nilleonhart · 28 days
Do you think that Cloud still would have been with Tifa if Aerith had actually survived? I've always wondered ever since watching Advent Children that if Aerith didn't die, would he have made the same choice to be with Tifa. I ship Cloud with both Aerith and Tifa and I feel like he likes them both, but I also sometimes feel it's just unclear who he TRULY loves.
Hey anon. He will always choose Tifa. 
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I think it’s made pretty clear who he truly loves. You’re forgetting that he was under a false persona when Aerith knew him. There is no canon evidence that he had any romantic feelings towards Aerith. We only have canon evidence that he felt romantic feelings for Tifa. 
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Aerith being alive when he falls into the Lifestream would have still resulted in Tifa needing to help him. She’s the only one who knows him well enough to do it and she’s the only one that he’ll open his heart to. Cloud’s desire to join SOLDIER was based on him wanting to impress Tifa and have her notice him. 
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Mutlishipping is fine, but you can’t claim both are canon when we have tons of evidence stating that he loved Tifa and none that he loved Aerith. It was not up to player choice, ultimately. That’s part of the entire illusion for the first part of the game. Notice you lose the ability to choose after a while. You can’t choose at all after Real Cloud is back. The HA vs LA Highwind scene is based on your early game choices and based on the affection the girl has towards Cloud, not what Cloud feels towards them.
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Cloud tells us a lot in the Lifestream. There is not an alternative Lifestream scene, no matter what your choices are. 
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There’s also no alternative Northern Crater scene when Sephiroth shows us Nibelheim. If people have ignored Tifa to this point, they’re gonna be pretty shocked by this revelation coming from Cloud. 
So no, there is no ambiguity. The Compilation of FFVII has shown through dialogue, novels, quotes, and supplemental canon materials that Cloud loves Tifa and always has. His SOLDIER persona creates confusion, but ultimately he loves Tifa. 
So... it’s pretty clear that Cloud TRULY loves Tifa and NEVER loved Aerith romantically. 
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nilleonhart · 2 years
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Under the stars.
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nilleonhart · 3 years
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nilleonhart · 3 years
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Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart
All they’ve ever known really is pain. 💔
Tifa keeps her heart hidden away,
Cloud pretends his doesn’t exist.
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nilleonhart · 3 years
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We’ll share polished translations from the Material Ultimania and the new novel throughout the week as more excerpts come out. We purchased our own copies as well but until they arrive, we’ll do what we can for now. This particular paragraph is from Tifa’s section in the new novel. It is nothing new, but it feels nice to have a confirmation. (Particularly for all the naysayers out there.) She loves Cloud for who he is. She not only admired him since before the promise, but fell in love with him that night.
It was just an idea, but from the moment it was made, it became an irreplaceable promise. And that night, when Tifa realized that the Cloud she admired was just an ordinary boy, she fell in love with him. The kind of ‘love’ that makes two people want to spend time together.
—  Traces of Two Pasts
Credits: @babigonice on Twitter for the photo, FH (Mod @lockhartsss) for the translation. Please give credit if using these translations.
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nilleonhart · 3 years
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nilleonhart · 3 years
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cloti week | alternative prompts | day three 🌷🧡 “There is so much history in the way he looks at her. In the way he says her name. When they are together, there is a current that runs between them; like an electric charge on the verge of erupting into a perfect storm.” - Lang Leav  Credit: @marlenadia Thank you so much @clotiweek and @finalheaven for this wonderful event! 
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nilleonhart · 3 years
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SOLDIER-Cloud VS Real-Cloud
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nilleonhart · 3 years
Why did Tifa wear the moon earring with her default dress? Why not stars like Aerith’s best dress?
Probably most of us fans know that Cloud and Tifa’s promise is represented by the stars. Thus, we often associate Tifa with the stars. This time in FF7R at Wall Market, Tifa wears Moon and Aerith wears Stars. Thinking about it again, Tifa is only represented by the stars concerning her relationship with Cloud. By herself, probably not! So let’s find out how the moon connects with her character:
1. Supreme Beauty Symbol
The other day I came across the Crescent Moon explanation in the Dictionary of Symbol (Jean Chevalier & Alain Gheerbrant, Penguine). The moon is mentioned as “goddess of the night, glory of the stars”. Notice when Tifa wears her default dress, she barely has any makeup. Her hair in untied. Her dress is minimal showing most of her curves and body in general. That’s the true beauty of her features. It’s reconfirmed by how the game focus on Tifa’s beauty in the dialogues.
