realshowstopper · 4 years
im sorry
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THIS is what disney thinks zombies look like
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realshowstopper · 4 years
Starkid flagged some of my YT videos for copyright enfringement, which got me 1 copyright strike, then some other person flagged more (which I thought I had set to private???) which got my account disabled.
I get why they'd be considered copyright enfringement--that part doesn't bother me--it just hit me a lot harder than I would've expected, to see my account disabled. It's made me really sad?? And I know I can contact them and ask them to take it back, but I'm worried that'll just cause more heartache and idk idk
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realshowstopper · 4 years
I'm gonna be real I don't know why people hate this website so much. Every place with humanity has """cringey""" content and people fight in other places I'm so confused why is this place special
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realshowstopper · 4 years
as much as I enjoy TGWDLM's opening can you imagine if theyd just started cold with the scene in the office and there wasnt a musical number until La Dee Dah Dah Day?
would it have been more effective?
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realshowstopper · 4 years
Orpheus: la la la la la la laaa
Eurydice: he rlly be vibin doe 👀
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realshowstopper · 5 years
sanders sides ship names be like
wow i sure do want some digicoloprinality content
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realshowstopper · 5 years
if you don’t get it i beg you to follow jon on twitter
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realshowstopper · 5 years
I want to draw that outfit swap so badly omg
super soft virceit shenanigans (platonic)
as in, i sent @parano–vigilant a message and they said that they like platonic virceit so i’m like you know what gotta do this
okay so they do super dumb shenanigans
as in, who can scream the loudest to wake all the others up
(remus sometimes joins in)
who can make logan anxious first
deceit wins that one
logan can’t logic what deceit says like he can w/ virgil so it makes sense
but logan can still do so deceit just has a more logical argument than virgil
but remus usually walks in and starts to scream and be irritating as he usually does which prompts patton to come in
so they usually don’t finish the competition
they use slides
virgil and deceit
love slides
high slides
low slides
just slides. give them slides thomas
have them outfit swap
they do their nail polish though
and makeup
and they spill the tea
“oh GOD you can’t BELIEVE what remus did this time” “okay, but roman did something just as chaotic as remus” “impossible” “possible”
sometimes they have calm shenanigans
sometimes they go to the park and just talk about random shit
“society’s dumb” “i know” “i hate it” “i know, deceit”
someone add on
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realshowstopper · 5 years
They came up with it last?? That's interesting...I mean, think of the implications....
New StarKid musical!!!!!
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Apparently they came up with TGWDLM last but decided to do it first because it seemed the easiest. NPMD was the original Hatchetfield Musical.
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realshowstopper · 5 years
He coughs midway through Act 1 and suddenly goes through puberty and gets a deeper voice
Hey if hot chocolate boy is supposed to be a main character at some point does that mean robert has to keep up that voice the entire show?
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realshowstopper · 5 years
eating a jolly rancher filled gummie
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realshowstopper · 5 years
Thinking about how Paul wanted to start a relationship with Emma thus giving him something to sing about when he didn't before,,,
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realshowstopper · 5 years
Send me two starkid characters and I'll draw a fusion between them!!
They do not have to be from the same show, and Black Friday/Tin Can Bros characters count as well! (I'll use the spoiler tag)
I can't guarantee I'll do all of them, but I'm on Thanksgiving Break, so for at least a week I should be able to get quite a few done!
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realshowstopper · 5 years
Homie....I love this SO MUCH!! I need more CONTENT of this
infected!paulkins don't heal
they're distinct in being significantly more broken than the rest of the hive. Emma walks with a heavy limp and can barely carry weight on her bad leg unless she's dancing. Paul's head sits crooked, his shoulders are uneven, and his limbs hang loose and awkward like a broken doll. they're both covered in blue-scarred scratches and scabs from the last day they were human
they're no weaker for it though - they may even be stronger. the hive's healing has little to do with the function of the body, it's about presentation. heal and clean when the intent is to blend in, leave broken and messy when the intent is to frighten
or to flaunt a hard-earned victory
Paul and Emma fought the hardest, and now they're so happy they don't even care to heal themselves
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realshowstopper · 5 years
Okay I was definitely thinking this BUT my one issue is that TGWDLM takes place over at least two days.
...although, now that I think about it, the apocalypse didn't actually START until the second day, meaning the apocalyptic scenario might've only been playing out over the case of a day.
But then what was happening the previous day?? Or do they have, like....mostly normal days then a few scattered apocalypse days throughout the year that get erased afterwards
"I didnt think of the implications!"
"Its just a fucking loop?!?"
"Its humanity's 11th hour"
"What if tomorrow comes?" (The whole song tbh)
All of these further solidify my theory on why I think Hatchetfield is stuck in a horrible apocalypse timeloop which resets at 12am, forcing them to live through horror over and over again as a sort of punishment for how horrible the people Hatchetfield are.
That or we are just seeing multiple stories from different dimensions.
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realshowstopper · 5 years
General McNamara: There's this other dimension.....where Wiggly is hiding.....
Me, a mixed race African and European person:
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realshowstopper · 5 years
I just realized
Whenever we say "tgwdlm/Black Friday AU where...." they're all true. Like, Black Friday and TGWDLM are just AUs of each other. Anything we come up with is just another one.
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