pastel-golden · 1 month
Damn I just wrote a whole post about me that I was going to pin but I forgot to save and lost most of it 😭
I am going kms /nsrs
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pastel-golden · 1 month
Just so we're clear...
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Zionists are not welcome on this blog, nor are their supporters. We don't support genocide here.
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pastel-golden · 1 month
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Reblog with your score
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pastel-golden · 1 month
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I made this quick info post about using no pronouns bc there’s not a lot of resources on it! Reblogs appreciated :D
[Image ID: Simple blue and white graphic. First slide is titled “Guide to Using No Pronouns” and has a figure waving with a speech bubble that says “Hi, I’m Bee! I prefer using my name in place of pronouns.” The second slide is titled “Reasons to use No Pronouns” and the bullet points read “When no pronouns seem to fit. Sometimes you just don’t vibe with any of them! Avoids misgendering someone who’s not out yet. For fun!” An additional bubble reads “you don’t have to have a reason!” The third slide is titled “Introductions” and reads “Introducing yourself: “Hello, my name is ____. I use my name instead of pronouns.” or “My name is ____. I don’t use pronouns.” Introducing someone else: “This is ____. ____ doesn’t use pronouns.” or “This is ____. You can use ____’s name in place of pronouns.” I find that stating that you use your name in place of pronouns makes your introduction more clear. I would also include a quick example of how to use your name: “So instead of using they/them/their, you can say “Bee is calling Bee’s parents.”““ The fourth slide is titled “Examples” and reads “Here’s some examples using my name! Instead of: “Bee is working by themself.” Do: “Bee is working alone.” Instead of: “They are proud of their work.” Do: “Bee is proud of Bee’s work.” Instead of “I went with them and they were amazing!” Do: “I went with Bee and Bee was amazing!”“ The fifth slide reads “Thank you for reading! Have a good day!”]
Quick FAQ/additional notes under cut:
Keep reading
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pastel-golden · 2 months
// Vent/ramble post
Ughughughuhgh this hurts so much. I’ve been in so much pain recently and going to the chiropractor hasn’t been working and I’ve tried physical therapy and I know there are still a lot of options of where to go from here, but these were the two best options and if these didn’t work I doubt anything else will :( I don’t know much about what surgery would be like, but I think I remember my doctor saying that it could be dangerous but like what else am I supposed to do…?
One task that has been particularly hard for me is showering. Not only does it require a lot of physical labor, but it also requires me to stand for a long time. I’ve tried asking my mom for a shower stool, but she’s refused. She thinks that standing for long periods of time will make me stronger and build my endurance, but all it does is put me in a lot of pain.
I’ve been getting a lot of pre-shower anxiety. I doubt I’m alone in this, but I never see any fellow chronic painers and spooners talking about it. I know it’s normal to have anxiety when you know something is going to cause you pain (like anxiety about surgery or vaccines, or whatever), but when that thing is a daily task… idk it just feels so heartbreaking. Like wdym I have to deal w/ that every afternoon? It’s just not fair.
I also experienced post-shower every crashes so bad that I can barely get dressed or brush my teeth (I kinda have to brush my teeth, but I’ve begun just sleeping naked to avoid wasting energy on getting dressed). I used to be able to play on my computer until my bedtime but now I have to lay down in my bed on my phone.
I’m so tired and I’m in so much pain and I swear I try so hard but my mom thinks I’m not trying but I really am. It’s so hard to get out of bed and even sitting up puts me in so much pain.
Also I hate the cold so much. It’s started to get warmer here, but evertime I shiver it feels like so much wasted energy.
My anti-depressant have stopped working recently and I don’t know why. I can’t even tell if I feel better when I’m on or off them. I have an appointment to get a prescription in 2 days tho ig.,
I feel so scared that I won’t be able to go to college or even get a job. Just when I think “hey, maybe this is actually possible for me,” I get worse. I can’t go to college when I would be this unpredictable. I don’t even know what I could possibly do as a job. Are there even any good online jobs I can do from home? Could they pay for me to live independently? I’m so scared I want to be able to live an independent normal life, I really do.
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pastel-golden · 2 months
stop villanizing disabled people. stop assuming we're just being lazy. stop assuming we could be trying harder. stop assuming that we'll "feel better" in a few weeks. stop assuming that we have the same energy levels as everyone else. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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pastel-golden · 2 months
LGBTQ+ Headers
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please rb if saving :)
requests are open in the comments
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pastel-golden · 2 months
hello, selfship regressors!