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Next, look at how the game zooms in at the 2 girls accessories because they want us to notice them.
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The stars brighten the night. “The best-remembered property of the star is its luminosity and the fact that it is a source of light.” However in our eyes, comparing the stars and the moon:
• The moon is bigger and brighter than the stars
• The moon is unique, stars are abundant
• The stars compliment the moon (Notice in Sailor Moon, the moon is the princess and the stars are like her guardians, too?). Actually, the dictionary also mentioned the moon as “glory of the stars”!
Aerith’s best dress is heavier and more complicated so it covers more of her body like legs, thighs, and hip. Like her multilayered dress, her hair is also heavily done in curls and adorned with lots of flowers. She wears the most make-up with her best dress, too. Notice that her dress is red (warm tone) contrasting Tifa’s purple (cold tone). So, I think the game really tries to contrast her to Tifa and by that narratively portraying Tifa’s standout beauty and sex appeal. It doesn’t mean Aerith is not beautiful, but Tifa is the real queen of the night.
By the way, I think the Stars of Aerith could fit in the theme of celebrity. Her potrayal with the best dress is like a super star!
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2. Lover Symbol 
The moon also symbolizes feminine quality and the women while the Sun symbolizes masculinity and the men. In Chinese culture, the moon also represents Yin relative to the Sun’s Yang. Tifa’s dress is in cold color tone is also Yin (warm colors, Yang), which is why I think she doesn’t wear her normal signature red color here. Her depiction here is the moon against Cloud - the Sun. She is Yin while he is Yang. They are one pair.
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3. True Love Symbol
The moon also indirectly represents romantic love in literature/art. Its changing phases symbolize passages of time. That quality used to emphasize on how true loves remains the same through changes of time. On this one, the devs have gone above and beyond to spell it out to us with the Cresent Moon Charm’s decsription. But even if they didn’t, naturally the moon still represents the loyalty of lovers to each other. The moon charm fits Tifa well because she is a very loyal and dedicated lover. Her love for Cloud is symbolized and witnessed by the moon. I think the devs really thought carefully about everything they planned on this game :) Stan the devs!
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nilleonhart · 3 years
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Marlene knows him well.
Marlene is a smart kid.
Trust Marlene.
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nilleonhart · 3 years
Ultimania de Crisis Core confirma que Cloud e Tifa vivem juntos romanticamente em Advent Children e Dirge of Cerberus
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De acordo com o perfil de Tifa Lockhart presente na Ultimania do Crisis Core, Tifa e Cloud vivem juntos romanticamente em Advent Children e em Dirge of Cerberus. Segue o texto transcrito em japonês e a respectiva tradução realizada por nossa equipe, e confirmada por especialista há mais de 10 anos no estudo da língua japonesa e por nativo.
Em japonês: 『“FF7”のティファは、クラウドの幼少期を知る人物として、また『CC』でも語られるニブルヘイム焼き打ち事件の当事者として物語のカギをにぎっていた。クラウドとは物語の終盤に想いを通わせ、『AC』『DC』の時代は一緒に暮らしている』 CCFF7 アルティマニア Tifa profile Crisis Core Ultimania, pg. 33.
Transcrição em Romaji: FF7 - no tifa wa, Kura udo no yosho-ki o shiru jinbutsu to shite, mata “CC”de mo katara reru niburuheimu yakiuchi jiken no tojisha to shite monogatari no kagi o nigitte ita. Kuraudotoha monogatari no shūban ni omoi o kayowa se, "AC” “DC” no jidai wa issho ni kurashite iru” CCFF 7 utimania.
Tradução: Tifa de FF7 é a personagem chave da história, pois conhece Cloud desde quando eram crianças (desde a infância), e também está diretamente envolvida com o incidente de Nibelheim. Ela e Cloud comunicam seus sentimentos e vivem juntos durante os tempos de AC (Advent Children) e DC (Dirge of Cerberus).
Tradução alternativa: Em FF7, Tifa é a única que conhece a infância de Cloud, além disso, ela detém a chave para as pessoas envolvidas na história do incêndio de Nibelheim, que também é retratado em Crisis Core. Ela e Cloud passaram a perceber seus sentimentos um pelo outro no final da história, e vivem juntos em Advent Children e Dirge of Cerberus.
