messyscriptorium · 5 years
@oh-beyond @weirdsofagirls Gracias por enseñarme esta maravilla!!! (or as he would say, grasias jajajaja) He’s good at everything he does, I’m mad
yixing’s spanish pronunciation is sooo good omg
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
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Request your drabble  –>  HERE
9  - “You’re soft and warm and I don’t want you to move” Fluff
22 - “If you’re so cold why didn’t you say something? Come here” Fluff
for  @messyscriptorium, thanks for all the laughs girl!
A cool breeze caressed your exposed skin making you shiver, you slowly opened your eyes only to find the other half of the bed empty as you expected. You stretched a bit, trying to wake up completely. The shirt that covered your body still smelled like him, the sweet scent made you smile reminding you all the time he asked you to give it back to him and all the time you “accidentally” put it in your bag.
You took a deep breath of pure and fresh air, filling your lungs and relaxing your mind. You shivered again, even if the sun was up in the sky the warmth of his rays couldn’t help much in the cold mountains of Switzerland.
You finally turned around, the glass doors of your suite revealing the amazing scenery of your boyfriend having breakfast on the balcony.
He was looking at the sky, his delicate skin shining like the most prestigious diamond, his soft hair messy and not styled as you both liked. He looked at peace, with a croissant in his hand and a smile on his face.
“Hey look at Mr Zhang having a proper meal and looking relaxed”
He immediately moved his eyes on you, and once again he confirmed that you were indeed the most beautiful piece of art he’s ever seen.
“Are you making fun of me?”
He asked with a wide smile on his face, his dimple showing up like most of the times he was pleased by your presence.
“Of course I am” you answered walking towards him to stop in front of his chair.
His hand immediately reached for your hips bringing you closer and kissing your stomach. His strong arms embracing your waist mentally thanking the boxing instructor once again.
“You make fun of me first thing in the morning…” he whined cutely looking at you. His hazelnut eyes staring at you behind his dark lashes, swallowing you all and preventing you to come up with any witty comment.
His hands were soft on you, gentle and delicate brushing lightly your figure to silently invite you to sit on his lap. He couldn’t take his hands for himself, hugging you once again and hiding his blushed face in the crook of your neck after scattering butterfly kisses all over you.
“I can’t move”
“That’s the point, you’re soft and warm and I don’t want you to move” he mumbled on your skin and you couldn’t help but laugh at his overload of cuteness. Yes, he was probably planning on killing you since the news of this unexpected vacation didn’t work.
Yixing was an amazing but very busy boyfriend, his schedules planned perfectly so he could fit anything he could. You never saw him rejecting a project for one reason or another: once he couldn’t do it since his dear senior asked him, the other time it was such an important task he really needed to take it, and this ended up with him working all year round with no vacation whatsoever.
And of course, it affected negatively your relationship.
It got to a point where you had to do something about it so you asked him time, time for you to think of what was going on and time for him to think about it and come to a conclusion since you couldn’t go on like that. You knew he was totally worth it, but you? Maybe not now, maybe once he was less busy, once he reached his goals.
“What are you thinking?” he asked while gently caressing your hair.
“Nothing much, just enjoying the view”
He hummed and kiss your lips softly.
“You’re so pretty, what the heck?”
You laughed with him, cherishing the way his eyes admired your features. He always looked at you with so much love, that you could feel your heart growing in your chest.
“So… After this break we took”
“It was for 16 hours Xing…” you reminded him.
Yes, it was all it took him to book a flight and a resort in the further place he could after you asked him time. It was all it took to finally decide what to do since yes, he was kind of dense in a certain aspect, but not that dense to fail to realize that your relationship was going downhill. And he wasn’t planning on letting you go, he already decided you would have been stuck with him for the rest of your life the moment you introduced yourself one year ago. “I am planning on taking a break, slow down a bit… I already told my team I won’t release the fourth album this year”
“I don’t want you to sacrifice your work for me…”
“I actually have been thinking about this for a while, my love” he whispered looking at you.
