notjaexiee · 20 days
Part 1 | Part 2
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Summary: You and Regina have a long-standing history together, and now, with your exes pairing up in a new relationship, you are reluctantly forced to work together to win them back. Will the familiarity bring you closer, or will old habits resurface, leading to further tensions?
Warnings: manipulative regina, profanity, beginner fanfic writer:so mid writing, mentions of weed and mozzarella sticks
A/N:Thank you so much for all the support on Part 1, especially to that one user who reblogged and said "go read or u suck" I LOVE U.
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Regina's words echoed in my mind like a stuck record."
"Ill see you tomorrow, after school, underneath the bleache-"
"Dude!" Mae jolted me out of my thoughts, snapping. My brain instantly refocused on the present moment.
The final class had just 5 minutes left, and I had to meet Regina. I hadn't had a genuine and meaningful conversation with Regina in a while. Our last talk had taken place years ago, and it didn't exactly conclude on the best terms.
"Did You really have to be that honest?!"
"Y-Yeah?" I stammered as I shook my head, desperately trying to clear my mind.
"Are you even paying attention?" she asked with an eye roll.
Trying to cover up my shit, I responded with a snort, "Of course!" hoping she would buy my lie.
Unconvinced, she asked, "So, when is Anders' soccer game?"
Ander plays soccer?
I gulped, "Tomorrow?" I replied, my voice smaller.
"Ander has asthma, dumbass." She pointed out
My shoulders sagged as I let out a resigned sigh, muttering under my breath, "fuck you, reverse psychology."
"You good?"
I attempted to brush off Mae's concern, replying, "It's nothing."
She gave me a skeptical look, countering, "Bullshit. You didn't even touch those mozzarella sticks I brought you. You love mozzarella sticks."
"I was full," I argued lamely, attempting to defend myself.
Mae raised a skeptical eyebrow, reminding me, "You guzzle down a Red Bull every morning for breakfast. Your 'full' card doesn't fly, genius."
"I'm just not in the mood today, okay?" I reasoned again
"Fine," Mae conceded, slightly annoyed. "I'm going to go help Brynn roll some. Want to join?"
I shook my head, declining her offer.
"Nah, I have something to do," I responded, already turning to leave the classroom.
Mae looked at me suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. "Okay..." she replied, still doubting my excuse.
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I was growing increasingly annoyed as I waited for Regina under the stinking bleachers. The place absolutely reeked, and I had been tapping my foot in irritation for far too long.
"I'm a bit surprised you actually showed up."
Regina stated as she approached me with a confident stride.
I responded in a sarcastic tone, rolling my eyes, "Yeah, blackmailing me about my friends really works wonders."
I glanced around, surprised not to see Gretchen and Karen accompanying her, as usual.
I couldn't help but comment, "Where are your backscratching bootlickers?" I raised an eyebrow.
With a slight tilt of her head she responded with a snarky remark, "Your mouth is still as vulgar as ever, i guess some things never change."
"As if you're any better." I mumbled under my breath, too low for her to hear
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"Woah woah, dating!?" I replied, thoroughly taken aback. "No way am i going to be your girlfriend!"
Regina quickly corrected me, "Pretend." She rolled her eyes, growing impatient with me. "Do you want Tina back?" She asked, her annoyance clear. "Then there's no question about it.
I wrestled with the idea, questioning if it was even worth the effort.
My face twisted in doubt as I questioned her plan. "How do you even know this will work?"
Regina's voice took on a venomous tone as she snapped, "Can you just shut up and trust me?"
My scoff turned into a mocking laugh. "Trust you, Regina?" I taunted
I sat alone in my darkened room, tears streaming down my face as I clutched my teddy bear tightly for comfort. My room looked like a cyclone had gone through it; pillows and blankets scattered every which way, and pieces of paper and pictures torn up. I could hear my mother's concerned voice outside my door, saying Regina wanted to talk to me. I shouted back, my voice shaking with anger, "Tell her to fuck off!"
I scoffed in disbelief. "Right, because the last time I trusted you really worked out well for me." The memory of her betrayal still stung.
"Can we not discuss that right now?" Regina replied sharply, but my anger remained.
The audacity of this bitch is terrifying!
"We're going to have to work together, so if you keep bringing it up, you're just making this more uncomfortable than it already is."
My anger gradually faded, replaced by a begrudging acceptance. I hated to admit it, but she was right
— we I couldn't keep dwelling on the past if we were going to make this plan work.
I reluctantly agreed, "Fine," Part of me yearned for an acknowledgement, for her to address the past, but her lack of response just left me feeling disappointed.
Regina sneered disdainfully, her gaze traveling along my entire body, her eyes judging me. "What the fuck are you wearing?" she taunted, as if I had committed a fashion felony.
