ravenclawfromohio · 3 months
Imagine this,
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Maybe it’s a relatively small one. (You’re reading this wondering what the heck you should study at University). If this is you, first of all - hello, I’m in the exact same boat and know your struggle well. And second of all, I have something that will help you.
Most people think intuition is something rare. A once-in-blue-moon kinda thing that they don’t trust until hindsight proves it was right.
But what if I told you this isn’t true? What if I told you that intuition is something that is always with you and can be turned on? Something that can be tuned to answer specific questions?
This has been my experience, and those experiences are what I’m basing this all off.
If this peaks your interest, send me a message or comment on this post. I’m offering to either,
a) give you an intuitive reading on a specific question you provide.
b) walk you through giving yourself your own reading.
This entire process can be done via messaging here on Tumblr or through Instagram dms; whichever you’d prefer.
And yes, this is free. Absolutely free.
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ravenclawfromohio · 3 months
This isn't what I usually post (if you can say that when you haven't posted in a year;), but any help would be appreciated! 😊
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I'm currently applying to Universities (specifically ones in Europe or the UK, but mainly in Europe). And I want to study psychology, with more than a few courses focused on either perception, memory, or cognition.
The University of Glasgow has some that look good (Perception and Visual cognition and I'm pretty sure they also have a perception lab), but it'd be like £30,000 a year for me.
Does anyone know any Universities that off similar undergrad courses for psychology majors? Any help would be appreciated! Xx
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ravenclawfromohio · 1 year
Ok, I need some help. There used to be a Charlie Weasley x Hermione fanfic on Wattpad (I think it was called “To Tame a Weasley,” something like that). Anyways, I can’t find it anywhere, and it’s driving me insane.
If you know of it or know where I can find it, please please please let me know!!
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ravenclawfromohio · 2 years
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Sneaking Around (Bill Weasley)
You and Bill have been together for a while now, but still, sneaking into each other’s rooms is never easy.
I cringe as the stair creaks under my weight.
After a few seconds and no movement, I deem it safe to open one eye. Then another.
Quietly, and even more carefully now, I make my way up the stairs of the burrow until I come to the 2nd to last floor.
Above me lies the attic, and I can just make out the sounds of Ron snoring through the thin walls.
God bless you Harry, I think to myself. I can’t imagine having to fall asleep listening to all that ruckus.
The door lets out a little creak even as I attempt to open it as gently as possible.
It’s like entering a blast from the past. Vintage posters line the walls. In the corner stands an old dresser, and in the center of the room, underneath the only window, lies a small twin bed. A red checkers blanket lies rumpled, the lump in the bed moving upon hearing my entrance.
Bill peeks out from underneath the comforter, then moves up, allowing the blanket to fall lower, exposing his well-toned abs to me.
He leans back on one hand, the other coming up to rub his eyes.
I move closer, sharing a secret smile with him as he scoots back and lifts the blanket. It’s a quiet invitation that I have no qualm in taking.
‘Well this is a nice surprise,’ he whispers, pecking my temple affectionately. ‘I didn’t expect for you to take my suggestions so literally.’
I take my time answering, instead choosing to meet him halfway in a kiss as my hands massage down his chest.
‘And are you mad about it?’
‘Mad? How could I be mad?’
I chuckle softly as he moves to kiss down my neck, starting at my ear and stopping just short of my collarbone.
But we freeze when a loud thump sounds from below.
Images flash through my head. Visions of a screeching Molly Weasley coming at me in her nightgown, wielding a ladle and going on and on about propriety.
It feels like hours, but could really only be seconds, as we wait with bated breath. Then, we both deflate, the tension seeping from our bones as our strained ears are met with nothing but silence.
Then we settle down. The night is full of barely-there kisses, soft touches, and gentle caresses of any visible skin.
That's how I fall asleep, snuggled so close I'm nearly on top of him, his scent invading my nose from where my head's tucked securely in the nape of his neck.
‘Well, well, well, what do we have here?’
The voices are identical, and I groan as I blink blearily at them.
The twins.
Urgh. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wonder why exactly it is they’ve chosen to bother me so early in the morning.
That is until the pillow I’m lying on moves, and the arm slung over my waist tights, forcing me to snuggle further into Bill’s warm body. Bill’s warm body?
I shoot up at the realization, smacking Bill awake and snatching the blanket up to cover me in the process.
He shoots up behind me, hands coming to rest on my waist as he shoots daggers at his brothers.
‘Who let you two in here? And where the hell’s Charlie? He was supposed to watch the door.’
Charlie suddenly appears at the door, out of breath and panting.
‘Sorry guys, I tried, I really did.’
‘So,’ one of the twins starts, drawing out the word as he wriggles his eyebrows at me.
‘How long has this been going on?’
‘Just started,’ I say, at the same time Bill says ‘two years.’
‘Two years!’ The twins ask, jaws dropping. ‘But you were still in Hogwarts then?’
‘No, that’s great. We’re happy for you guys.’
They turn as another shriek from Molly bellows up from the kitchen below.
‘Can’t believe Bill’s secret is that he’s been sneaking girls into his room.’
‘Oi,’ Bill yells, throwing a baseball hat at the twins as they duck for cover.
‘It’s only one girl!’
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