polyglot1012 · 9 months
Does anyone who’s learning Italian know any sites where I can watch Italian shows with subs? None of the shows have Rai Italian’s website offer subs unfortunately
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polyglot1012 · 1 year
I’m learning Spanish and Portuguese at the same time and now when I speak Spanish, I sound Brazilian.
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polyglot1012 · 1 year
Y’all Chileans be talking rap god speed 😂
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polyglot1012 · 1 year
What's the difference between "dormitorio" and "habitacion"
It sort of depends. I can't say there's a big difference, it's more that el dormitorio is just REALLY specific as "bedroom", and la habitación is more of a general umbrella term
la habitación is "room" in general, the same with el cuarto "room", but it generally means "bedroom" in context since most other rooms have specific names - la cocina, el baño, etc.
In an apartment sense, la habitación generally means "room" not counting bathrooms or dining area [la cocina "kitchen" or el comedor "dining room/hall"], a general place where someone could be
Still, la habitación is mostly understood as "a room where someone can sleep/live", and it gets applied to "hospital room" or "hotel room"
The word el dormitorio though specifically means "sleeping room", or "bedroom" - although it also has the obvious application of "dormitory"
I would say they're a little bit interchangeable, but el dormitorio is a more specific habitación and habitación has other applications
In general, if the room has a bed in it, I think you could get away with calling it either. Otherwise la habitación can read more as generic la sala where it's "a space with generally four walls" aka "a room"....... still, someone's personal space is often a habitación, or sometimes dormitorio
I find most countries prefer one over the other when it could be either one. As long as it has a bed, you can comfortably use either
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polyglot1012 · 1 year
I’ve recently started using laddering to use Italian and it’s going so well!! I’m watching this show on Netflix called “diaries” (it’s so good) and I’m using Spanish subs and I’m learning Italian so much better!
I also recommend “braccialetti rossi”
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polyglot1012 · 1 year
Does anyone know if you can take the DELE exam in Florida?
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polyglot1012 · 1 year
Most Essential Vocabulary #4
This time I’m focusing on the vocabulary that’s probably the most confusing in terms of grammatical gender: words with confusing gender, words from Greek, words that are feminine that take masculine articles etc etc etc
This could be its own post on grammar but I’m including it in essential vocabulary because these are things that a lot of people either don’t fully explain or that aren’t touched upon in great detail. But just know that this post includes some grammar info in addition to simple vocabulary lists
I decided to do it this way because these are words and concepts you’re going to need to know, and especially if you don’t have a teacher or are doing self-study, this is something you’ll come across and be VERY confused by
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polyglot1012 · 1 year
How are my lovely polyglot followers? Sorry I’ve been Mia, been struggling with seizures.
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polyglot1012 · 1 year
Sanremo 2023 - the post!
Hello everyone! Here you’ll find this year’s Sanremo’s stuff and news (I’ll be uploading this post through all the week). The Festival will start on tuesday February 7th at 8:30 pm (it’ll probably have a 5 minutes “anteprima = preview” every night), and end on saturday February 11th, when the final will be broadcasted.
/ Official website / you can find loads of videos and interviews here + the latest news. You can already find the presentation videos of the songs made by the artists.
Rai’s website dedicated section (here) | youtube playlist
TikTok official channel: @/sanremorai
Also this year we’ll have the PrimaFestival, the small show broadcasted on Rai1 at around 8:30 p.m. (January 31st - February 7th). The host are Andrea Delogu (actress), gli Autogol (Youtube/Actors’ group of comedians and radio hosts) and Jody Cecchetto (gamer/speaker).
I’m not sure also if or where the usual Dopofestival, with the analysis of the show at the end of each night, will be broadcasted (here you can find past years' L’Altro Festival)
CasaSanremo- A website about Sanremo and all the artists who will take part, with more infos and interviews (also Italian places and food specialties will be shown). Follow them also on their Social Media Channels, usually they make live video/interviews/shows on FB for example.
