myriadrecs · 3 years
kang sae byeok x reader
both you and saebyeok had been approached to enter the game, you didn't tell her about it and neither did she, both too worried what the other might think
but when you woke up in the warehouse and saw her there, you were incredibly worried, as was she
when it came to stop the games, you two were inseparable, you almost died during red light green light, and if it wasn't for a random girl holding onto you, you would've died, and a part of saebyeok would've died too
you, her brother, and her mother were the only things keeping her sane
but...she needed money to get her mother, and she needed her mother to get her brother out, so she told you she was going back to the games
you couldn't do much to stop her, she told you to stay and take care of her brother, so you did
for days saebyeok hadn't returned, you had lied to her brother, saying she was out looking for their mother
but she finally came back, injured and weak, you took her to a hospital to get treated, and once she was treated, she tackled you sobbing, tightly holding onto you
the only thing keeping her alive in that place, was you, she told you every moment she felt like giving up, the thought of you smiling at her beside her mother and brother, would allow her to keep going
she told you her new dream, she wants to go to jeju island with you and her family, be happy sipping on alcoholic drinks and just...having fun, she never wants to do anything else, just be with you and her family, living perfect lives
once she healed all the way, she managed to get her mother out of the north, and then her brother out of the orphanage, after a few days you all went to jeju island
she came out to her mother, and her mother was happy she found someone she loved more than anything else in the world
her mother didn't question where and how she got the money
at some point, she made two graves with the names 'ji yeong' and 'seong gi hun' she explained to you that they were the only ones she trusted during the games, everyday she visited the graves with a new flower to give them, and stories to tell
you recall the first time she made them, she excitedly told them about her life, and how shes finally in jeju island with her family, just like she said she would be
the two of you ended up opening a small shop, for scented candles and other waxes
it did really well, and you could make a living off of it
one night you and her were lying on the ground, watching fireworks  cuddled up on a blanket, smiling at the sky, she was in awe at the beautiful fireworks, but she told you she'd never see anything as beautiful as you
you giggled and kissed her cheek, but she pouts at you "you missed" she said, leaning over to press her lips against yours, smiling into the kiss, she breaks it moments later, leaning her forehead on yours
"im hungry" she laughs "way to ruin the moment" she jokes, slowly sitting up with you, ready to go back inside, ignoring the fireworks, too focused on you to care about anything else
she wouldnt want her life to be any other way
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myriadrecs · 3 years
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“A FUCKING WHAT?” Tommy would have never thought his baby brother would stoop at this level. They’ve already dealt with Tatiana Petrovna and nearly met their match with a Russian orgy, so why you?
Maybe he shouldn’t be asking that to himself or to his family. It was Finn; young man, a follower, and he can be filled with surprises at times. 
“A Russian… assassin.” Finn cleared his throat. “They’re amazing, Tom. Whoever you send them for, they’ll do it in a heartbeat. I was almost a bit intimidated by them, but what of it?”
“So with that said,” Tommy shook him by cupping his chin. “Have they ever considered killing you one day, eh, Finn? Without warning?”
“If I break their heart,” he replies. “If.”
TAGLIST: @ladyxblake @lotsoffandomimagines @amirahiddleston @thethyri @woahitslucyylu @myriadimagines @fangirlsarah16 @your-pixels-are-showing @lucillethings @sirkekselord @kaetastic @champagneholland @locke-writes @multifandomfix
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myriadrecs · 3 years
in honor of falling in love with the powerhouse that is six of crows, i created a uquiz called “what grisha order are you?” indulge me (and yourself) by taking it and tagging your results!
the accuracy is based on vibes alone, but everyone loves a dubiously accurate, tumblr certified deep™ uquiz.
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myriadrecs · 3 years
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requester: anon ​​// request here
It was a longshot of a plan gone wrong, just you and a clunker of a ship sent out to Tatooine undercover. Less than a day passed before you were discovered, and with the Rebel Alliance spread thin, you had little hope of a speedy rescue.
Or any rescue at all.
The cell was underground somewhere, cold and damp, with no place to feel comfortable enough to even try and get some sleep. The yells of the others in the cells around you was enough to keep you awake, along with the looming threat of worse punishments.
When you first saw the shadow along the stone walls, you froze with terror, wondering who was sneaking around the halls of his palace, doubting they were friendly. Your breath caught in your throat when the trespasser’s helmet came off and you saw it was Cassian.
“Y/n!” he exclaimed, though his voice was still hushed. “I’m going to get you out of here.”
“You came,” you said in disbelief. “You guys came.”
“I wasn’t going to leave one of our best spies behind,” Cassian said as he unlocked the cell door. “You all right?”