Essa é uma das declarações mais contundentes acerca do relacionamento romântico entre Cloud e Tifa. E para não dizerem que a tradução foi feita meramente por Clotis, e, portanto, carente de isenção, essa mesma frase foi levada à discussão por um usuário do site thelifestream.net chamado Quexinos para ser analisada por um especialista em língua japonesa há mais de 10 anos, chamado Michael DePaula, no site AllExperts.com. Vejam o que ele afirmou:
“É melhor usar 伝える (Tsutaeru) para relacionamentos normais. A frase 想いを通わせる (Omoi o kayowa seru) Implica algo íntimo”.
O mesmo usuário chegou a questionar um nativo japonês chamado Masaegu, em um fórum de estudo da língua japonesa, acerca do significado da frase 想いを通わせ (Omoi o kayowa se) nesse contexto que afirma que Cloud e Tifa moram juntos em Advent Children e Dirge of Cerberus. Vejam só o que o nativo afirmou:
“A frase em questão é claramente sobre um relacionamento romântico”, e masaegu chegou a dizer “Mostre-me um falante nativo de japonês que pensa que essa frase 想いを通わせ (Omoi o kayowa se) NÃO é sobre um relacionamento romântico, e vou mostrar a você um mentiroso."
Portanto, chegamos à conclusão de que Tifa e Cloud vivem juntos porque já expressaram seus sentimentos românticos de um pelo outro ao final dos acontecimentos do jogo original. É um desejo recíproco de estar sempre juntos romanticamente. A Ultimania do Crisis Core só fez ressaltar o propósito de Nojima, o qual já afirmou no Advent Children Reunion Files, que tinha em mente que Cloud e Tifa estariam juntos no final.
Vale ressaltar também que essa mesma frase que foi utilizada para descrever o relacionamento entre Cloud e Tifa, 想いを通わせ (Omoi o kayowa se), também foi utilizada em outras Ultimanias para se referir ao relacionamento entre outros casais canônicos da franquia (Locke e Celes, Squall e Rinoa, Steiner e Beatrix). Para um post comparativo e aprofundado acerca desse tema, acesse: https://www.facebook.com/clotibr/posts/197205505455409
Tradução: Squall_of_Seed, hitoshura e Equipe Cloti Brasil
Confirmação: Michael DePaula (AllExperts.com) e Masaegu (www.japanforum.com)
Link dos fóruns de língua japonesa:
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nilleonhart · 3 years
Quote repository
If anything here is missing, or incorrect, message me so I can fix it. Final Fantasy 7 Ultimania Omega (2005)
Declares that the team should dissolve in the final hours before the final battle, and communicates his feelings together with Tifa, who remains behind at the airship with him.
-Pg. 15, Cloud’s profile
 Even though Cloud was holding favor for Tifa from some time ago, Tifa’s interest in Cloud did not start until the time when the promised was exchanged. It might have been her loneliness due to her surrounding friends leaving one after another, but more than that, it seems largely in part to him making the promise to become her hero. Incidentally, Tifa did not realize that Cloud was holding favor for her until he informed her in the Lifestream. Even though she was called and it was just the two of them, she can be quite clueless.
- pg, 25
 When Cloud proposes that the group separates temporarily, she remains behind at the airship and communicates her feelings together with Cloud.
-pg. 27, Tifa’s profile
 Deep inside Cloud’s heart, feelings were hidden that no one knew about. Even though there were important memories to himself, many of them were forgotten. In the process of looking for the real Cloud, Tifa learns a lesson about the complexity of the human heart, and the feelings are earnestly transmitted.
-pg. 27
 On Disc 3, Tifa hardens her resolve as they head toward the final battle, but she is unable to suppress her fear. On the bridge of the airship, she says to Cloud, “Would you tell me ‘It’s all right’?” Although Tifa is forlorn and somewhat childish here, when Cloud tells Tifa “It’s all right,” it is heartwarming.
-pg. 27
 Yuffie is unaware that Cloud and Tifa had just spent the night together. Woman’s intuition is as perceptive as ever, no?
-pg, 39.
 The memory of Cloud and Tifa exchanging promises on the water tower 7 years ago has a vital significance when searching for “Cloud’s true self” in the Lifestream. Also, the promise to “come to Tifa’s rescue if she is in trouble” forms the reason for Cloud assisting AVALANCHE in this scene, but he has in fact already fulfilled this promise 5 years ago in the Nibel mako reactor.
-Pg, 71
 When their companions disperse to the places where people important to them await, Cloud and Tifa are the only two to remain behind. They reveal their feelings for each other in their final hours, and…….