I looked down at my clothes, feeling a bit self-conscious. "What?" I replied defensively, unsure of the issue.
Regina abruptly grabbed my wrist, her touch surprisingly warm. Without a word, she began pulling me towards her red Jeep.
"where are you tak—" I started, but she quickly cut me off, her words laced with annoyance.
"I am not going to be seen with an outdated loser," she retorted, her grip not relenting as we approached her vehicle.
I stumbled slightly as she practically dragged me along, trying to protest, "It's just a band tee!"
My wrist felt the absence of her touch as Regina turned to open the driver's door of her Jeep.
As she settled into the driver's seat I glanced back at the passenger and the back seat, debating where to sit.
Opting for the safer choice, I reached out for the back door handle before Regina interrupted me.
"Sit in the passenger seat, idiot," she ordered, her tone cutting through the air.
Reluctantly, I opened the passenger door and slid into the seat beside Regina, sitting a slight distance away from her. As she started the jeep and began driving, I turned my gaze towards the window.
I tried once more to get an answer, my eyes still glued to the outside world.
"Seriously," I persisted, "where are we going?"
Regina's response was brief, "Shopping," she replied. "If I'm going to pretend to date you, you at least need some proper clothes."
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The cafeteria felt oddly silent as a murmur of whispers surrounded me. I couldn't tell if it was my anxiety playing tricks on me, but the atmosphere felt eerily hushed.
"I hate this," I muttered under my breath, feeling the weight of everyone's gazes upon me. Wearing the clothes Regina had deemed socially acceptable yesterday made me feel even more out of place right now.
My train of thought came to a halt as my phone buzzed with a notification. It was a message from Regina: "Stop standing there like a statue. Come sit with us."
I glanced at my phone, finding a flurry of messages from my friends group chat. "Where are you?" and "What the hell are you wearing" filled the screen. I reluctantly raised my gaze to our usual table, only to see my friends staring at me, bewildered. Swiftly muting my phone, I headed towards the plastics table.
'Took you long enough,' she muttered, as I approached, her eyes glued to her phone, no doubt scrolling through Instagram.
Gretchen, a hint of false enthusiasm in her expression, looks up from her phone. "Why's she here?" she asks, peering at Regina through raised eyebrows.
Regina retorts with a deadpan tone, rolling her eyes slightly, "To sit with us.”
Gretchen, her voice rising in pitch, exclaims, "What?! She can't-" only to be cut off by Regina's firm interject.
"Sit," Regina says, her inflection leaving no room for argument.
I hesitantly moved to sit across them.
"Hey, sorry- uh," I greet, looking between Karen and Gretchen with a mix of confusion and frustration. "Why am I sitting here? This is not part of the plan!" I whisper-yelled at Regina, leaning in closer to avoid being overheard.
With a roll of her eyes, Regina replied, "Just go with it." She set her phone down, adding, "Tina's watching".
I glanced around the cafeteria, spotting Tina seated with her clique, watching me intently. In that moment, our eyes met, confirming that the first step of Regina's plan had been successfully executed.
Step one:Complete
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A/N: next part is cadys arrival😱🥶
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notjaexiee · 22 days
I dont have cat pic but i do have feet pics
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What the fuck😧
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notjaexiee · 23 days
Part 1 | Part 2
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Summary: You and Regina have a long-standing history together, and now, with your exes pairing up in a new relationship, you are reluctantly forced to work together to win them back. Will the familiarity bring you closer, or will old habits resurface, leading to further tensions?
Warnings: Mentions of weed, Manipulative regina, profanity and pretty bad writing
1.2k words
A/N:This is my first time writing a fanfic guys sue me 😔🙏
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"Kiss me."
"What-" My eyes widened as cherry-flavored lipglossed lips suddenly pressed into mine, cutting off my breath and words.
How the hell did it lead to this?
"What the fuck?" I muttered, my eyes widening in disbelief as I stared at my phone screen. Tina, was there in the photo, holding hands with none other than Aaron Samuels
It was a recent picture, uploaded just minutes ago, with over a hundred likes already on an account called North Shore Couples. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"N/N?" my friend Mae asked, concern evident in her voice. "You practically look like you've seen a ghost - are you alright?"
I hastily shove my phone in her face (figuratively, not literally), revealing the Instagram post I had found.
"Holy crap." she gasped, equally stunned. Brynn, our friend seated beside Mae, leaned over to get a glimpse of my phone.
"No way...Thats your ex right?" Brynn confirmed "didnt she say she was a lesbian?!" She exclaimed taking my phone.
"Exactly!" I retorted, the pain of my recent breakup with Tina after a simple misunderstanding had only happened two weeks ago, and I had been tirelessly trying to win her back by giving her flowers and chocolates daily and attempting to engage in conversation whenever we crossed paths - though she always snubbed me with a curt reply. And now, here she was, holding hands with Aaron Samuels.
