olivarryweek · 2 years
Will there be any olivarry events in 2022?
i can definitely try and get something out if people are interested (:
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olivarryweek · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barry Allen/Oliver Queen Characters: Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - No Vigilantes, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Oliver has a dog, a cute dog of course, which was Thea’s idea after Ollie was rescued from the island, Barry’s a dog walker putting himself through grad school, Oliver let’s Barry use his wifi, for study purposes, obviously not so that Oliver can quietly pine over Barry or anything like that, (it’s all about the pining) Series: Part 7 of Olivarry Bingo 2020 Summary:
When Oliver’s leg is broken, he has to hire a dog walker to take care of the lab-pointer mix his sister got him after he was rescued from being marooned on a deserted island for over a year. Enter Barry Allen, a struggling college student who needs the extra cash for his expenses and is far too adorable for words.
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olivarryweek · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barry Allen/Oliver Queen, Barry Allen & Leonard Snart, Leonard Snart & Lisa Snart, Mick Rory & Leonard Snart & Lisa Snart, Cisco Ramon/Lisa Snart Characters: Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Mick Rory, Leonard Snart, Lisa Snart, Nyssa al Ghul, Cisco Ramon Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Supernatural (TV) Fusion, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Angels, Demons, Barry’s an angel of course, Oliver is a demon, Len and Lisa are the unfortunate humans who got caught up in the apocalypse, but hey they won right?, so the angels and demons can just go away now… right?, Barry’s in need of romance advice however, and Len’s the only one he trusts enough to ask, meanwhile Oliver may have miscalculated and caught feelings and needs to vent to someone, so why not Lisa, maybe because Lisa’s got a demon killing knife…, but she’d have to be able to stab him first so whatever, Oliver is pretty sure he’s really just Nyssa’s figurehead for the throne of hell, I mean… he’s not wrong, Abuse Mentions, Minor Nyssa al Ghul/Laurel Lance, Mick wishes he could unhear things, this story is not meant to be taken seriously Series: Part 4 of Olivarry Bingo 2020, Part 3 of Barry Allen Week 2020 Summary:
The Snart siblings finally won. The devil has been sealed back in the cage, Michael has slunk back up to Heaven to sulk, and the hunters can go back to their regularly scheduled monsters of the week. Or at least they should be able to go back to their regularly scheduled monsters of the week. Except a certain set of angel and demon allies keep coming to them for advice.
It really needs to stop. They aren’t love gurus. They’re hunters. (Meanwhile, Mick is so glad he got out of the game. There are something things about angels and demons he really never wanted to know…)
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olivarryweek · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barry Allen/Oliver Queen Characters: Barry Allen, Oliver Queen Additional Tags: Aromantic Oliver Queen, Established Relationship, Oliver’s figured out he’s aro, but doesn’t want his relationship with Barry to change, Aromantic allosexual character, Aromantic, Alternate Universe, Relationship Negotiation, Internalized Arophobia, Barry is a good boyfriend, Queerplatonic Relationships, QPRs get brought up anyway, they’re not sure if that’s how they want to define their relationship yet, honestly no idea if they have powers or not, but they’re living together Series: Part 3 of Olivarry Bingo 2020 Summary:
Oliver’s just figured out he’s aromantic. Now comes the hard part: telling his boyfriend. He doesn’t want their relationship to change - it’s not like he’s actually different all of a sudden. But… what if Barry thinks he is?
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olivarryweek · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barry Allen/Oliver Queen, Tommy Merlyn & Oliver Queen Characters: Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Tommy Merlyn, Hartley Rathaway Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Boarding School, High School, Pre-Slash, Barry is Oliver’s bisexual awakening, Barry’s parents died before the story starts, Oliver’s parents are actually trying to keep him from repeating their mistakes, Tommy just goes where Oliver goes right now, Hartley wishes the gay love story was happening to him, All Boys School, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Barry’s got self esteem issues, but I’m sure he’ll get over them Series: Part 2 of Olivarry Bingo 2020, Part 3 of Barry Allen Week 2020 Summary:
In which Barry’s the new guy at school, Oliver’s having a bisexual awakening, Tommy finds the whole situation hysterical, and Hartley’s only a little jealous he’s not the one getting to have the gay love story.
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olivarryweek · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014), Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barry Allen/Oliver Queen Characters: Barry Allen, Oliver Queen Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, science convention, Oliver has a type, They’re looking for a meta who caused trouble in Star city, but really its just an excuse plot so I can make them kiss at the end, and like every hallmark movie it ain’t over until they kiss, Artificial Intelligence, Oliver doesn’t know the first thing about AI, but Barry certainly does, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Tommy’s alive in the background, mostly so that Oliver can be a somewhat lighter and happier version of himself, Mistaken for Dating, they end up just rolling with it Series: Part 1 of Olivarry Bingo 2020, Part 1 of Barry Allen Week 2020 Summary:
When Felicity tracks a hacker with technopathic abilities to a convention on artificial intelligence in Central City, Oliver naturally asks Barry to attend with him.