-pg. 198
 Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Files (2005 - 2006)
 There are many dimensions to Tifa’s character. She’s like a mother, a sweetheart(koibito), and a close ally in battle.
-Nomura, Pg. 19
Inside, I felt one thing was for sure: Cloud and Tifa would be together. Everybody would be back home where they belonged.
- Nojima, pg. 70
 Final Fantasy 7 10th Anniversary Ultimania (2007)
 Nojima: “Oh, the scene with the risqué line of dialogue? It was Katou who wrote that as well, not me.”
 ―”The line ‘Words aren’t the only way to tell someone how you feel,’ right? That was quite a mature conversation for a FF game.”
 Kitase: “But I remember having to get another version that was too intense toned down.”
 Nojima: “The original idea was more extreme. The plan was to have Cloud walk out of the Chocobo stable on board the Highwind, followed by Tifa leaving while checking around, but Kitase turned it down.
 Before leaving the village, he boldly called to Tifa, a girl he liked romantically, and declared he would become a SOLDIER.
-pg. 12
 On the request of his childhood friend Tifa, Cloud assists the anti-ShinRa organization “AVALANCHE” led by Barret.- Cloud profile
-pg. 36 – 41
Concerning Advent Children
The happier he is now, the more Cloud is tormented by painful “memories” of the past.
-Cloud profile, pg. 36 - 41
 The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud…-Cloud’s profile,
-pg. 36 - 41
 With the support of former allies and Tifa, an important woman to him and now also part of his family, Cloud regains the courage to move forward.-Cloud’s profile,
- Pg. 36 – 41
 Now running a delivery business while helping out Tifa with the newly opened “Seventh Heaven” bar, Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel lived together like a family.
 A Promise to Tifa, Etched in his Memory.
-Cloud’s profile, pg. 36 – 41
 (In Before Crisis) If he runs out of strength part way through the story, he will say regretfully that he “couldn’t come through on my promise to her.
- Cloud’s profile, pg. 36 – 41
 (Last Order) He lifts a collapsed Tifa up in his arms, and upon seeing her aware of him, he smiles gently.
 She ventured into Lifestream together with Cloud. Amidst the course of him trying to ascertain his memories, they became aware of the feelings which each other was holding.
-pg. 42 - 47, Tifa’s Profile
 Apart from being Cloud’s childhood friend, she is also the woman who understands him all too well and devotedly supports the mentally-weak side of him
-pg. 42 – 47
 I want to see Cloud — Marlene’s honest words, which reflected what Tifa felt in her own heart, caused her to smile. The present Tifa isn’t just Cloud’s childhood friend, but also the mother of the ‘family’ they were forming in Edge
-pg. 42 - 47
 Tifa, watching over Cloud warmly as he regains the strength to move forward. Having been together with him since they were young, she is able to believe in his recovery for certain.
-Tifa’s profile, pg. 42 - 47
 Though he has only been living with them a short while, he admires Cloud and Tifa like parents and has strong bonds with them.
-Denzel’s profile, Pg. 99
 Cloud and Tifa, who remain, reveal their feelings for each other and clarify them together. story playback section
-pg. 118 (120 in revised version)
  The place where he awakens —
That is Cloud’s Promised Land
 As he sleeps, Cloud hears two voices. The voices of two people very dear to him, who are no longer with him. Playfully and kindly, they give him a message: he doesn’t belong here yet.
 When he awakes, there was his friends. There were the children, freed from their fatal illness. Tifa and Marlene, and Denzel asking for Cloud to heal his Geostigma — his family were waiting. Engulfed in celebration, he realises where he is meant to live. He realises that he was able to forgive himself.
 And when he turns around — “she” is starting to leave. Together with the friend who had given Cloud his life. Cloud no longer has to suffer in loneliness … And so they too go back to where they belong.
 Back to the current of life flowing around the planet
—. pg. 131 Story Playback (133 in revised version)
Aerith lends her power to the people suffering from Geostigma in Edge, and personally provides for Cloud’s recovery. Geostigma is cured. Cloud returns to Tifa and the children.
