randombitchwashere · 2 months
Nah cause I'll read a fiction and the best friend will have my name and it's all over.
I used to actually cry about it for some fandoms.
Like, bro my name ain't even that common what the hell in 'My Immortals' shite is this. It's so unfair when I try and read like niche fandoms, or just kinda unpopular ships man.
me when the READER in the X READER has a name:
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like babe the fic ate but i do NOT look like an Aurora🙁
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randombitchwashere · 9 months
This my be a bit TMI but sometime I I look at my man and have to stop myself from absolutely devouring him. Full on Gluck Gluck 10,000, sucking the soul out of him just cause he's so goddamn delectable looking. I'm talking the wettest, sloppiest top known to man. I would make Satan himself envy my dick sucking abilities.
I just wanna naw on him like he's my chew toy and fuck his silly little brain out its crazy. I want to ride him like the fuckin cows came home after a famine, sometimes it fuckin insane how unbearable horny this fuckwit goofball I love makes me...🙄😫😫🤤
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randombitchwashere · 9 months
how I feel trying to insert myself into a cheerleader!reader fic
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randombitchwashere · 10 months
BITCH!!!!! When I tell you I squealed!!?!?
Had me over here kicking my feet and shit. It's so f--kin cute OhmYg. It's actually so precious tho.
Fr thank you so much this is outstanding 😵🙂
adrian’s arcade invitation (voicemail)
i made this cute voicemail of adrian chase asking u on a date w elevenlabs !! beep is for ur name, adrian is not calling u a bitch😎
ps: ik glasglow is in fucking scotland but evergreen is also made up so i just decided to go w a random name for a town
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randombitchwashere · 1 year
This is everything tho!!!!!!
Making snow angels but imagine this! Steve is the angel on your shoulder and Eddie is the devil! And and and one day you hit your head or something and you see both of them! It doesn’t even have to be romantic just like how would they explain why two random dudes are in your room after you wake up(imagine you hit your head, went to sleep) and next morning you wake up to two rando dudes sitting on your bed discussing something! Idk funny. This might be stupid but I just thought about it and how that conversation would go 😅😅
A/N: omg shut up I LOVE THAT!! *my brain immediately going to extremely smutty places and losing it at the wild possibilities*
Word count: 616
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, please tell me what you think!
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“I think she can see us.”          
“I don’t know, maybe she just actually did get a concussion last night.”
Staring in complete and utter shock at the two strangers standing at the foot of your bed, your voice trembled as you asked, “w-who are you and what are you doing here?”
“Holy shit,” the one with long dark curls cursed. 
“Tell me right now or I swear I’ll scream!” you treated, scurrying up as close to the headboard as you could. 
“She can see us? She can see us,” the other one realised, “alright,” he looked straight at you, then wondered underneath his breath, “how the fuck do I do this…” flashing you a bright and slightly nervous smile, he said, “hi! I’m Steve and this is Eddie.”
“How did you get in my room?” your wild eyes darted from one to the other. 
“Well, we’re sort of always around you,” Eddie shrugged. 
“You-…” there was only one logical explanation to this. You had a stalker, or more accurately, you had two. “Please don’t hurt me!”
“Hurt you?” Steve’s brows furrowed as he swiftly sat down on the edge of the mattress, “we would never hurt you!”
“I mean,” the other’s ever-present smirk grew bigger, “unless you want us to-”
“Hold your split tongue for once in your life, Munson!” Steve snapped, glaring back at his partner. Dropping his harshness at once, he glanced back at you and spoke, “Y/n, don’t listen to him, just look at me and take a deep breath for a second.”
“Who are you? What do you want with me?”
Not waiting a second longer to respond, Eddie blurted out, “we are your shoulders’ devil and angel.”
“Dude,” Steve whipped his head around again, “you could have softened the blow a little.”
“Well, I’ve never done this before, what do you expect me to do?” he replied, defensively waving his arms around. 
“Is this some sort of joke?” you asked, still clutching your knees to your chest, “did Robin put you up to this?”
Looking you in the eye, Steve said, “I swear we’re telling you the truth.”
Still not convinced, you challenged, “then prove it,” not really sure what it was you were asking them to do. 
“Alright,” Eddie accepted the test, listing off confidently, “you usually always have oatmeal for breakfast but yesterday you had toast, 6 months ago you started lying to your friends and told them that you weren’t a virgin anymore, that you had fooled around with some guy during summer break when in reality you went away to visit your grandparents and spend your days playing bridge, and lastly, you say that pillow is only for decoration,” he pointed to the pink, firm one beside you, “but we are all well aware that’s not why you keep it on your bed…”
“I-…” your breath got caught in your throat, “but, you’re not on my shoulders…”
“Yeah, that part is more of an expression.”
“Holy shit… so you two are always here?”
“Always have, always will,” Eddie stated.
