myzetauniverse · 14 days
I have about 300 pages of fanfiction snippets and "middle of nowhere - off topic - may happened scenes" about Old Shatterhand and Winnetou...so here is one. Po prérii
uběhli snad stopadesát mil. Ve skutečnosti to bylo jen šest, ale to nic na únavě neměnilo. Ozvaly se všechny staré, sotva zhojené rány, usnul někdy mezi tím, než si sundal boty a přehodil přes sebe pletenou deku. Probudil ho necitlivý dotek na nedávno zraněném rameni. “Je Old Shatterhand připraven? Mustangové čekat nebudou”. Zvedl se z lůžka, rukama si pročísl vlasy, však koním bude jedno, jestli se stihl oholit a učesat. Ze všeho nejradši by si lehl zpátky a spal další tři dny. Vinnetou se s ním nijak nemazlil. Chceš se stát zálesákem? Bude to bolet. Ani malý lovec Sam Hawkens s blonďákem nezacházel jinak. “Mladý sir, to jsou dark and bloody grounds” Tady přežijí jen dva typy lidí. Ti, co si zvyknou na denodenní utrpení, ale neztratí duši, a pak ti, co duši ztratí a způsobí utrpení druhým. Není nic mezi tím. Welcome to America.
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myzetauniverse · 29 days
Sometimes I am simply too lazy :-D :-D
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myzetauniverse · 1 month
This is so cute!!!
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Best boyfriends <3
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myzetauniverse · 1 month
I would be scared of not sliding fast enough, getting stuck in the bottom part of the loop, and drowning, without having any chance to get out! I love water parks, but whoever invented this one was simply insane...
i’ve seen a lot of really messed up images in my time on the internet, weird fetish shit, even a few IRL gore images but nothing. NOTHING evokes such a deep seated, gut wrenching fear in me like this image of the fucking water slide from Action Park with the loop in it
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myzetauniverse · 1 month
The complete list of all languages spoken by Old Shatterhand
According to Karl May's library catalogue
Languages are listed as in the catalogue (WHAT criteria did he use? I think he sorted them by continent...)
German (obviously)
Arabic (Moroccan and Egyptian dialects)
Persian (Farsi)
Cuneiform (Assyrian, Babylonian, Akkadian)
Syrian (dialect of Arabic)
Sanskrit and Hindi
Chinese (not specified which, probably Mandarin)
Ainu (language spoken in Northern Japan)
Kiriri (language spoken in South America)
Gitana (language of Spanish Roma)
Ancient Egyptian
Dinka (language spoken in South Sudan)
Kolh (language spoken in Kolhapur, India?)
Fulani (senegambian language)
Swahili (Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique)
Tigres (language spoken in Eritrea and Sudan)
Namaqua (Khoisan language spoken in Namibia, Botswana, South Africa)
Harari (Ethiopia)
Bari (South Sudan)
Ghat (Tuareg language spoken in Algeria, Lyber, Niger)
Papuan languages
North American Indigenous languages (most of them, but only a few words each)
Modern Greek
(Mischief and Chaos)
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myzetauniverse · 1 month
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This is genuinely how I imagine Winnetou. The book is a reprint from the late 1890's.
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myzetauniverse · 1 month
I have visited 29 States here in the US. And whenever some dummy rolls his eyes saying "Americans are so shallow and so stupid for mistaking Czechia for Cerna Gora or Croatia", I would love to give them a map of US and let him name all 50 and place them correctly on the map. I am 100% sure most would have a problem to correctly distinguish Ohio from Oklahoma and Nevada from Nebraska...
Buckle up, European and Foreigner Tumblypoos, because I'm about to learn you a thing about AMERICA.
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You see these delectable motherflippers? These are called STATES. You stupid foreigners might not be able to wrap your head around this, but basically they're administrative subdivisions of the country.
And here's the thing: They are totally heckin' different from each other! For instance, New York:
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Looks TOTALLY DIFFERENT from Kansas:
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And they both look TOTALLY different from California!
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So before you make fun of an American for not knowing where tiny third-world countries like "Check Republic" or "South Korea" are, maybe think about how much we have to learn about the unique regional differences in our OWN country. Maybe you should think about AMERICA more.
