noc2owl · 4 days
Omg. Loved your egglaying fic, absolutely awesome. But I just watched a bunch of MLP and so I was imagining mer-raz and Lili in Fluttershy and pinkie pie’s voice and I’m gonna go insane. Too funny to me. 10/10 would read again when I’m not thinking about brightly colored horses
man, that show is different to how i remembered
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noc2owl · 4 days
It was late in the season for him to spawn. He’d been ready to lay a month ago, but then a turn of bad weather had brought a cold current to the shore, too cold for his body to relinquish the eggs into the water. Then Lili’s field trip had overrun, and a couple of days had turned into a week waiting for her ferry to get back, a week of pacing restlessly back and forth in the shallows and trying to force down the growing need inside him. They’d been planning this since the start of spring, and he’d promised he’d wait to lay.
Now, he was going to have to wait even longer.
Lili reached into the pool, scooping water over his chest, and he felt a little shiver go through his body.
“You feeling good?” she said. “Ropes okay?”
Raz flexed his wrists. They weren’t tight, but the tie stopped him from being able to do almost anything with his hands. The ropes ran down his back to below his hips, and then criss-crossed all the way along his tail. That didn’t really restrain him at all, but he could feel the tension in the ropes every time he moved, making him feel like a guppy in a fisherman's net. Between that and how he was beached, far from the open water, he felt almost entirely helpless.
“They’re fine,” he sighed, and Lili smiled.
“That’s good,” she said, her hands trailing over the swelling on his sides in a way that made him stifle a groan between his teeth. “You remember the rules, right?”
Raz swallowed, and gave a nod. “I – I can’t start laying until you give permission.”
“That’s good.” She beamed, like a big cat with a fresh salmon pinned beneath her claws. “Let me know if it gets too uncomfortable, okay?”
it's still may!! i got it out on time (ignoring the fact that the clock has passed midnight where i live). anyway, here it is, mermaid egg laying fic, enjoy. Raz/Lili, 4725 words, rated explicit. tags: mermaids, oviposition, bondage, nonhuman erogenous zones, denial play, overstimulation, fisting, Lili eats a mermaid egg and then questions her life choices
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noc2owl · 12 days
i love love love love this blog so much... i love your cnc works
thank you!! it's a big personal weakness of mine, i always get a kick out of it haha
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noc2owl · 18 days
Now that you’re taking commissions on here will you doing be doing asks and stuff or no?
oh, yeah, still taking asks and prompts and stuff! I'll still be drawing for myself to put on these blogs, it's just that now people can throw money at me to make me draw for them, too
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noc2owl · 18 days
NSFW commissions!
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SUP i'm also doing nsfw commissions. same TOS/guidelines as the regular commissions apply, same level of detail. in addition, they're $5 extra. more info under cut.
won't draw NSFW of real people or underaged characters (including characters who look like minors)
will draw: most kinks. off the top of my head, no scat/gas, and obviously i reserve the right to say no to anything that's not my vibe or that i don't think can pull off - but most stuff is fair game. if you're curious whether i'll draw something, just ask, this is a no-judgement zone
will draw gore, too!
buyers of NSFW commissions must be 18+ (although if you're reading this then presumably you are anyway lol)
this TOS and extra charge applies to non-explicit/"sfw" kinks as well as explicit material
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noc2owl · 29 days
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reupload because the original answer got flagged
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anyway i spent the evening going down a google rabbit hole of "wait, so how does the plumbing work down there actually" so here's an exploration of harpy anatomy. for science, you understand. tumblr flagged the full version but you can find it here on gdrive, link contains toys, double penetration, nonhuman genitalia
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noc2owl · 29 days
It’s (Mer)May, and we know what that means! (Mer-Raz time, if you’re able to!)
omg wait YES mermay!! hold on, i have too many wips/ideas, lemme make a poll
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noc2owl · 30 days
OMG, BIRDDDD YOU BIRDED HIM YOU DID IT AGHHNHHHNHHH thank you thank you <- bird anon
WOO BIRDS love birds. any excuse to draw more bird people
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noc2owl · 1 month
We finally have the mythologicial trio! Naga, Dragon, and Sphinx! Side note, I wonder how the crew feels about werewolves. i
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werewolves 👍
version without the censor bar under the cut because that's what i drew originally (although i actually think the censored version is much funnier)
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noc2owl · 1 month
Yes hello, you seem to be getting interested in fantasy themes for ur adult content. I bring to the table… harpies. May I suggest you think about the bird people? Let them pass through your brain? Ca caw. Good day.
oh hell yes. excellent prompt, congratulations on your excellent taste bird anon
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noc2owl · 1 month
I saw that you were looking for an alternative to preserve your art nsfw, you could try Baraag .
