phantomsnfae · 3 years
Part 2 baby, I'll put these up on my ao3 soon as well so they're in one place together
"Dad... you're dead."
Jack laughed. He probably shouldn't have, Danny seemed to be very genuine in his assessment, and Jack recognised that he should probably take this more seriously. But still, dead?? It was laughable.
"Come on Danny be serious." Danny's face remained stoic, "I'm not dead, I'm right here."
"You're a ghost, dad." Danny's lips were pressed tight, his entire body tense. "You died."
Jack was feeling a little ill at this point, was Danny okay? Was there a ghost messing with his head? He leaned toward Danny and grabbed his hand, it was cold, Danny's hands were always cold.
"Listen to me son, you're not talking sense, there's probably a ghost somewhere tha-"
Danny stood up fast, impossibly fast, his chair skidded behind him and toppled over.
"No! Dad can you just- how did you get to bed last night?" He asked.
Jack hadn't been expecting the question, he'd gone to bed... the usual way right? Like he always did, took a shower, brushed his teeth, got into his pyjamas, kissed his wife goodnight, although for some reason the details felt a little fuzzy.
But before he could answer Danny continued.
"When did we leave the party?"
Party? Jack's brow furrowed, oh the party! It was his 50th, how could he forget his own party, had he had that much to drink?
Oh, oh of course. He'd gotten drunk and done something stupid, said something upsetting. That's why everyone was mad at him, that's why last night was foggy.
Danny kept going, he sounded frustrated, angry, but his voice cracked a little. He was upset, oh boy Jack must have done something truly awful.
"What happened after the toast?"
The toast... He had just blown out the candles on the enormous cake Vlad had bought for him, ah that's right, Vlad had been there! He'd hired the venue, planned the whole party, it had been a surprise.
He had handed him a drink...
Danny asked another question, Jack knew it was the last, it felt heavy and final, it didn't even sound like a question.
"What's the date today."
Jack knew the date, of course he knew the date, it was the day after his birthday why wouldn't he know? He'd never been particularly good with dates but not even he could forget his own birthdate.
He glanced over to the calendar on the wall, just in case, he had a sneaking suspicion this was some kind of a trick question.
Jazz was the one to mark off the days, she used it to keep track of her assignments and her tutoring sessions. Each day would be marked with a tidy little line, not an X because they had 'a negative association with failure' or... something. He didn't really understand a lot of Jazz's ideas.
The days were marked off up to June the 18th... the 18th, it should have been the 10th. His birthday was yesterday, on the 9th, today should be the 10th.
How could he have missed a whole week? Maybe this was a joke, a way to get back at him for getting drunk and embarrassing everyone.
But this... didn't feel like a joke.
Maddie's sobs hadn't felt like a joke, Jazz's silence hadn't felt like a joke.
Danny's eyes gouged into him. Danny had always been an awkward kid, he took after Jack in that way, he was shy when he was young, always had difficulty maintaining eye contact. He had no such difficulty right now. They were so bright, had they always been so bright?
It was unsettling.
Why couldn't Jack remember what happened after the toast...
The drink had tasted strange, bitter. He never particularly liked champagne, he assumed that it was normal. Vlad had been smiling, his teeth were sharp... his eyes...
Danny's hands were clasped together tightly, his knuckles bumping against his lower lip as they shook. His gaze had shifted from Jack's face to the gravy-stained tablecloth.
"You're dead. I'm sorry, I know this is hard, I know you still feel like everything is the same but it isn't. You... you're a ghost, dad. Not the kind you're used to, you're just a haunting spirit right now, nobody can see you, nobody can hear you. You can't interact with anything, not yet."
Danny dropped his hands away from his face and looked at him sadly. Jack felt as though there was more to his expression, but he'd never been particularly good at reading people. Vlad had always been better at that sort of thing, it often felt like Vlad could speak a whole other language Jack simply couldn't understand.
Vlad... something was tickling the back of his mind but he couldn't quite grasp it, like a word on the tip of his tongue.
Vlad had given him a drink. Vlad had smiled. It looked like a real smile, but Jack felt like... there had been something more to it, Jack had never been good at reading people... Vlad had smiled, his teeth were sharp, his eyes... red, they were red.
The champagne was bitter. He could almost still taste it.
Jack jumped to his feet, startling Danny as he balled his hands into fists.