On Sorrisi&Canzoni you will find also other infos about Sanremo and every lyrics’s explanation (ofc ask me if you need a translation)
The # on this blog is #sanremo 2023, #sanremo 23, #sanremo 73, you can black any of these (the first one in particular) if you want.
To watch it live:
Raiuno -> just click on the first video on the left, or here, to open the Raiuno streaming immediately (I added the whole Rai channels things in case you had troubles connecting directly and wanted to try from there) I’m not sure you have to log in to watch a live, but it’s through just an email or FB btw. You can use an Italian VPN line if the website blocked in your country.
FESTIVAL LIS - songs and whole exhibition explained in signs language
I’ll try to write down some more infos/links through the week.
–> The past two year the link's geoblock had been removed, not sure yet how it'll be this year.
Hosts & Guests + Other Stuff
This years’ host will still be Amadeus (who choose the songs taking part into this Sanremo), a TV and radio host. He will be accompanied by Gianni Morandi (singer) who will co-host with him all the evenings; as in the past 3 years, they'll be accompanied also by a different co-host woman each night: Chiara Ferragni (online business woman; first and last night); Francesca Fagnani (journalist, tv host; second night); Paola Egonu (volleyball player, model; third night); Chiara Francini (actress, tv host, writer; fourth night). Some of the one-night guests during the week will be: Mahmood and Blanco, i Pooh, Massimo Ranieri, Al Bano, Gianni Morandi, Black Eyed Peas, Maneskin... This year too there will be singers perfoming on a boat and in live stream with the Sanremo stage: Salmo, Fedez (husband of Chiara Ferragni), Takagi & Ketra e Guè. In the square outside the Theater, there will be the exhibitions of Piero Pelù, Francesco Renga and Nek, Achille Lauro, Annalisa and La Rappresentante di Lista (these too will be broadcasted on Sanremo).
How it works
There will be 28 singers in the ARTISTI (artists) section. It will be the only section, differently from the past editions. 22 artists were chosen by Amadeus, while the other 6 are the winners of Sanremo Giovani (held in December 2022). The winner of the competition will represent Italy at the Eurovision Song Contest: if he/she/them won’t accept, the choice will be another artist, usually the 2nd classified or the next (the first one accepting). On the 4th night, there will be the usual “covers” night.
Day 1 - co-hosts: Gianni Morandi, Chiara Ferragni. Prob. guests: Mahmood and Blanco, i Pooh We’ll listen to 14 songs (in order of performance:). We have a first rank of the 14 artists who performed tonight:
Day 2 - co-hosts: Gianni Morandi, Francesca Fagnani. Prob. guests: Black Eyed Peas, Gianni Morandi, Massimo Ranieri, Al Bano The remaining 14 artisti (in order of performance: ) will perform tonight. We’ll have another rank of the 14 artists who performed tonight:
Complete rank after the first 2 nights (mix of votes):
Day 3 - co-hosts: Gianni Morandi, Paola Egonu. Prob. guests: Maneskin All the 28 ARTISTI will perform again their entry to the contest (in order of appearance: ).
Classification after tonight:
Day 4 - co-hosts: Gianni Morandi, Chiara Francini Prob. guests: The 28 artists will present the songs’ covers, each of them will perform together with a guest.
We’ll also have a new rank.
Day 5 - co-hosts: Gianni Morandi, Chiara Ferragni Prob. guests: All the 28 artisti will perform again their songs (in order of appearance: ) and after midnight (prob. more like 1.15/30 am.) we’ll know the competition’s first 3 classified and all the special awards winners. The first 5 classified will perform again and get new votes to decide the final standings. The winner will go to the ESC2023 (if there will be).