❦ just to remind you all because crosstagging is still a problem with antis:
❦ your f/o loves you, no matter what. even if you're a paraphile, transid, proship, or anything that these people try and baselessely say are wrong! and i know it's not enough sometimes to just say that, so let me continue!
❦ your f/o's will always support you and care for you! they will always love caring for you, even if you feel like a burden.
❦ your f/o's embrace your regression!
❦ if you're transid, your f/o will do their absolute best to care for you and make you smile while validating your gender/race/ability/whatever makes you comfortable!
❦ and remember, you always have a space with us, here, in our tea party! tell us about your f/o's, your fictional caregivers, we'd love to hear about them ^-^
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pastel-golden · 2 months
me when the chronic pain is chronic and painful:
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pastel-golden · 3 months
Paraphilias and paraphilic disorders are not the same thing.
Pedophilia and a pedophilic disorder are not the same thing. Voyeurism and a voyeuristic disorder are not the same thing. So on and so forth.
A common misconception I see (oftentimes from well-meaning individuals) is that paraphilic disorders and paraphilias are one and the same. But in reality, the DSM-V has long made a clear distinction between the two.
According to the DSM-V, a paraphilia is simply an atypical attraction (Though what counts as "atypical" has evolved with time, and attractions that were considered atypical in the past are actually quite common and socially accepted today. Take mazophilia -the attraction to breasts- as an example). Paraphilias in themselves are not classified as disorders, and not everyone that has a paraphilia is considered disordered.
A paraphilic disorder is a diagnosable condition in which one's paraphilia causes personal distress/dysfunction in one's life, or results in the harm/risk of harm to another being. Someone with a paraphilic disorder may need some extra help in order to relieve this distress or prevent any harm from being done to others. Now this doesn't mean that people with paraphilic disorders are less deserving of kindness, compassion, and autonomy. They deserve the same respect and common decency as anyone else does. But the difference is clear: a paraphilia is simply an atypical attraction. A paraphilic disorder is an atypical attraction that causes personal distress or harm to others.
Some important things to note here:
Paraphilic disorders are treatable. Paraphilias often aren't.
A paraphilia is needed to have a paraphilic disorder, but paraphilic disorders are not a qualification to have a paraphilia
No, "icky" paraphilias such as pedophilia and necrophilia are not inherently disorders either. They must meet the already specified qualifications to be considered paraphilic disorders
Neither category automatically make someone more dangerous to be around than anyone else. Neither should be stigmatized and we should work to have more open and judgement-free discussions about these topics. Encouraging shame and self-hatred harms more than it helps
The distinction matters to me because I myself am a paraphile. A zoophile, to be exact. I am not distressed or impaired by my attractions, and I have never acted on my desires/hurt another being. My attractions are simply a piece of me that I live with. Being a zoophile is not debilitating to me like how zoophilic disorder is debilitating to many others I know. I don't have the same needs as those who have paraphilic disorders. And it frustrates me to have people describe my experience in ways that don't feel accurate to what I go through, or try to prescribe solutions to problems I don't have. It frustrates me even more when people so boldly proclaim that I'm a bad person for not attempting to cure a disorder I don't have, for daring to be comfortable with being a paraphile rather than self-loathing.
Many a time have I encountered ableist individuals who tell me I'm a bad person for not fitting the image of the poor, self-hating paraphile they can take pity on and feel superior to. Even if I did have a zoophilic disorder, having to walk on eggshells to meet their standard of a "good paraphile" to spare myself from being attacked and outcast would just be detrimental to my hypothetical condition.
The reality is that my zoophilia is not a disorder. It's just something I live with. It's a piece of me that has very little impact on how I live my life. And I'm tired of people trying to make my experiences and my needs into things that they're not. I would really appreciate it if people actually listened to individual paraphiles and what they experience/need rather than prescribing their needs and experiences for them.
Paraphilias in themselves are not inherently disordered or in need of treatment. If you'd like to read more about this subject in a more coherent, less rambly way, I highly recommend this article here
Thank you
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pastel-golden · 3 months
literally feels like a myth that there are people who don't struggle with basic tasks like getting out of bed or going to the shops or seeing a friend for coffee. how does everything not feel like a painstaking chore for them. how do they have the physical and emotional energy every single day
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pastel-golden · 3 months
TransID Survey on Transitioning!
