nahra-is-healing · 3 years
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Been working on some new pixel art. I’ll post 2 of the birthday cards I made for my friends. I will try again <3
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
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So, I’m not quite sure who this is suppose to be. They look like one of those little aliens from TMNT. On a whim I called them Cyberpunk.
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
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I was just messing about with shapes and colours and this is the result!
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
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This is the full version of my simple lamppost I did for Cats Protection’s Purrposeful Game Jam.
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
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Here are some of the pixel art I did for my entry to Cats Protection’s Purposeful Game Jam.
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
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Here are some of the pixel art I did for my entry to Cats Protection’s Purposeful Game Jam.
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
I found it so hard to practice drawing today. I am supposed to practice cross contouring lines but I just couldn’t get the angles right at all. I tried to draw a kleenex tissue box that was a bit crumpled, an apple and a Baby Bio bottle, but I just couldn’t do it. It didn’t look right. I don’t know how much more simple I can get and I still couldn’t get the angles right.
This doesn’t look difficult to draw, but for me at the moment it was impossible.
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Feeling pretty down. I need to pick myself up and try again tomorrow.
Someone suggested using images online, so I’ll use a random object generator to help practice. I will get better.
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
i 2.0
I finally got out to pick up my art supplies! Feeling happy to have them, but intimdated. Now I *have* to do my art and can’t avoid it. So, this is my eye drawing 2.0 for my Udemy art course. Of course I can find a million things wrong, but I will get better as time goes on. Practice practice practice! I draw this with a 3B penic on a sketching pad.
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
I didn’t manage to post yesterday as I was having a bit of a brain fart.
Job searching has really taken it out of me.
I had a nice chat with a good friend of mine about my prospects and it did help, but I described it to him like this:
You’re in a huge, dark room. You see a door with a light shining through at the other end. Behind the door is everything you could want, but there is no path, no clear way to reach it. So you are frustrated and disheartened that you cannot make it to the shining door.
One thing that really made me happy was my friend loved the video I made. She will show it to her students. I hope they are happy to see me again. I miss them a lot. I hope they are growing up into happy young adults.
I did a little doodle of my dog Prince last night in bed (it was the only thing I really managed to do) so I will post that tonight.
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
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So, I am starting drawing again after 10 years. I have started an online art course on Udemy. I hope I can improve and not destroy myself before I’ve even started with my own lack of self confidence.
The first task what to draw an eye. I drew on a Wacom drawing pad, but I think it would be better to use a sketch pad and pencils for this course. My anxiety is really high posting, but I need to try my best and be strong.
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
After working so hard, it’s finally finished! My video is done! Yaaay! I felt like I was making a full two hour movie, not an 8 minute short vlog style video.
I’m very happy to have the project sent off to my friend.
Now I can begin getting back into drawing! Hurray! I will get back to video games tonight I should assume.
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
Light at the end of the tunnel!
I’ve finished the video! But... It’s 123GB!! I will be trying to encode it to make it smaller.
I guess this is what it’s like being a newbie at video editing.
I want to send my video to my friend by tonight!
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
Nothing to report.
Just.... a little... bit... longer. I’ve nearly, nearly, nearly done my video.
If I can get the subtitles done tonight, I can work on the music tomorrow, then I’ll be done!
Please, just let it end!
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
Same old, same old
I didn’t manage to play anything last night. I applied to one game tester job. Fingers crossed it all goes well, but it seems a bit...off. I’m not sure.
I’m really making progress with my video. I hope to have it done soon.
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
Different day, same story
I’m still feeling under the weather, sadly. My head’s been pounding like a drum, so no games thus far. I really want to play something.
I’ve been getting on with my video edditing, I hope I can get that finished soon.
It’s back to job searching today, so wish me luck that something comes up!
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
Under the weather
I didn’t manage to play anything yesterday. I am feeling a little under the weather. I have a headache and generally feeling a bit meh.
I am going to work more on my video for my friend, so hopefully, I can get a good portion of it done today. I was very lucky to have a friend who knows about After Effects have a look at my video and give me some good criticism.
Hopefully, I will feel better today so I can play something!
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nahra-is-healing · 4 years
There’s a rocket in my pocket
I’ve been working on my video for my friend. I’m trying to learn Adobe After Effects. It’s looking alright. Nothing special. I hope to get it done soon!
*There will be spoilers*
Saff and I continued Resident Evil 2 Remaster. We cautiously went through the greenhouse and were greeted with some horrific plant zombies that can only be killed with fire or they keep coming back stronger. Saff devised his strategy of doing a blast of fire with the flamethrower until the plant zombies had died to save on fuel. It worked well!
We discover from watching a videotape that a man called Dr Birkin was murdered by mistake by a member of special forces for the G-Virus.
We steal the virus which triggers the bases’ lockdown and self destruct sequence. Not good! We attempt to make our way out of the base when we are greeted by our friend zombie scientist man. Annette comes to our rescue with some kind of gun with acid? ice? I’m not sure. She calls zombie scientist “William”. It is then we discover that just before his death, Dr Birkin injected himself with the G-Virus. Oof. Zombie William grabs Annette and slams her against a wall. Ouch!
Thus began the final battle with Zombie William. To avoid getting hit right off the bat, Saff used a flash grenade to stun him, ran around him and shot him with the mag gun. It seemed to work well until he threw massive canister things at us. We got William on the second try though.
Poor Saff had too many things in his inventory. He must have had over 120 handgun bullets in his inventory and didn’t use a single one of them. He got rid of his combat knife and a flash grenade to make room for all the goodies around the boss arena.
We met back up with a dying Annette, where she informs us that Ada is not FBI, but a mercenary! We trusted her!! We made our way back to Ada where Leon confronted her about her intentions. Ada, no! How could you?!
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Annette shoots Ada in a dying attempt to stop the G-Virus from escaping the base. The base begins to crumble, Ada falls from the balcony, but Leon catches her. Unable to keep her from falling, Ada asks Leon to take care of himself before she slips from his fingers. Ada...No...
We had 10 minutes to make our way out of the base when we see Claire over a video monitor. Haven’t seen her in a long time! Unfortunately, communication was too poor for us to hear each other.
As we were escaping, Mr X decides he just needs to have one more pop at us. For goodness sake, leave us alone! We’re trying to escape here!
We made it to the elevator shaft, where we begin the final confrontation with Mr X. Saff decided this was the perfect time to use all 7000 handgun bullets he’d picked up along the way. Leon, unfortunately, got skewered the first try. We tried again and along with my annoying “MOVE NOW!” commentary, we did well. Fortunately for us, a blessing from the heavens occurred. Ada, who is still alive through sassy magic, threw us a case with a rocket launcher in. We blow right through Mr X’s annoying face and finish him. AMAZING! Take that!
We make it to the train station and jumped on a moving train, where we meet up with Claire and.... a child? O.K.
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I really enjoyed watching Saff play. I think I will play as Claire in a lower difficulty though. It’s not that I don’t think I can handle the harder difficulty, it’s just maybe if it’s a bit easier I can feel less stressed. We’ll see!
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