You knew it wouldn’t have last long, he said the same thing on your first date. He needed to take a break for himself, not others… he needed to realize that he didn’t need to prove anything to anyone, he was already on top.
“Don’ t look at me like that… I am serious this time… I know I said it before, I know I failed… But now …” You interrupted is broken speech with a kiss on his silky lips. Arms on his shoulders, you tilted your head looking at his beautiful face, smiling at him.
“I am 30, I love my job but right now… I want to focus on other things. I want to focus on me, my friends, my family and… you. I want our relationship to grow… I want to grow too, with you.”
He looked at you trying to read your mind and anticipate a possible disaster. You didn’t say anything when he showed at your door with tickets in his hands, never questioning his behaviour as you stepped inside the hotel he booked last minute in the middle of… pretty much nowhere. Always supporting him but never failing in being honest, giving your opinion.
You hugged him tightly, kissing his cheeks, his eyes, his nose, anything you could reach making him giggle.
“Ok? I almost died of anxiety and you say ok?”
You laughed once again at him, oh God he was really the most amazing men, wasn’t he? He started tickling you, hands replacing his shirt on your cold skin.
“Wait! Wait! Please, Xing!”
“Oh no Miss, I have no intention of letting you go. Actually, you know what? I am planning to go a full week vacation with you so you better get ready for all the tickles! And maybe some romantic dinners, but that’s not important”
“Where is my boyfriend? You look and talk like him but I am pretty sure it’s not you”
He pouted, making the puppy eyes that you know way too well. You laughed, making him lose his breath from how beautiful that sound was… mental note for Yixing: recording your laugh.
“Ok Mr Zhang, I will let you know when I can take some vacation.”
His eyes darkened, closing the distance between the two of you once again, he kissed you deeply taking your breath away. One hand on your thigh and the other one on your hip, he made you straddle him completely.
“Yixing…let’s go inside,” You said stopping his hands from opening your (his) shirt.
He licked his lips and grinned while kissing your shoulder once again.
“There’s no one here honey…”
“I know but I’m cold”
Your cute voice making him uncontrollably giggle, his hands moved to your face and your cute lips that were now pouting.
“If you’re so cold why didn’t you say something? Come here, let’s go in”
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
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[WEIBO] 190612 Zhang Yixing Studio (张艺兴工作室): #张艺兴HONEY# 距离老板张艺兴 全新EP《HONEY》6月14日上线还有两天先来一张HONEY MV剧透福利,明天正面见 ​​​​
TRANS: “2 more days until the release of boss’ brand new EP HONEY on June 14th. A sneak peak from Honey MV. The front side will be out tomorrow"
trans. by:  Layshands 和你
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
Members Applications!
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Welcome to the Exo Writers Network, this is a network dedicated to supporting writers of EXO fan fiction. If you’re interested in promoting your writing, reading other’s work, making new friends in the EXO fanfiction community, or supporting your fellow writers, this is the place for you!
Member applications are OPEN again from today, May 28th until June 7th! New members will be announced on the 8th of June.
Members of this network will have the opportunity to promote their writing among their peers and participate in various writing related events.
Applicant requirements:
Must follow the network blog.
Must reblog this application post.
Must be a writer for EXO.
Multifandom blogs are allowed.
Must have at least two pieces of writing already posted on their blog.
Must have a link to their Masterlist visible on their blog.
Check the rules.
Finally, complete this application form.
After acceptance:
You will be tagged in an acceptance post. You will need to reblog that post to confirm your acceptance.
You will also be added to a KakaoTalk chatroom, if you provided a KakaoTalk ID (this is optional).
If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message.
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
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Kyungsoo - Boyfriend material
Muchas felicidades a mi niña @sootemptation que se nos hace mayor. Te quiero un puñao <3 He aquí un pequeño regalito para ti de mí por ser tú. No es mucho, pero espero que te guste.