“Wait,” you winced, squeezing your eyes shut as you asked, “does that mean-, have you seen me naked?”
“Of course not,” Steve rushed to say, though Eddie swiftly corrected him. 
“Don’t lie, Steve, it’s not a good look on you. Yes,” he smirked, virtually singing the words, “yes, we certainly have.”
“Oh my god…” you sank down deeper, hiding your face in your knees. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, it’s a totally normal and natural thing,” you felt Steve’s fingers brush over your right calf, “we’re used to it, barely even notice anymore, I swear.”
“Yeah,” Eddie chuckled, “that’s not what your dick said when she took a shower yesterday…”
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randombitchwashere · 1 year
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It has to be a coincidence that one of my friends came out to me today and I see this.
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You, you support trans men.
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randombitchwashere · 1 year
I'm actually so fuckin happy oh my gooo-
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He so fuckin cute..🥰
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randombitchwashere · 1 year
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me @ joseph quinn
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randombitchwashere · 2 years
I want to present everyone with a late Halloween idea...
Adrian chase dressed as Pyramid Head. And his s/o dressed as a nurse or hear me out, Harry Mason.
It's already established that Vig is a nerd and I genuinely think he likes old-school horror games, like Silent hill, Resident Evil, and probably even the Evil Dead games.
It fits his checklist, think about it. It's gory, has a story with multiple endings that he would play through multiple times, and it could probably entertain him for hours. That's not even addressing the multiple sequels, I know he'd find a fault with them but would still play them with the sole purpose of fulfilling his niche interests, and other existential thought. Plus no one can convince me he doesn't get ideas on how to take out butterflys' after playing through it.
So like imagine him and his s/o dressing up to go out with the team, and Chris was probably poking fun at Adrian about his muscle mass or some other masculine bullshit, but to prove him wrong he and his partner dress up accordingly; to show off.
I really can't help but want to just see him in the full get-up. He would spend weeks, no months making the head look perfect, but still be wearable (I mean come on, he has to have gotten a prescription visor form somewhere?), and he would meet the team in the pants and butchers apron and everyone tries to poke at him but I mean, come one who gives a shit, he looked hot.
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randombitchwashere · 2 years
Thus video just gives me " I went on a walk with the cousins on thanksgiving, and now everyone is yelling but this bread is to die for" and I will never be able to unsee it.
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randombitchwashere · 2 years
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randombitchwashere · 2 years
Robin when Eddie comes into family video to flirt with steve.
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randombitchwashere · 2 years
Steve thought
I had this thought of how my favorite. Would react to me if they ever saw me and i have an obsession with Steve Harrington rn...and I genuinely think Steve wouldn't second glance unless some very specific circumstances.
Anyways I have this idea that Steve would probably see me outside of like a retail job after a 12 hour or sm and he sees me smoking out front and assumes im homeless, (not to downplay homelessness or anything, i just am kinda bummy lookin when I leave work). He probably thinks nothing of it till he sees me again the next day and walked up to me to give me change or food from a dinner down the street.
He walk up all shy and polite, thinking he's a godsend ( Maybe it starts with season 1 Steve idk) and just thrusts the takeout/change in my face. And yknow I'd just be astounded like; "tf is this dude?" And he'd get scared of being stabbed so he rushes out to explain that he thought I could use it being as i was on the street. He would get all fumbly, and probably stutter, and curl in on himself preparing for homless crazy screams ( I'm from NY I've seen them straight crazy types before) but all he hears is a scuff and a shuffle. He'd look up and just see the most judgmental look on earth.
I'd probably get like pissed and tell him off, that he's stupid. And he'd start to apologize and say to keep the food/money just "please don't hurt him." And I'd go up walk away and Steve would beg for forgiveness and ask if he could make it up to me by getting me lunch, and I'd just tell him "try again pretty boy." And would just walk home.
But he keeps finding me and trying to apologize and asks for a lunch date, in fairness; so I'd go and he'd say sm stupid again and for months it'd be this cycle of Steve offering a date for forgiveness before he fucks up again. Until it leads to a resolve of Steve saying I make him nervous, and he keeps messing up his words.
Anyhoos that's all really, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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randombitchwashere · 2 years
I'm not super familiar with b99 but
I feel like Jake Peralta and Adrian Chase are the same man in different font
Plz discus...
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randombitchwashere · 2 years
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Abandoned house illuminated by my car’s headlights, Rockbridge County, Virginia.
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randombitchwashere · 2 years
I haven't seen dancing pumpkin guy ONCE this year, are you guys okay?
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randombitchwashere · 2 years
No seriously it's so hilarious, if you look at Elon r u ok on his first channel his voice is so out of pocket. It was him in 2018
I clipped together two snippets of schlatt talking
The first is from 2022 ( its ep 55 of chuckles Sandwich) and the second from 2019 ( its Rollercoaster Tycoon: the Worst Park) just to really see the difference in schlatt's voice
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