psyduck-studies ¡ 4 days
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“It Is an Honor to Be Suspended for Palestine”
Dispatches from the Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University
In this in-depth report, participants offer a blow-by-blow account of the events at Columbia, appraising the tactics that the demonstrators have employed and the challenges that they face.
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
Hellooo here's a link to my drive folder which has a collection of 200+ books, essays, poetry and short story collections and a lot of other things. Most are epubs which can be easily downloaded if u have a reader app and there are a pdfs too. Let me know if there's a problem in any of the files. Happy reading!!!
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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April 3, 2022 // Throwback some pages in my Midori A6 diary. I haven't been using this diary much in March, but I hope to show it some love in April! Anyone else feel awful when they don't use up planners, especially dated ones?
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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APRIL 12 / 22
I’m done exams !! good luck to everyone finishing up !! It’s almost over !!!
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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Some pics of the week.
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
If you’re a teen and everyone is making you feel like you need to know what you want to do with your life right now, you should know that several people right now in my graduate program had other careers before this and they just decided to give it up and change course because they figured out that their old job wasn’t good for them. I met a woman last year who was on her fifth masters program.
You can change your mind. You can go back to school. You can go backpack around Asia for a month and try to find yourself. You can change religions, partners, careers, names, goals, politics, as many times as you need to.
Maybe you’ll get it first try. Maybe you’ll have to try a dozen times. But there’s nothing wrong with skipping town to become a barista in another city or getting a second bachelors because the first one didn’t work out or going to trade school or just wanting to work at the grocery store in your hometown for the rest of your life.
Point is, everyone telling you that you’ve gotta have it all figured out isn’t telling you the whole truth.
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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08.04.2022 = prepping for a course on monasticism next semester
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
625 words to know
Italian version (English explanation and more resources here)
• Animali: il cane (dog), il gatto (cat), il pesce (fish), l’uccello (bird), la mucca (cow), il maiale (pig), il topo (mouse), il cavallo (horse), l’ala (wing), l’animale (animal), la zampa (paw)
• Mezzi di trasporto: il treno (train), l’aereo / l’aeroplano (plane), la macchina / l’auto / l’automobile (car), il camion (truck), la bici / la bicicletta (bicycle), il pullman / il bus (bus), la barca (boat), la nave (ship), la ruota (tire), il carburante (gasoline), il motore (engine), il biglietto (ticket), i mezzi di trasporto (transportation)
• Luoghi: la città (city), la casa (house), l’appartamento (apartment), la strada (street/road), l’aeroporto (airport), la stazione (train station), il ponte (bridge), l’albergo / l’hotel (hotel), il ristorante (restaurant), la fattoria (farm), il campo (court - sport), la scuola (school), l’ufficio (office), la stanza (room), la cittadina (town), l’università (university), il club (club), il bar (bar), il parco (park), il campeggio (camp), il negozio (store/shop), il teatro (theater), la biblioteca (library), l’ospedale (hospital), la chiesa (church), il mercato (market), la Nazione / il Paese (country (USA, France, etc.)), l’edificio (building), il terreno (ground), lo spazio (space (outer space)), la banca (bank), la posizione / il posto (location)
• Abbigliamento: il cappello (hat), il vestito (dress), il completo (suit), la gonna (skirt), la camicia (shirt), la maglietta (T-shirt), i pantaloni (trousers /pants), le scarpe (shoes), la tasca (pocket), il cappotto (coat), la macchia (stain), i vestiti / l’abbigliamento (clothing)
• Colori: il rosso (red), il verde (green), il blu (blue), l’azzurro (light blue), il giallo (yellow), il marrone (brown), il rosa (pink), l’arancione (orange), il nero (black), il bianco (white), il grigio (gray), il colore (color)
• Persone: il figlio (son), la figlia (daughter), la madre (mother), il padre (father), i genitori (parent (= mother/father)), il neonato (newborn) / il bambino (baby), l’uomo (man), la donna (woman), il fratello (brother), la sorella (sister), la famiglia (family), il nonno (grandfather), la nonna (grandmother), il marito (husband), la moglie (wife), il re (king), la regina (queen), il presidente (president), il vicino (neighbor), il ragazzo (boy), la ragazza (girl), il bambino (child (= boy/girl)) (la bambina, girl), l’adulto (adult (= man/woman)), l’essere umano / l’umano (human (≠ animal)), l’amico (friend), la vittima (victim), il giocatore (player), il tifoso / il fan /l’appassionato (fan), la folla (crowd), la persona (person), la gente / le persone (people)