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
I’m so happy it finally arrived! And I’m so glad you like it. You deserve everything, niña, no lo olvides que aquí estamos para lo que necesites.
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Thank you @messyscriptorium and @sootemptation for this blond Suhito bunny! It made my whole year! I can’t believe how this came in the best of times, and how you guys know me so well. Me encanta, lo adoro!
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
Aperitivo. [M]
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Fandom: EXO
Tipo: Smut
Miembro: Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
Número de palabras: 1.642
Acabas de colocar el mantel sobre la gran mesa de madera de vuestro comedor cuando un par de cálidas manos te agarran por detrás. Sonríes pero no tienes ninguna intención de darte la vuelta porque estás segura de lo que quiere y no se lo vas a dar. Sus manos se deslizan desde tu cintura hasta tus caderas y les da un leve apretón.
—Minseok, para —dices, un ligero tono de risa en tu voz—. Tu hermana está a punto de llegar y necesitamos tener las cosas listas.
Tratas de liberarte de su abrazo, pero te envuelve aún más fuerte, su cabeza apoyada en tu hombro. Puedes sentir como entierra su nariz en tu cabello para después respirar tu perfume.
—Pero te quiero ahora —se queja—, y todavía tenemos 30 minutos. Eso es mucho tiempo para uno rapidito.
—Eres tan romántico —te burlas. Sin embargo te das la vuelta para mirarlo. Sus brazos aún te rodean.
Está increíble, como siempre. Su pelo negro azabache está peinado en forma de coma, apartado de su frente. Sus labios y su pequeña nariz están arrugados adorablemente en un puchero y sus ojos te miran con deseo. Esos ojos oscuros y penetrantes que tanto amas. Lleva una camisa blanca metida dentro de un par de pantalones vaqueros. Tener un novio tan guapo te hace sentir constantemente cohibida. Como si no fueras suficiente para él. Por suerte para ti, él no parece tener ese tipo de prejuicios porque siempre te mira como si fueras el mismo sol. Tal vez se ha quedado ciego de tanto mirar directamente y esa es la única razón por la que no puede verte bien.
Te da un corto beso en los labios mientras te mece delicadamente de lado a lado.
—Te quiero —susurra. Sus ojos se vuelven dulces. Tu corazón late muy fuerte en tu pecho y puedes sentir el rubor subir rápidamente a tu cara.
—Sólo lo dices porque quieres follarme contra la pared más cercana —le acusas, golpeando ligeramente su pecho.
—Eso no es cierto, sexy. No he dicho "te quiero" porque quiera follarte contra la pared más cercana. Lo dije porque quiero follarte sobre esta mesa.
Termina la frase con una sonrisa de autosuficiencia, señalando la mesa detrás de ti.
—¿Ah, sí? —respondes en tono provocador, acercándote a él.
El beso es lento, sensual, y puedes escucharle ronronear suavemente contra tus labios. Su boca sabe al queso que ha estado comiendo antes en la cocina y tú profundizas el beso, deslizando tu lengua sobre su labio inferior. Sus manos se mueven para agarrarte el culo mientras te empuja hacia la mesa. Cuando tu espalda choca contra el borde, dejas escapar un pequeño grito de sorpresa y deslizas las manos por la nuca de Minseok, enredando los dedos en su cabello.
Los dos os separáis, jadeando, mirándoos con ojos hambrientos y vuestras respiraciones mezcladas. Siempre ha tenido este efecto sobre ti, siempre te ha vuelto loca.
Sientes que tu cuerpo tiembla de expectación y agarras el cabello de Minseok, lo atraes hacia ti y lo llevas a tus labios para que te dé otro beso.
—Date prisa, Minseok, ¿quieres? —Jadeas contra sus labios cuando sientes que sus manos juegan con el dobladillo de tu falda.
—Oh, quién es la romántica ahora, ¿eh?
