nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
um, hey. i really need Ā to get this off of my chest, only because this is the reason why this blog even exists... well, for starters..a friend, or a ex-friend..and me make neptunia blogs, i was neptune-purpleheart. my friend is nepgear-purplesister. we, are not friends because of a childish thing. and i actually thought, i would never get back into this fandom after this all happened. i actually got replaced by her, so if you see a girl with that url its not me.. anyways, i watched the anime, and now..i feel addicted to it. i cant stop watching, now..i want all the games..i want a ps3 just so play them all. i always look at game stop, seeing all three games..and feeling, something terrible inside, like i want it..and i want to smash it. i am really unsure of how i feel about hdn.Ā  by the time i made that blog, i seriously did not know anything about hdn, but..i really liked neptune...and she acts just like me in real life..so i feel like she is my other. though, i feel like that person..ruined half of the fandom for me. thats why i really dont go on neptune that much..or i used to. so..yeah, thats the reason i was on a long break without warning...
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
Neptune sat bored in her room. She really had nothing better to do..that was fun that is. Nepgear was to busy with things, along with the purplette's friends. "Awe....its soo boring.." The CPU whines to herself, before her phone rung. Neptune jumped from her beanbag chair and picked it up. "Ah?" She questioned, Noire really did not call Neptune that much, only if there was aĀ emergencyĀ or something.But without a second though, sheĀ answeredĀ the call. "Hey Noire~" The CPU says in her normal cheerful tone.Ā  "..Sure! I would love to go Noire!" The girl saysĀ excitedly.This really could be the first time, in a really long time Noire wanted to do something fun with Neptune. She was always to busy doing other things in her country, taking care of it and its people. Maybe Noire just is on break today or something. "I will come to your Ā Basilicom right now!" She continues, ending the call. Neptune quickly transforms and flies over to Lastation.Ā  After a few minute fly over to her destination, Neptune lands by Noire'sĀ Basilicom, transforming back into her normal self.Ā Neptune soon steps in, finding Noire there. "Hey Noire~." Neptune waved at her raven-haired friend.
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Lastation Arcade Fun [Closed RP]
Itā€™s been a while since Noire had a chance to hang out with Neptune. She remembers vaguely that they were meant to go to an arcade that she had built which details the history of all the games created in her country.
Nowā€™s a better time than never, right? She gets out her phone and dials Neptuneā€™s number, ā€œHey, Neptune? D-Donā€™t think I particularly care or anythingā€¦ but I was wondering if youā€™d like to hang out with me at my arcade like we were meant to do a while ago.ā€
The particularly tsundere part of her offering to hang out makes her facepalm to herself. What was the point of saying that? Of course Neptune will probably have an idea that she does, indeed, actually want to have fun for once. What a way to ruin her own reputationā€¦.
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
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Neptune thought about it, this could be a perfect time to spend with Plutia actually, she nods, and smiles at the other. "Yeah! I'll come with you Plootie~" She responds, following her to the forest. It had been a long time since Neptune had explored in a forest or anything of the sort before, since Historie is always telling her to work. This will be a adventure and time spending with her friend, two in one!
Neptune looked at her shown ass but tried to avoid her staring to much. The girl was exited, this was going to be fun, she looked over at the happy CPU, her purple hues looking over at the girl. "Yeah~" She replies in a exited tone, her tone of voice voice clearly explaining her mood perfectly. Neptune followed the lavender-haired girl through the forest, Neptune looked left to right, the place was filled with trees and dirt, it seemed pretty safe for the two to be roaming around, heh, if the girls ever got into trouble Neptune could easily transform and keep herself safe. She was alittle unsure of Plutia though.Ā  But lets not forget that this is Plutia's quest, so Neptune should really leave all this to Plutia. Even though her CPU form can get alittle...weird. A slight sigh, she looks over at Plutia once more, who seemed to be enjoying herself. Neptune really did not like silent trips, so she dicuided to make alittle conversation. "So, how have you been?" She asks. She was curious to know what the other Planeptune goddess has been up to. But really though, if the two had the same positions then how come the two dont really seeĀ each otherĀ more often? "Also, whats the quest really for?" She asked more questions, the girl was really curious as said earlier, so this causes her to ask so much questions. Neptune really did not want to ask to much, no need to spend time together Ā asking loads of questions right?
Best Friends For Life
Plutia stood there silently a bit as she stared at the other in surprise, that was the first time anybody held her hand in a long time, and she wouldā€™ve had sex with her right then and there. The lavender haired girl tried to smile at Neppy, ā€œWellā€¦ā€¦I have a quest to doā€¦soā€¦.I guess if you want, you can come with meā€¦.ā€ Her eyes slightly lit up with energy as the CPU began walking in the direction into the forest, ā€œWellā€¦..? Are you gonna come or whatā€¦?ā€ Ā 
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The goddess strayed her hips side to side as her ass was clearly seenĀ  as the petite female walked down a dirt path into the lush forest in Gamindustri, her magenta eyes wondered across the trees and bushes as she finally breathed in a sigh of relief, ā€œAhā€¦.itā€™s been so longā€¦.yay!ā€ The girl clasped her hands together as she stared at the clear blue sky.
