oh-its-roxie · 8 years
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oh-its-roxie · 8 years
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oh-its-roxie · 8 years
Text || Mike
Mike: I'm not mad, never was after a while. You needed space and that's fine, it happens. Just glad to hear from you, y'know?
Mike: As for the wedding, I'm not sure what's left to be done...mainly because I have no idea what the hell I'm doing with any of this stuff.
Mike: Of course I want you at the wedding, I was just waiting to see if you'd say anything about it. I don't want to push my limits.
Roxie: [read at 8:50pm]
Roxie: thank you.
Roxie: -typing-
Roxie: lol of course you don't, silly. you're the groom. im pretty sure what you're in charge of is showing up and not picking a horrible DJ to play at the after party.
Roxie: oh and to also get drunk af...
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
Text || Mike
Rox: Hi Mike, it's Roxie.
Rox: Can we start over??? I geniunely want to help out with this wedding. Whatever it may be. I'm on board. I realized that you can care about someone and not have it be so black and white.
Rox: and when I say "care" i meant as a best friend because i miss our friendship. I know i'm going to be met with sass, anger and probably angst--all of which I expect-- but I hope that you can hear me out. And if you decide that you don't want me at the wedding, I wish you two the very best and happiness. xoxo
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
Michael tensed slightly at the hug. Sure he had offered one first but when she didn’t move he figured their friendship was still on the rocks. His arms wrapped around her in time before she stepped back, the girl with Alexa still eyeing them. The blonde nodded at her response before the meet-and-greet coordinator started leading them away. He returned the wave weakly but his smile was genuine. The fan interactions went on until the line was gone, the concert starting after.
~ time skip ~
Stepping backstage as soon as the stage lights were out, Michael was forced into running after Noah when the child chose to take off instead of follow directions. The little boy ran and ran down the empty corridor until Cal, Michael’s main security guard, became an obstruction. He had been leading Alexa back to the room she was in earlier to see Michael again, but instead the singer met her in the middle and scooped up the toddler as soon as he was close enough. “Hey,” he breathed out, still catching his breath from the show and chasing Noah. Noticing it was just Alexa, he figured she sent the other girl home, or maybe they didn’t come together in the first place. He was glad to see Alexa branching out though, missing when they could talk just as easily.
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Alexa enjoyed herself at the concert, she had to admit that Mike’s singing was awesome. Lennon had to get back because she had a test the next morning, so Alexa lied and said she was meeting a few friends at a local pub. After bidding Lennon goodbye, Alexa made her way to the security tower, where someone escorted her backstage.
Alexa was nervous, yes. But, she wasn’t nervous as a fangirl of Mike would probably be--thinking about how many girls would be envious of Alexa right now. She was more nervous due to the fact that she didn’t know Michael anymore, and that thought alone scared her. They haven’t talked in ages, and as Alexa kept walking--thoughts swarming around in her head--her eyes landed on a little blond boy. The boy confirmed that fact that she really didn’t know Michael at all. Forcing a smile, she waved again. “Hey! Is that your...little brother?” Alexa asked before adverting her gaze to the boy in Michaels arms, smiling brightly at the little boy and waving at him. “He’s a cutie.” She chuckled, easing up a little.
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
Alexa smiled with a nod, glancing over at her friend, Lennon. Lennon furrowed her brows, a smile still wide on her lips. Alexa pulled Mike in for a hug, whispering in his ear. “That sounds great.” She hugged him tightly, before pulling away, and walking over to Lennon.  Alexa glanced over her shoulder, to flash Mike one last smile, waving and giving him a thumbs up for the show.
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Alexa was begged to attend this concert, by her roommate of course. Studying abroad really made Alexa more well-rounded and come out of her shell. The girl, Lennon, didn’t tell Alexa who the concert was for until it was too late. Until Alexa was on line with Lennon–who had her ticket–and Alexa was inside the arena. Alexa’s stomach did flips, her insides turning inside-out when she saw his picture up on the megatron. What made it even better–or worse?–is that Lennon was brimming with joy when she filled Alexa in on the last “surprise”. Lennon had scored them meet-and-greet passes. Lennon had no idea that not only did Alexa know the singer very well, but she also knew him before you needed a meet-and-greet pass to see him. 
Alexa was next on line, and she wanted so badly to turn around. Lennon was so happy, and it was for the girls birthday, so Alexa couldn’t be a bad friend. As soon as Mike turned around, Alexa became the shy girl she was before she started to study abroad. She forgot how to speak, to breathe. All she did was smile and chuckle nervously. “H-Hi.” She managed to spat out, her hand waving small as a smile was on her lips. “Long time no see, eh?” She teased.