Aún así se agacha un poco para poder levantar tu falda hasta que está alrededor de tu cintura y te palmea el trasero con apreciación. Ríes de puro nerviosismo y él agarra tu otra nalga levantándote para ponerte sobre la mesa. Abres las piernas para que él pueda caber entre ellas y te besa una vez más. Podrías pasarte la vida besándolo, estás segura, pero ahora mismo quieres otra cosa.
Tus manos exploran su torso y descienden hasta que encuentras el cinturón de cuero que lleva puesto y lo aflojas con prisas. Puedes acariciar la punta de su polla ya dura con tus dedos y él deja escapar un gemido suave, sus ojos fijos en ti. Tu sangre está ardiendo, todo tu cuerpo está ardiendo y puedes sentir el latido de tu corazón contra tus costillas, emocionado. Su aliento caliente te da en la cara cuando entierra su nariz en tu cuello.
—Te necesito, pequeña —dice, mordiéndote ligeramente el lóbulo de la oreja. Tú dejas escapar un suave gemido. Sus manos acarician tus muslos para luego subir a juguetear con el elástico de tu ropa interior.
—Yo también te necesito —jadeas cuando sus dedos se acercan a tu entrepierna, pero sin acariciar dónde realmente quieres—. Por favor, Minseok.
Sus manos finalmente tiran de tus bragas y levantas el culo de la mesa para ayudarlo a deshacerse de ellas. Sus dedos apenas rozan tus labios extendiendo tu humedad, y tu aliento se queda atrapado en tu garganta por culpa del repentino contacto.
—Ah, siempre estás tan mojada. Tan mojada...
Si no fuera por el hecho de que su boca está cerca de tu oído, no lo hubieras escuchado. Claramente está hablando consigo mismo. Parece hipnotizado por la forma en que tu coño se siente contra sus dedos, resbaladizo, cálido y listo para él. Puedes sentir su fuerte brazo alrededor de tu cintura, manteniéndote cerca de él mientras su otra mano todavía está tocando tu vulva. Enredas tus tobillos detrás de su trasero y mueves tus caderas para ganar más contacto y él gruñe.
—Oh, no hagas eso, quiero que esto dure.
Tus manos agarran el cuello de su camisa, en parte para ayudarte a recuperar el equilibrio y en parte para volver a acercar su boca a la tuya.
—No tenemos tiempo —hablas contra sus labios, ambos jadeando en medio del beso, tus dientes golpeando ligeramente contra los suyos—. Tu hermana está a punto de llegar.
Refunfuña un poco, pero aun así quita los dedos de tu coño para desabrocharse los pantalones. Puedes escuchar el sonido de la tela golpeando el suelo. Sollozas por la pérdida de contacto y él se ríe.
—Que le jodan a la paciencia —murmuras molesta.
Finalmente consigues bajar su ropa interior, su pene libre para que lo agarres y él suspira de placer. Empiezas a acariciarlo lentamente, extendiendo su líquido pre seminal por todo su miembro. Gime cuando aprietas la base de su polla al mismo tiempo que acaricias la punta de su glande con la otra mano. No pierde ni un segundo en volver a poner sus dedos donde estaban antes. Su pulgar se mueve hacia tu entrada para recolectar un poco de lubricación antes de deslizarse hacia su clítoris para masajearlo haciendo pequeños círculos. Te sobresaltas ante la sensación, tu mano vacila en sus caricias.
—Por favor, Minseok, por favor —suplicas, tu voz un susurro desesperado—. Tan sólo fóllame ya, quiero sentirte dentro de mí.
El gruñido que sale de sus labios es casi inhumano. Te tira del pelo, exponiendo tu cuello para morder y tú gimoteas ante la sensación. Guías su polla hasta tu entrada y él empuja.
La primera embestida es demasiado para ti, su pene no entra completamente, así que simplemente retrocede y empuja otra vez. Esta vez te llena por completo y tú gimes en voz alta. Es una sensación deliciosa. Tus pies, cruzados detrás de él, empujan sus caderas hacia ti, queriéndolo aún más profundo.
