prideofpalaven · 5 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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prideofpalaven · 5 years
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yeah so anyway tumblr is dead to me now, i’m not interested in being censored due to a company’s mismanagement of porn bots.
if you want to keep up with me and my art, please follow me here:
http://twitter.com/kinomatika << clean art
http://twitter.com/nastykino << nsfw art, rambling, oc talk, silly banter, pet photos
please spread this around and reblog it as much as possible as tumblr’s tagging system is no longer functional.
thank you! <3
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prideofpalaven · 6 years
25 star wars asks
1. do you find force users or non-force users more interesting?
2. which character do you want to be most like?
3. which character are you actually most like?
4. what headcanon will you defend to the death?
5. what planet would you most like to visit? 
6. what planet would you most like to live on?
7. who do you hope you never meet?
8. what is one thing you would change about any movie, show, book, etc?
9. have you ever made fanart or fanfic? do you make edits or any other fan content?
10. do you think the jedi were right or wrong?
11. who is the most underrated character?
12. do you care who rey’s parents are?
13. if you could resurrect one dead character, or prevent them from dying, who would it be?
14. what is your favorite alien species?
15. who would you like to bang?
16. which movie/episode have you watched the most?
17. what is your favorite line?
18. what is your favorite star wars book or comic?
19. what’s your opinion on legends/expanded universe?
20. what do you hope will happen in future movies?
21. if you could switch any character’s gender, who would it be and why?
22. favorite droid?
23. what’s your favorite star wars musical piece or theme?
24. how do you pronounce twi’lek?
25. which character do you have a love/hate relationship with?
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prideofpalaven · 6 years
oh yes, yes, yes! textiles! fiber arts!! my craft!!!
as an addendum, not only is it just a haircut, but it’s worth it to note that it is vital to shear domestic wool sheep as we know them today! these animals have been bred for thousands of years by our ancestors to produce wool that suits our needs (i.e soft, and lots). they bred them specifically to produce lots and lots of hair, so that they could shave them, and use that hair to make textiles.
if a sheep decides to go full houdini and escape their herd to run off into the woods to live a happy, sheepy life out there, they won’t stop growing that hair. it will grow, and grow, and grow—with no one to keep them clean and regularly shorn, it will get matted, and dirty, and as anyone who owns a wool sweater knows, wool is HEAVY when it gets wet. the sheep will absolutely suffer because of this!
so, for the time being, we have to shear sheep. we absolutely, beyond the shadow of a doubt should be decent about the practice, and be kind and gentle with the animals, but it must be done. they will get sick, be unable to eat or walk properly, and could be plagued by a number of other maladies as a consequence of being left unshorn! so at the moment, the hair we shave from them to keep them happy and healthy is simply a waste product. so, why not use it?
now, we’re talking about wool-bred domestic sheep here—primitive sheep breeds, like Bighorns, will blow their coats naturally, without human intervention. the cases in which a sheep might die because of not being shorn are EXTREME cases. (look up Shrek the sheep, who escaped into the New Zealand countryside for six years, if you want to see one such extreme case of a sheep having gone without shearing. he didn’t die from his mega-wooliness, but he looks like a big hunk of cauliflower!) domestic sheep can go some time without being shorn and still be A-OK, but just as it’s important to keep any other long-haired pet well-groomed for their health, it’s important for these guys!
i understand very much that it may make some folks uncomfortable to use the wool, and you have every right to feel that way. you’re not obligated to use the wool if you don’t want to! but we still have an obligation to these animals, which we bred to be the way they are, to keep them happy and healthy by shearing them. it’s certainly a lovely thing to think about how we might help breed these guys back into a state where they might not need our care so much, but that will take a great deal of time, just as it did to make them how they are today!
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 i don’t wanna start Discourse on someone else’s post, so i have screenshotted the relevant phrase in order to say: so much Weird And Confusing Vegan Talk makes a lot more sense when you realize people have no goddamn idea where animal fibers come from.
i mean, if you’re such an absolutist that the death of a single insect four days early is unacceptable, of course follow your heart. but like.
bombyx morii moths do not have a life after the cocoon. they don’t have mouths. they mate and then starve to death. maybe they die with a deep sense of satisfaction, i dunno, maybe boiling the cocoon is depriving them of their ultimate life fulfillment, absolutely no one has any idea what moths think. but they are not going to go out and travel the world as beautiful flutter fairies. they’re going to fuck and die. that’s nature, folks.
