octomilka · 3 months
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octomilka · 3 months
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octomilka · 5 months
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octomilka · 5 months
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octomilka · 6 months
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octomilka · 8 months
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octomilka · 8 months
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octomilka · 10 months
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octomilka · 11 months
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octomilka · 11 months
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octomilka · 1 year
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octomilka · 1 year
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Realizes ive never posted this reinessance painting here
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octomilka · 1 year
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octomilka · 1 year
Stan would blurt out sometime later about still using chatgpt to text Wendy and Cartman would start laughing until he realizes Stan has been a lot more caring in their text messages which immediately offends him once realizing he’s also using the app on him.
He leaves the scene after, leaving the group of friends who just looked confused by his exit.
Then Kyle is all like “wait, you can use the app on texting too?”
And Stan be like, “yeah, i use it on Cartman all the time when he’s being obnoxious. You should try it, saves you a lot of energy.”
And Kyle just stands there completely in thought, seemingly not believing that type of thing happens, “do you use it on me?”
“What? No, dude, never.” (He’s lying btw, he uses it only when he starts complaining about Cartman)
But Kyle just remains silent, back home he just lays in bed starring at the ceiling wondering why would someone be able to live with the fact they just don’t read people’s concerns and text an automated reply with ai, caring so little to just give one single minute of their time to read a message.
But at that same moment he receives a message from Cartman: ‘i need a distraction, wanna play online? 🤔’
He glanced at the message with sympathy, recalling the events from earlier and connecting Cartman’s abrupt departure.
‘You okay?’
‘About earlier the ai chat thingy’
‘it’s fine’
‘I still have u, ur the realest thing I have’
And Kyle just feels his heart pondering by the reply knowing he’s still doing something right by reading someone’s messages.
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octomilka · 1 year
i have a REALLY big soft spot for the trope when character A sees good sides in character B even when nobody else does
and it’s so kyman like. really.
and i’m really sorry for this post ‘cause it’s very messy and i’m not good with words but i have so many thoughts about this–
when kyle starts to see some good sides of eric cartman it confuses him so much because he physically can’t believe cartman can have something nice deep inside. like, kyle sees how cartman suddenly cares a lot about cats and can defend them even when he won’t get any profit from that. or how sometimes cartman actually does good things and nobody seems to notice that? like in s10e2 “smug alert” when cartman risks himself to save kyle. i strongly hc that kyle learns about it from butters about a month after this all happened and he’s so shocked by that ‘cause he can’t even explain to himself why cartman would do that. and he’s starting to see more and more remotely positive things about cartman (especially since cartman’s taking his medication) and it surprises him how nobody ever praises him for that. or for anything, actually. it’s like they refuse to admit that cartman can be, well, not a devil himself.
and kyle’s starting to overthink it, so he goes to stan and starts asking him about cartman, about his personality and his good traits, and how nobody notices them, but stan doesn’t even listen. he just laughs and says that anything “good” cartman does he does for his own benefit and that he always has ulterior motives. and kyle feels this unfairness because yes, he agrees, cartman’s an asshole and it’s natural that all his friends hate him but HEY everyone deserves to be judged fairly. and as far as he can see – people don’t even try to give him a second chance. and, moreover, what’s worse – cartman doesn’t give himself second chance either.
i mean, actually, if you think about it a bit, you can notice how cartman never denies that he’s a shitty person. he knows he’s terrible, he knows he’s hated by most of the people he has met, and he knows that nobody expects anything good from him. so he doesn’t expect anything good from himself either. he just goes along with everyone’s judgement like “yep. i do not deserve good treatment because i do terrible things and hurt people all the time”. he can be dramatic and self-defensive sometimes, but actually you can see how he actually doesn’t believe in the second chance for himself.
and it confuses kyle. so much. and he really decides that it’s his new mission to prove cartman he can change and he can deserve second chance and good attitude from others. because what? because kyle just loves two things: saving and helping those in need (especially when it’s cartman) and proving other people wrong.