—Podría pasarme todo el día entre tus piernas —gruñe Minseok, con los ojos fijos en tu cara, mordiéndose el labio. Descansas tu frente en su hombro, suspirando de pura felicidad.
Sus manos agarran tus caderas para mantenerte en tu lugar mientras sus acometidas son cada vez más rápidas. Tus piernas comienzan a doler y a temblar de tenerlas en el aire. Él se da cuenta y rápidamente pasa sus brazos por detrás de tus rodillas, obligándote a acostarte en la mesa.
—Relájate... tan sólo recuéstate y déjame hacer que te corras. Joder, te ves tan sexy así.
Dios, te encanta cuando dice cosas sucias. Te agarras a sus antebrazos y puedes sentir sus músculos tensos bajo tus dedos. El sonido de la carne contra la carne hace que te excites aún más, su pene te llena por completo y sus testículos golpean contra tu culo de una manera exquisita. Con cada empuje de las caderas de Minseok se forma un sollozo de placer en tu garganta.
—Desabróchate la camisa, sexy. Quiero verte jugar con tus tetas.
Difícilmente puedes hacer lo que él dice, pero te las arreglas para deshacer los primeros botones y bajar el sujetador, exponiendo tus pechos. Tus tetas se mueven al mismo ritmo de sus embestidas y pellizcas uno de tus propios pezones. Gimes y él empuja más fuerte.
—Oh, así, sigue así, Minseok —chillas—. Más fuerte, por favor, más rápido.
Él obedece, su pulgar vuelve a hacer círculos sobre tu clítoris mientras que sus caderas van más rápido y puedes sentir los principios de tu orgasmo. Retuerces tus pezones entre tus dedos, disfrutando de la sensación y después de unos segundos más, tu clímax te alcanza. Dejas escapar un largo y fuerte gemido, arqueando la espalda debido a la delirante sensación, tus paredes contrayéndose a su alrededor. Minseok todavía te está follando, pero puedes sentir que se está volviendo descuidado, sus estocadas erráticas, y se corre poco después de ti con un gruñido.
Ambos os quedáis quietos, mirándoos el uno al otro y él te sonríe, su mano acariciando tu mejilla mientras los dos recuperáis la respiración.
—Te amo.
Hay tanta ternura en su voz que te quedas sin palabras. Tienes el corazón en la garganta y necesitas toser un poco para evitar llorar. ¿Cómo conseguiste encontrar a alguien que te quiere tanto?
—Yo también te amo.
Él suspira contento y se retira de tu interior. Te quejas ante el repentino vacío, sintiendo su semen corriendo entre tus nalgas, y le oyes reír.
—Cariño, lamento tener que decirte esto, pero me temo que vamos a tener que cambiar el mantel.
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
Estoy traduciendo “Aperitivo” y os juro que llevo 4 horas con ello porque tengo que parar cada poco a respirar profundo de la grima que me está dando jajajaja
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
Tienes algo en español????
Tenía 2 fics de Harry Potter en español pero los eliminé hace ya bastante. Tengo pensado traducir todo lo que he escrito hasta ahora al español, lo que pasa es que anduve un poco liada con cosas de clase y de momento no he tenido tiempo.
Esta semana la tengo libre y quiero ponerme a ello, así que tal vez en estos días algo caiga jojojojo
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
Aperitivo. [M]
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I’m still learning how to write good smut, so I thought I might write a quick thing for practise. I would love to hear some feedback because I don’t know if I’m doing it right (?) <3
Fandom: EXO
Type: Smut
Member: Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
Word count: 1,700
You’ve just set the tablecloth on the big wooden table of your dining room when a warm pair of hands grab you from behind. You smile but don’t make the intention of turning around because you’re sure of what he wants and you’re not going to give it to him. His hands slide from your waist to your hips and he squeezes them a little.
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
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Chen - 150524 2015 Lotte Duty Free Family Festival K-pop Concert
Credit: 소년의 고백. (2015 롯데면세점 패밀리페스티벌 케이팝 콘서트)
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
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Luhan - Booty call.