(concerning Cloud hearing a voice talking about Tifa)
As Cloud is trying to place the bomb, a mysterious voice speaks to him. Later, this same kind of mysterious voice resounds in Cloud’s head in the scene where he and a voice have a conversation, and it offers him reminders. These voices are the original Cloud
-FF7 Ultimania Omega, pg. 68
When staying at a private house, the mysterious voice echoed inside Cloud’s mind again, asking him why he didn’t see Tifa before leaving to the Mako reactor 5 years ago. In truth, Cloud didn’t want his identity known as a regular trooper/soldier and avoided Tifa, but this memory is sealed. Does the voice trying to awaken him belong to Sephiroth, who made Cloud his puppet? Or is it Cloud trying to return to his original self? – Judging from the dialogue, “It was a great chance for you two to see each other again,” it seems to be the latter. The voice also says things that see through to Cloud’s hidden feelings.
-FF7 Ultimania Omega, pg. 110
 Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core Ultimania (2007)
 Before leaving for Midgar, Cloud declared ‘I’m going to become a SOLDIER’ to Tifa, a village girl he had started falling in love with, and also promised to protect her.
-pg. 24
The only woman who knows Cloud’s past. In FF7, Tifa is the only one who knows Cloud’s childhood, and furthermore, she holds the key to people involved in the story of Nibelheim’s burning down, which is also depicted in CC. She and Cloud came to realize their feelings for each other in the end of the story, and live together in AC and DC.
-pg. 33
 Cloud and Tifa
Cloud and Tifa are childhood friends, both born in Nibelheim. When Cloud leaves the village, he calls Tifa out to the water tower and promises that he will become a SOLDIER. At the same time, he is also made by Tifa to promise that he will come to rescue her if she is ever in trouble.
Following this, the pair experience many hardships, such as the Nibelheim incident which appears in CC, and the Jenova War in FFVII, and through these the distance between them shortens. And in AC, they live together with Barret’s daughter Marlene and a boy named Denzel. Though there was also a period later where Cloud lived away from them after having contracted Geostigma, they finally reach a commune and return to living together once again. In DC, they rush together to Vincent’s aid, in his battle against Deep Ground SOLDIER.
-pg. 280
Water Tower
The water tower erected in the center of Nibelheim. The large wooden cask catches rain water, and filters it to supply the townspeople with water to use in their daily lives. In the game, it is counted as one of the 7 Wonders of Nibelheim, as a place where the water runs red, due to the color of a red summon materia that was in the tower seeping into the water. Also, the tower at night appears to be a date spot for the town’s young residents, and Cloud had also called Tifa out here and talked to her before leaving Nibelheim for Midgar
-pg 280
Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Ultimania (2007)
 “Words aren’t the only thing that tell people what you’re thinking…”
—Prarie: What she said to Cloud the night before the final battle when he said there were many things he wanted to talk about.
-pg. 195
Cloud: Yeah… okay. This is probably the last time we’ll have together……
-Pg. 199, “Impressive Scenes”
Cloud reveals his feelings for Tifa in the mental world.
-pg. 229
And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, they reveal their feelings for each other together.
-pg. 232, Story Playback
The night before the final battle
Thanks to Tifa, Cloud regains himself, and before the final battle with Sephiroth, he confirms with her feelings that can’t be expressed in words.
-pg. 394
Dengeki Magazine Advent Children Complete (2009)
 A member of the anti-Shirna organization AVALANCHE, and Cloud’s childhood friend. She is the only person who knows his past, and the one person who understands him.
-Tifa profile
But after reuniting with her childhood friend Cloud, she sets out with him on a journey in pursuit of Sephiroth. She continued to support him at all times, such as when Cloud fell into the Lifestream, and she devotedly nursed over him.
-Tifa profile
At the end of a long struggle, she gently welcomes back Cloud on his return home after settling things with himself.
-Tifa profile
Dissidia 012 Ultimania (2011)
 His adamant will reaches the throne of Cosmos. Cosmos rescues Cloud after he is defeated by Chaos and on the verge of disappearing. Ironically, that whom he set out to protect sacrificed herself to protect him.
-Cloud’s character museums
Final Fantasy 7 15th Anniversary Interview (2012)
 For many years, Cloud and Tifa have been holding favor for one another. Facing the impending final battle with Sephiroth, they at last confirm together their feelings of desire for one another.
-pg. 23
The Fateful Night the Two Share
An event near the time of the final battle with Sephiroth, where Cloud and Tifa stay at the airship Highwind together. With this possibly being the end — an evening overcome with a flood of feelings becomes something special.
The True Wish Revealed
When Cloud was a young child, he was isolated from those around his age, and so he tries convincing himself that he must be special. However, Tifa was still important to him — this childhood awakening of love is revealed in the spirit world.
