naeonion · 4 months
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miguel o'hara x male reader !!!!
?!??!? — cults , murder , implied infant death , implied unhealthy relationships , dead dove: do not eat , sfw , cryptic , light worldbuilding/lore , might make this into a series
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The forest is your domain. The wild, the rain soaked dirt, the quiet movement of leaves shuffling, the little beetles crawling on the floor, the lizard hiding on the tree - that is your domain. It is your home. You were here first, you will be here last. It breathes when you do, it thrums and thumps with each of your heartbeat. It will take you underneath when you begin to rot away, it will resurrect you, just as ir has before.
Humans, for all their cleverness and inventions, do not belong in the forest, in the wild. Years ago, perhaps, but not anymore. You will not let them poison your forest, you will not let them destroy it, just like they have destroyed everything else. It is only your thickened and hardened skin that saves you from their bullets and blades when you crush their throats with your bare teeth, holding them in place, and ease them of their impurity.
Usually, you did not let anyone step foot within your domain. But this one was different. The nearby town had caught on to the beast - to you - living within the tall trees and thick greenery. It was only the townsfolk people, with the knowledge they passed over to him, that he had offered up some items.
The body of a full grown sheep, of a couple coins, and a pomegranate. He had offered it to you, staring at you whilst you hid within the shadows of your domain, seemingly meeting your eyes. He had said he would offer more if you let him and his people live in your domain, in your forest. He had left, clever lamb, knowing he would not see you.
You had taken his offerings and let he and his people, a little group, walk through your forest and settle down.
You watched them, watched them do their little rituals and Human things, watching how they spoke and moved and lived and breathed. Your eyes would watch sight of little children, of babies with impurities being offered up to the man who had given you offerings, and they would disappear in a small building. An hour or two would pass, and the townsfolk would be quiet as the man would hand over the tiny corpse to the people, who would bury it somewhere.
You'd watch them, of course. Not because you cared about their traditions, no, not because you cared that something had happened to the young offspring.
It was just a snack, an easy prey, even if it no longer breathed.
The man from before, the one who offered you something, the one who had made the babies with impurities no longer impure, had come to talk to you again, stopping just inches from the outskirts of the trees the lined the clearing they settled in.
Another request, another offering; some would try to escape tomorrow, some would try to leave. This man, pretty, the leader perhaps, had asked you to ensure they do not get away - food, he said, they could be your next meal.
The man had offered a slab of meat, raw, still dripping with blood.
You had stepped out from the shadows, long limbed and sharp, bulky, with fur splattered across, with teeth far too sharp and horns spiraling from your head, sharp spiked fans on your face, eyes non-Human. And the man, pretty pretty pretty, had stared, pupils dilating.
You had taken the slab of meat without so much as a word and had slunk back to the shadows, to the forest, to your domain.
You obediently followed. Some tried to escape, whipping through your forest, but they did not know your domain like you did. It had been easy to tear them to pieces, drenching yourself in their blood, feasting on them.
You had preserved a skull of theirs and had given in to the man when spoke to you again.
That was his name.
Miguel, and he had taken the skull you got him as if it was holy.
And then Miguel looked at you as if you were Holy.
You weren't.
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naeonion · 7 months
Hi!! For monster high do you go based off the new show or the old one?? (I haven't seen any of the new one that's why I'm asking lol).
I write G1 and G3!!! <3
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naeonion · 8 months
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naeonion · 8 months
Hello, my name is Cibulet and I'm new to posting things on tumblr. Please have mercy on me as English is not my native language. If I have any mistakes let me know in a good way. B)
(I don't really know how to use the app either).
I write only for male reader. I write all kinds of things and themes, just ask without any problem! I think I really have no limits in writing bizarre things, so feel free to ask without any shame.
I write poly and I can also make female characters to genderbender. As long as it's gay couples all good!
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- League of legends
- Monster high
- Ever after high
- Marvel
- Dc
- Valorant
- Star Wars
- South Park
- Genshin Impact
- Fnaf
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This is going to be updated. I can write for more things, but this is the main thing. When I start posting things I will make a master list of all my writings. Have a nice day!
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