it does not take thousands upon thousands of dead bugs to make enough silk thread for a kerchief or pair of gloves or whatever. the highest estimate i’ve seen is about 60 cocoons for the type of meter-long scarf you tuck under your coat collar, but that sounds high to me when you do it by weight. a silk scarf that weighs 100 grams is a hefty thing. 100 grams of wool is enough to make a thick pair of socks with enough left over for fingerless gloves, and silk is spun much finer. i would estimate, going by weight, that a meter-long oblong scarf would take more like 30 cocoons.
not 100,000.
the dead bugs aren’t just tossed out, btw. they’re a good source of protein, humans eat them in some places, and in others they’re used as part of animal feed. since they’re raised on mulberry leaves and nothing else, usually indoors, they’re a very clean and safe food source.
i realize this isn’t going to stop people being vegan, and it’s not my intention to anyway. you do you. i just want people to make their choices based on what’s actually happening in reality, not weird guesses or alarmist nonsense. if you’re imagining mountains of dead moths deprived of the best part of their lives, good news, that’s not a thing!
ps shearing doesn’t hurt sheep either. it’s a haircut. it’s exactly the same as what a dog groomer does.
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prideofpalaven · 6 years
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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prideofpalaven · 6 years
For every 💬 I get in my inbox, I’ll post a quote from my own writing that I’m proud of!
Hell, it’s healthy and fun to brag every so often. 
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prideofpalaven · 6 years
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It’s been way too long since I’ve drawn my favorite kunoichi!
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prideofpalaven · 6 years
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prideofpalaven · 6 years
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prideofpalaven · 6 years
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17000 followers! You guys are the best, constantly sticking through my up and down active phases. The fact that you’re enjoying my art means everything to me, and to celebrate this very special occasion, I’m hosting another giveaway! 
As I’ve done most times, I’m offering one full illustration to winner number one, and to winner number two I’ll offer a portrait comission. I’ll choose the two winners randomly, as always and contact them through tumblr. (So make sure to check your messages!) 
follow me
reblog this post
giveaway ends 22:nd of march
you may reblog as many times as you like 
Thank you sooo much! <3 
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prideofpalaven · 7 years
hahaha i'm negl my first foray into The Yaois was... i think Naruto?? i was like WAY super into both Naruto and Bleach for a grip, and i guess i was around age 13-14 at the beginning of that.
and a thing i was prone to doing actually, before The Yaois were interesting to me, was picking a fav girl character and shipping her with... everybody. all the bodies. and then some unknown force guided me to the section of both of those pooper animes which contained Boys Kissing and i kind of did the same thing where i was like "huh?? what?? where... do girl go?????" but then i just sort of [shrug emoji] and got on the hype train. weird!
roach and i just went on a walk and we had a good conversation about the things we like to see in fiction and how our interested in those things first came about 
my story is that when i was like 12 or 13 i would go over to my friend ericka’s house in the summer because her family had internet and ours didn’t, and her brother emerson showed us google. And we were like WHOA THIS IS RAD!!!
So of course, being that we were both deeply into gundam wing at the time, we searched for our fav characters names and came upon H.I.N.T. (for those of u oldschool GW fans) and our hateboners for relena grew. and of course, shortly thereafter, we found out about yaoi for the first time.
now both of our initial reactions to this were “ewww oh my god gross what the heck BOYS KISSING NO WAY THAT’S BAD”
and we were very adamant about how gross and nasty yaoi was for the entire summer.
but the summer AFTER that when i went back to ericka’s, I was like dude… i am into this. i like yaoi. and to my surprise she was like OH GOD ME TOO and thus we spent the entire summer reading GW 1X2 Yaoi Lemons on fanfiction.net and various geocities fanfic archive sites.
i still dont know what it was that flipped the switch from ‘god this is nasty and wrong’ to ‘yes this is hot and i am deeply into it’ but thats how i first got into yaoi. and then after we both admitted our fujoshi love we binged on FF7 fanfic and i read more about reno and vincent fucking than i can even remember.
anyway idk the point to this post.
what were your first introductions to yaoi/yuri or m/m f/f fanfic? what were your initial responses? how old were you? im curious!! i want to know abt ur first toedip into fandom and fanfic!!
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prideofpalaven · 7 years
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shrugs so hard i ascend into the sky and fly away
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prideofpalaven · 7 years
i foun d my old wallet in the drawer next to my bed and it had $400 in it im having a heart attack
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prideofpalaven · 7 years
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kiss ya boyf
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prideofpalaven · 7 years
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so we have this chat software at work, and the partner and i happen to work at the same place...
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prideofpalaven · 8 years
if i never have to hear the term "bi-curious" ever again, it will be a sweet end to a bitter lifetime
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prideofpalaven · 8 years
Fanfiction Work-In-Progress Guessing Game
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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