-pg. 21
Concerning Canonicity:
Nomura : “AC is a piece of work made by Japanese people. In Hollywood movies, I think there is a tendency where the meaning of all the scenes have to be expressed clearly but, this isn’t something like that. With our work, the viewer is free to decide how they interpret or enjoy it. The staff has their own answers to all the scenes in the movie such as the angel statue that makes an appearance many times. But, even if someone who has watched it interprets it differently, then that is just another answer. I guess “comparing answers” with friends is one of the ways you can enjoy the movie. I think AC is a movie that makes those who have watched it, want to talk about it with others.” ~FFVII AC Prologue Book
Note, this shows that while SE considers all interpretations valid, the part in bold illustrates that that does not mean that there is no canon answer.
It was an exciting task to introduce a new current of wind to FINAL FANTASY VII, but at the same time, there was some fear. The original game used cartoon-like, stylised art, and the story was completed by players using their imagination to supplement portions that couldn’t be depicted as a result. Even if they were seeing the same scene, the information they took away from it and how they interpreted it differed depending on the viewer. Perhaps it’s what might be considered a narrative form of storytelling nowadays.
In FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, there will be much less room for player imagination. This fact will probably change the feel of the story considerably. People who know the original might not know quite how to take it. Such is the fear that I have. But I also have conviction. It should be possible to feel a much deeper connection to Cloud as you join alongside him. It would be amazing if you could feel that fiery flame together with him. -              Nojima
(from square enix blog post)
And now there will be even less interpretation, since people being free to interpret doesn’t change canonicity. 
A Final Fantasy VII fan interviewed Tetsuya Nomura for Dorimaga magazine and asked “How many girls has Sephiroth ever loved?”. In reaction, Nomura spoke evasively in anticipation of more questions regarding Cloud and Tifa’s love life, which have nothing to do with Sephiroth. Tetsuya Nomura: What kind of question is that? I’ve never thought about it. Honestly, I don’t care who loves whom. I think you could imagine the scenerios that we don’t mention however you want to. You could enjoy talking about that with friends. For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don’t have any clue.
~Dorimaga magazine; interview with Nomura; November, 2005
 Note to self, this translation was erroneous if I remember correctly, needs to be updated.
These next two might be the same quote, needs more info.
Tetsuya Nomura: “I’d say, [who Cloud likes] is all how you perceive the game. Cloud, as you know, is a very popular character, so I don’t want to confirm the answer either way. Since the players have affection towards him, I want to leave it up to the players to decide who Cloud likes.”
Note, that while Nomura doesn’t want to confirm the answer, he doesn’t state that there is no answer.
Question: Okay then, so the person who Cloud is searching for is Aeris, right? Nomura: Well, what do you think? If indeed it was Aeris, then the bit in the ending was the answer. You might say it was made so that you can take it that way. Cloud is a popular character, and I don’t really want to decide myself, yes he is like this. Because players make strong conclusions by themselves, I want to leave room for everyone’s line of thought. From: Kingdom Hearts Ultimania Guide Translations by Thorfinn Tait
Note, while Nomura wants to leave room, that doesn’t preclude there being an actual answer, in fact, it was ultimately revealed that Cloud was searching for Sephiroth. 
Question: What was the thought behind bringing back Aeris [in Kingdom Hearts]? Nomura: Yes, she died in Final Fantasy VII, but there’s no real relation to where she was at or what role she played in FFVII. There’s no relationship from FFVII to the Kingdom Hearts stories. I consider them separate stories. But if you play Kingdom Hearts, toward the end, some of the questions about the relationship between Cloud and Aeris in FFVII might be answered. It’s sort of like a side story, and this was an extra bonus that I wanted to give to players. 
~Official U.S. Playstation Magazine; October, 2002, page 139-140
This quote shows the concept that while players are free to interpret, there are actual answers. If there is no canon, then there are no answers. Yes, the developers try to keep the story open for alternative interpretations, but they’re still “alternatives” to the “canon” interpretation. (ps, the relationship is shown to be on of guilt).
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nilleonhart · 3 years
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“As long as we’re together, I won’t be afraid.” “Yes, I promise.”
@zerith-week day 2: promise
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nilleonhart · 3 years
Talk about a coincidence!
Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII Remake Parallels
Maybe it’s just me, but in the Remake there are so many references to Crisis Core and so many hints leading to ZeriTh and CloTi, that I’m wondering if there will actually be any love triangle in the future installments. I thought it would be nice to make some posts to regroup them all - or at least try to -, so here is the first!