"Vlad." he growled, Danny breathed a sad sigh.
"Yeah, it was Vlad, he-"
"He was overshadowed by a ghost!" Jack roared, "It's still got him doesn't it? Mads is out there looking for-"
"No! Fuck, dad- SIT. DOWN."
Jack sat. Without thought or question. Danny's command was loud, not deafening but loud in a different way, like he'd heard it through not just his ears but his entire body. It reminded him a little of the concerts he and Maddie used to frequent back in their college days, where the music was so loud it vibrated through them, head to toe.
It took him a moment to realise he was shaking, Jack always considered himself fearless, and that was generally true, so true that he almost didn't recognise the feeling as it swept coldly over him.
Danny closed his eyes and rubbed at them in frustration, Jack was almost certain he caught a flash of vibrant green beneath his fingers.
"I'm sorry I... I didn't want to use that- I didn't mean," he sighed heavily. "You just never listen."
He was listening now, if not simply because he felt too shaken to do anything else. His thoughts rattled around trying to piece themselves together, something within him was screaming like he'd just touched a hot surface or a live wire. Danger danger danger danger.
"Vlad wasn't being overshadowed," said Danny, leaning against the kitchen bench, his body almost sagging with exhaustion. "It's... a lot more complicated than that."
"I can't be a ghost." Jack muttered, indignant, "They're monsters, they don't even look human. They don't wake up and hug their wives, they don't want to sit down and eat breakfast with their daughters."
"Not all ghosts are the same." Danny's voice was quiet, it had none of that fierce intensity like before. What was that? It wasn't normal, it definitely wasn't human. Jack glared up at him as a hot flush of rage washed over him.
"How do I know you aren't the ghost. That you haven't done... something to my family, to make them think I'm dead!" Jack growled.
He wanted to stand up, but under Danny's icy stare he felt locked into his seat. His expression was mostly blank, but Jack could see a twitch in his brow and tilt to his lips. He could see it, but he couldn't read it. Ghosts were easier to read than this, ghosts weren't usually very subtle.
"Not all ghosts are the same." Danny repeated, his voice was so quiet now, tentative and fragile.
He walked over to the sink, Jack wanted to get up, wanted to keep his eyes on Danny and the ghost that might be controlling him, but he couldn't seem to make his legs work. The command still rang in his ears. Sit. Down.
"We aren't going to get anywhere like this." Danny filled up a glass of water and placed it in front of Jack. "Pick it up."
It wasn't a command, Danny's expression had softened once more.
Jack narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but he did as requested. He could feel the cold glass in his hand, the condensation on his fingers, but as he tried to lift it... the glass remained as it was. His hands simply slipping over it.
He tried again, and again, it wasn't as though it was slippery, or heavy, or even that he couldn't grip it. The glass felt normal, his hands felt normal, the glass just wouldn't... move.
Gritting his teeth in frustration he grabbed the glass and squeezed with all his strength, it didn't break. The water didn't even ripple.
"This is a trick..." said Jack. "It's just a trick..."
Red eyes and a bitter drink, people stood around him, faces blurred. He was falling, someone screamed.
Danny started rooting around in a nearby drawer, he pulled out a ragged newspaper cutout. The ink had run in some spots, he placed it down in front of Jack.
It was an obituary. It was his obituary. Tear stained and rough around the edges, torn from the rest of the paper instead of cut, he skimmed over it, almost unable to take it in.
Jack Jonathan Fenton... age 50... survived by his wife Maddie and two children Danny and Jazz...
There was a list of his degrees, complete and incomplete, engineering, physics, mathematics, it listed the names of his high school and university, his reputation as a local ghost hunter, a blurb about his dedication to his work and his love for his family. Jazz had written it, he could tell. She was so good with words.
"Don't make this harder than it needs to be, please." Danny's voice cracked, his eyes were bright with tears as he righted the knocked over chair and sat back down across from Jack, gripping his hand tightly.
Vlad leaning over him, Vlad gripping his hand, he was smiling, his teeth were sharp. Glass smashed, he'd dropped the drink. It was bitter.
He could almost still taste it.
Maddie running past him in the lab, like he wasn't even there, crying. Jazz at the breakfast table, not seeing not hearing, eyes red and puffy. They hadn't looked at him, not once had they looked at him. They couldn't see him, they really couldn't see him.
But Danny could.
