The ego’s sense of lack stems from fear and guilt. Its underlying intent is self-punishment. Therefore, when we attempt to meet our own needs through the ego, we are guaranteed to attract suffering in some form.
—Nouk Sanchez, The End Of Death
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Atonement does not heal the sick, for that is not a cure. It takes away the guilt that makes sickness possible. And that is cure indeed.
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You defend against God every time you make decisions alone, or attempt to solve problems independently from Spirit. Through your defense, you give the illusory problem reality and thereby assign it power over you. Whatever you defend against, you must expect. Expectation is attraction, and what you attract must indeed manifest. It is vitally important to exhume all your unconscious fears so you can release them, in exchange for miracles.
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The cause of your belief in scarcity is the unconscious guilt you feel at believing you separated from God, which causes you to feel unworthy of receiving abundance and love.
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Belief in scarcity is the ego’s defense against God‘s Will. So if you side with scarcity, you place it as your priority above God‘s Will of endless supply. Scarcity will manifest as your reality, because you have asked it to.
The End of Death, by Nouk Sanchez
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The ego’s thought system is deprivation. The Holy Spirit’s thought system is abundance. Which you choose determines your experience.
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(Our sense of unworthiness) is just a mask that hides the guilt we are terrified to look upon.
The End of Death—by Nouk Sanchez
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I no longer give the world power over my mind. The world is just an effect of my mind, not the other way around. Therefore, it can have no power over me.
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You literally need to do nothing, for ‘need’ is an expression of the perception that there is something you lack. Because you are one with God, there is never a moment when you lack anything at all.
The Way of Mastery
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...that quality of feeling intimately one with all of creation is what you have been seeking as a soul since first the identification with a creation called ego began. For that creation created conflict and separation. Everything you have ever attempted to do since has been an attempt to overcome separation and to gain back what you felt you had lost. It is just that the ways you have sought to do it do not work.
The Way of Mastery
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A Course in Miracles
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"Everyone you offer healing to returns it. Everyone you attack keeps it and cherishes it by holding it against you. Whether he does this or does it not will make no difference; you will think he does...The cost of giving is receiving.”
—A Course in Miracles
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What if the very life you are living, and each and every experience that is coming to you now since the moment you decided, ‘I have got to awaken here,’ was being sent directly to you of your Father because your Father knows what is necessary to unravel within your consciousness to allow you to awaken? What if the very things you are resisting are the very stepping stones to your homecoming? What if you achieved a maturity along this pathway in which you were finally willing to let things be just as they are?
The Way of Mastery
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is a place deep inside of you. It is your true Home, an ever-present sanctuary of warmth and profound fulfillment that can never leave you.
When you run from your aloneness into your addictions and distractions, you will always feel lonely, disconnected from the breath and the body and the Earth.
But, in any moment, you can come Home. You can flush ‘the lonely one’ with awareness. Breathe deeply into the pain of separation, and make it whole again. Be here Now.
You can be alone, with all life. With the trees and the mountains. With the hands and the feet and the shoulders, even if they ache. With the breath as it rises and falls and rises again, effortlessly. With the sounds of the afternoon, with the evening song, with the night as it explodes out of the void.
It is perhaps the ultimate paradox. At the heart of our loneliness, at the core of our longing for life, we find an exquisite aloneness, a Oneness with all creation, our true salvation.
We find God in the forsaken pit of the psyche; we find the Divine in the abyss.
We find astonishing light in the darkness of ourselves.
This is the true enlightenment. To be alone and to be found, to be lost and to be saved, all before the moment even begins.
- Jeff Foster
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A Holy Instant is any moment in which there is no judging and, therefore, no separation
Jon Mundy, A Course in Mysticism and Muracles
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Looking Outside for What is Within: Choosing Idols Over God
           We think others cause us problems because of their actions which seem to lack love. But I don’t have a problem because you seem to lack love. Neither of us really lacks love. But we can believe we do. But in reality, nothing that happens in the world changes the fact of our perfect innocence, our perfect Oneness, our being as God created us. And if reality isn’t changed by anything that happens, then we needn’t fear nor despair over anything that happens. To do so is to believe in illusions and make them real in your mind instead of God being Real. We use these tiny made-up things to try to prove to ourselves that God is not Real, and that what we made is. Because while we believe we are in this world, the part of our mind that believes in the ego will do whatever it can to make sure the ego survives. We are trading God for fear. A hollow, painful trade. But even that is only temporary for as long as we believe it.
              But the part of our mind that remembers the feeling of Oneness with God drives us to seek to fulfill that desire for Oneness through relationships with others in the world, which can never fulfill that need. Only Oneness with God can fulfill that need. But we use every substitute we possibly can in the world. This is what the Course refers to as idols, because they are our attempts to substitute for God. We try food, pills, drugs, alcohol, sex, relationships, shopping, pornography, hobbies, books, sports, gurus, teachers, therapists, you name it. But none of it works, because none of it is God. Not even religion. Even religion is a man-made substitute for God. But it is not God. Most religions are the ego’s tool for keeping you entrenched in guilt, while you seem to be searching for God. Even a good substitute done with good intentions is still not God. Nothing can substitute for our actual Oneness with God. And it is our task to seek and find all the obstacles that we have built to block us from our awareness of God’s Love and presence within our very being. We seek everywhere outside ourselves for a God who is already inside of us, though we are unaware of it. But our lack of awareness of it doesn’t make it any less True. Nor does our believing in things of this world make them any more true, except in our minds. We search for evidence in the world that the world is true, and only pay attention to the things that validate what we already believe, ignoring the rest, and then we use this “evidence” to bolster our very beliefs, which are the only thing that makes them seem real. What if we put that same energy into validating and confirming evidence that God is Real? Or just taking down all the blocks we’ve built to our awareness of His Love? That would be energy well spent. All else is flailing at windmills and believing them the source of our power, while all the while true omnipotence lives within us in our Oneness with God, who created us out of His Infinite, Eternal, Omnipotent, Omniscient Self. It is this that we would trade for idols. It is this that we would trade to be a tiny, individual self, seemingly stuck in a body that will wither and die. Would you continue to make this choice if you knew that that was what you were choosing? You can as long as you want to, and God will not interfere, because He knows the Truth, and He knows you will eventually remember it, too. He knows what You really are and He knows only that, because the rest is just illusion. Look for messengers of the ego and you will find them. Look for messenger of God, and you will find Him. Which will you choose to look for and find?
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The emotion of Love is the evolutionary impulse of your Soul. When you tap into, understand, and own the emotions you want to feel, life opens up. You find yourself on a path of synchronicity, and what seem like miracles start to happen--not because this is magic, but when your life matches the beat of your Soul, and hence the beat of the Universe, so much more is possible.
Mastin Kipp, Claim Your Purpose
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