Crisis Core:
During their first encounter, Zack and Aerith spend some time together at the market, but a kid steals Zack’s wallet. Local people and shopkeepers are reluctant to help him find the kid, but in the end the Accessory seller apologizes with Zack for having misjudged him…
Clerk: Hey, Aren’t you…You are! The guy who was chasing that kid around! I heard about you from the neighborhood folks. I thought you were just some dumb outsider, but it turns out you’re a pretty good guy. I’m sorry we misjudged you, this is just a small token of our appreciation.
…and he gives him some items (best reward consist in: 1 Soma, 1 Hi-Potion and 1 Remedy). Then Zack buys the pink ribbon for Aerith.
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In Chapter 3 Tifa and Cloud go around the slums of Sector 7 to change water filters and collect money (Water filters - Water tower…am I overthinking? Anyway). At the end of the side quests they head back to Stargazer Heights (that water tower again!) and have a conversation with Marle. At first Marle is rather prejudiced against Cloud, but she seems to change her mind when she sees Tifa happy after spending some time with him:
Marle: Take care you two! …Oh? You’re looking pretty chipper!
Tifa: Uh…I don’t feel that different.
Marle: Must be my imagination then. Anyway! Keep your wits about you, merc! A token of my appreciation. Be good to her.
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At the end of the conversation she gives him a Crescent Moon Charm. This accessory is used to reduce damage when equipped by non-active characters (so from the perspective of Cloud, he can use it to protect the others).
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The description of this charm is VERY interesting…
A charm imbued with the fervent desire to be by one’s side for eternity.
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And…it is identical to the earring Tifa wears with her default dress at Wall Market!  🌙
Or better: the moon earring already existed in the OG as it was part of Tifa’s outfit to see Don Corneo. The devs created this new accessory and shaped it exactly like her earring, giving it a new significance since it represents a connection between Cloud and Tifa. 
The same exact thing that happened in Crisis Core with Aerith’s ribbon! 🎀
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What a coincidence!   
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nilleonhart · 3 years
Cloud’s flashback in Kalm:
Cloud recalls the days before Nibelheim incident. 
Real-Cloud (the Shinra infantryman) patrols Nibelheim square and continuously stops to stare at the water tower and Tifa’s house. 
Since 1997.
Just saying.
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nilleonhart · 3 years
Tifa's Crescent Moon Charm, Round 2: A Romantic Literary Reference
As the cloti fandom has frequently discussed, Tifa’s Crescent Moon earring hints at her beauty, and the description of the Crescent Moon Charm hints at her feelings. However, the crescent moon might also refer to a Japanese literary quote–where the beauty of a moon is another way to say “I love you,” and words aren’t needed to express how you truly feel.
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(Remake Tifa’s Crescent Moon Charm and Mature Dress, OG Tifa’s Wall Market Model and Concept Art; Remake images sourced from this Tweet)
Full disclosure: I do not speak Japanese nor have I ever lived in Japan, I just have Japanese friends who humor me.
Natsume Sōseki (1867 - 1916) was a well-known Japanese novelist. His portrait appeared on the Japanese 1000 yen note (comparable to a $10 bill) from 1984 - 2004, and the influential, world-famous writer Haruki Murakami named Sōseki as one of his inspirations. (Thanks Wikipedia!)
While there are several notable stories about Sōseki, there is one in particular that applies here. To quote from an article (that I’d highly recommend):
…as the story goes, Sōseki heard his student translate “I love you” from English into Japanese as “ware kimi o aisu.” He explains that “ware means I, kimi means you, and aisu means love. Thus, “I love you.” That is certainly a literal translation.
…Sōseki is reported to have responded: “Japanese people don’t use such an expression, you should say ‘the moon is beautiful isn’t it?’”
…Sōseki’s view was that any Japanese person could understand the true meaning behind “tsuki ga kirei desune” as a profession of love even though none of the words translate to “I” or “love.”
…[while] the literal meaning of “tsuki ga kirei desune” is “the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” …in addition to the phrase’s literal translation, it might embody the additional meaning of “I love you.”
(Source: “The Mystery of Sōseki and Tsuki ga Kirei”)
The significance of this unusual translation and its implications are as follows:
Among the many quotes by Natsume Soseki, “Tsugi ga Kirei” stands as the most popular…. This phrase was used by Natsume Soseki as a form of saying “I love you”. For the writer, two people with deep feelings for each other do not need to use those three words to effectively convey their feelings. Sometimes, even the simplest phrases contain more emotion than direct ones.