"If... I'm a ghost," the words tasted foul and heavy on his tongue, "and you aren't... why can you see me?"
Danny sighed, still holding tight to Jack's hand.
"It's complicated." he said, staring down at the table.
"Vlad, he did this. I'm..." Jack whispered. "But his eyes were... he was overshadowed. It was a ghost that-."
"He wasn't overshadowed." Danny kept his gaze averted, his expression was hard and cold. "It was the accident with the proto-portal, it changed him. He-"
Danny choked up, tears were slipping from his eyes, he gasped a few unsteady breaths.
"He blamed you, he blamed you and wanted to kill you, he's been trying since the attack at the reunion. I tried to protect you dad I tried I tried I'm sorry, I didn't know about the poison until it was too late I'm sorry, I couldn't get there in time I couldn't-"
Danny's sobs shook his whole body, he buried his head in his arms, shaking hands still clasped around Jack's.
Red eyes, sharp teeth, the reunion...
"The Wisconsin Ghost," how had he not seen it? "He's the Wisconsin Ghost."
Then another thought struck him. He looked at his son like he'd never seen him before, sobbing loudly, painfully, his body wracked with spasms as he choked on every breath. He had been trying to protect him, all this time he had known and was protecting him, alone.
When Jack had been told to sit, compelled to sit, unable to move and paralysed with terror, had he imagined the glint of green in his son's eyes? He knew a ghost with green eyes, who could incapacitate someone with a single terrifying scream, who was mortal enemies with the Wisconsin Ghost, who claimed to be a protector, who looked just like a kid.
Danny had been in the lab that day, when the portal turned itself on.
Had the portal turned itself on?
Jack stood, his legs finally acting of his own accord once more, and he rounded the table to pull his son into a tight hug.
"Oh Danny, it was you, the ghost boy, it was you."
"I'm sorry dad, I'm so sorry." The words wouldn't stop pouring from his lips, tumbling over and over. Jack's chest grew tight from the pain in his voice.
He ran a hand over his son's hair and shushed him gently.
"It's okay Danny-boy, it's not your fault, you did your best. I'm so proud of you son, we should have realised, you did so much all on your own, I'm so proud of you." It was Jack's turn to start blubbering.
"I should have told you." said Danny, voice muffled against Jack's chest.
He and Maddie always talked about all of the things that they would do to Phantom if they had ever caught him, they'd talked about it during family dinners. Danny had sat there listening, the whole time he had been right there listening.
"I... understand why you didn't." said Jack.
Danny had stopped shaking, he pulled away from Jack and wiped his eyes.
"Vlad told mom that he'd been overshadowed, she's been out hunting for the Wisconsin Ghost all week." Danny sniffed, "I wanted to tell her the truth, I wanted to so badly but Vlad he... he said he'd go for Jazz next. Said if he got past me once he could do it again. I couldn't risk it."
Jack had never understood why a ghost would choose to remain tethered, why they couldn't just move on and leave the living to go about their business in peace. He always told himself that when he died he would never return, he would take what was to come with open arms.
But that wasn't what happened. He'd gotten up to start his day as usual, but he was already dead. There had been no choice, and were he given one now, he didn't think he could bring himself to take it.
His family still needed him, how could he leave them behind? It wasn't wrong if he stayed to protect his family, right?
Jack placed a heavy hand on Danny's shoulder, and gently knocked his chin with a large fist.
"Buck up kiddo, I might need to get a handle on this whole bein' a ghost thing but when I do," Jack's voice dropped into a low, dangerous growl and, for just a brief moment, his eyes flashed a vibrant green, "I'm not gonna let him hurt anyone else."
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phantomsnfae · 3 years
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Hello and merry holidays, here’s my gift to @q-gorgeous ! I really liked the prompts you mentioned! Kyle and Wes have just so much comedic potential.
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
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i mean, that's one way to tell them
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
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this can count for the first three days right??
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
Based on a prompt by @fabnamessuggestedbytumbler for the Phic Phight! An excuse for Lost Time fluff? Don’t mind if I do…
The Ghost Zone had a legal system. A court system. A prison system. A police system. A set of established rules. There were even lawyers.
In theory.
In reality the courts (Observants) refused to look at anything that wasn’t world ending. Every group had their own, private prison. The police made up their own rules and, even then, broke them regularly. The actual rules had gone several hundred years without an update and referred to places, organizations, and customs that no longer existed. The lawyers were all clinically depressed. That’s what happens when there’s no active, unifying head of state for hundreds of years.