My heart practically shattered into a zillion tiny pieces.
"Hold up, I thought Aaron was with Regina?" Ander dingles(if you get this i love you), our other friend interjects, snatching my phone from brynn to also examine the image.
I can't help but wonder how she's taking it right now. My gaze instinctively drifts towards the "plastics" table, only to find the trio deeply engaged in a discussion, most likely gossiping - Their speciality
"They broke up three days ago, you doofus," Mae replied, rolling her eyes at Ander, who merely shrugged and replied "They always break up."
"I bet they'll get back together again in three days," Brynn countered, taking my phone from Ander again and glancing at the photo.
As I looked back at Regina, I saw her friend Gretchen, wide-eyed, showing her phone to the blonde. Upon seeing the screen, Regina froze for a moment before snatching the phone and accidentally dropping her fork on her tray. The cafeteria grew a bit quieter, likely because everyone knew what Gretchen had just shown Regina. Whispers spread throughout the room, adding to the tension.
"She must have found out," I muttered, turning back to my friends, oblivious to the sharp blue eyes fixated on the back of my head. As Mae grabbed my phone to scrutinize the picture again.
"Can you guys stop playing hot potato with my phone? You each have your own, for goodness sake!" I exclaimed, snatching my phone back from Mae, my irritation simmering, uncertain whether its from their phone-passing antics, my ex's sudden change in orientation, or the fact that I had been busting my ass for two long weeks just to win her back.
The chatter in the cafeteria suddenly resumed as everyone returned to their own conversations and cliques.
"Damn it," I muttered to myself, searching frantically through my pockets, "where the hell is it?" The math class had ended, leaving me mentally drained. I decided to take a quick break to ease my mind, but my stress levels were skyrocketing as I failed to locate my blinker in any of my pockets.
"Looking for this?" Regina's voice rang out, causing a shiver to run down my spine.
I quickly turned around, my nerves on edge, as I spotted her holding my blinker between her forefinger and thumb.
Panic surged through me, but I quickly attempted to remain composed as I glanced around the empty classroom, thankful that we were alone. "How did you get that?"
Regina responded with a snarky tone, rolling her eyes. "You don't exactly hide them very well," she quipped.
I squinted my eyes at her, dissatisfied with her dismissive answer.
With a hint of annoyance, she clarified, "It was quite literally hanging off your bag, you bimbo."
Her heels clicked against the floor as she approached me.
Regina extended her hand, offering my blinker as if she were a benevolent angel.
With caution and suspicion, I edged closer to take it, but she swiftly pulled her hand away with a mischievous smirk on her face.
I sigh, "What's the catch?" I asked irritably, knowing damn well there was something she wanted from me.
Regina feigned surprise with a sarcastic remark, "You know me so well."
"You must already know about the new couple, right?" she posed, her tone laced with insincerity.
The mention of the recent pairing of Aaron and my ex, Tina, caused me to roll my eyes.
"yeah, what about them?" I grumbled.
"They're quite the couple, aren't they?" Regina commented, though her tone lacked genuine warmth.
I huffed in frustration and demanded, "Just get to the point."
"I need your help." She says fidgeting with my blinker
"What?" I replied, raising an eyebrow questioningly. Regina stated with certainty, "Tina's your ex, right?" I nodded in affirmation.
She then added, "Well, I'm pretty sure she still has the hots for you." I couldn't help but chuckle incredulously, signaling for her to continue, my skepticism evident.
"Yeah sure, her responses to my attempts definitely suggest otherwise," I retorted dryly.
Regina disregarded my remark, "And im sure you probably want her back, just like I want Aaron back." She planted herself in one of the classroom chairs, resting her palm beneath her chin as she looked up at me, causing my jaw to clench at the mention of Aaron's name.
"That boy is incredibly naive," Regina continued. "He always comes crawling back to me, but now it's more challenging with Tina Twat around." Her gaze fixed on me, she proposed, "You can make TIna jealous and I'll make Aaron insecure, and thus, he'll come rushing back to me."
"That's manipulative," I pointed out to Regina.
She responded with a dismissive scoff, "Pfft, of course it is!" A small chuckle escaped her as her expression remained cold and mocking.
"So...lets team up" Regina suggested, looking me straight in the eyes. "just like old times, yeah?"
"Do you think we'll still be friends in the future?."
"Of course!"
"Fuck no."
Her smile faded at my rejection, replaced by a sly smirk. "Then I suppose you wouldn't mind if the school council were to find out about you and your friends little, not so legal herb business?"
Regina's smirk widened as I reluctantly backed down, not wanting my friends to get into trouble.
