Challenge: Write a play based on/about clothes.
Result: This one nearly finished me, I had no ideas at all, and all the ones I thought of were crap. In the end, inspiration struck with the thought of having a pig on stage. Because who doesn’t love pigs.
But with that pig comes a huge sigh of relief, as the curtain is drawn on 29 Plays Later.
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Challenge 29 of 29 Plays Later
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Challenge: Go back and redo one of the previous challenges, and make a new play from it. 
Result: I chose to redo challenge 22 (Choose and opeing line from a preexisting play and go somwhere different) and used the opening line from No Exit as the starrting point. Hopefully this play, along with a few others, will form as part of an anthology of short plays I am hoping to create. Working title: Tales of the Afterlife.
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Challenge: Find an unfinished idea/play and complete it.
Result: This was one of the challenges from last year, and this is the play I submitted for this challenge last year. However last year this was only a one act play with a duff ending and a rubbish title. This year I have gone back and added a whole second act, given it a better title, and an ending that I a bit happier with.
Whether this is actully any good remains to be seen, but hey I have written a full length two act play, so I’m happy with that.
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Challenge: Pick a theme and do it abstract.
Result: I just wanted a dance party on stage. 
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Challenge: Either rewrite one of the previous 24 plays, or an old play you wrote and haven’t looked at in ages, all from memory.
Result: The first play I wrote last year for 28 plays later was a Zombie inspired piece called Afterlife, which has since been staged. After that I wanted to make an anthology of plays set within the same apocolyptic event. I haven’t looked back at any of these scenes/ideas since, so I tried to write one of them again fron scratch. Couldn’t remember all of it or how I started so I opened half way through.
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Challenge: Write a play, delete it, then write it again from memory. Also memories are the theme
Result: Well... it’s about memories.
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Challenge: Write a play in a different language.
Result: It’s all in txt speak. Getit? It’s a whole different language.....Yeah it ended up being a duff one.
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Challenge: Take an opening line from a book/play/peom etc and go somewhere else with it.
Result: Not my first choice but in the end I opted for the opening line from Pride and Prejudice to lead into a small satire on how Hollywood treats their female characters. A lot of inspiration came from Ross Putman on Twitter.
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Challenge: Write a play inspired by a brouchere description of Visionary Art
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Challenge: Write a play with 20 characters, set in a Space, that has a dramatic conclusion/ending.
Result: What I believe to be an accurate account of 29 plays later behind the scenes.
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Challenge: Write about something you know nothing about.
Result: I know nothing about my next door neighour nor have I met him, so here is a play about him. Well, not him personally, I know nothing about him.
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Challenge: Write an interesting title, then suprise yourself with the content.
Result: It’s not a rip off, it’s a tribute.
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Challenge:  Write a play that is shorter than a millisecond or longer than a millennia. Or set a play over a period that is under a millisecond or over a millennia.
Result: This play is set over a period that is just under a milisecond, inside the head of a man who has just recieved some pretty bad news.
This is the first time I have ever drawn on an experience that has directly happened to me in order to write a play. It was never the intention going into this challenge. It just kinda happened. 
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Challenge: Write a play inspired by a piece of music. Choose from one of the four tracks sent to you be Sebastian Rex, or a piece that inspires you.
Result: Of the pieces Sebastian sent to us, I chose to use this. I opted to use the “stream of conciousness” technique when writing this play. As soon as the music started I started writing an inner monologue type thing along with the music and I didn’t stop.
Came back a few hours later to try and structure some form of play around what had spewed  from my head.
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Challenge: Write a play starring yourself where you meet your idol.
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Challenge 14: Write a play, strictly following Sebastian Rex’s 10 specific rules.
Result: EEEUUUUGGGGHHH, This is a gash, I thought of a better idea the second I finished this, but its too late as I need sleep so NOPE
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