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
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add your ghostsona, m’dudes
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
PhicPhight2020: We’re Going to Be Fine
Prompt from @ectopal: Jack and Maddie, at the end of their rope, beg Vlad to come to Amity to help stop the ghost that’s haunting their family. Vlad realizes that it isn’t a ghost that is terrorizing them, but their son, who recently became a half ghost and is having just about the worst time in the world dealing with it. Bonus points if in his human form Danny is extremely unsettling.
Word Count: 3694
Read on Fanfiction.net: HERE
@phicphight @currentlylurking
Vlad marveled the three story brick house defaced by an obnoxious FENTON sign and what can only be described as a giant tin hat on top. He reached for the doorknob but stopped himself. Years ago, this wouldn’t have been a problem, just walk in, say hi. Hug Jack, kiss Maddie on the cheek. 
Flushing, he wrung his hands. They’d fallen out of contact for what was it now, fifteen? Twenty years? It had all just become too much. His pain, their happiness. His loneliness, their romance. His…changes…their family. He couldn’t keep answering their questions, couldn’t keep pretending he hadn’t changed, and couldn’t keep acting like he still wasn’t in love with Maddie.
Couldn’t keep acting like he didn’t blame Jack for all of it.
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
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i was struck by a sudden and instinctual urge to Draw this Spooky Boy
(WHOOPS @kinglazrus​ missed a slight detail in the first version)
Smells Like Team Spirit
Phic phight 2020
Submitted by @phantomphangphucker: Danny Fenton seeming creepy, unnatural, predatory, etcetera to the general population of Amity Park. Or only seeming creepy, unnatural, predatory, etcetera to tourists, while Amity Park locals are confused by anyone finding Fenton ‘creepy/intimidating’.
Summary: Some mascots are great at pumping up a crowd. As Casper High’s mascot, Danny has only one job: strike fear into the hearts of their opponents. This is the story of how Danny becomes the famed Mascot of Fear.
Word count: 9268
Tucker witnesses it first. His cousin from another state is visiting for the weekend and Danny comes over to hang out. Ozzy has met Danny before, a few times, so Tucker thinks they won’t mind if Danny joins them for a little while. He arrives while Ozzy is in the bathroom, and Tucker gets a three-player game of the new Doomed: IV console game set up.
Danny lounges on a beanbag chair, leaving the couch to the Foley cousins. Clutching his controller, he plays with the controls, watching his character jump, roll, punch, and shoot, trying to get a feel for the different set up.
“I think they took out the high jump,” Danny says. He spams the jump button while tapping various others across the controller, testing different combos.
“What?” Tucker lunges for the game case, taking out the pamphlet tucked inside the cover. He flips through, looking for the controls.
“Yeah, it doesn’t seem to­—oh damn that’s fun.”
“What? What?” Tucker scrambles up, throwing the pamphlet aside, and watches Danny’s avatar leap into the air, then sprint forward.
“Air-dashing,” Danny says with a grin.
“Sweet.” The boys bump fists.
Danny, kneeling on his beanbag, keeps air-dashing across the screen, whipping the controller back and forth emphatically. The action does nothing to improve the gameplay, but at the same time, it just wouldn’t be as enjoyable without it. Tucker lays upside down on the couch, hands braced on the floor, cheering Danny on. “Go, go, go!”
It’s stupid and fun. They haven’t even started playing the game yet, but this is the most they’ll enjoy themselves all afternoon. And that’s the scene Ozzy walks in on.
They remember Tucker’s best friend, although they hadn’t seen him since coming out. Ozzy’s not sure what to expect from him, but it certainly isn’t this. And by this they don’t mean the raw enthusiasm for a simple game mechanic. They mean the shiver that crawls up their spine the second they lay eyes on Danny. They feel cold, like they’ve stepped in a bath of ice-water rather than their cousin’s living room.
Danny turns his head toward Tucker and sees Ozzy standing in the doorway. Both of them freeze. Ozzy’s heart beats fast and heavy in their chest. Their pupils dilate, stretching wide, and sweat beads on their forehead. They can’t look away. If they do, then they’re dead. If they let Danny out of their sight, they’re dead.
