witch culture is doing a spell for good sleep and oversleeping by an hour the next day
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hello!! sorry we arent active here!
we're/i am more active over on @tarot-tea-cafe
but asks are still open to submissions!!
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witch culture is casting luck and protection magic on your friends when you feel like they need a boost
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Hello! Readings open!
hi! im a disabled witch in need, im in a very bad situation i need to get out of.
I have a kofi here and I do tarot readings!
Single card readings (card of the month/day, yes/no etc) are free, and if you have pulled your own cards but need help interpreting them i do that for free as well.
spread readings, however, are as follows: 3 card spread: 2:50 5 card: +2$ (4:50) 7 card: +2$ (4:50) 12 card spread: +3$ (5:50) additional cards: +1$ per card (the more cards pulled the more in-depth the reading)
I also sell handmade pride bracelet and take art commissions on my kofi !
any help/support would be great /g
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All About Tarot: The Major Arcana
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The Emperor
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The Emperor, also called "The king", "the green man" or "greenman" but names may vary in different sets. This card is the fifth to pull in an unshuffled deck, being named number 4 in the major arcana, as well is assigned the astrological sign of Aries.
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Upright this card often means stability, leadership, bravery, bold action(s), structure, authority, regulation, organization, fatherhood/fatherliness/talk of a father figure or adopting a fatherly role, nearing a new level of mastery, power, strength, success, and several other interpretations.
Reversed this card has associations such as; immaturity, pettiness, rigidity, domination, anger, shying away from the role of a leader or role model someone may be holding you to/you may be offered, abuse of power(especially the power of authority) often from an older/masculine figure in your life, and more.
in general this card may read about, of course, authoritative figures in your life or being one yourself-either reaching that level or shying away from that role, often it mentions a fatherly role or figure whether that be yourself(regardless of your own gender) or someone in your life. This card tends to be read in talk of a persons relationship with their father when pulled in a 3 card spread (past/present/future) but has many different interpretations depending on the reader (this just happens to be one of the most common interpretations of this card).
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Common depictions in the art of this card are a king or man of power or stature of some sort and similar to the empress he's often sitting with a crown on his head, facing forward with a sword usually seen in his right hand. more often than not this card tends to depict an elderly man in king's robes with a long white beard.
common colours tend to be reds, yellows and off-whites, while other imagery in the card may be things like the sun setting in the background (or colours in the background representing such), and possibly some depiction of a goat whether that be his throne decorated with goat heads or a goat at his feet. the goat often being a sign of aries, the zodiac this card is aligned with.
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if you have more information about this card or questions you'd like to ask, please let me know!
kofi - previous - full post
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All About Tarot: The Major Arcana
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The Empress
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the empress, also known as The Queen, The Green Woman or Greenwoman, Ayizan. this card is the fourth to be pulled in an unshuffled new deck, giving it number 3 in the major arcana. this card is also given association with the earth element and the symbol of the roman goddess venus, often the symbol of femininity.
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upright this card has associations such as fertility, nurturing, accomplishment, nature, abondance, a strong connection with femininity, elegance, sensuality, expression, creativity, connecting with beauty, bringing joy into your life.
reversed this card can mean creative block, loss of willpower and strength, feeling undesirable, anxiety, lack of concentration, smothering, selfishness, being too caught up or concerned with other peoples business.
in general this card reads of a loving and protective nature, being motherly, caring deeply for those around you but possibly going too far and doing too much with this causing blocks and stress.
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the common imagery on this card tends to be things such as a woman with a crown of 12 stars and robes often surrounded by nature. usually the empress is sitting on a chair, typically one of red velvet, possibly holding a small scepter in her right hand.
the symbol of venus is often found somewhere in the card art, along with the colours yellow, red, light blue or purple and possibly green.
often the empress is seen holding a shield in one arm or having her hands otherwise occupied with something. it is rare to see a card of the Empress depicting an empty-handed woman but her pose does vary from front facing to quarter or side view poses, very very often sitting down with her shoulders square.
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if you have more to add or any questions please let me know!
kofi - previous - full post
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All About Tarot: The Major Arcana
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The High Priestess
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The High Priestess has other names such as "La Papesse," or "The Popess". It is the third card to be pulled in a new and unshuffled deck, giving it the number 2 in the major arcana.
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This card is associated with the water element.
Upright this card is associated with the meanings wisdom, intuition, dreams, meandering, an enigma, spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination, divine knowledge, wisdom, trusting your instincts to guide you.
reversed this card often means ignorance, shallowness, lack of trust, a closed mind, secrets, you may be finding it difficult to listen to your intuition, you may need to take time to listen and reconnect with yourself.
in general this card is the guardian of your intuition, a keeper of vast knowledge, asks you to listen to your subconscious, encourages independent decision making, and wants you to be open with yourself and with your mind.