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
KYoko: "How are you doing?" The Blonde asks.
"I am good~ How about you?" The purple-haired CPU asks.Ā 
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
"I-I want rough sex, now. So start dropping those clothes Neppy." (wops)
"H-Hold up Blanc. R-Right now?!"Ā 
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
"I-I want rough sex, now." (HAHA.)
"Noire?! You to want to do that with me toā€”?!"
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
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0 notes
nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
"I want rough sex, now."
"Oh fuck yes Plootie"
"P-Plootie your serious? But arenā€™t we both girlsā€”?"
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
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Ultra flat Nep is best Nep.
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
"I want rough sex, now." send this demand and see how my muse reacts.
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
Hearing a loud call, the CPU looked over at the unfamiliar being. Maybe she should help? Rushing over to the other, the purplette stood by the other, without saying anything, she transformed into her CPU version. Without her CPU version, the things will just go on her and that wont really be much help now will it? But back on track here, the purplette killed off the dogoos' who where ganging up on him, after the fight she turned back into her normal cute self.
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"Hello there mister, I am really sorry those dogoos' tried to hurt you, but now there gone~" She replies in her normal cheerful attitude. It was pretty awkward for the girl to see a man in the presence, she had never seen any person like him walking around Planeptune. Or anywhere...but new experiences wont hurt right? She just continues to smile at him and show no feelings of being awkward, for his sake of course. Neptune hated conversations turning into a awkward silence or anything of the sort.
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nepp-tune started following you
"WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE THINGS." Ā He shook his leg, kicking off a Dogoo. Ā The dogoo landed a few feet back and bounced right back up to Poke again. Ā This time he punched it, which exploded in to strange bits. Ā That was around the tenth Dogoo he killed, and how many there were? Ā A lot more than ten.
"THIS IS RIDICULOUS." Ā The dogoo were ganging up on him now, some trying to slow his movements by covering his arms and legs. Ā He responded by shaking them off, although if he kept that up, he wouldnā€™t last very long.
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
Neptune frowned as the other declined her request. Of course, every other CPU that she had as a friend tended to their duties to tend to, everyone only Neptune dident care for making sure her nation is alright, slacking off and goofing with her friends seemed to be more important to the purple-haired CPU then anything. Taking a deep sigh, the girl shrugged at the smiling other.
"Awe...you serious Plootie?" She said, sadly. "C'mon! Everyone needs a break time to time right?" She said. The girl really wanted to be with Plutia much more then she had already had been spending with her, which was not that much contact at all really...it made the other sad that the two where so apart from each other then what there relationship was from the past..If only Neptune could see through the cheerful smile of the other, how much Plutia wanted to spend time with Neptune as much as she wanted to spend time with her..
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"Really, dont you want to spend more time with your buddie Neppy?" The purple-haired CPU asks once more. She really could care less about how she spent time with her now, working or not. It would all be alright if Plutia did not transform that's for sure, the two could have a fun time together really. Neptune was going to make sure of it. A smile, the purplette took the other's hand. "Come on! For real, we will have a awesome time, I promise~" She said to the other CPU.
Best Friends For Life
Plutia died after Neppy said Hi to her..
Wait No.Wrong Response, letā€™s try this again shall we?
For the past three months, Plutia had been busy with quests and assignments that her land had to deal with. These past months that left her all alone by herself, often tending work for most of the day gave her little time at all, overtime, the little CPU became nearly artificial. Working on such a common routine forced her brain on ā€˜autopilotā€™
Her next quest required her to goto the Hyperdimension in order to clear off someĀ business concerning the connections that both dimensions had. The tiny CPU marched off to the portal through the other dimension as she walked on her way towards the region.
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Suddenly the iris haired girl bumped into the person she wanted to see after all this timeā€¦Neptune. ā€œNeppyā€¦..ā€ The female tried her best to pull out a smile as if she wasnā€™t fatigued, ā€œNoā€¦.itā€™s fineā€¦.I have a quest to doā€¦for my nation!ā€
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
out of goddess;
oh my gosh I am so sorry for being waay absent on this account..i dident think about going on tumblr and stuff and it totally slipped my mind..i am so gomennnn
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0 notes
nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
I donĀ“t love my followers because they follow me
Ā I love them because:
a ā€œlikeā€ in a post that took me time makes my day
a *hugs* when Iā€™m sad can make all the difference
the effort to go on my ask box and talk to me makes me feel like Iā€™m worth of something
And because when you reblog something and fangirl with me I donĀ“t feel so alone
So thank you for following me
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
out of goddess;
hgggnnnn. i am so sorry for getting so distracted from drafts and such--
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i was playing ao oni while watching corpse party and i then totally forgot i was on tumblr..once again, i am sorry. i will get to drafts now!
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
Reblog if you Multiship :)
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nepp-tune Ā· 11 years
~* ļ¼Æļ½Žļ½Œļæ½ļæ½ļ½Žļ½…*~
out of goddess;
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heya everyone~ i am back for more action!! how is everyone~?
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