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
Imagine an au where Danny doesn’t know that Valerie is the Red Huntress when he starts dating her. He has no clue that his gf spends half her time hunting him, and Valerie has no idea that her boyfriend spends half his time as Phantom. Both of them desperately want to tell the other, want to be able to trust each other with that information, but Valerie is afraid that Danny will get hurt by a malevolent ghost wanting to use him against her (she has no clue that Danny fights ghosts on the regular), and Danny is terrified that she will hate him for being the ghost that effectively ruined her life (she still rants about Phantom and how much she blames him for getting her father fired. Danny feels very guilty about the entire thing.)
Then, the Dan thing happens. Danny discovers that Valerie is the Red Huntress from her future self, and he is DEVASTATED. He had to witness his family and friends almost die, discovered that his human half is killed by a violent mixture of his ghost half and Plasmius in the future, discovered that he turns evil and kills EVERYONE in that same future, and on top of all that, his girlfriend is the Red Huntress. His girlfriend, who he adores and loves and who snorts when she laughs, who can judo flip Dash without a second thought (and has, on one occasion), who is smart and funny and sarcastic and listens to him when he starts ranting about the stars and space with genuine interest...
Is the same person who screams insults at him from her hoverboard as he flies over the town. The same person who hates Phantom with more burning passion than even his parents, who fires at him with the intent to destroy. And for some reason, that hurts him even more than when his parents fire at him, hurts even more than when he hears his parents talking about dissecting him “molecule by molecule” as he eats his dinner.
Meanwhile, Valerie begins to notice how stressed and nervous Danny is getting. Yeah, he’s a nervous person, but never on the level he is now. He’s always fidgeting, always looking for exits to a room or building, always alert and vigilant. He’s always on the verge of a panic attack, and whenever her... side job comes up in conversation, he flinches slightly and starts shaking. And whenever Valerie tries to help, tries to comfort him, he only gets worse, verging on a panic attack or hyperventilating. It starts to put a strain on their relationship, and neither of them know what to do.
Until one day, Danny breaks down and tells her. He’s been so nervous, so scared that once she knows the truth, that she’ll hate him for it, and the fear and suspense has been driving him insane, because what if she finds out? What if she tells everyone and they hate me for it? So Danny tells her, because all that he has is Sam, Tucker and Jazz (Vlad does not count and he never will), and that used to be all he needed, but ever since he found out about Dan and the CAT and how he killed so many people, too many in that timeline, (how he may as well have killed his own friends and family, it was his fault his fault-) he’s constantly been on the verge of a breakdown, and that tiny, almost nonexistent web of support just isn’t enough anymore.
So he tells her everything. He tells her about the portal, about how he turned it on, how the subsequent blast and shock killed him, but not completely. He tells her about him being a Halfa, about phantom. Tells her about his decision to become Phantom, to start fighting the ghosts that make their way into the human world to cause havoc, because no one else could or would do so without destroying them. Tells her about Pariah Dark, how the fight almost killed him.
He tells her about Dan, about that horrible, horrible future, and how terrifying it is, knowing that he could still turn into that horrible, twisted version of himself.
And at first, Valerie is PISSED. How could he, how could he lie to her like this, about something this massive? How could he lead her on, knowing full well that he was the reason that her father lost his job, that he was the reason the A-listers kicked her from their group. She’s about five seconds from pulling out her suit, or her ecto-gun, and firing at him...
When she pauses. Because right now, Danny doesn’t look like the cocky, confident, annoying half ghost that Valerie has come to despise. No, right now, Danny looks like a normal kid who has to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and then some, who has to deal with being hated by ghosts for being human and hated by humans for being a ghost, who has to deal with the knowledge that one wrong move could turn him into a monster capable of destroying the planet.
Has to live with the fear of his parents discovering who he is, what he is, and hating him for it.
And Valerie has done the same thing, except this was arguably worse, because how many times had Danny gone out of his way to save her at his own expense? How many times has Danny been hurt, badly hurt, by one of her own weapons?
And she sees Danny shaking, looking at her with wide, scared blue eyes, and they look so much like Phantoms, and Valerie realizes that behind all the death puns and bravado, Danny is a scared, traumatized highschool kid, who got dealt a heavy hand, and now has to deal with just about everyone he knows and cares about either fearing him or attempting to kill him.