• Lavoro: l’insegnante (teacher), lo studente (student), l’avvocato (lawyer), il medico (doctor), il paziente (patient), il cameriere (waiter), il segretario / la segretaria (secretary), il prete / il sacerdote (priest), il poliziotto (police man), la polizia (police), l’esercito (army), il soldato (soldier), l’artista (artist), l’autore (author), il manager / il dirigente (manager), il reporter / l’inviato (reporter), l’attore (actor), il lavoro (job)
• Società: la religione (religion), il paradiso (heaven), l’inferno (hell), la morte (death), la medicina (medicine), i soldi (money), il dollaro (dollar), la banconota ((dollar) bill), il matrimonio (marriage), il matrimonio / le nozze (wedding), la squadra (team), la razza (race (ethnicity)), il sesso / il rapporto sessuale (sex (the act)), il sesso (sex (gender)), l’omicidio / l’assassinio (murder), la prigione (prison), la tecnologia (technology), l’energia (energy), la guerra (war), la pace (peace), l’attacco (attack), l’elezione (election), la rivista (magazine), il quotidiano / il giornale (newspaper), il veleno (poison), la pistola (gun), lo sport (sport), la gara (sportiva) (race (sport)), fare esercizio (to exercise), l’esercizio (exercise), la palla (ball), il gioco (game), il prezzo (price), il contratto (contract), la droga (drug), il cartello (sign (traffic)), il simbolo (sign), la scienza (science), Dio (God)
• Arte: la band / il gruppo (band), la canzone (song), gli strumenti (musicali) (instrument (musical)), la musica (music), il film (movie), l’arte (art)
• Bevande: il caffé (coffee), il té (tea), il vino (wine), la birra (beer), il succo (juice), l’acqua (water), il latte (milk), la bevanda (beverage)
• Alimenti: l’uovo (egg), il formaggio (cheese), il pane (bread), la zuppa (soup), la torta (cake), il pollo (chicken), il maiale / la carne suina (pork), il manzo / la carne bovina (beef), la mela (apple), la banana (banana), l’arancia (orange), il limone (lemon), il mais / il granoturco (corn), il riso (rice), l’olio (oil), il seme (seed), il coltello (knife), il cucchiaio (spoon), la forchetta (fork), il piatto (plate), la tazza (cup), la colazione (breakfast), il pranzo (lunch), la cena (dinner), lo zucchero (sugar), il sale (salt), la bottiglia (bottle), il cibo / gli alimenti (food)
• In casa: il tavolo (table), la sedia (chair), il letto (bed), il sogno (dream), la finestra (window), la porta (door), la camera da letto (bedroom), la cucina (kitchen), il bagno (bathroom), la matita (pencil), la penna (pen), la fotografia (photograph), il sapone (soap), il libro (book), la pagina (page), la chiave (key), la vernice (paint), la lettera (letter), l’appunto (note), il muro (wall), il foglio (paper), il pavimento (floor), il soffitto (ceiling), il tetto (roof), la piscina (pool), la serratura (lock), il telefono (telephone), il giardino (garden), il cortile (yard), l’ago (needle), la borsa (bag), la scatola (box), il regalo (gift), la carta / la tessera / il tesserino (card), l’anello (ring), l’attrezzo (tool)
• Elettronica: l’orologio (clock), la lampada (lamp), il ventilatore (fan), il (telefono) cellulare (cell phone), il network / il lavoro online (network),il computer (computer), il programma (program (computer)), il laptop / il portatile  /il computer portatile (laptop), lo schermo (screen), la fotocamera (camera), il televisore (television), la radio (radio), l’elettronica (electronics)
• Corpo: la testa (head), il collo (neck), la faccia (face), la barba (beard), i capelli (hair), l’occhio (eye), la bocca (mouth), il labbro (lip), il naso (nose), il dente (tooth), l’orecchio (ear), la lacrima (tear (drop)), la lingua (tongue), la schiena (back), il dito del piede (toe), il dito (finger), il piede (foot), la mano (hand), la gamba (leg), il braccio (arm), la spalla (shoulder), il cuore (heart), il sangue (blood), il cervello (brain), il ginocchio (knee), il sudore (sweat), la malattia (disease), l’osso (bone), la voce (voice), la pelle (skin), il corpo (body)
• Natura: il mare (sea), l’oceano (ocean), il fiume (river), la montagna (mountain), la pioggia (rain), la neve (snow), l’albero (tree), il sole (sun), la luna (moon), il mondo (world), la Terra (Earth), la foresta (forest), il cielo (sky), la pianta (plant), il vento (wind), il terreno (soil/earth), il fiore (flower), la valle (valley), la radice (root), il lago (lake), la stella (star), l’erba (grass), la foglia (leaf), l’aria (air), la sabbia (sand), la spiaggia (beach), l’onda (wave), il fuoco (fire), il ghiaccio (ice), l’isola (island), la collina (hill), il calore / il riscaldamento (heat), la natura (nature)