Happy birthday my baby girl @oh-beyond !!
Part one of your birthday present because I’m a terrible person and I couldn’t finish part two on time hahaha
Te quiero mucho, mi niña <3
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
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I loved it, thank you so much Kara! I was honestly laughing at the final scene, just imagine it ok??? That’s something that would totally happen to me but I would be Yixing and not the girl hahahaha.
It was so cute. <3
Fourth Anniversary
Yixing x Reader
Genre: Fluff and hopefully Comedy
No Warnings! ☺️
Word Count: 1994 (I really tried my best to stay in the 1,000-1,500 range, I swear!! 😫)
A/N: Hello guys! This is the Secret Valentine (hosted by @exo-writers-net​) I did for @messyscriptorium​! She requested a fluffy comedy type fic and I tried to deliver! I apologize in advance because I am not used to writing anything shorter than 3,000 words, so this was a challenge that I didn’t succeed at whoops. That, and I have a very niche sense of humor, so I tried to go with a more general type of humor, but I don’t know if I did okay. 😅 I also meant to have this up yesterday, but work and watching m brothers got in the way, so Here I Am Posting It Now! I hope you find it satisfactory!    ~ Kara
                  It’s that time of year again. The time of year where all of the singles scoff at every pair they see. It’s the time of year where every couple either makes googly, heart eyes at each other or one or both halves of the relationship are impatiently waiting for their obligatory gift so they can split and move on with their prize. It’s the time of year where every possible thing in sight is a shade of pink or red, and where the candy is abundant but very overpriced. Yet people still spend that extra money for their significant other in the name of the season.
   It’s Valentine’s day.
   You’re doing what you always do on Valentine’s day. You’re sitting at home alone, not contacting your lovely boyfriend of four years, Yixing, in any way. You two take this one day act like you’re still moping singles for a day just for fun and irony. Well, he does, mostly. He likes making fun of the overly mushy couples because, even with as mushy as you guys can be, you both still try your best to not be that couple out in public. At first you weren’t so sure about doing this, but now it’s a fun little tradition for the two of you. Besides, you always spend the entire next day, National half-priced chocolate day, together.
   In the beginning, when the two of you first realized you had feelings for one another, you waited for Yixing to ask you out on a date. The only problem was he refused to for some reason. He hugged you and kissed you on the cheek when something special happened or when he was too happy to contain it, he told his friends that he liked you, he even told you himself that he liked you, but he didn’t ask you out. Eventually got got fed up and tried to ask him yourself, but he quickly shushed you and said he had a plan and to be patient.
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
oh my god you should continue the kyungsoo blind date fic!!! its so cute !!!!!!!!! im smiling so much right now that was great!!!
lkdfghaldjghka THANKS.
Should I?? You’re not the first to tell me that and I do have some cute and sexy ideas for it but at the same time I KNOW I suck at being constant and finishing writing the series I start so I don’t want to leave people hanging? :(((
I will definitely consider it because it was so fun to write I could do some more cute things with the idea.
Thanks for passing by and leaving a comment
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
Honest mistake was so cute. Are you going to continue it?
Hello, thank you so much anon!
I honestly don’t know, it was intended as a one shot (it was going to be a drabble but it got out of hand hahaha) so i should probably leave it like that? but at the same time I have some cute ideas for it so… i don’t know
Thanks for reading
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
Honest mistake.
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Surprise! Happy Valentine’s Day @simplyyeol I really hope you enjoy this little thing. I got a little bit carried away and I hoped I could have written more of this Kyungsoo :(
This is a one shot written for the Secret Valentine event of EXO writers network.
Fandom: EXO
Type: Fluff. Comedy
Member: Do Kyungsoo (D.O).
Warnings: None
Word count: 1528
You hated blind dates with a burning passion. You didn’t need to go on a blind date to meet someone. In fact, your main problem was that you talked too much.