so, yep, it’s basically an au where as time passes children in south park start avoiding cartman because they’ve had enough of him and they’re really sick of his terrible personality. they don’t purposefully ignore him, just pay much less attention, and cartman (who has started to take medication that helps him with his mental state) tries to fight it at first and somehow accidentally hurts (not physically) stan and some other kids reaaaally bad while this, so eventually he just accepts that he’s not gonna be a part of friends group anymore. and he admits that, well, he saw it coming. his meds make him much calmer and melancholic, so he doesn’t even make a scene. he just sits at his house more and more often, skipping school to avoid his classmates. and while stan and kenny get over losing their close friend, kyle can’t. he grew closer to cartman because he really wants to save him. and – to his own surprise – he doesn’t feel like cartman deserves this loneliness.
and, well, sometimes stan and kyle have this kind of dialogue, when kyle (unsuccessfully) tries to change stan’s opinion on cartman.
stan: Dude, Cartman can’t go, he’ll ruin the whole party! Nobody will come if he’s there!
kyle: Well, it’s just… I know he’s an asshole and we hate him but don’t you think it’s a little too… harsh?
stan: “Harsh”? Kyle, we’re talking about Eric Cartman.
kyle: I know! It’s just… everyone will come, we can’t just ignore him, can we?
stan: We totally can. Remember how many times he spoiled parties just because he got bored?
kyle: Uh… You’re right… Sorry, I was just a bit… confused, I guess.
stan: That’s fine, dude. I’m always here to remind you of how much of a prick he is.
kyle: Huh, thanks…
and he realises that he doesn’t hate cartman as much as he did. because, really, kyle’s first reaction to seeing a person getting so much hatred and contempt is being defensive and trying to protect that person. and he feels, like, really bad for cartman, so he goes to his place to hang out together. and it’s like, well:
kyle: Don’t you feel bad when everyone there are having fun without you?
cartman: Yeah, it kinda sucks but it’s not like I can do something about it.
kyle: So what? You’re just gonna stay at home for months talking to nobody but me and Butters?
cartman: That was my plan, right. It’s not that bad anyway.
kyle: Two days ago you said you can’t spend too much time with me or you “get infected with jewishness”.
cartman: I became immune to it.
kyle: *laughs* Well, it’s not like I mind it too much as well.
cartman: You know, that’s the part that bothers me.
kyle: Huh?
cartman: Why are you here, spending you weekend with me instead of helping Stan with his party?
kyle, shrugging: Not really into parties. Besides, I didn’t expect it but you’re not the worst company, you know.
cartman: Oh, come on.
kyle: What?
cartman: Stop making fake compliments to make me feel better, jew.
kyle: What do you mean “fake”?
cartman: I know you’re only doing this because you don’t want me to be alone.
kyle: What?
cartman: Well, you know, your terrible saviour complex? When you see a pathetic lonely person and you just have to come and save him so you can feel better about yourself and feed your ego?
kyle: What the fuck are you even talking about?? Do you really think I’m here only because I pity you?
cartman: Why else would you be here?
kyle: Oh my god, can’t believe I actually thought we were getting along while you just assumed I was having ulterior motives!
cartman: So you claim you wasn’t and it was all sincere?
kyle, offended: Yes!!
cartman: …Nah. Unconvincing, Kahl, work on your acting skills, would ya?
kyle: You know what? Fuck you. I just… I can’t even…
cartman: Oh, finally, good ol’ Kahl is back here.
kyle, slamming the door on his way out: UGH.
and so kyle leaves and ofc he’s irritated and annoyed and angry, but the thing that bothers him so much is that cartman didn’t seem to actually believe someone would really hang out with him now without having ulterior motives. and it warms kyle’s heart and it starts over again and again – kyle getting closer to cartman and realising how lonely he really is all the time.
and, well. he ends up catching himself defending cartman in front of their classmates and choosing him over them. and then, you know, a typical slowburn fanfic for 100k words :D
so, yeah, i don’t know if someone will actually read it until the end, but, uh, i love this scenario when eric actually becomes a better person just for kyle – because kyle is (surprisingly) the only one to even believe that cartman can be better. and eric appreciates that.
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octomilka · 1 year
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octomilka · 1 year
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