out-tahere · 2 years
Let me tell y’all, getting out of two >3 year long relationships (one after the other I’m no cheater, total of 7 yrs) has been tough. It’s almost half a year since the last one and I feel like a 12yo schoolgirl again. I’m literally crushing hard and fangirling about a famous musician all the time, my notebook is covered in his album covers and I daydream a lot. I also have a crush on a guy who goes to uni with me and I’m honestly pathetic around him, like anime-style flustered shy mess. It’s a journey guys.
I mean, I’ve done a lot of self-growth, focused on my studies, and I’ve generally cleaned up my room (and life). I also managed to get some friends (which I struggled with and that is why I’ve been in these relationships in the first place).
I’m really proud of myself.
If you’re struggling in a toxic relationship or in a relationship that is just pulling out of you more than you take from it, leave, even if you don’t have any friends to turn to. I know it’s hard, and hella scary, and makes you feel pathetic. But for me, it was worth it. So I believe you can do it too.
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out-tahere · 2 years
You were the caretaker for the mythical beasts of the royal family. Yesterday they decided to replace you with some incompetent noble, before kicking you out of the castle. You then spent the night in a nearby forest. However today you were awakened by the beasts who chose to follow you.
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out-tahere · 3 years
a social media platform where everyone is just forced to listen my music library and say nice things about the songs i like
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out-tahere · 3 years
To anyone who might need it.
If you aren’t cisgender heteroromantic heterosexual, you belong in the queer community. I’m sick of seeing this bullshit “you aren’t queer enough” sort of community policing.
And by “cisgender heteroromantic heterosexual” I mean ALL THREE of those things.
Are you a trans (binary or nonbinary) person who is attracted sexually and romantically to the opposite gender? You belong in the LGBTA+ community.
Are you a cis person who is heteroromantic asexual? You belong.
Are you a cis person who is heterosexual aromantic? You belong.
Are you a cis bisexual who is currently dating a cis member of the opposite gender? You belong.
Are you an intersex individual who otherwise is heteroromantic heterosexual? You belong.
Stop trying to alienate people based on some fucked-up “level of queerness”. There are enough problems in the LGBTA+ community without people being exclusive.
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out-tahere · 3 years
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..and then what, Lance?
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out-tahere · 3 years
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PSA from Blobby. Something we should talk about more ❤️
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out-tahere · 3 years
Imagine one day while Keith and Lance are sparring Lance notices that he’s beginning to lose, and like hell he was gonna lose to Keith Kogane again
so without thinking or even considering the aftermath when his and keiths swords clashed and they began pushing against eachother he decided to use his special tactic…
He looked directly into Keiths eyes and smirked
“Hey gorgeous~ come here often?”
And Keiths face went RED but before Lance could dwell on it for long Keith fumbled with his sword, for a second Lance felt victorious
That is Until he realized the amount of force he was putting on Keith was a little much and actually made him fall forward
Suddenly the two of them are on the ground, Keith letting out a grunt as a Lance sized weight landed directly on his chest and Lance instantly lifted himself
Panic immediately began to fill his chest as he watched Keith begin to recover
“Quiznack-! Sorry Keith I didn’t-“
Keiths yell definitely took Lance off guard but Lance didn’t miss how his words had basically Zero bite to them, if Lance was hearing right, he might say Keith actually sounded flustered, and THAT definitely entertained Lance to no end to the point his smug grin instantly returned to his face, and instead of answering normally he decided to have a little fun
“Just a small distraction,” lance started nonchalantly, “I wasn’t expecting you to fall for me like this though, does this mean I win?”
Keiths eyes widened for a moment as his blush reached his ears but his shocked expression instantly turned into one of embarrassment then anger as he tried his best to hide how he was currently feeling
Lance let out a lighthearted laugh and grinned victoriously
“Whatever you say mullet.”