Its mentality is very open in terms of nsfw art, it is very closed and you can find more people who love Psychonauts.
i appreciate the rec, but a) I'm not super interested in fediverse stuff, b) underage stuff is a hard no for me personally
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noc2owl · 1 month
..........................can we get some yaoi good sir. spare some yaoi please......................
i hear yaoi and i think of these assholes. bobbyraz blast
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full ver of one more under the cut for exactly what you think is behind that eggplant emoji
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noc2owl · 1 month
Knight!Razputin "I'll try anything once" Aquato 🤝 Princess!Lili "Monsterfucker" Zanotto
slaying their dragon boyfriend.
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one more w these guys because princess Lili would not leave my brain. she and Raz would have so much fun teaming up to tease Dogen. and also. other things
as usual, explicit version under the cut, click below for dragon dick
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noc2owl · 2 months
This is where we ask the bedroom questions, right? Hopefully, this isn't too spicy. Do they sleep with their feet under the covers or sticking out? Do they wear socks to bed, or do they take those off? Do they need a fan going in the room to sleep comfortably?
WAIT i'm going through my drafts and i never posted this?? this ask made me crack up. hold on, digging it out of the archive, you all get the sleep hcs
dogen: likes to sleep bundled up. socks & sometimes slippers if he's cold, pjs, sleep hat. he's a cozymaxxing snoozepilled blanketchad. quite a light sleeper, gets woken up easily and tosses and turns a lot in the night. actually generally he doesn't sleep very well at all, he averages less than five hours a night because of his insomnia and naps a lot during the day haha. but he's making the most of the sleep he can get! snores in his sleep.
lili: usually sleeps in panties and socks (to keep her feet warm & to shield the others from her icy cold feet, seriously she's a menace). maybe a t-shirt or pjs if it's chilly, and she enjoys an electric blanket or a hot water bottle in the winter. she likes background noise during her sleep the most out of the three of them! white noise or soft music really help her to drift off, especially if she's stressed. drools a lot
raz: will basically get as nude as reasonably practical as soon as he's home, and sleep is no different. sleeps naked or in briefs. can sleep anywhere in any position w/ any amount of noise. this guy is out like a light within minutes, he sleeps like the dead and then he's up bright and early in the morning feeling totally refreshed! the other two hate the person he is at 5am lol. fills available space like a liquid when he's sleeping - he'll happily curl up on a sofa, but spreads out like a starfish on a king-sized mattress. very clingy in his sleep, tends to end up clutching pillow/blanket/plushie or anyone nearby. sleep-talks a lot, especially when he's having a particularly vivid dream
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noc2owl · 2 months
asks pt2
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(second ask continued, breaking it up for responses)
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you know i actually do have a pillowfort login! i've never used it but it does seem like it's got a lot of neat features (like the communities! those look really fun!) and way better guidelines around nsfw than i have to deal with here on tumblr... i'll put a pin in that idea. watch this space
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like the biggest thing i enjoy from Posting is interaction! and being able to chat with people! but also facilitating that in a way where folks can feel comfortable (because i totally get feeling shy about this stuff, and that's 100% chill too). i'm definitely gonna look into that all more
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a neocities page has also been on my to-do list for forever hahaha. i could have SO much fun with it... a whole gallery for these guys.. bio pages with fun facts... it's on the to-do-list, it's a project i'm gonna get around to at some point i swear.
(also, thank you so much!! that's all super kind. sorry it took me a hot minute to respond, haha. but it always just means a lot to hear people like this stuff! this blog feels like a really nice space, tumblr guidelines be damned. so if i do start crossposting somewhere else, i wanna find a way to preserve that space & that cosy feeling)
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noc2owl · 2 months
rounding up some asks
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honestly, same here lol. they've got a hold of me like a brain fungus
but thank you so much!! this really put a smile on my face. shout out to all lurkers... peace and love
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hahaha w. what uncoloured back spike what are you talking about (you saw nothing)
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you know i don't think it did in the end! but i SHOULD do more with her, i bet she'd be a lot of fun to write for. it probably just went on my ever-growing pile of unfinished ideas, i have too many of those and i never know how to choose. WAIT you can totally do polls on tumblr though can't you. maybe i should start doing polls on here. audience interaction
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noc2owl · 2 months
If Lili sees Raz as a prince, and Raz calls Lili "princess," does that make Dogen the dragon?
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omg i LOVE that hahaha. closeup of The Beast below the cut because i think he's cute
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drogen (dragon dogen)
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