Final standing:
will take part at the ESC 2023! Other Awards:
Artists (+ lyrics):
Anna Oxa - "Sali (Canto dell'anima)"
Ariete - "Mare di guai"
Articolo 31 - "Un bel viaggio"
Colapesce Dimartino - "Splash"
Colla Zio - "Non mi va"
Coma_Cose - "L'addio"
Elodie - "Due"
Gianluca Grignani - "Quando ti manca il fiato"
Gianmaria - "Mostro"
Giorgia - "Parole dette male"
I Cugini di Campagna - "Lettera 22"
Lazza - "Cenere"
LDA - "Se poi domani"
Leo Gassmann - "Terzo cuore"
Levante - "Vivo"
Madame - "Il bene nel male"
Mara Sattei - "Duemilaminuti"
Marco Mengoni - "Due vite"
Modà - "Lasciami"
Mr. Rain - "Supereroi"
Olly - "Polvere"
Paola & Chiara - "Furore"
Rosa Chemical - "Made in Italy"
Sethu - "Cause perse"
Shari - "Egoista"
Tananai - "Tango"
Ultimo - "Alba"
Will - "Stupido"
[all the lyrics can be found on the 2nd half bottom of this page]
(will edit with more updates, corrections and links as we get closer to the event)
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polyglot1012 · 2 years
Il carica batteria/e?
How do you use a maculine article with feminine words? Because in this sentence, "carica" is a shortened version of "caricatore": therefore, differently from what you may think, we use a masculine article. Let's see better:
Una/La carica (pronounced "càrica")= position, charge. From the verb "caricare" = to load, to charge. (eg. La pistola è carica = the gun is loaded, la batteria è carica = the battery is charged). un/il carico (=load, charge) and un/il caricatore (=loader, charger) are masculine versions related to the same subjects. On a side note: -we use "una/la ricarica" and "ricaricare" (="a/the refill", "to recharge") when we have to add money to our phone's charge card: e.g. "Devo ricaricare il telefono/Devo fare la ricarica: sto finendo i soldi!" = I need to charge my phone card: my credit is ending! (there are more meanings to all the words mentioned here, I only listed the ones that can relate to the subject)
Una/La batteria, delle/le batterie (pronounced "batterìa/e")= a/the battery/batteries
-> Un/Il carica batteria/e = a/the battery/batteries charger e.g. Mi passi il carica batterie? = Can you pass me the batteries charger?
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polyglot1012 · 2 years
Me prepping yet another mental argument with someone as to why learning the language(s) of the country you’re visiting is both convenient and an insanely basic sign of respect
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polyglot1012 · 2 years
More of a study question I guess: so i know you listen to podcasts and watch TV shows to keep up with your Spanish, but I often find myself overwhelmed without the subtitles—or worse, the spanish subtitles don’t match what they’re specifically verbally saying (ugh, netflix 🙄). Any particular shows (types or specifics) you’d recommend watching to overcome that particular barrier? (no need to answer if this is a boring question or if you’ve answered before 😊)
Yeah, unfortunately it seems like with Netflix, the dubbing is not done by the same people doing the subtitling. So you're often seeing a translation with the subtitles, but a localization with the dub
My particular recommendation is to watch shows from actual Spanish or Latin American studios/channels
On Netflix you're going to find more luck with the series that actually came from Spanish-speaking countries; Elite, La casa de Flores, Money Heist / La casa de papel, Eden, Club de Cuervos, Nailed it Mexico (which is hilarious to see so much English used), Alta Mar, Las chicas del cable, etc
I would also say check out the websites of actual studios, like the RTVE for Spain is how I watch Isabel or Ministerio del Tiempo and they have subtitles that match what's being said
But I believe the same would be true for series/telenovelas in other countries
Any suggestions from the followers?
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polyglot1012 · 2 years
Happy pride month to all my lovely polyglots! ❤️
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polyglot1012 · 2 years
Sometimes I feel like Spanish is too limited where el duende could be “goblin”, “hobgoblin”, “poltergeist”, “gremlin”, and some other things like “leprechaun” or “insert magical creature that probably lives in the woods” and/or “it’s a mischievous and sometimes evil spirit that lives in your house and maybe it turns your milk sour and sometimes it moves all your furniture around and scares you”
Like, that’s limiting. But also, in reverse, how confusing it must be for people not knowing English to see all these words and be like “well what’s the difference between them??”