• Materiali: il vetro (glass), il metallo (metal), la plastica (plastic), il legno (wood), la pietra (stone), la roccia (huge stone), il diamante (diamond), l’argilla (clay), la polvere (dust), l’oro (gold), il rame (copper), l’argento (silver), il bronzo (bronze), il mattone (brick), il materiale (material)
• Matematica/Misure: metro (meter), centimetro (centimeter), chilogrammo (kilogram), pollice (inch), piede (foot), libbra (pound), metà (half), il cerchio (circle), il quadrato (square), la temperatura (temperature), la data (date), il peso (weight), il bordo (edge), l’angolo (corner)
• Nomi vari: la mappa (map), il punto (dot), la consonante (consonant), la vocale (vowel), la luce (light), il suono (sound), il silenzio (silence), il rumore (noise), il buio (darkness), sì (yes), no (no), il pezzo (piece), il dolore (pain), l’infortunio (injury), il buco (hole), l’immagine (image), il motivo / la fantasia / il disegno (pattern), il nome (noun), il verbo (verb), l’aggettivo (adjective)
• Direzioni: sommità (top), fondo (bottom), lato (side), davanti (front), dietro (back), fuori (outside), dentro (inside), sopra (up), sotto (down), sinistra (left), destra (right), dritto (straight), nord (north), sud (south), est (east), ovest (west), la direzione (direction)
• Stagioni: l’estate (Summer), la primavera (Spring), l’inverno (Winter), l’autunno (Fall), la stagione (season)
• Numeri: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 10000, 100000, milione (million), bilione (billion), primo (1st), secondo (2nd), terzo (3rd), quarto (4th), quinto (5th), il numero (number) [ HERE ]
• Mesi: gennaio (January), febbraio (February), marzo (March), aprile (April), maggio (May), giugno (June), luglio (July), agosto (August), settembre (September), ottobre (October), novembre (November), dicembre (December)
• Giorni della settimana: lunedì (Monday), martedì (Tuesday), mercoledì (Wednesday), giovedì (Thursday), venerdì (Friday), sabato (Saturday), domenica (Sunday)
• Tempo: l’anno (year), il mese (month), la settimana (week), il giorno (day), l’ora (hour), il minuto (minute), il secondo (second), la mattina / il mattino (morning), il pomeriggio (afternoon), la sera (evening), la notte (night), il tempo (time)
• Verbi: lavorare (work), giocare / suonare / recitare (play), camminare (walk), correre (run), guidare (drive), volare (fly), nuotare (swim), andare (go), fermarsi (stop), seguire (follow), pensare (think) parlare / dire (speak/say), mangiare (eat), bere (drink), uccidere (kill), morire (die), sorridere (smile), ridere (laugh), piangere (cry), comprare (buy), pagare (pay), vendere (sell), sparare (shoot(a gun)), imparare (learn), saltare (jump), odorare (smell), sentire (hear (a sound)), ascoltare (listen (music)), assaggiare (taste), toccare (touch), vedere (see (a bird)), guardare (watch (TV)), baciare (kiss), bruciare (burn), sciogliere (melt), scavare (dig), esplodere (explode), sedere/ sedersi (sit), stare in piedi (stand), amare (love), odiare (hate), passare / oltrepassare (pass by), tagliare (cut), combattere (fight), distendersi (lie down), ballare (dance), dormire (sleep), svegliarsi (wake up), cantare (sing), contare (count), sposare / sposarsi (marry), pregare (pray), vincere (win), (perdere (lose), mescolare (mix/stir), piegare (bend), lavare (wash), cucinare (cook), aprire (open), chiudere (close), scrivere (write), chiamare (call), girare (turn), costruire (build), insegnare (teach), crescere (grow), disegnare (draw), nutrire (feed), prendere / prendere al volo / afferrare (catch), lanciare (throw), pulire (clean), trovare (find), cadere (fall), spingere (push), tirare (pull), portare /trasportare (carry), rompere (break), indossare (wear), appendere (hang), tremare (shake), firmare (sign), battere / picchiare (beat), sollevare (lift)
• Aggettivi: lungo (long), corto (short (long)), alto (tall), basso (short (vs tall)), largo (wide), stretto (narrow), grande (big/large), piccolo (small/little), lento (slow), veloce (fast), caldo /bollente (hot), freddo (cold), caldo / tiepido (warm), fresco (cool), nuovo (new), vecchio (old (new)), giovane (young), vecchio / anziano (old (young)), buono (good), cattivo (bad), bagnato (wet), asciutto (dry), malato (sick), sano (healthy), rumoroso (loud), tranquillo / calmo / silenzioso (quiet), felice (happy), triste (sad), bello (beautiful), brutto (ugly), sordo (deaf), cieco (blind), carino (nice), meschino / cattivo (mean), ricco (rich), povero (poor), spesso (thick), sottile (thin), caro / costoso (expensive), economico / conveniente (cheap), piatto (flat), curvo (curved), maschile (male), femminile (female), stretto /aderente (tight), largo / allentato (loose), alto (high), basso (low), morbido (soft), duro (hard), profondo (deep), superficiale (shallow), pulito (clean), sporco (dirty), forte (strong), debole (weak), morto (dead), vivo (alive), pesante (heavy), leggero (light (heavy)), scuro (dark), chiaro (light (dark)), nucleare (nuclear), famoso (famous)
• Pronomi: (I) io, (you) tu, (he/she/it) lui / egli (m.), lei / ella (f.), esso (n.) (we) noi (you) voi (they) loro / essi (m.), loro / esse (f.), loro / essi (n.)