“I’ve been better,” you said as you stumbled over the threshold, realizing you were weaker than you thought.
“Here,” Cassian said, pulling off his jacket and wrapping you in it, the warmth a welcome, the first comfort you had in days. “It’s going to be tough to get out of here. Are you ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
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myriadrecs · 3 years
~ peaky blinders reacting to you sending them a “you can’t ask why but i need help hiding a body” text
requested by anonymous
includes: tommy shelby, john shelby, michael gray
warnings: mentions of a dead body? lmao
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masterlist | buy the author a coffee
tags: @your-pixels-are-showing / @myriadimagines / @imaginesbymk / @fangirlsarah16 / @lithiumarchangel / @johnnyshellby / @woahitslucyylu / @gruffle1 / @gracie-pie / @kaetastic / @obsessedunicorn24 / @curlyhairedblueeyedangel / @thingsforimagination / @lucillethings / @thedarkqueenofavalon / @zeldafreak688 / @multifandomfix / @becausewhyknotme / @natasha-danvers / @mezhlauk / @champagneholland / @shelundeadxxxx / @ann-writes-things / @lozzypoz321 / @pikablindada / @xspideyboyx / @beth-winchester21 / @simonsbluee / @ravenmoore14 / @rabeccablake / @inglourious-imagines / @bonniesgoldengirl / @ta-ka-shi-ma / @mollybegger-blog / @disneylaanddicaprio / @alwaysfangirlingish / @czarinera / @locke-writes / @smallheathgangsters / @crapimahuman / @tvwhoresblog
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myriadrecs · 3 years
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requested by anon || GIF IS NOT MINE || TAG LIST: @sophieshelby ; @charmingvalkyrie ; @inglourious-imagines ; @fairyofvoid ; @locke-writes ; @regalbanshee ; @captainshazamerica ; @lotsoffandomrecs ; @flowers-in-your-hayr ; @too-spoopy-to-be-frukd || WARNINGS: LANGUAGE
"Are you nervous?" your father had turned his head to face you, slightly moving the cigar he had been smoking for about ten minutes in his hand. The living room was illuminated partially, in a way that casted shadows upon his face.
"Bloody hell, yes" you sighted and took a sip of your drink, leaning back on the comfortable couch as you stared back at him with a serious expression on your face. When you had came down in the middle night, incapable to sleep due to anxiety, you had not expected to find your father also awake but now... you were glad you were both having that moment. "What if I'm wrong about this? Marriage? Now? With everything that is going on... perhaps I should wait"
For a moment, Tommy didn't say anything. He kept looking at you, as he took the cigar to his lips and smoked. He pulled it away and then released the smoke from his parted lips. "Our lives will always be troubled, (Y/N)" he took another smoke. "If you decide to wait for a better moment, it may not come after all"
You took in his words with a deep breath. "Then you're sure I am doing the right thing?"
"I am not sure of anything. You" he pointed the cigar in your direction for a long moment. "are the one who was to be sure"
You sighted again and nodded, agreeing with him. You thought about his words, and he was right. Being a Shelby, time was never good. But you were in love, with someone who loved you back. You had a chance to be really happy. Wasn't that worth it? Yes, it was.
"Thank you, dad" you said, smiling at him. He smiled back at you softly. You took another sip of your drink before speaking again. "Never took you for someone who would give relationship advice"
Tommy looked away from you and took another smoke. "Shut up, (Y/N)" the sound of your laugh filled the living room and Tommy, genuinely happy, smiled again.
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myriadrecs · 3 years
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“Wait, they lived in New York?”
“No, they lived in Toronto. Were you even listening?” Tony questioned. You hated this. You hated it a lot. Natasha smiled beside him, looking over at you. To say you were embarrassed was an understatement. Your love life has been, to put it nicely, a flop. The partners you brought home were less than ideal, especially to your friends. You rarely introduced them to Nat or Tony, but when you had to, you knew there’d be jokes and quips at your expense. If it wasn’t their looks, which were a little petty you had to admit, it was their careers, their attitudes, everything. Natasha told you constantly, you were dating below yourself. You were an Avenger, you saved the world, and yet here you were, listening to bad acoustic guitar demos and sitting through uncomfortable dinners because you were too scared to let someone down gently. 
“We get it guys, I have poor taste… “ You admitted, trying to hide your face. It wasn’t bad, you just didn’t know how to say no. They both knew that, that you were too nice. Even when you weren’t interested, you still gave them your number, taking theirs, making awkward, often panful small talk with someone you had zero chemistry with. Both Natasha and Tony tried to be your wingmen, wanting to set you up with someone equally smart, equally driven, someone you wouldn’t dread every second with being around, but those never worked out either. You considered giving up dating forever, but you were called dramatic. All you had to do was say you weren’t interested, but that was a lot easier in theory. They were so sweet, you couldn’t bear to let them down… .
