pjay1 · 6 years
Bi the way. I'm here 😀👭👬👫✌
I am not a straight people.
Reblog if you are also not a straight people.
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pjay1 · 7 years
Love does not see gender.❤🌈
Fact: Bi guys exist and are an important part of the community! They aren’t “secretly gay” and they deserve to be able to date people of any gender without stigma or erasure.
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pjay1 · 7 years
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Something smells, just hold on. It will get better. Our nation can only take so much garbage and lies from the ORANGE guy team
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pjay1 · 7 years
Oops!!!! i did it again and LOVED DOING IT. :)
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Still Valid.
Even though yesterday I played with the boys and today saw a cute girl. I realized I’m still bisexual and valid.
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pjay1 · 8 years
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MAKING AMERIKA GREAT AGAIN* Do bisexuals get a discount at VP-elect Pence's center to make us "st8"? I hope there is a hot dog or a sushi restaurant near by. Learning makes me hungry 🍣🍆🇺🇸❤💙💛💚💜👫👬👭✌ *We where already great
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pjay1 · 8 years
Anyone can be president, good 😃 Anyone can be president, scary 😧 ?????????
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pjay1 · 8 years
Time to vote. Make the right choice.
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False prophets that exploit fear and hopelessness to sell magical formulas of hate and cruelty.
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pjay1 · 8 years
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False prophets that exploit fear and hopelessness to sell magical formulas of hate and cruelty.
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pjay1 · 8 years
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To be or not to be? That may be the question. The answer is I'm BISEXUAL. Next question.
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pjay1 · 8 years
#PENDEJOS (dumb)💙💜❤🌎
It's sad to see that many LATINOS are for TRUMP. I find it fascinating that these people don't care that he is using them for his own good. He doesn't care about them or what they feel. Are they blind to how RACIST he is and how he treats not just women but EVERYONE who doesn't agree with what he believes in. Many of the latino people don't seem to understand that all he sees is their skin color and how to take advantage of them. Maybe they want to feel more american but they forget latinos are AMERICANS. If you are born in the western hemisphere, north or south, you are American. Do they support him because they feel that they will make more money? Who knows. With hard work and pride in what you do, you can progress forward. There is no need to lets say "sell your soul to the devil" be it a HE or a SHE. Whatever the reason. If we don't work together this country can not get better. The USA IS ALREADY GREAT. Why do you think people from all over the globe want to be here. Yes, they need to do it the right way and respect the laws of the country. I know we will get past this election. We will need a lot of healing but we are strong. 🇺🇸
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pjay1 · 8 years
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This election year feels like we are on rollercoaster with its ups and downs. It has made everyone think about our country and how we would like it to be. Everyone has an opinion, be it good or bad, its how you see it or maybe how you feel. The feeling has made friends vs friends, latino vs latino, gay vs gay, woman vs woman, brother vs brother, christian vs christian .... and so on. It can be called pride. It can be called outspoken. It can be called misinformed. or It can be called FEAR
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pjay1 · 8 years
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Posted on FB. All a friend got out of it was that his hair was being made fun of. Forget the insanity.
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pjay1 · 8 years
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Is this our future with a crazy man? Many people believed the lies. Now they are suffering.
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pjay1 · 8 years
Still Valid.
Even though yesterday I played with the boys and today saw a cute girl. I realized I'm still bisexual and valid.
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pjay1 · 8 years
Fact: Bisexuality is its own orientation, not halfway between gay and straight, not a mix or a hybrid or a transitional phase. We don’t need to describe our orientation in terms of other orientations! We have a word for it! 
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pjay1 · 8 years
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Even P.E.T.A. says kill the fourth snake. 🐉 #vote #end_the_shame #america_is_already_great
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pjay1 · 8 years
We are all at a different stage of sexuality. Sometimes the search takes a short time to be clear but for others it could take a lifetime. Our own book of life is written day by day. One could be straight, gay, bi or anywhere in the spectrum. Where you leave your BOOKMARK is all up to you and what makes you happy. Just be you
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