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Michael’s arms slowly dropped to his side, his smile minimizing. He should’ve known not to expect a hug. Nothing had been the same between them since Helios, and running into her here was just coincidence. The coordinator motioned to hurry things up, a line of fans still waiting. “Uh, yeah…I’m sorry I can’t really talk right now, I didn’t know you’d be here though.” Mike glanced from Alexa to her friend then back over to security. “We can set something up for later, to talk if you want,” he mumbled, hoping only she would hear.
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
“What’s wrong, sweets? I have an extra bed in the hotel room if you need somewhere to clear your head.”
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“Sometimes it feels like I’m still waiting for an aftershock.”
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
I think I’m most upset about the gym being closed, but shopping is a good stress reliever, too. How have you been Kate?! How’s the little one?
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“This earthquake fucked up my cabin. Now all I’m left with are half my winter clothes all over the place in this hotel room, along with shoes, food, and perfumes.”
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
Alexa was begged to attend this concert, by her roommate of course. Studying abroad really made Alexa more well-rounded and come out of her shell. The girl, Lennon, didn’t tell Alexa who the concert was for until it was too late. Until Alexa was on line with Lennon--who had her ticket--and Alexa was inside the arena. Alexa’s stomach did flips, her insides turning inside-out when she saw his picture up on the megatron. What made it even better--or worse?--is that Lennon was brimming with joy when she filled Alexa in on the last “surprise”. Lennon had scored them meet-and-greet passes. Lennon had no idea that not only did Alexa know the singer very well, but she also knew him before you needed a meet-and-greet pass to see him. 
Alexa was next on line, and she wanted so badly to turn around. Lennon was so happy, and it was for the girls birthday, so Alexa couldn’t be a bad friend. As soon as Mike turned around, Alexa became the shy girl she was before she started to study abroad. She forgot how to speak, to breathe. All she did was smile and chuckle nervously. “H-Hi.” She managed to spat out, her hand waving small as a smile was on her lips. “Long time no see, eh?” She teased.
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Michael waved as the group of fans was escorted back into the arena, his meet-and-greets occurring before show time. He had about an hour left before the opening act started which meant another couple hours till his own performance. When he turned to face the next person in line, he froze. “You’re kidding me, right?” he asked, the humor clear in his voice as a wide smile spread across his face, his arms open for a hug.
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
“This earthquake fucked up my cabin. Now all I’m left with are half my winter clothes all over the place in this hotel room, along with shoes, food, and perfumes.”
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
Roxie smiled brightly, happy to be around Evan. “Nothing new?! Seriously? I’m sure there’s plenty of new things to talk about! Want to meet up for food after your work out?” Roxie offered, hoping that Evan would say yes. “Me? I’ve been okay. Hanging in there. Still trying to find my real parents--so that’s been hard.” Roxie was much more open to talking about her being adopted and all, it wasn’t a struggle anymore. “How’s everyone else? Lindsay? Mike? Kate?” She asked.
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Evan smiled and returned Roxie’s embrace, her warm welcome making him feel appreciated. “I’ve missed you too,” he chuckled. “Don’t apologize. I’m about to work out, so I��ll be right there with you.” Dropping his hands to his sides, Evan shrugged his shoulders. “Not much, honestly,” he answered. “What about you? Where have you been?” 
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
Roxie heard the voice, “Wait--Evan!? I’ve missed you!” Without hesitation the girl wrapped her arms around Evans neck and pulled him in for a hug. Pulling away she grimaced. “Fuck, sorry. I’m probably all sweaty!” She chuckled. “I feel like I’ve been so out of touch with everyone lately. What’s new with you?” Roxie asked, so excited that a familiar face was around.
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“Don’t even worry about it,” Evan smiled, “My head’s up somewhere too, probably past the clouds.” He bent down to reach for Roxie’s cell phone, but she beat him to it and he stood to catch the islander’s eyes. “Roxie! Hi, how have you been?” 
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
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oh-its-roxie · 9 years
Roxie knew she was away for a while, dealing with her family problems--with her being adopted and all. Trying to focus on herself so much made the girl feel very lonely. She lost touch with the most important people in her life--her friends. Roxie was just leaving the gym, head in her phone scrolling through her contacts until she bumped into someone. “Sorry! I wasn’t paying attention, shit.” Roxie apologized. “I swear, my head is in the clouds today.” Roxie explained with a chuckle, after picking up her cell phone which had dropped. 
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