“What? No, don’t give up on love. These stories are the highlight of my day.”
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myriadrecs · 3 years
Hey Ace, could I request HC for Oikawa dating the captain of the cheerleading team?
oikawa tooru dating the cheerleading captain would include...
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It sounds like a cliche, the captain of a sports team dating the head cheerleader
Oikawa could give a damn about cliches after he first lays eyes on you. After you cheer at one of his games, Oikawa can’t stop himself from approaching you
He doesn’t hold back when he walks up to you either. Oikawa boldly tells you how attractive he thinks you are and asks for your number
“I appreciate you cheering me on cutie. Let me thank you by taking you out to dinner”
Of course you agree because this is Tooru Oikawa we’re talking about. It doesn’t take long for you to become a power couple
Now whenever you cheer at volleyball games you cheer the loudest for Tooru. You’re there to support the whole team but let’s be honest in the end you’re Oikawa’s personal cheerleader
Oikawa giving you his athletic jacket whenever you get cold in your little uniform. Everyone knows your his that way
Your boyfriend thinking you look so hot in your cheerleading uniform, which he talks about all the time. Please compliment him back or he’ll get pouty
“You always look so good in that skirt, cutie”
“Your butt doesn’t look too bad in your volleyball shorts, handsome”
The fact that you look so good in your uniform distracts Oikawa during games. Cue Iwaizumi hitting him for staring at you instead of paying attention to the match
You being a cheerleader gives Oikawa the perfect opportunity to make inappropriate jokes about how flexible you are
Tooru helping you practice your routines. He’s not afraid to pick up a pair of poms poms and do choreography with you
You guys are literally that couple that everyone envies 🤩💅🏻 I’m jealous
masterlist | buy the author a coffee
tags: @curlyhairedblueeyedangel / @thingsforimagination / @zeldafreak688 / @natasha-danvers / @simonsbluee / @ravenmoore14 / @rabeccablake / @bonnisimpparker / @sunflowerirl / @czarinera / @sirkekselord / @tvwhoresblog / @leighbechilling / @curiouslilbeast / @taurus852 / @styxiasstuff / @goldenhoney-cas / @crapimahuman / @hp-hogwartsexpress / @nnmesis / @xspideyboyx / @lsiscool / @chesirekittycat
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myriadrecs · 3 years
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All of them laughed. Frenchie couldn't breath, scared he was going to pee his pants. Petite Hughie, so funny, so naive. Everyone had a crush on you. If it wasn't your sweet accent making every rude word sound like honey, it was the mysterious way you suddenly appeared and disappeared into people's lives, as if you simultaneously always been there and never existed at all. You were smart, and beautiful, and fucking dangerous. And, you just so happened to be Frenchies baby sibling. He knew the kind of people you went for, the relationships you wanted, and Hughie couldn't compete. He wanted picnics in the park and singing in the car. You wanted no attachments, emotional distance, the kind of thing you scold share the bed and never speak again. Dating was dangerous when you were involved, so you chose not to do it all. But you liked Hughie, in a different way than the others. His gangly, nervous, slightly pessimistic way was almost endearing, like an awkward giraffe.
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myriadrecs · 3 years
Please could you do more agatha harkness with a daughter? i’ll love you forever!
Sure! I’m combining this request with @dreamydanvers‘ request. 
Bringing Her Back
Summary: Y/N sacrificed herself so her mother could be saved in the Salem Witch Trials. In Westview, Agatha brings her daughter back. 
Permanent Taglist: @stephanieromanoff
MCU Taglist: @procrastinatingsapphictrash @okkulta @sarahp-stan @ineffablebean @summerlovingbaby
Agatha Taglist: @nyx-aira @midnight-lestrange @sarahp-stan @thelanawinterrs
Request to be on a Taglist (or multiple) HERE!
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Ever since Y/N had sacrificed herself in the Salem Witch Trials for her mother, Agatha had carried the guilt, even if it wasn’t directly her fault. The only thing that motivated her was her determination to revive her daughter. She used a spell to preserve her soul, but the trickier part was bringing Y/N to life again.
In Westview, Agatha had some hope. She saw how Wanda brought Vision back and was determined to do the same. She studied Wanda’s powers and eventually was able to conduct a spell to bring Y/N back.
The moment she saw her daughter, standing there just like how she remembered, just like all those years ago, she bursted into tears and gripped her tightly, feeling incredibly happy that her dream had come true. 