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polyglot1012 · 2 years
Dutch is a very gendered language, we don't have many neutral options. So this video inspired me to go digging for a genderneutral option for "meneer" (mister) and "mevrouw" (misses, miss).
I used the website etymologiebank.nl to look up the etymology for the words "meneer" and "mevrouw", hoping to find a third option like in the video, but alas. It is as straightforward as it seems. "Meneer" comes from "mijn heer" (my lord, distinguished man), and "mevrouw" comes simply from "mijn vrouw" (my woman, distinguished woman). There is no third gramatical gender in Dutch.
So I looked up "neutraal" (neutral), it comes from the latin neutrālis, so it would give us the option of "metralis", however, compared to our other two it is a syllable too many. "Mealis" would be an option, but is also a name/nickname connected to names like Melissa.
But this did bring me to the word "neutrum" (neuter, gramatically neuter) an old word which has since been replaced with "onzijdig". "Metrum" would be a cool option, and close to the one used in the video. However, it is also a term in poetry (link in Dutch, metre in English).
This page also said that "generlei" was a gramatically genderneutral term meaning "onzijdig", and I must say, I love this one. "Generlei" has the suffix -lei, which comes from -leie, meaning "soort" (kind or sort). Gener- comes from "geen" (none). So "generlei" in this context means "of neither sort". The fun part is that the suffix -lei is used in many other words, like "allerlei" (of all kinds/sorts).
Which brought me to the title "merlei". It still fits the structure of "meneer" and "mevrouw" and doesn't seem out of place. And the best part, next to "generlei" (neither sort), we also used to have "enigerlei" (van een of andere soort. Of one or a different kind/sort), "velerlei" (van vele soorten. Of many kinds/sorts), tweeërlei, drieeërlei, etc (van twee, drie soorten etc. Of two, three kinds, etc.)
Which makes "merlei" way more inclusive, because bigender people can use "merlei" as meaning "tweeërlei", agender people as meaning "generlei", genderfluid people (such as myself) as meaning "velerlei", etc.
So, TL;DR: Some Dutch genderneutral options for titles, such as "meneer" and "mevrouw" are "metralis" (from neutral), "maelis" (from neutraal), "metrum" (from neutrum), and "merlei" (from generlei, gramaticaal onzijdig).
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polyglot1012 · 2 years
इस बार मैं आपको फ़िन्निश क्रिसमस के बारे में बताऊँगी।
अगर आपको मेरे वीडियो पसंद आते हैं तो पलिस सब्स्क्राइब करें, शेयर करें।
पर्व - festival, celebration (masculine) पूर्व संध्या - eve (feminine) समारोह - ceremony, festivities (masculine) महोत्सव - festival, celebration (masculine) सजावट - decoration (feminine) वास्तविक - genuine, real (adjective) सदाबहार शंकुधारी वृक्ष - evergreen coniferous tree (masculine) नकली - fake (adjective) पुआल - straw (masculine) यीशु - Jesus (proper noun, masculine) ईसा मसीह - Jesus Christ  (proper noun, masculine) चरित्र - character (masculine) बकरा - goat (masculine) सींग - horn (masculine) खाल - pelt, fur (feminine) शीतकालीन अयनांत - winter solstice (masculine) पौराणिक - mythological (adjective) कल्पित - imaginary (adjective) शख़्सियत - personality, identity (masculine) सहायक - assistant, helper (masculine) कार्यशाला - workshop (masculine) उत्सव - festival, celebration (masculine) त्यौहार का भोजन - festive meal (masculine) विभिन्न - various, versatile (adjective) मेवा - dried fruit or nut (masculine)
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polyglot1012 · 2 years
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