nontriumphant · 2 years
Peter Parker is in an uber and spots someone in need on the streets outside. Does he risk getting out to help, knowing his uber driver has his information catalogued in their phone or does he sit impotently and watch to preserve his secret identity?
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nontriumphant · 2 years
Do you live in Australia and still worry about running in to an American celebrity that you love and not knowing them by their real name and not being able to bring more than a couple things to mind that you like them in or are you normal?
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nontriumphant · 2 years
Its all about you and me.
They say us vs them is bad. But they are eldritch nightmares and we are just trying to live.
Good people know how to make the world work.
People are on the wrong side sometimes, but I think most of us are moving closer. Let's not forget to celebrate victory.
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nontriumphant · 2 years
I'm a piece of shit. I thought it was Token not Tolkien.
Token on South Park should be a girl now
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nontriumphant · 2 years
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I stared at this photo for a long time, though my eyes were off. I wasn't breathing. I thought in an endless stream about the ways I was weak. It hurt. My eyes turned on, I saw him truly. I don't want to be him. Shit it's hard though.
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nontriumphant · 2 years
The fuck is the difference between me keeping you up at night and you waking me up in the morning?
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nontriumphant · 2 years
Goodnight jokesters, gangsters, people with yellow hair, schnauzers, groundskeepers, people wearing rainbow jeans and people sleeping sitting up.
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nontriumphant · 2 years
Token on South Park should be a girl now
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nontriumphant · 2 years
Why isn't my room clean? Because I retreat there in moments of desperation, as refuge from everything around me. I go in there with wild abandon and live as freely as my heart desires within its confines. If you want it clean, clean it. I want to live dammit!
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nontriumphant · 2 years
I really only know one thing.
I don't know if I'm right or they're wrong.
But it doesn't matter so much, compared to what a few soulless people do to us every day.
I think every group can agree on that.
Watch out, your time has come.
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nontriumphant · 2 years
Can studios please just let shows know when they're getting cancelled so we can get a final episode? Or pay them to write a show finale each season just in case. Sick of this shit, so many good shows. 3 I watched recently were My Name is Earl, Raising Hope and AP Bio. AP Bio got especially good as it went on.
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nontriumphant · 2 years
Stuffing extra chicken nuggets in someone's meal is a truly good deed. No one will know you ever did it and you don't know who gets the goods.
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nontriumphant · 2 years
What if the meaning of life is just a tally of how many times you cracked your knuckles
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nontriumphant · 2 years
You know what we need? More superhero movies and TV shows. I feel really strapped for choice.
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nontriumphant · 2 years
Bars should have a tip jar but instead it says swear jar. Drunk folk will give a buck or two if they're allowed to say a swear.
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nontriumphant · 2 years
How cool is it that South Park gets a free pass
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