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out-tahere · 3 years
Keith’s face 😍
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out-tahere · 3 years
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Hey gang it’s been a hot minute
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out-tahere · 3 years
I’m not a part of LGBTQ+ but I will stand by that. It’s as if people started using “neurodivergent” or “neurotypical” as slurs, these words are still labels. Labels or names for things are just that - labels. People could start using “mitochondrion” as a slur and yet:
Roses are red,
It’s hot like hell,
Mitochondrion is the powerhouse of the cell.
And nobody will even think about not calling mitochondria by their name.
queer is literally a slur. like you’ve never been called that in a derogatory context like most lgbt people? you think your experiences escaping homophobia make it okay to justify the use of a homophobic slur?
queer is an identity.
it has also been used as a slur. there is no denying that. but using a word as a slur does not make it a slur. because before queer is a slur it is an identity. before it is derogatory it is a label. the use of queer as an identity is infinitely more important than the use of queer as a slur because the people who identify as queer are infinitely more important than the people who use queer as a slur.
say a lot of people decided they hated me. despised me. were disgusted by me to the point where my own name became a slur. would you tell me not to say it? would you tell me i could no longer be helena, and instead must come up with a euphemism for the name that belonged to me decades before it belonged in the mouths of bigots?
because that would make you an enabler.
you would tell me i can’t say my name anymore because some lowlife decided he could use it to insult me?
you would tell a gay man that he can’t be gay anymore because some teens in the early 2000’s started calling everything they didn’t like “gay”, and now he has to say “same sex oriented male identifying individual”?
does that enrage you? because it should. that’s exactly how you sound.
you are telling me i cannot use my label. you are telling me that when my great-uncle shouted until his face was red and he spat tobacco and the word queer at my feet, he was right. he was right to insult me, and i was wrong to say my name.
you are shitting on every single one of our predecessors. you are slandering every person who fought for their rights to exist and and be tolerated and be celebrated in their countries, every person who was lost to the aids epidemic, every person whose country criminalizes love and gender expression, every child whose parents abandoned them for straying from the norm, every person who was born and will die in the closet longing to be themselves. the queer umbrella is a safety net, a security blanket, the comfort of being known without being pressured to tell. it is near and dear and important as fuck to every member of the lgbt+ community and you are a blight upon the earth you walk.
how dare you speak upon my experiences with homophobia. how dare you disguise your own homophobia as activism. and how fucking dare you have the audacity to come to my blog and hide behind an anonymous ask and preach to me about how i’m oppressing myself. go look at the fucking wikipedia page for queer and read about how 1980s lgbt+ activists, especially lgbt+ people of color, fought to call themselves queer in a world that still hates peculiar things. and here you are forty years later spitting queer back at their feet.
i don’t give a fuck if people start using my name as a slur. my name is still helena. i will not change it. i chose it, i like it, and it belongs to me. it does not belong to bigots no matter how badly they want it. your discomfort with my identity is not my fucking problem.
i am helena. i am queer. die mad & go fuck yourself
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out-tahere · 3 years
I need this on my dash
Can we talk about how in zombie shows/movies/books they always find a veterinarian and not a surgeon? Are veterinarians deemed more likely to survive the apocalypse?
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out-tahere · 3 years
call me bi phobic or wuteva but i would never date a bisexual. theyre just gonna cheat smh
Anon, there are approximately 390 billion trees in the Amazon rainforest. These trees vary widely in species and size. The chemical reactions that occur in these trees in order to produce organic compounds and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water are complex and require a constant supply of energy to be generated by the plant. One of these 390 billion trees works hard to replace the oxygen that you breathe. Anon, I want you to find this tree deep in the Amazon rainforest and apologise to it for wasting the oxygen it works so hard to produce.