Answers from this card are often vague on purpose, speaking of wisdom and insisting you may already have the answers yourself you just need to be open and listen for them but aren't.
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common imagery in this card tend to be a woman of stature of some sort, often wearing a headpiece or robes with flowing or loose fabrics.
a common part of the art usually includes a crescent moon, blues, two columns or two of something on either side of her often representing two sides of something(light/dark, sun/moon) typically opposites, and white.
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If you have more information to add or questions please let me know!
kofi - previous - full post
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All About Tarot: The Major Arcana
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The Magician
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The Magician, also sometimes referred to as "The Mage, The Juggler, The Mounteback, Sleight of Hand Artist, Il Bagatto or Il Bagatello, Artixano (Artisan)" (source)
this card is often the second to pull in a new-unshuffled deck of tarot cards, granting it the number 1 in the major arcana.
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Upright this card is associated with originality, self-confidence, skill, a breathtaking, resourcefulness, potential, tapping into ones talents, pure willpower and more.
Reversed this card is often associated with insecurity, delay, lack of imagination, closed doors, manipulation, unfocused and unmanifested talents and skills, madness and mental distress among other things.
in general this card talks about personal skills, your talents, things that youre good at and whether or not youre using them, letting yourself or holding yourself back.
this card is meant to be "a helping hand", and tells you you can turn your dreams into reality so long as you put effort into it. this card can point out your skills and offer encouragement but it is ultimately up to you to see it through.
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common depictions of this card tend to be a magic practitioner such as a wizard, witch or otherwise a mage of some sort. its very common to see the person depicted in the card to have one hand pointed towards the sky and the other pointed to the earth/ground (this brings about the interpretation of the phrase "as above so below", a phrase often said in a chant to make something happen as you will it).
often times this card will have an item from each suit in its art, a coin, a cup, a want and a sword (more about suits here). common colours depend on the artist of the deck but yellows/golds greens and reds are frequently seen in card art for the magician, blue being another but a little less common.
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if you have questions or more to add please let me know!
kofi - previous card
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Pagan witch culture is telling people "hey don't do that" and then they ask why and you have to explain basic fire safety to them.
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the occasional promo for our other witchcraft blog
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witch culture is impulsively buying anything witchcraft related when you see it in stores like tarot decks, spell jars, candles, books or whatever you use for your craft.
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witch culture is restarting your grimoire or book of shadows a few times before youre actually satisfied with it
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Witch writer/artist culture is making your own representation
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witch culture is being hyped for halloween
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All About Tarot: The Suits
coins, also known as pentacles, are associated with materialism, earth, wealth and physicality.
this suit speaks of material matters and physical issues, like attachments to objects for an example, some may say it handles "earthly matters", the opposite of spiritual matters, meaning it'll often represent your issues with things like finances as another example.
just like any suit, coins has cards numbered ace(1) through 10, page, knight, queen and king.
other coin or pentacles associated things include but are not limited to: manifestation, realization, proof and prosperity, resilience, responsibility and/or reliability, stability, wealth, and security.
its very common for coins to talk about your career and financial stability in spread readings, so if you have questions about those things dont be too surprised if you pull a card from the suit of coins.
the suit of pentacles or coins is connected to winter and earth, common colours in the suit includes gold/yellow, white, brown/black and green though this may vary depending on the deck and the art as different artists and minds have different interpretations.
common imagery in the suit of coins includes of course, coins, pentacles/an upside down facing five pointed star inside a circle (rite side up if its a pentagram). the suit tends to show a young person and greenery in its imagery.
the suit of coins, along with being called the suit of pentacles, is also referred to as the suit of disks, rings, and diamonds and is classified as the merchants suit.
if you have any questions or things to add please let me know!
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What flag are you using :o! It's so pretty
hi! this is the flag we are using as our header, our icon comes from here
in short: its a version of the malificae flag ^^
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Help needed
hey! i did this on my last blog but i thought i would just make a new post since theres been an update in the situation.
I'm im college, still living with my ab/sers(u), have new medication and need to buy myself food i can actually eat all among other things. im autistic, closeted and really need to get out to a safer space soon.
i cant find any jobs that are disability friendly, a lot of places hiring are less likely to hire me if i walk in there with a walking stick in hand.
so it would be a huge help if i could get some support on my kofi! i do art commissions, tarot readings, ive got a store open that i hope to add more items to. even spreading this around and donations would be awesome.
any tips like pain management, places i could go to or general advice for keeping myself safe and stuff would also be a big help.
if youre interested in tarot readings i have a blog for it (@tarot-tea-cafe) or if you want to see some of my art i have a bunch posted on @spirits-art and plan on posting more soon.
please help me out, if you cant support me financially reblogging and advice means about just as much to me.
i seriously need all the help i can get right now.
thank you for taking the time to read this /gen
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