(Source: The Story of Natsume Soseki and The Stories He Had Written)
Hmm, so those who have deep feelings for one another don’t need to say the exact words to express their love? That deep feelings can be conveyed without being so obvious and direct?
What’s that again, Tifa?
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Anecdotally, a friend of mine who grew up in Japan told me that this line is like any semi-obscure literary reference. Some people will know it, some people won’t. For those who don’t know the literary reference, they would take the phrase at face value and miss the romantic intent. However, if both people know it and if the context is right, they’ll get the reference and the meaning.
So to summarize:
A famous Japanese writer…
Who was especially honored from 1984 - 2004 (coinciding with development of the game)…
Coined a distinctive moon-related phrase which translates to “I love you”…
Which today is interpreted as signifying how in Japanese culture, direct language may not be needed to express deep feeling.
Enter Tifa, a character who is not known for being direct with her locked away thoughts and feelings, who is often associated with the night and moon motifs. In a series where the devs are known to make tons of real-world allusions, is it so out there that they would purposely include this particularly thematic one? 
Final thoughts:
I reiterate, I do not speak Japanese–I did my best to verify the content of this post by checking with a non-gamer friend who grew up in Japan (who very kindly and bemusedly explained this to me when I asked). I am not an expert, so please feel free to chime in if you see anything. If you want to learn more about the Soseki story, I do highly recommend this article.
There’s something a little bittersweet about this reference in contemporary times. If both parties know the reference and feel the same way and the context is right–if the conditions are perfect–the feeling will be expressed. If any of the conditions are unsatisfied, the feeling will not be understood. When Cloud receives his Crescent Moon Charm and when Tifa wears hers, the conditions are sadly not perfect (the Lifestream scene with all its implications hasn’t happened yet). So this reference–and thus their feelings–cannot be conveyed. Poor Cloud and Tifa!
It’s interesting how the devs state Tifa is supposed to follow a Japanese aesthetic, and Aerith a Western one. It seems that Aerith similarly takes a Western approach to feelings and would directly state them, vs. Tifa who seems to take the more traditionally Japanese (per Soseki) approach and would be indirect with how she conveys her feelings.
Food for thought: apart from the above association between the moon and love, the Japanese word for moon (tsuki, 月 ) sounds similar to the Japanese word for like/have affection (suki, 好き ). This might be yet another reason for the moon shape. Friend-approved article on the significance of suki here.
Given how FFBE: WOTV chose to highlight the Crescent Moon Charm, we know it’s an important item for the Cloti relationship at this point of the game. While I doubt a lot of weapons and items will carry over between Part 1 and Part 2, I would be very curious to see if the Crescent Moon Charm makes it. 🌙
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nilleonhart · 3 years
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Tifa: Do you know someone called Cloud?
PT: Are you Cloud, Tifa's childhood friend?
Cloud: You know Tifa?
PT: Tifa asked if I knew you.
Cloud: I have a request.
Cloud: Don't tell Tifa I'm here.
In Before Crisis we get a conversation between Cloud and the Player Turk (PT) that happens after he/she meets Tifa, who asks if they know Cloud.
Cloud, being the absolute moron he is, tells PT not to let Tifa know he's back in town because he's embarrassed not to have made it into SOLDIER.
It's this decision to lie about being home that leads to Tifa's doubt when Sephiroth shows Cloud and Tifa the vision of Nibelheim at the Northern Crater. Sephiroth knows Cloud was home, but conceals this truth. Tifa is upset about what she thinks is a lie she told Cloud about him not being in Nibelheim, but she wasn't aware he was there.
Between them, Cloud and Sephiroth perpetrated the lie that shatters Cloud's psyche.
Cloud through being too ashamed and embarrassed to show himself to Tifa, to the point he asked others to hide his being there from her.
Sephiroth because he knew Cloud was there and outright lied.
Tifa is the victim of gaslighting in this scenario. What she knows as the truth (Cloud not being there) remains true to her because others lied. She didn't lie. She doesn't reveal to Cloud that from her pov he wasn't in Nibelheim because Cloud knows things from the incident that prove he was there. She doubts herself, so can't say with any certainty what the truth is. It's this uncertainty that keeps her quiet because the only person she has to ask about events is Cloud and he says he was there.
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