How this leads to the fake dating, no one is entirely certain. (Panic, pure panic. Plain and simple.)
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olivarryweek · 4 years
I Want Your Bite [Oliver/Barry]
Oliver goes to feed and gains something more than just a quick bite.
Created for @olivarryweek​
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olivarryweek · 4 years
last day to sign up!
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Olivarry Bingo 2020
Hey everyone! Welcome to Olivarry’s first bingo. (:
Sign-ups: June 9-June 30
Posting: July 1-December 31
Cards will be sent as they’re made, but you have to wait to post until July.
What do you need to know?
The rules, of course. (Also blog rules still apply, as well.)
Here are the prompts you might get.
And here is where you can sign-up!
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olivarryweek · 4 years
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Olivarry Bingo 2020
Hey everyone! Welcome to Olivarry’s first bingo. (:
Sign-ups: June 9-June 30
Posting: July 1-December 31
Cards will be sent as they’re made, but you have to wait to post until July.
What do you need to know?
The rules, of course. (Also blog rules still apply, as well.)
Here are the prompts you might get.
And here is where you can sign-up!
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olivarryweek · 4 years
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Olivarry Bingo 2020
Hey everyone! Welcome to Olivarry’s first bingo. (:
Sign-ups: June 9-June 30
Posting: July 1-December 31
Cards will be sent as they’re made, but you have to wait to post until July.
What do you need to know?
The rules, of course. (Also blog rules still apply, as well.)
Here are the prompts you might get.
And here is where you can sign-up!
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olivarryweek · 4 years
Hey, i just submitted an application for the bingo, but for the exclusions i forgot to copy in some of them, is it possible to still change that?
Go ahead and resubmit a sign-up. (: I can delete the original so you can write down everything you don’t want.
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olivarryweek · 4 years
Hi sorry for the Olivarry bingo are you defining NSFW only as sexual/smutty themes? or are you including other things under NSFW?
The NSFW prompts are mostly kinks, but there’s also stuff like “cam worker”. Most of them are kinks, though. You’re free to browse the list, as well (: How you choose to take them is up to you, though.
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olivarryweek · 4 years
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Olivarry Bingo 2020
Hey everyone! Welcome to Olivarry’s first bingo. (:
Sign-ups: June 9-June 30
Posting: July 1-December 31
Cards will be sent as they’re made, but you have to wait to post until July.
What do you need to know?
The rules, of course. (Also blog rules still apply, as well.)
Here are the prompts you might get.
And here is where you can sign-up!
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olivarryweek · 4 years
feedback needed
hey, everyone! i apologize for the bit of a disappearance and not saying any word on an olivarry week.
however! instead of doing olivarry week this year, i was thinking we could do a bingo (:
first things first, though, is i need possible prompts! please fill this out with any prompts you’d like to see filled and/or write yourself
thank you!
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olivarryweek · 4 years
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Come join us over at OLIVARRY DISCORD CHAT!
The Olivarry (You Can Inspire) Discord server has been created to give Olivarry (Barry Allen x Oliver Queen) shippers a central hub to get to know and support each other and the fandom! 
We have channels and spaces for everyone. Some of the channels we give you a place to:
•Discuss and find fanfic and fanart for Barry and Oliver!
•Post your fanfiction, your art and your favorite (sourced) art and fic!
•Chat with others about the DCTV shows and cast as the shows are airing they are airing!
•Places to encourage writing and drawing and help with both your fanfiction/art ideas or editing. Writers can find betas to chat about editing!
•A place to discuss the latest episodes of all the DCTV shows!
•Places to chat about your favorite characters and the cast of both DCTV and even non-DCTV shows!
•A place to talk share things about yourself with a cool group of welcoming people!

We also have roles to allow you to opt into certain channels such as salt and wank, NSFW, multishipping, multifandom, etc.

Basically your home away from home! 
We’d love to have you! 
Additionally, we’d appreciate a signal boost to get the word out, too, so we can grow this as big as we can!
Link: https://discord.gg/HUeXVmy
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olivarryweek · 4 years
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I'll Be Home For Christmas
There's a hero problem Christmas day and the kids are not having it.
Dedicated to all the Olivarry shippers out there. @olivarryweek
Give it some love on AO3.
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olivarryweek · 4 years
If I wrote a story but it's not exactly based on the christmas prompts, can I still label it?
the prompts are mainly just suggestions for christmas cheer! also it depends on how much of the prompt you were inspired by. if you only very loosely based it on a prompt, then i would say no. but if it still inspired your fic in any way, then i would say go ahead
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