Who can take it? anyone who identifies with transids besides transgender
What is it about? the transid community's views on transitioning, highlighting transabled and trace especially
What will happen with the data? it's public to view and the link is in the survey description! I may also make a post on the results here or talk about the results on my Notion, it won't be used to make the transid community 'look bad' or anything like that, I think that's just mean
Are you transid yourself? I am not! But I have a big interest in the transid and radqueer communities and as you can see by my Notion I love talking about it in a very autistic manner! I'm anti-hate towards people who identify this way and I engage a lot with the community, but don't label myself radqueer (tags are for reach as usual)
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pastel-golden · 3 months
RadInclus Pro/Neutral Radqueer flag
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A flag to represent radinclus people who are pro/neutral radqueer, as there is an radinclus anti radqueer flag :3
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pastel-golden · 3 months
Disabled people who have to work out, I love you.
Disabled people who find it hard to work out despite it being a necessity, I love you.
Disabled people who physically can’t work out despite it being a necessity, I love you.
Disabled people who need somebody to help you work out, I love you.
Disabled people who struggle to change the settings on exercise machines, I love you.
Disabled people who go to physical therapy a lot, I love you.
Disabled people who’s most they can do is go on short walks, I love you.
Disabled people who are weaker when they don’t work out, I love you.
Disabled people who are in pain when they don’t work out, I love you.
Disabled people who need personal gym equipment because they are too embarrassed to go to a public gym, I love you.
Disabled people who get weird looks in the gym, I love you.
Disabled people who go to occupational therapy, I love you.
Disabled people who have to work out but struggle to find the motivation, I love you.
Disabled people who become stiff when they don’t work out, I love you.
Disabled people who become more spastic when they don’t work out, I love you.
Disabled people who push through pain to work out, I love you.
Disabled people who lock up while working out I love you.
Disabled people who need to stretch, I love you.
Disabled people who can’t do certain stretches, I love you.
Disabled people who do yoga, I love you.
Disabled people who go to Pilates, I love you.
Disabled people who need help to do stretches, I love you.
Disabled people who lock up when doing stretches, I love you.
Disabled people who need somebody to supervise them while they work out, I love you.
Disabled people who can’t work out alone, I love you.
Disabled people who experience bad side effects from not working out, I love you.
Disabled people who experience bad side effects from working out, I love you.
Disabled people who work out in your wheelchair, I love you.
Disabled people who have to focus so hard while working out that you look like you’re constipated, I love you.
Disabled people who struggle on the lowest exercise machine settings, I love you.
Disabled people who trip or stumble on the treadmill, I love you.
Disabled people who have to take a lot of breaks when working out, I love you.
Disabled people who have to drink a lot of water when working out, I love you.
disabled people who work out, I love you
disabled people who can't work out, I love you
disabled people who don't want to work out even if they can, I love you
disabled people who try to work out but can't manage to do more than beginner level, I love you
disabled people who will never be able to work out, I love you
disabled people who miss working out and can't do what they could do before, I love you
disabled people who work out but can't do every exercise, I love you
disabled people who can do a workout one day but can't do the same the other, I love you
disabled people who hate hearing about working out or being told to work out, I love you
I love you. your worth isn't defined by if you work out or not or how much you can do. don't believe anyone who says so.
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pastel-golden · 3 months
im kinda tired of the assumption that physical disability = visible, and non-physical disability = invisible. it is not that simple and it certainly aint the case for me.
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pastel-golden · 3 months
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pastel-golden · 3 months
i do desperately need everyone on this website especially people who arent american but want to rag on america to familiarize themselves with the basic romanized spelling conventions of native american languages because every day i come on here and i see people making fun of massachusetts or connecticut or mississippi or passamaquoddy or mashpee or nipissing and its like PLEASE. PLEASE THEY ARENT ENGLISH WORDS. PLEAAAAASEEEEEUUUHHH. USE YOUR MINDS TO IDENTIFY WHEN A WORD LOOKS LIKE IT MAY NOT BE ENGLISH. I DONT CARE IF YOU MAKE FUN OF AMERICA JUST PLEASE STOP BEING RACIST WHILE YOU DO IT
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