neo-lemon · 6 months
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neo-lemon · 1 year
every anti-milk post on this website only fuels my milk-drinking ways and makes me stronger. im drinking milk right now
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neo-lemon · 1 year
shout out to everyone who participated in the january-february mass depressive episode
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neo-lemon · 1 year
creating a whole new main account cause this one is not my main, its a fucking ask blog account :///
the name is karameme : ) this account should have more art and oc ramblings (this one has close to none lol)
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neo-lemon · 1 year
I swear to God if I had loads of money I would buy the biggest Blaze package they have and promote this image to the whole of France
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neo-lemon · 1 year
girlboss beats gatekeep (break th glass ceiling)
gaslight beats girlboss (waste her time)
gatekeep beats gaslight (just block them)
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neo-lemon · 1 year
My dad and I once had a disagreement over him using the adage "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
I said, "That's just not true. Sometimes what doesn't kill you leaves you brittle and injured or traumatized."
He stopped and thought about that for a while. He came back later, and said, "It's like wood glue."
He pointed to my bookshelf, which he helped me salvage a while ago. He said, "Do you remember how I explained that, once we used the wood glue on them, the shelves would actually be stronger than they were before they broke?"
I did.
"But before we used the wood glue, those shelves were broken. They couldn't hold up shit. If you had put books on them, they would have collapsed. And that wood glue had to set awhile. If we put anything on them too early, they would have collapsed just the same as if we'd never fixed them at all. You've got to give these things time to set."
It sounded like a pretty good metaphor to me, but one thing I did pick up on was that whatever broke those shelves, that's not the thing that made them stronger. That just broke them. It was being fixed that made them stronger. It was the glue.
So my dad and I agreed, what doesn't kill you doesn't actually make you stronger, but healing does. And if you feel like healing hasn't made you stronger than you were before, you're probably not done healing. You've got to give these things time to set.
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neo-lemon · 1 year
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neo-lemon · 1 year
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gay irl
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neo-lemon · 1 year
the only notes next to his first ever character design were ‘“i swear this is not a wig”’ and ‘“NO I AM NOT A FURRY”’
now he’s my favorite character in my entire fucking cast and he has a very wild story ig
 i love creating ocs
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i am plagued by silly character loving thoughts
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neo-lemon · 1 year
my favorite headcanon is that akito is a very physically affectionate guy. it’s just second nature to him! but he also likes maintaining that sort of Tough Guy persona so if anyone ever points out his cuddly habits he gets really really really really really embarrassed. and denies it
but like. he’s a hugger! hugs are hellos and goodbyes to him. he likes throwing an arm around a friend’s shoulders while they walk together. he’s the type to grab someone’s hand to lead them somewhere and then just not let go. and he has a tendency to lean on people. like toya will just be standing there and then suddenly he’ll have to support half of akito’s weight because he came up behind him and pressed himself against his back and has his chin on his shoulder now
he also tends to gravitate towards kohane and start fussing with her hair because her pigtails get messy!! lots of fly aways and hat hair! vbs will be in the middle of planning a show and akito will just have kohane half pulled into his lap so he can fix her hair. he’s not paying attention <3
and if someone sits next to him for a prolonged period of time he Will end up either draping his legs across their lap or he’ll lay down and rest his head on their lap and maybe even fall asleep. for the latter though he has to be really comfortable with the person, so he usually only does it with vbs (kohane and toya end up with lap-napping-akitos more often than an does, but it’s happened and will happen again in the future) And mizuki
akito is always the little spoon. 100%. this is a guy who likes to be held. he usually has a hard time falling asleep but if someone holds him or ^ again if he’s laying on their lap and they play with his hair a little he’s out like a light.
when toya first started sleeping over at the shinonomes’ house he and akito would fall asleep on opposite sides of the bed, but he would wake up to akito curled up by his side and/or clinging to one of his arms. he didn’t mind, but the first 2 times akito woke up and found himself so close to toya he freaked out and fell out of the bed. after the second time and learning that toya really didn’t mind, akito relaxed and also started being more freely affectionate with him in general.
sleepytime cuddles are not a toya-exclusive thing. more than once during vbs sleepovers at an’s place (i imagine they all drag out a few futons and pile them with blankets and pass out sprawled all over each other) he’s ended up tucked in kohane’s arms. this one is funny because kohane is tiny but in his sleep akito will curl up so he fits perfectly in her arms
on the other hand an is a VERY messy sleeper but he’ll curl up as best as he can. one time he woke up like folded over her stomach because of how she flopped around during the night
he’s affectionate with ena too!!!! when he was little he clung to her and until he got taller, ena would carry him around. like a lot. he was all about being carried. nowadays since things are awkward and difficult (but getting better!!) it manifests more as akito letting ena take him by the arm and (literally) drag him wherever. they’re getting back into the habit of hugs, and akito will lean down to let ena kiss his forehead if she wants
and speaking of siblings: akito is soooo playful and affectionate with rin and len. when he visits the sekai they both tackle hug him and he’ll laugh and hug them and swing them around and give them noogies and mess up their hair.. he lets them use him as their personal jungle gym basically. if rin decides she wants to hang off his arm and len decides to climb up onto his back in the middle of practicing who is he to stop either of them
and he’ll be affectionate even with people he doesn’t know very well. like when vbs was helping kohane, nene, ichika, and minori practice for that fan festival minori did something really well and he tousled her hair as a little “good job!” gesture and she still hasn’t emotionally recovered
he’s a sweetie. he has a lot of love in his heart and he can’t keep it all in and so he’s really really really affectionate!!!! but again if you point it out he’ll get so flustered he won’t be able to form a coherent sentence for 5-10 minutes.
in conclusion: the world’s number one goofball ⬇️⬇️
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neo-lemon · 2 years
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Drawing tips by Disney artists Griz and Norm Lemay
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neo-lemon · 2 years
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CSP is including a feature for ai art so it's easier than ever to steal credit from artists
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neo-lemon · 2 years
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neo-lemon · 2 years
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neo-lemon · 2 years
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i need to know every language immediately
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neo-lemon · 2 years
“using keep inventory is cheating and you’re not playing minecraft the REAL way” <- this guy cant get home by jumping into a 100 block deep ravine 
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