“Are you alright, Mom?” Y/N asked through a giggle as she hugged Agatha back. 
Agatha, confused, stepped back and wiped her tears. “What do you mean, hun?” She asked, baffled by how Y/N was so comfortable being alive again.
“Well, I just thought you'd be happy considering we just escaped from the Coven,” Y/N said with a shrug. 
Agatha blinked and her jaw almost dropped before she quickly composed herself. Y/N didn’t remember anything . . . and she wasn't even aware enough to question where they were in Westview. The realization pained the brunette and she knew that her next step was to bring back Y/N’s memories. 
“Yes, oh yes. These are happy tears! Now, why don’t you go to the park and meet some kids your age?” Agatha covered with a suggestion, smiling and nodding when Y/N agreed and turned around and left their house. 
As soon as the door closed, Agatha let out a breath of relief and turned around, heading back to her spell book to study.
Y/N had been walking for long when she spotted Wanda’s house and saw Tommy and Billy in the backyard, playing. She neared them, a little shy. While she wanted to meet them, she didn't feel comfortable going straight up to them, but it ruined out that she didn't have to. When Tommy saw her, he called out to her, even if she was a couple years older than them, and invited her over. 
After 30 minutes of talking and playing, Wanda stepped outside, and a brief frown crossed across her face when she saw Y/N, who she didn't recognize. The redhead reached into her mind, not remembering seeing her before, and soon saw flashes of Agatha’s magic, which made her gasp. 
“Billy, Tommy, go inside,” Wanda said with an edge to her voice. No one noticed how she was glaring at Y/N. 
Both boys said goodbye to Y/N and ran inside, and Y/N got to her feet to leave. However, Wanda intervened. 
“What are you doing near my children, Agatha?” Wanda said dangerously. 
Y/N turned around, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. “What-?” She started to ask. 
Wanda didn’t have the patience and wasn’t going to take who she thought was Agatha playing “dumb” (even though she wasn’t) and blasted at her with her powers, throwing her back and into the air and being held there. 
“Answer me!” Wanda yelled, her anger getting the best of her as her eyes flashed red.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Y/N said, getting scared. Wanda had powers?! Why was she in the air? Why was Wanda calling her “Agatha”?
Wanda sent a blast of red energy at Y/N which was so big and powerful that it hit her entire body, making her scream and throw her head back in pain. However, it also made her remember everything. What she had done, how she had sacrificed herself, and how her mother brought her back to life. 
After searching in her spell book for awhile, Agatha started to get this feeling. A motherly instinct that something wasn’t right. Hoping it was nothing, it wouldn’t stop nagging her until she made sure, Agatha put her spell book aside and left her house, eyes widening when she saw her daughter in the air, being attacked by Wanda.
Agatha leapt off, flying into the air and flied over, blasting Wanda with her magic and then using her magic to catch Y/N before she hit the ground. As Vision rushed outside to take care of his now unconscious wife, Agatha put her arm around Y/N and led her home, not saying anything until Y/N was on the couch.
“Are you okay? What happened? I swear I’ll hurt that stupid woman for what she did . . .” Agatha started to ramble, her anger bubbling up inside her,  and only stopped when Y/N put her hand on her mother’s. 
The brunette stopped talking and looked over at her daughter, who was giving her a small smile, and she took a deep breath, calming down. 
“A little in pain but some rest will do me good . . . but something happened. I-I remember everything that happened, back at Salem,” she said, taking a moment to live in her thoughts and her memories to not become overwhelmed.
Agatha gasped, putting her hand over her mouth as she smiled, and immediately sat on the couch next to her daughter, pulling her into her arms. “Oh, sweetie, thank god. I’ve missed you so so so much and ever since I’ve been trying to get you back,” she said, feeling her happy tears starting to come again. 
Y/N smiled, happy to be with her mom, even if she was just attacked. She wasn’t quite sure what was going on but she knew everything would be alright.
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myriadrecs · 3 years
Pssst y’all take my totally super original uquiz, pick some men and I’ll grade your taste in them
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myriadrecs · 3 years
alright but here’s the real personality quiz: do you wear a fabric mask with some kind of pattern or a plain colored mask, or one of those disposable masks that they use in hospitals?
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myriadrecs · 3 years
Star Wars Preference- Whole World in Your Hands
Request: “A cute idea but how do the characters react to the reader saying ‘I can fit the whole universe in my hands’ then holding the said character’s face between their hands”
This is so late, but thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy!
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myriadrecs · 3 years
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i drew oikawa for one of my friends! :D
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myriadrecs · 3 years
Preference: The Haunting of Bly Manor.