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out-tahere · 3 years
jessica rabbit is literally a sex symbol though she can't be asexual?
she is in romo with a rabbit because he makes her laugh and aside from using her looks to get things out of people she literally never once shows interest in anything or anyone sexually through the entire movie and is clearly appalled when anyone makes advances towards her like there is canonical evidence that jessica rabbit from the classic motion picture who framed rogger rabbit is an asexual character  
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out-tahere · 3 years
I find it suspicious that you never see posts along the lines of “cishet people should stop using the word ‘queer’, that’s a word that only queer people get to use.” Not because I think that it’s necessarily true, but because that’s the normal way social conversations around reclaimed slurs & pejoratives evolve. You rarely hear people on tumblr saying “black people/hispanic people/asian people aren’t allowed to say [slur that has been used specifically against them].” Because most of us recognize that that’s nonsense, and that you don’t get to tell minorities which words they can and can’t reclaim.
But tumblr didn’t do that with the word ‘queer’. It didn’t go the usual route of discussion around who can and can’t say what. Tumblr just jumped straight into trying to erase the word completely. And that is because the discourse around ‘queer’ isn’t a conversation that evolved naturally within our community. It was purposefully (and successfully) created out of thin air from a sudden, relentless onset of terf propaganda. Terfs who hated having a trans-inclusive umbrella term for our community, who wanted nothing more than to disrupt unity. Well congratu-fucking-lations, it’s been disrupted.
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out-tahere · 3 years
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*this is especially important: these days on Tumblr there’s a wonderful atmosphere of being able to talk openly about your mental illness or your struggle. And that’s great! But there’s a difference between sharing in order to help yourself and other people and sharing just because you have no other coping mechanisms. As much as you’re able, try to work on developing a different outlet. People aren’t qualified to be your therapist because they’re nice to you a couple of times. Please remember that they have lives too, and their job is not to make you feel better or pity you, no matter how difficult your life is. 
And last but not least: 
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I really don’t have a way to better this. 
Your interests are your own. I can’t advise anyone to change their interests to fit in with a certain group of people - that’s stupid, and actually quite damaging to your sense of self. 
Instead, I would recommend that, maybe if you feel like your topics of conversation are falling flat with this group of people, you move on to other, greener pastures. There are bound to be places where your ideas mesh better with an audience. 
And of course - try to be considerate about what you say and how you say it. 
Sometimes, what might seem like a harmless comment to you might be a very discomforting thought to another person. I recently had a conversation on a forum with a guy who was telling me that his headcanon was that Pearl (from SU) would soon get a male love interest who loved mechanics and weapons next, and that would be her best arc, because she would finally get a ‘healthy’ love interest. 
His intentions were good, but he was entirely unaware of how cringey this kind of thing was to a bunch of (probably queer) people, who have spent their entire lives being told that the only ‘good’ character development for them would be to get a ‘male love interest’. No one wanted to be the jerk to say “fuck off, we don’t want that to happen” but everyone was answering him in a flat way, trying to discourage the discussion further. Instead of picking up on the hint, he bulldozed on, thinking he was having a ‘lively conversation’ which was, in fact, in its late stages of death. 
I know I’ll probably get a few messages to this saying: What about people on the Autistic Spectrum? Sometimes, people can’t pick up social cues or ‘hints’. And if that’s the case, it’s incredibly difficult to understand why you’re not having any luck communicating despite your best efforts. 
I feel that on a person level, please believe me. I made this infograph for THAT VERY REASON. Because I WAS that awkward kid who didn’t pick up on hints well. In fact, I still have trouble talking to people. If any of you have had the misfortune of being my conversational partner, you’ll know that I tend to be overly blunt and come off as very unfriendly. It’s something that I, myself, am working on currently in order to grow into a better person. It’s a struggle in progress, but I am aiming towards the progress side, and I just wanted to help out others while I was at it. 
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out-tahere · 3 years
You’re the most recognised and internationally praised superhero, but you don’t fight any crime. Instead, you use your powers over stone and metal to repair the damage caused by the catastrophic fights other heroes get into.
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out-tahere · 3 years
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I finished itt! 🌈 happy pride month!! ✨
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