randomfangirl5 · 1 month
Sweet Magnolias “Okay, but…” rant
Can we just talk for a second about Show vs. Book characters?!
I’ve seen SO many posts and interviews or whatever that talk about how the show will follow the books and all - and while that is FANTASTIC couple-wise - but I’m not really convinced that it can.
Character Point 1: Annabelle “Annie” Sullivan
Show Annie is healthy while Book Annie had an eating disorder. I’m not saying that if they decided to follow that storyline that it couldn’t work, but… she’s so conscious of what her mom eats - she attempted to remove all sugars from their home after Dana Sue went to the hospital - that I’m not sure how they would make it believable.
Book Annie ends up becoming a physical therapist or some such and working at The Corner Spa. She COULD choose this path for her life in the show. BUT Show Annie seems more design oriented than Book Annie ever seemed to be. At the moment, I can’t see Show Annie having any interest in being a physical therapist person.
Book Annie seems to have less backbone or equal footing in comparison to Show Annie. The way it seems in the books is that Annie became a physical therapist person BECAUSE of Ty. Like her decisions only focused on a boy. That may just be my interpretation. But Show Annie is part of that blog or message board or whatever that posts photos of the “real Serenity” and I just never got that vibe from Book Annie.
Character Point 2: Tyler “Ty” Townsend
Let’s start with the MAIN divergence that I see between the two: cheating on partner and getting someone else pregnant. They COULD do this - I’d stop watching in protest - BUT it would major shifts in personality/perspective/attitude for it to seem convincing. Show Ty was SO mad at his father for cheating on Maddie and ruining their family by getting someone else pregnant. I can’t see the boy who barely tolerated Noreen’s presence and noticeably grew agitated when she watched his games ever turn around and do that to the person he was with. Especially not if that person was Annie.
Book Ty seems TOO invested in baseball to really be the same person as Show Ty. Maybe thats just because we’ve seen Show Ty deal with the loss of being able to play baseball already and having that “baseball bubble” shattered. Show Ty has already dealt with an injury that requires a break from baseball and he’s found other things he enjoys in that time. Book Ty never seems to have that revelation. Show Ty just seems to have more depth of character to me.
Book Ty just seems to think things will fall into place with very little work. I remember in one of the books, Ty has a conversation with Cal and Cal calls him out on believing that just showing up would guarantee that things went the way Ty wanted. Show Ty seems to have started to be a bit more humbled already. Someone his age called him out on just trying to flirt his way into getting what he wants. Also, Show Ty has had to watch Annie with someone else and not be able to say anything. I don’t recall anything like that for Book Ty.
Character Point 3: Maddie Townsend
Show Maddie has been dating Cal a while, right? No proposals or pregnancies as far as I can see. It feels in-authentic for Show Maddie to decide on trusting and marrying someone that fast.
Character Point 4: Helen Decatur
Book Helen and Book Erik were in a friends-with-benefits relationship. Show Helen and Erik are friends - we’re ignoring that rough patch where they don’t talk - but I have yet to see hide nor hair of “with-benefits” in the show.
Book Helen is so desperate for a child that she manipulates Book Erik to get what she wants. Show Helen is a wonderful lawyer that gets what needs done done. But Show Helen would NEVER violate trust given to her like THAT. Show Helen wants children, but she’s gonna do it by herself if she has to; none of that (toxic) behavior needed as she’s too kind-hearted for that.
Need I go on???
Does anyone ACTUALLY think that we can really say that the show will follow the books?!
thank you for listening to my rant.
(Yes, I adore TyAnnie)
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