"I'll take that as a yes" She smiled victorious as she rose from her seat, sauntering towards me with an arrogant air. She took hold of my blinker, taking a quick hit before deliberately blowing the smoke in my face. As she placed it against my lips, I could taste the lingering sweetness of her cherry lip gloss.
"Ill see you tomorrow, after school, underneath the bleachers. Bye." Regina says, her voice laced with a mix of victory and satisfaction. She waved her fingers as she walked away, leaving me standing there, contemplating the situation.
"Cherry lipgloss sucks"
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notjaexiee · 1 month
Mean girls (musical) soc med p3 yesyes PT2
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notjaexiee · 1 month
mean girls incorrect quotes (pt. 1)
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notjaexiee · 1 month
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Mean girls (musical) soc med au PT2 LEZ GOO
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notjaexiee · 1 month
Mean girls(musical) soc med au????
Pt 1/2 - PART 2
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notjaexiee · 2 months
Fr guys please🤲
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notjaexiee · 7 months
Kate: What's your favorite color?
Yelena: blue- No. green.
Kate: I love learning about you.
Yelena: I fucked up. It's yellow.
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notjaexiee · 10 months
Unrequited Love?
Part 1/?
Summary: I'm not really good at summarys but basically, reader has a crush on wanda but wanda ignores reader idk😭
Notes: this is my first time writing a fanfic, please tell me if I made any mistakes. Also English isn't my first language so it might have some grammar mistakes
High school AU
“Hey, Wanda!” I greet my classmate as she walks past me with a sigh, once again not bothering to acknowledge me. This has been going on for some time now: whenever she sees me, Wanda rolls her eyes in my direction and continues walking, treating me as if I’m unworthy of even being acknowledged.
I just want to be friends with Wanda, but there’s something about me that’s rubbing her the wrong way. Maybe she thinks I’m trying to compete with her as the most popular girl at the school.
That's what my friends said.
"Give it up, Y/N.” Yelena sighs, "You're just making a fool out of yourself at this point."
"True," Kate agrees, chuckling, "She probably thinks you're trying to steal her spotlight as the most popular girl here at NYH."
"I can't!" I groan at my friends, as they peer at me, confused by my attachment to Wanda.
"What do you like about her anyway?" Kate asks. Her tone is half playful, half teasing, but there's also a sense of genuine concern about my well-being.
"I.... I don't know," I mumble, embarrassed to admit the truth. Something about Wanda pulls me toward her like a magnet. I can't explain it, but I feel like I'm in her orbit, drawn to her without reason or restraint.
As the bell rings signalling the end of lunch, my friends and I disperse, heading off to our respective classes.
I hurry off to class, thinking about what my friends had said to me. What is it about Wanda that draws me to her so much? Or are they right that I'm only making a fool of myself by obsessing over a girl who clearly isn't interested in me?
I sigh and shake my head, hoping I'll be able to focus on my work in class. But it seems like Wanda is always on my mind, no matter what I do.
"L/N?" Professor Fury calls, snapping me out of my reverie.
"Huh?" I blink, confused.
"I asked you a question," he continues, "are you going to answer or are you too busy daydreaming?"
I flush red in embarrassment as my classmates snicker around me.
I stood there, embarrassed and unable to answer Professor Fury's question.
"Anyone like to help L/N here?" he asked the class, to no response.
It seemed like an eternity of silence.
Then, to my surprise, Wanda stood up to help me. Her emerald green eyes met mine briefly before she looked away, answering Professor Fury's question correctly.
I sat back down when she finished, my face burning with embarrassment. Was I embarrassed that I had failed to answer the question? Or was I just flustered that Wanda had looked at me?
Class finally ended, and people quickly left the room. I gathered my things quickly and saw Wanda leaving, so I hurried over to catch up with her.
"Wanda!" I called out, hurrying up beside her as she walked out the door. "Hey," I panted, relieved to finally be near her.
She sighed, visibly annoyed as she squeezed her eyes shut. Turning to face me, she opened her eyes and spoke: "What?"
"Why did you do that?" I ask, ignoring her annoyance. "why did you help me?"
"Help you with what?" she asks, annoyed.
Is she being oblivious right now?
"Help me with the question." I rolled my eyes
Wanda looked away, trying to find an answer.
After a moment of silence,
She looked back at me and I swear I saw her blush.
"I-" Wanda finally let out, but is interrupted by my friend Yelena shouting "Y/N!"
I turn to my friend, "Hey." Yelena greets me, "Sorry but I can't walk with you home later, me and Kate are gonna have a 'friendly' date." Yelena explains, leaving little room for doubt as to what she means
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Bros before bitches, I guess," I roll my eyes and hit her arm playfully laughing together.
As Yelena leaves, I turn back to Wanda only to find her gone.
"Thanks, i suppose" i roll my eyes throwing my head back in annoyance.
Guys idk if I should continue this so please let me know hrhrhrh😭😭
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