Your mum had warned you that men didn’t like that. But it wasn’t your fault! You just couldn’t stand awkward silence so you overshared. How was it your fault that male ego was so fragile that they couldn’t handle anything that wasn’t the sound of their own voice? You used to tell your mother that you wouldn’t want a man who couldn’t put up with your constant word vomit, either.
But at the age of 28, your determination was starting to falter and you found yourself agreeing to a blind date your mum had organised with the son of one of her co-workers. Which explained why you were sitting in a Starbucks, all by yourself, sipping on your latte while you eyed the door nervously. You only knew his name and a general physical description your mum had provided.
Your opinion on him was already biased, though. Who chooses to go to Starbucks for a first date? A moron, that’s who. But you promised your mother to keep an open mind and to “please, make it work, uh”. So you’ve dressed nicely and even arrived ten minutes earlier to cause a good impression.
He was fifteen minutes late.
That was not a good sign and you kind of hated unpunctuality. This dude just kept losing points with you. What if he didn’t show up? You would end up all dressed up at a Starbucks on a Thursday afternoon drinking coffee all by yourself. You didn’t even have your laptop with you so you could pass as some writer or college student taking advantage of the free Wi-Fi. You would just look like someone who just had been stood up.
Just as you were grabbing your things to leave, the door opened. A guy around your age entered the café and you studied him closely. Medium height, big eyes, thick eyebrows… he was handsome in a “your mum will love me” kind of way, his grave aura making him look really serious. That must be him, right?
He was looking at you, so you tried to disguise your previous impulse of leaving the place by plastering a smile to your face while you approached him. His eyes opened wider when he realised you were walking towards him and your smile turned from fake to pleased.
“Hello, I’m Kwon Bora’s daughter,” you greeted extending your hand for him to shake. “I’m sitting at that table, so when you’re done ordering, go there, okay?”
You pointed to the table where you had left your stuff while the man was still shaking your other hand with a confused look on his face.
“Oh, o-okay, sure.”
His voice was deep but it had a tinge of amusement you didn’t miss. Before you could start talking non-stop you forced yourself to turn around and waited patiently for him to join you. Five minutes later he was sitting across from you with a very hot mug of black tea between his hands. You looked at him and you felt it. Oh, no, here it came.
“So, tell me, what do you do for a living?” you asked but before he could open his mouth, another question was leaving yours. “I’m a teacher. Young kids, you know? Do you like kids? I love them but sometimes they make me crazy, I wish they had an on and off switch, don’t you think? But they also have given me the best moments of my life. They’re so sweet sometimes and they have the most bizarre occurrences to make you laugh. One day a kid told me in confidence that our librarian was leaving the school not because she was retiring but because she had read all the books in the school’s library. Do you like books?”
Oh, dear, you were doing it again. This dude was so handsome you were too nervous your brain was on autopilot. He seemed to take advantage of your need to breathe to answer you.
“I’m not a great reader myself, sorry.” He sounded entertained by your constant talk and that was actually the worst he could have done because it only encouraged you.
“That’s okay, not everybody has to like reading, but I always say it’s because they haven’t found the right book yet. Maybe we’ll have to find you a book. Tell me, what kind of genre do you like? Mystery, maybe? Fantasy? You don’t look like the type of person who would like that. I love hist–“
Your nonsense babbling was interrupted by the sound of your phone and you threw a quick glance at it. It was your mother. You looked at him and he smiled softly before pointing at your phone.
“You can take it. It’s okay, it could be important.”
He really was trying to compensate for his tardiness and the questionable location of this date with that sweet smile of his and his attentive listening.
“I am so sorry, my mother knows I’m with you.”
He raised one of his thick eyebrows at that statement but you couldn’t think much into it as you hurried outside to answer.
“Ah, honey, thank goodness,” you heard her say.
“Mum, why are you calling me? You know I’m in the middle of my date,” you said, turning around to take a look inside to see if he was still there. He was actually looking at you with an amused expression.
