pridebudoblr · 23 days
Getting Started - Square One
Since I quit at the school I worked at for almost 5 years, I've since been working towards getting my own school going.
Biggest difference? I don't have a foundation like my last boss, who obtained his school from his father. I am starting from square one. So, what does that mean?
It means learning about liability. What's an LLC? What's an EIN? What type of insurance coverage do I need as a Martial Arts school owner? So I hit the books...and google lol!
Places to rent are also incredibly expensive. I've learned commercial spaces have a few different renting options that either you pay asking price...or asking price on top of all other expenses. What is property tax? I rent, I don't own, I don't have money to own haha!
Needless to say, there is a lot that goes into it. And guess what? Anywhere can be a school. Renovated a space in my apartment to be a starter studio, and have a student who comes every single class.
So don't give up on your dream. Even when you have to start back at square one. We will make it, and we will be great.
Stay safe. Keep training!
(space still being renovated!)
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pridebudoblr · 2 months
today is my birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 if anyone wants to help me get some groceries or pay a bill, check out my venmo or cashapp below 🥰🥳🎊
venmo: venmo.com/u/ptr92
cashapp: $pstar0t
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pridebudoblr · 5 months
Why I Quit The Dojang
a few years ago, i had the chance of a lifetime to go fulltime at the dojang that i trained at. i was second in command. the ladder was the CEO (master of the school) and then me.
i was damn good at my job too. parents knew me, students looked up to me. i cared and was so honored to work with the families i got to.
my boss, however, wasn't who i thought he was. he hounded on me in his manipulative way of "u did wrong and need to be better but i just say this as business, i love u like a brother" and then proceeded to berate me for hours. i put up with it for years. i was also not agreeing with the structure of the school. the amount$$$ being charged, everything being charged...it just seemed like money mongering.
and then came the moment he tried to dictate my martial arts journey. mad that i went to a martial arts event. called me a "red flag" and said i would have no students. the next day i gave in my letter of resignation.
when a school is more about the money than the art and no longer caring about its employees...its no good anymore. so i left. and now know ways i wouldn't ever run my school.
i still train in tkd but at a new school. and i am accepting students for virtual classes until i manage to rent a space of my own. dont let others ruin martial arts for you!! kept my dream alive!
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pridebudoblr · 5 months
lot has changed and i had to leave my job at the dojang, while i work on the slow start of my own school. (i will make a separate post about this)
i can't really pay any of my bills. but that's not what im asking for...
all i want is chinese food. if anyone has anything to spare, here's my venmo. anything & repost appreciated
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pridebudoblr · 7 months
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Took 2 students to the Governor's Cup this past weekend to compete in sparring. What a great experience. Loved to watch all the competitors give it there all. Blessed to be apart of this line of work!
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pridebudoblr · 8 months
been SO busy! had my hysterectomy FINALLY! and in talks with the pride center of getting a space to have martial arts lessons! HUGE step for Official Pride Martial Arts!
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pridebudoblr · 1 year
You can follow along on the journey via my instagram page!
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pridebudoblr · 1 year
PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER FOR MOST OFTEN UPDATES! Getting Facebook started as well, but currently dealing with FB and its random disabling due to community guidelines. Even though none have been violated. So I pushed the disagree and am waiting for an update from them. So sorry for the inconvenience!
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pridebudoblr · 1 year
Please join me in welcoming my launch for: Official Pride Martial Arts!
I thank everyone for their understanding that this is still in the works; up and coming.
I will provide more information along the way!
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pridebudoblr · 1 year
Starting my own school?! (long post)
Hello everyone! As those who have been on my journey with me know, its my dream to open a Martial Arts school that is dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community. Everyone deserves to feel welcomed and like they don't have to hide themselves. As well as our community should know some sense of self defense.
With all of this transphobia currently presenting itself in horrific ways, I've decided (after talking with my therapist) to start offering virtual classes soon and begin launching my business.
I know this is going to be a slow process. I know virtual with Martial Arts isn't the best thing. However, any form of training is going to be what YOU put into it. At this beginning stage, I don't have means ($$) of getting a space of my own. Plus, I want those further away to benefit from the program as well. So, there will most likely always be a virtual option.
That being said, I am going to be in the process of building the platform here as well on Twitter to stay within the community. I won't be using Facebook until I've built more of the foundation. I plan to promote and run small sessions at events like Pride Festivals and even anime/comic conventions.