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myzetauniverse · 2 months
I sometimes like to think KM sees all of us, the fans who still deeply love his works, his heroes, and his idea of people loving and respecting each other, living together despite skin color, race, origin, or religion. And that it makes his soul happy. He gave a true belief in humanity to several generations. Thank you, Mayster!!!
Please look at these two women doing cosplay (of male characters!) in the 1890's. Imagine the two of them going to the photographer's with their costumes and explaining what they want. It makes me wonder what fan culture was like in the 19th century.
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myzetauniverse · 2 months
Please look at these two women doing cosplay (of male characters!) in the 1890's. Imagine the two of them going to the photographer's with their costumes and explaining what they want. It makes me wonder what fan culture was like in the 19th century.
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myzetauniverse · 2 months
I love this fic!!! I love the way Winnetou knows everything about his Sharlih. I love the idea that OS's old wounds and scars sometimes hurt. Everybody who ever been hurt knows that feeling. It is very human, very well written, and I wish she wrote more of KM fanfics.
Ehm… hahá, moje první dokončená fanfikce s Vinnetouem a Old Shatterhandem :-) Zároveň po deseti letech a mnoha desítkách tisíc slov napsaných do šuplíku první věc, co někde zveřejňuju… oh no :D
Je to good ol´ ASMR trash, just the way I like it. Notak třeba se najde někdo, kdo si nebude myslet, že je to naprostá sračka, to by bylo hezké, ale jako není to nutné :D
Btw ocením návrhy na název, pač já a názvy se poměrně dost míjíme.
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myzetauniverse · 2 months
Honestly, I do not know. I have only seen these places and I know for a fact it used to be a land many immigrants from let's say central Europe went there. And I believe Carpio's story is based on someone real, yes...
I wonder how Karl May decided that Winnetou was going to be a Mescalero Apache specifically. Did he throw a dart on his map? Thoughts?
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myzetauniverse · 2 months
I know that during the 19th century, the areas of nowadays Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico lay, became home to many immigrants from Europe - namely Germans, Austrians, Czechs. You can still see things like "painted churches", there are towns and villages with many descendants of these people. I have visited some. Karl May probably knew this, I would not be surprised if for example the story of Carpio has been based on someone he used to know...
I wonder how Karl May decided that Winnetou was going to be a Mescalero Apache specifically. Did he throw a dart on his map? Thoughts?
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myzetauniverse · 2 months
That sounds like a good fanfiction prompt for Old Shatterhand and Vinnetou! In a way that would not have to get into "role play", but really be somewhere in wilderness, freezing their balls off, muhehe :-D :-D
honey, I was thinking that we could spice things up in the bedroom by turning the heat off and pretending to be gold prospectors in the Yukon during winter who have to have sex to avoid freezing to death. how does that sound, babe?
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myzetauniverse · 2 months
Haaaachhhh!!! I have only started reading it, and it is awesome!!! If there is something I really, really love, and what I imagine nearly every day when going to sleep, is how OSW fell asleep together. I even started a similar series a year ago. So many different things. A night when one of them is injured. A night when one or both are being cold. Both injured. Last night before OS going for a couple of months to Europe. Normal night being tired. Cudding under blankets. A night in danger when none of them really sleep. A peaceful night. A night in a hotel. A night of hot sex. A night of gentle lovemaking. A night when they snuggle close secretly. A night when one of them cries...Gosh, where should I stop? Love this idea, and tomorrow you willhave a review of your story!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful gift!!!
I wrote a new story:
This one is more on the fluffy side, to make up for last time XD. I tried and failed to make it pornographic 🤷. Oh well...
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myzetauniverse · 2 months
Oh. My. God. Oh my Scharlih. Oh my Winnetou. Both ice creams well...creamy white. Can I please get a lobotomy right now? XDXDXD
Old Shatterhand be like:
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myzetauniverse · 2 months
Exactly! That shape! In such connotations THE DARK HEAD. I mean, I have absolutely nothing against the fantasy of OS giving W a really good blowjob, on the contrary, but...OK, I want that ice cream and I hope there will be a version with white chocolate named Shatterhand. :-D :-D :-D
Old Shatterhand be like:
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myzetauniverse · 2 months
No! No! No! Just no! My slash-infected mind sees a dark head and the juicy drops around...OK, I am gonna read some OSW graphic P-18 fanfiction.
Old Shatterhand be like:
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