Spending Their Free Weekend With You.
CHARACTERS: henry wingrave, jamie, owen sharma, dani clayton + rebecca jessel
REQUESTED BY: @winterxisxcomingx​
TAGS: n/a
AUTHOR’S NOTE: if i had to choose, i would want to spend a weekend with them rather than the Crain siblings tbh - enjoy!
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myriadrecs · 3 years
fellow theater kids, reblog this with your school play experiences(tm) because I live for that shit
#musicallisto#misc#KJASHDJKASD PLS#in primary school we did little mermaid but i think i was just a shimmery fish or something with two lines#but it all really started in secondary school akjshdkajsd#drama classes were required in my school from like year 7 to 9 i think???#year 7 we did macbeth and i was just part of the ensemble or whatever and i think my teacher gave me one line about an army approaching#year 8 we did lady in black?? again i was just part of the ensemble#at this point in my life i had become known amongst the drama kids for being good at crying#bc in year 8 i wrote a monologue about being a soldier in ww2 and cried my way through it#then year 9????? we did some shit where we wrote our own play and that was such a shitshow#our theatre department was so unncessarily angsty and we wrote such depressing and edgy things#i think my group did some plotline about a talent show and i had wrote a whole monologue about being rejected#then in year 10?? i think we did charlie and the chocolate factory and each character had a little group#so i was part of violet's group but then like a few weeks in i quit bc i needed to focus on igcses ajsdhkas#but i was doing drama igcse so for that we performed be my baby?? and AGAIN i had to cry bc my character's baby was put up for adoption#and i didnt know it was going to be put up for adoption so they just took my baby from me#NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE AKJSDHJKASHDAD but  the peak of my theatre career is when i made my teacher cry bc of that whole baby thing#my teacher was like 'u need to be more emotional/frazzled in this scene' so i was like 'bet' and started bawling when i got on stage#i remember my classmate who was performing with me was just stammering bc she had to comfort me and i was like spilling tears everywhere#and i cant even cry on command its just something that happeens if i work myself up enough for a scene so i didnt even expect to cry#and then after igcse i proceeded to never want anything to do with theatre again  and didn't do it for my last 2 years of high school/IB#but then for college we have an arts requirement and it was either theatre or music/art history so i did theatre aksjdhajsd#i had to perform a scene from punk rock and that was fun but asjkdhaksdas thats all folks
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myriadrecs · 3 years
now playing ~ track number seventeen
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⏮ ▶️ ⏸ ⏭ -> playlist
pairing: jj maybank x reader
warnings: mentions of alcohol
lyric: “let's do all the stupid shit that young kids do. it's me and you”
Most people looked forward to growing up but during the summer before you were set to move away for school, you couldn’t help but be sad. It was like your childhood was coming to an end and you’d have to leave all your friends behind. That included JJ. For so long you’ve been a dynamic duo of sorts and soon you’d have to separate.
Not wanting to be a downer, you didn’t bring up how bummed you were about the circumstances. Even so JJ could sense how you were feeling. Today in particular as you say on a dock, tipping your toes into the water, JJ could almost read your sad thoughts.
JJ wouldn’t say that he’s the best at comforting but he knew how to have a good time. Giving you a nudge, JJ shot you a playful grin when you gaze at him. “Cheer up, wanna go steal a few beers from my dad and check out an abandoned house on the other side of the Banks?”.
To JJ’s relief, you perked up at the idea. “Hell yeah, let’s do it!”.
Say no more. JJ pulls you to your feet and off you head to his house for the booze. It was then that JJ unintentionally reminded you of something important. Even if you were leaving soon, you shouldn’t waste your time sulking. You should be enjoying what time you have left in the Outer Banks.
You wanted to voice your gratitude but you didn’t quite know how until you and JJ finally arrived at the abandoned house, several beer cans in hand. “Thanks JJ” you say out of nowhere.
Naturally, a little confused by the randomness of your statement, JJ raised an eyebrow. “Thank you for what?”
“Thanks for reminding me it’s still okay to be a stupid kid” you laugh, cracking open one of the cans. “I almost forgot for a second”.
masterlist | buy the author a coffee
tags: @theletterhart / @curlyhairedblueeyedangel / @thingsforimagination / @zeldafreak688 / @thebookwormlife / @tiannawashere / @natasha-danvers / @samsmultifandomblogs / @xspideyboyx / @iammyownsaviour / @simonsbluee / @beyondmyownlittleworld / @brithedemonspawn / @ravenmoore14 / @rabeccablake / @big-galaxy-chaos / @czarinera / @fives-cup-of-coffee
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