Not the biggest fan of zoom, so may be opening a discord channel as well. It's all a work in progress! I'd love comments, suggestions, advice, questions from fellow martial artisit and those in the LGBTQ+ community who have always wanted to train!
Please help me welcome in: Official Pride Martial Arts
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pridebudoblr · 1 year
back in December i had a hip surgery to repair a tear in my labral. was on crutches for 4 weeks, and been in PT for the last 3 months. my recovery seems to be going very well according to my pt and I'm hoping to get back on the mat in April!
I'm back at the gym at least to do some strength training.
AND i was approved for the testosterone pills! im so grateful to be back on T now and back to training soon!
side note: im a side sleeper and not being able to sleep on my side during the first few months of recovery has been more torture than sparring lol
keep training! stay safe!
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pridebudoblr · 1 year
shark week & training
I've been on HRT for 7 years now and for the past year and some change, shark week has come back. even more recently, I've hit a mental block with the needles. i just can't do it anymore. im waiting to see my doctor to go on either gel or the newer pill I've read about. i dont want to stop T, but i just cant do these needles anymore.
that being said though, shark week makes it so hard to train. ive always been unfortunate to have extremely bad cramps that make it hard for me to walk. as im also still healing from this hip surgery, right now its a really big damper in my mental health.
im looking into a hysterectomy, because i can't deal with this. even when on T as of late, shark week has been consistent. and while that will put me even further back in my training, i have to do what is going to help my body. training with shark week is hard. always has been.
im eager to get back on the mat since the hip surgery, but im more eager to take care of my physical and mental health.
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pridebudoblr · 1 year
So a couple of weeks ago I had a horrible week with the internship and personal stuff and everything being very stressful and overwhelming
Well, the club dinner was that friday and everyone from the gym went and stayed for a couple beers after
We all had a good laugh and got too competitive about a foosball game, and got philosophical about our art and just bonded some more, it was great, I really like the family vibe we got going 😊
Also small tip, don't go drinking with your dojo mates when you've got training early in the morning the following day, they will laugh at you when you show up hungover and will kick your ass extra hard lol 🤦‍♀️
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pridebudoblr · 1 year
Today we had our annual kangeiko
It was fun seeing different disciplines even if just very basic techniques for very little time
It was fun meeting people from other disciplines and training with them, asking for advice and giving some in return
It was a nice environment of collaboration and sharing
It also served to reaffirm that jujitsu is the martial art for me, and specifically the very technique oriented way my sensei teaches
All the others relied on brute strength a bit too much for me, it's fun from time to time, but I wouldn't like training like that always
It also gave me an idea, maybe I'll try Aikido when I get older and my joints can't handle tougher shit, or if I move cities and there's no jujitsu school
I like how it flows, we have many techniques in common with aikido but we pair them with more striking, I also like how the main principles come from techniques as if you were holding a katana
In conclusion I liked it, but I wouldn't change my art for anything lol
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pridebudoblr · 1 year
My true inspiration, my students
i dont always get to see things from the parents' perspective. but they have a way of reminding me why i love what i do.
my students are my inspiration. seeing their progress is always an honor. them coming up to me to ask questions always fills my heart. them passing that new knowledge along is exactly what i love about the martial arts community.
being in such a role, i can't believe how lucky i am!!
doesn't matter what gender, sex, age, race, etc; the students just see YOU. they just want to learn from YOU so long as you set them up for success. i love what i do, and i know many more out there do too!
stay safe and keep training!!
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pridebudoblr · 2 years
Always a Student
as i mentioned, i received my 1st Dan in TKD (WT). on the journey i questioned a lot about including other arts to make my own technique better. what works? what doesn't?
about 3 months ago i started Kenpo Karate, which is wildly different than TKD. immediately i had to change my thought process, i had to be quicker, use my knowledge of TKD and use it to help generate my basics in Kenpo.
this past Tue i tested for my yellow belt in Kenpo and passed. the test was so different, but i loved every moment. the difference and yet the things i could recognize and learn to adapt, i can't wait to continue this journey and make it all flow.
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pridebudoblr · 2 years
It finally happened
Today, I tested for my 1st Dan and passed. what a journey it has been.
I am most accomplished in showing my students that the journey is worth it. they helped me along the way. despite my broken nose, broken maxilla, and torn hip haha! we prevail!
today's been huge. i can't wait for the journey to continue!!
keep training and stay safe!
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