“Your date? Suhee asked me to tell you her son couldn’t make it today. He got caught up at work. Is he there, then?”
But you weren’t listening anymore. As your mother was talking, your face changed from confusion to mortification, to pure horror. He must have noticed something was wrong because he didn’t look amused anymore, he looked more concerned than anything.
“I’m sorry, mum, I have to go. Call you later.”
Without waiting for an answer you hang up your phone and walked inside, not breaking eye contact with him the whole time. He was not the man you were supposed to meet.
He stood up the second you reached the table.
“Is everything alright? Did something happen to your mother? You looked like you got some really bad n–”
“What’s your name?” You cut him.
“Ah, you could have started with that one,” he said and then he laughed. He laughed! And his laugh was really nice, it transformed his whole aura from grave to boyish, his face even looked younger than what he was. For that laugh, you would wait before jumping into conclusions.
“My name is Do Kyungsoo,” he stated. “I’m 26. I work as an intern in a bank. I like kids but I agree they should come with an on and off switch, sometimes.” He took a pause but you didn’t say anything. This must have been the first time in your life where you had been left speechless. The only thing you could do was look at him while he kept talking. Was this how your previous dates felt about you?
“Today,” Kyungsoo continued, “as I was about to order my tea, the prettiest woman I have ever seen approached me as if she knows who I am, and she wants to have a date with me? The way she demands stuff is part of the reason I end up sitting across from her. The other reason is that she’s outstanding. So,” he said looking straight into your eyes, “I kept quiet and let her talk because she has a nice way of speaking and because I wanted to enjoy her company a little longer.”
“But as it turned out, I’m not the guy she thinks I am so I should have said something sooner, right?” This time he was moving towards you, his hand stretched, the one you were shaking not so long ago. He looks at you full of hope, waiting for you to shake it.
You doubted. Why were you doubting, it was all just a misunderstanding and the dude –Kyungsoo– looks truthful. It really was your fault for not checking his identity before starting to speak like the parrot you were. And he liked to listen, damn it. He even enjoyed your word vomit. You knew why you were doubting, though. Mortification was eating you up alive and you couldn’t even look him in the eye without blushing, being very aware of the new level of stupidity you’d reached.
You shook his hand in an act of bravery just when he was about to withdraw it.
“You didn’t answer my last question,” you said, trying to keep it cool even though you only wanted to find a very deep hole to hide. “Genre?”
He seemed confused for a moment until his eyes lit up with the question.
“I really like the spy thriller type of movies, so I guess I’m gonna enjoy those books, too.”
You nodded at his choice but he spoke again.
“Does this mean I can ask about your name?”
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messyscriptorium · 5 years
Hello! / ¡Hola!
When I opened this writing blog, I had the intention to write my stuff both in Spanish and English, but I kept postponing it because, let’s be honest, people only read stuff in English hahaha but recently I’ve thought about translating my stuff into Spanish because even if no one reads it, even if only one person reads it, for me is enough. I’m obviously more fluent in Spanish (duh) and I think my writing is more beautiful in my language, so I thought why not give it a try. To all the Spanish speakers out there, so we can enjoy fanfics in our own language. And, who knows, maybe someone gets curious about Spanish ;)
Cuando abrí este blog de escritura, tenía toda la intención de escribir tanto en español como en inglés, pero seguí postergándolo porque, no nos vamos a mentir, la gente solo lee cosas en inglés jajaja. Pero últimamente he pensado en traducir mis escritos a español porque incluso si nadie lo lee, aunque solo una persona lo lea, para mí es suficiente. Obviamente tengo más fluidez en español (duh) y creo que mi escritura es más bonita en mi idioma, así que pensé “por qué no intentarlo”. Para todos los hispanohablantes, para que podamos disfrutar de fanfics en nuestro propio idioma. Y, quién sabe, quizás alguien sienta curiosidad por el español y se anime a aprenderlo ;)
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