So she leans down and hugs him, even as he starts crying, because it’s so much, too much, to know that Valerie doesn’t hate him, that she at least doesn’t completely hate him. And they’re both apologizing through their tears, Danny for what happened with her dad and Cujo and lying to her, and Valerie for the whole Red Huntress/trying to kill him as Phantom thing.
They stay like that for a long time.
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
Does anyone else ever think about how, if Valerie and Danny started to work together, as phantom and the Red huntress, they would probably be considered Amity park’s power couple? Like, if these two started getting along as ghostly vigilantes, the entire town would most likely start thinking that they’re a couple. The easy familiarity, the puns and jokes, how they would start to care for each other more and more, how they don’t even have to talk when fighting anymore, all it takes is a look they both just know, the ease they have with each other, and sometimes, when Phantom thinks Red isn’t looking, he’ll get this longing look in his eyes, as if he wants something more in their relationship. And sometimes, sometimes, when phantom is resting after a fight, people will see Red huntress, the hardened, stone cold badass capable of sending Ghosts scurrying away with little more than a look, pull the exhausted ghost boy into her lap and start gently ruffling his hair. (What they don’t know is that Valerie only does this because she’s discovered that phantom can purr, which is the most adorable fucking thing goddamnit, and he’s like a little kitten and she just... cannot help herself)
It gets to the point where people start asking them how they got together, how long they’ve been in a relationship, etc. Cue both Valerie and Danny turning into spluttering, blushing balls of denial and embarrassment as they both realize that yeah, some of the shit they do could be seen as couple-y stuff, except poor Danny knows he’s already dated Valerie before, but they broke up because of him, but he still has those pesky little feelings for her that just will not go the fuck away, this is supposed to be a professional relationship dammit!
Valerie, on the other hand, dives head first into some insane denial, because how could she be in love with a ghost, even if they are teammates, and his little purrs are adorable, and his puns, and the way his eyes glow brighter when he’s focused, or how his lips quirk up in that little half-smile.... and Valerie realizes very quickly that ‘oh fuck, I have feelings for this ghostly dumbass’.
Sam and Tucker can’t stop laughing as they watch Phantom and Valerie devolve into panicked denial, because seriously how did they not fucking see this, come on. All of Casper High, upon the discovery that no, Red huntress and Phantom are not a thing yet, decides that they must do their duty to their faithful guardians, and get these two together.
Cue both Danny and Valerie getting more and more flustered as all of Casper high begins to try and get them on a date.
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
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✨costume time✨
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
pineapple pizza squad, babey
Okay but who in the phandom eats pineapple on pizza? Is it distributed evenly enough for that to be our next team distinction for a phic phight or something?
I don’t know about the phandom but I recently found out when I was in NYC with some of my best friends that one of them does when she unironically tried to order us a pineapple pizza pie and we were hanging out with this girl from Staten Island, a guy from Brooklyn, and my buddy from the Bronx and I’m pretty sure the three of them were holding themselves back from indivudually strangeling her. It pains me greatly to say that she is still alive and well, potentially eating pineapple pizzas every week. Honestly don’t know if I can ever trust anyone again. Just the worst news.
Yeah I’d say we can phight about pineapple pizza.
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
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My body has been doing The Hurty so I binge watched some Danny Phantom. Here is the result. No I will not be taking critique.
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
danny phantom au where instead of having a ghostly wail, danny shoots ping pong balls out of his mouth at high velocities
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
danny grows baby fangs
truce gift for @phantomofprocrastination!! happy new decade :)
word count: 3,080
Being friends with a rival ghost has its pros and cons. The pros are that Danny can call on them whenever he needs help fighting a bigger, badder ghost. The cons are that this does nothing to stop his ally from attacking him whenever they like.
He was awoken in the dead of night (pun intended) by his ghost sense escaping his throat. He quickly transformed and flew outside, preparing to fight a ghost wreaking havoc. Instead, he was met by Johnny, who asked for a spar.
Danny sighed and ran a hand across his face. “Really? You couldn’t have picked a better time for this?”
“Of course not!” Johnny delightfully replied. “All the humans are asleep, so you don’t have to worry about hurting any of them.”
That was…surprisingly thoughtful. Still didn’t make it any less annoying. Danny fixed him with a glare and said, “Johnny. I’m half human. I also need to sleep.”
The ghost’s eyes widened, and his mouth formed a circle. “Oh.”
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phantomsnfae · 4 years
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Prisoners of Love - The Ghost Zone
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