminal, yes, but ultimately low level and most likely taken out of desperation more than anything else (why else would you work for someone as likely to kill his hired help as Two-Face). Then growing up for at least a while on the streets, having to drop out of school during that time to avoid social services. These are hardships that are vital to Jason’s character, deserve sympathy and examination. And they’re completely separate from Tim and Damian’s own situations. Jason’s trauma comes from being left to slip through the cracks, and his distrust and perception that the system itself is broken only becoming more reinforced as he learns that for some people, justice isn’t allowed to prevail due to economic and class influence far above anything he would have ever been allowed to have growing up.
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[Batman (1940-2011) #424]
Tim’s own neglect and canon familial problems receive a lot less sympathy in fandom, generally, because he is very well off economically. I think that makes his type of severe neglect a lot more unrelatable to people, which is unfair because as I’ve talked about on the blog before, this is a form of emotional abuse that I’ve seen play out in real life many times. And by the time his mother dies and his father is literally forced to be a part of his life due to medical issues, Tim still feels the burden of that emotional neglect and something else grows from that new situation. Jack Drake post-death has been kinda sainctified in Tim’s reflections, but this is a man who while never physically harming Tim, would flip out and break Tim’s things, like ripping a television out of the wall in Tim’s room when he’s mad at Tim. Never his own things or his second wife’s things (who he married barely a year after Tim’s mother died by the by), but always Tim’s things. And if you know anything about emotional violence and abuse, that’s like. Classic. Not to mention, when Jack learns that Tim is Robin and deduces that Bruce is Batman, this is a man whose first instinct is to race to Wayne Manor with a gun and threaten Bruce. Which somehow ends with both of them “comically” yelling at Tim for trying to speak up for himself. Tim being a victim of this situation isn’t really interchangable with physical abuse from his mother (which fandom does because that’s an “easier” and more “classically portrayed” type of abuse – also  funny how easy it is to blame Janet, who was never allowed to have her own character, when it’s Jack who lived and had all these Danger Signs). It’s its own, very specific form of neglect and abuse that caused a lot of the characteristics I personally see as vital to Tim (his inability to confront authority figures, his withdrawn nature in his Robin persona, his willingness to allow grades and school life slip until he literally drops out of high school by the time we get to Red Robin) 
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[Robin (1993-2009) #125 – I always have to back up stuff with Jack and Tim or else people act like I’m making it up – idk why]
And then there’s Damian, whose abuse came in the form of being raised to not have a childhood, being trained like an adult from a young age. And while Tomasi and Gleason have been retconning what they can over the last few years, there is no doubt that the absence of a normal childhood is going to continue to give him deep emotional scars and trust issues for the rest of his life. Part of why my personal reading of Damian emphasizes just how important his relationship to Dick was and that slow burn of their trust and sort of foster-relationship was in Batman & Robin (2009-2011) is because that was the first time in Damian’s life he was allowed to feel security and it shows very much throughout. Especially when he and Dick have this little conversation: 
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[Batman & Robin (2009-2011) #10]
And this gets into what fandom goes into and what I refer to as the “Victim Olympics” – like we have to add up points here and reward someone’s fav for having the worst childhood leading up to his Robinhood or something. Which got played up in canon by having these three hate each other the way they did. 
It makes sense for Jason to see Tim as a kid of privilege trying to replace him because he had “none of the baggage” that Jason had. It makes sense for Tim to find Damian’s entitlement and sense of “biological right” over him and the others and find his attitude abhorrent to everything he’s experienced and how grateful he is toward Bruce and the family. It makes sense for Damian to look at the other children, who he has been told are “lesser” because of their lack of blood relations (and blood inheritance is of course everything to Damian’s treatment and raising with the al Ghuls) being loved unconditionally the way they are by the father he can’t seem to please. 
But few (maybe no) canon writers seem to see the levels of these relationships and treat their default Robin as the “true” point of view. And so that just encourages fandom’s natural inclination to do the same. Somehow everyone’s at fault except for your fav and their pain and abuse or neglect or circumstances don’t matter a tenth as much as yours. 
And that rubs me such the wrong way I can’t stand it. Because I think all of these stories are important and need to be told. They’re some of the most real examinations of the way different forms of trauma can be felt by a wide swarth of people, and how they build into those characters so deeply. 
Part of why Tim Drake of the New52, and Rebirth for that matter, doesn’t read well to me is because he’s had that neglect and abandonment completely erased from his history. It’s hard to explain how his asocial tendencies developed in a supportive environment so unlike the one we saw him grow from organically in the previous continuity. And part of that is probably because so few writers – even those who wrote those circumstances to begin with – seem to recognize that those were abusive signals. It was just accidental “oh kids I know who have these behaviors tend to have uninvolved parents. What a weird coincidence”. 
And unfortunately that’s led to the mess that I keep referring to in fandom.
As for your question about who is more violent with criminals between Jason and Damian, that would be Jason. I mean… they’ve both killed but… yeah Jason. He put heads in a dufflebag. 
Wait but Damian put a grenade in a head and threw it at Tim, didn’t he.
Fuck they’re both bad when written by certain people. Okay you’ve got me. It’s a tossup. 
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
So, today, Marvel published issues of comics revealing that in fact the Nazis were always supposed to win World War 2, and the Allies invented the Cosmic Cube to rewrite history to prevent that from happening. Steve Rogers, the Steve Rogers that Jack Kirby and Joe Simon invented to punch Hitler and fight Nazis back before the US was even IN World War 2, that Steve Rogers is a fake, not the REAL Steve Rogers, not the original or the genuine article - he was always originally a HYDRA agent, always supposed to be a Nazi. 
That was released today. April 19th.
April 19th is the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the largest Jewish revolt during World War 2, the first urban uprising in Nazi-occupied Europe, begun when the Nazis decided to completely wipe out the Warsaw Jews on Passover eve. Instead, the Jews held out for nearly a month, with whatever they could fight with. They inspired Jews across Europe, including those already in the camps, to organize and revolt. They’re honored to this day. 
And Marvel published their Nazi-stanning dumpster fire of a retcon today. 
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
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aunt may does right by her nephew. 
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
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red-dye-number-five · 7 years
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Super Sons variant by Mirka Andolfo.
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