** go check @sayitalianohome to find more vocabularies’ and grammar posts
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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7:49am; 08.08.22
summer is wrapping up and it’s been hours and hours of reading
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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new: i made a FREE TEMPLATE if you're interested in this habit tracker notion setup🌱💗💞
i've received a few questions about how i track habits, which honestly changes often, but i thought i'd share how i do it right now.
other posts that may interest you: making a dashboard in notion (with template) | my notion tag
this is a pretty low-maintenance and simple way of tracking habits, while still using the wonderful database feature. i hope it helps you ✨😋
post text in alt text and also under the cut:
title: how i track my habits on notion (an illustrated guide + free template)
habit breakdown: every year i take some time to define exactly what my habits are first (i like to use icons for simplicity). this way, i know what i have to do to check off a habit on a day
how i use it: every day, my dashboard has a habits section that updates daily. when i practice the habit, i just check it off. this refreshes automatically so it’s convenient.
how i use it: at the end of each month, i can see how consistent i was with specific habits. i do this by looking at my monthly percentages and looking for patterns: did i burn out on a particular habit? why? and i think about how i should adjust these to my current reality every month, because life happens!
how i use it: then i jot down these numbers so i have a general idea of whether or not i’m being consistent with the intentions i set at the beginning of the month. i ask myself, why or why not? and then i make adjustments to my new interests and priorities.
benefits — an easy habit tracker helps you see what you’re doing each day so you have an idea of what you want to practice more, practice less, and gives you a better idea of how your habits are affecting your wellbeing, instead of just relying on vibes, which can make you hard on yourself.
encouragement — checking it off gives me a sense of accomplishment. i had a tendency of thinking i wasn’t ‘doing enough’ each month, but when i write things down, i have concrete proof that i did things that were important to me. you also get to look back on your month and be like, look at all these things i did for myself! and have a little celebration :)
how it works: calendar view: of course i’ve created a template for you to use (yay!), but it’s worth learning how i set up the template so you can adjust it to your needs. basically, each habit is a property, and each page corresponds to a day, which has all the habits on it like a checklist. every month i duplicate the page each day for a month (it sounds cumbersome, but actually only takes about a minute total). this allows me to review every month if i want to keep my habits the same, set habit intentions each month so i can reflect and consider, what habits should i continue? what should i stop? it keeps it flexible. also, if you’re going on vacation, need a break, or anything comes up, you can take days off and that way your statistics won’t be skewed by stretches of time where you aren’t planning to practice your habits.
tip: hold alt + drag your mouse to duplicate pages super quickly for this step
how it works: count page: all you have to do here is filter the date to the interval you’d like to see your habits summarized in. i keep mine as calculated per month, but you can set your interval for a week or year or something more specific.
how it works: daily view: i create a linked database and set the view to gallery, filter to “Today” and make sure that all the properties for habits are enabled so they appear in a little task list. then i just check them off each day. it updates automatically.
closing: and that’s it! for me, simple is best. i change how i track stuff all the time, but for now, this works just fine. i hope it can help you too.
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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• 4.23.2022 ���
Happy Saturday everyone 💫 I hope you’re all having a great weekend, good luck to anyone studying for finals!
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APRIL 20 2022 (1/100)
had four meetings today, which were 3 actual meetings and 1 lecture recap of the past three weeks. was able to do a portion of the palindrome exercise I have to do for c programming.
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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monday, august 15th, 2022 | spent a bit of time reviewing tcp this evening because I forgot all the fiddly parts. I’m taking my certification exam this weekend, so hopefully all goes well! I feel pretty confident, but I need to keep going over the topics that I’ve missed on practice tests. I hope everyone has a great week!
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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friday, august 12th, 2022 | I’m taking my certification exam in a week, so I really need to buckle down and study for it! today I finished reviewing the topics that I missed on my first practice exam, and tomorrow I’m going to take my second practice exam! hopefully it goes well :D
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psyduck-studies ¡ 1 year
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31.07.22 - i should probably get back to do something productive, although maybe not
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