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gettin on the tumblrs for my moirail who i doubt is asleep yet
land of swamps and breeze (which is mine, not his, but he's in in looking ornery)
goodbye tumblr see you when i actually manage to complete a songset or homestuck comes back whichever comes first
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I think Dave's quest is waking up Hephaestus and bringing him to the Forge, in Jade's planet?
Heyy! Sorry if this reply is coming late; I'm super bogged down with classwork/life stuff right now and so I'm on hiatus from blogging. :\
The post you're talking about is pretty old, but no worries. I took to the wiki page on Hephaestus to see if you were right, and I didn't see anything about Dave's quest being confirmed to have been to wake Hephaestus. I think Denizens are separate from quests anyway. The quest is designed to promote growth, and the Denizen gives the player The Choice as a gateway to choose the path of their life and confirm their growth. If I was going to guess what Dave's quest was, I would think that it would be something about mending a broken sword. But, of course, I could be wrong. So much of this is left up in the air, I really hope that Hussie does a neat job of wrangling it all back in to make the story a closed loop.
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I'm on haitus but the update has summoned me back to point out this parallel...
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Goodbye friends I am gone.
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My sincerest sarcasm-laced apologies
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ok I’m going to reread the upd8 more slowly and try to work this out in my head
because this ‘sudden realization serket’ is leaving a bad taste in my mouth
VRISKA: That always goes horri8ly for everyone.  VRISKA: Even worse, it ends up making you look like an idiot.  VRISKA: And even MORE worse, it’s making ME look like an idiot 8y associ8tion! 
Vriska’s main concern with Aranea’s plan is that her grab for the spotlight won’t end well and - priority number one - will make Serkets look dumb. 
VRISKA: I’m just dismayed 8y some of the implic8tions of her actions.  VRISKA: Is this really how I came off when I used to pull this sort of shit? 
Aranea’s actions are making her uncomfortable because she recognizes some of them in her own past. The implications she considers are again based on image - did she really look this stupid and silly? She does not seem to be concerned about the death/suffering Aranea is causing or the potential devastation the enactment of her plan may entail.
She then worries that she hasn’t moved past this and is still going in circles - which is true and a good realization, except she’s still more worried about how she looks and how *she* acts rather than how many other people she hurts.
MEENAH: mistakes aint make me feel too bad since i dont really connect results with my shelf worth  MEENAH: ya feel me 
Although I really like Meenah and this can be good advice, this is also pretty dangerous. Meenah did some terrible things - she made Damara the way she is - and she really doesn’t seem to take responsibility. Meenah and Vriska, however cute they may look, could end up being very toxic to each other. Vriska internalized some of her guilt, while Meenah seems to actively dismiss it. She could make her even worse.
VRISKA: I should have just told every8ody that. I guess I wanted to 8elieve it too. Like we were equal partners in crime. Ancestor and descendant united at last, and working gr8 together.  VRISKA: I hope you don’t think that makes me a huge phony.
Again, more concerned about looking bad than enslaving the minds of hundreds.
I still don’t understand why Vriska thinks she can use the ‘secret weapon’ juju to kill him. You saw what it did to John. It’s not really a weapon.
VRISKA: May8e the truth is I don’t even care all that much if anyone stops Lord English.  VRISKA: I think all I really cared a8out was getting to do it myself. 
Minor breakthrough
Also, Vriska then suggests simply giving up on the mission to kill LE - which completely refutes her earlier insistence that everything morally questionable she did was justified because he totally had to be beaten!!!!!!!! 
Basically she’s getting a tiny taste of her own personality and doesn’t like it much, but she’s still not making the connection that using and hurting people is bad news.
I am relieved. I really didn’t want to think Hussie was suddenly rewriting her as self-aware and perfect and setting her up for some heroic redemption. I mean, I guess she could get to redemption at some point, but she’s got a long way to go. She’s still more concerned about herself than anyone else.
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SAI  doesn’t recognise my tablet  anymore. what a bother.
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tumblr kind of squished the images they were wider, but I guess that’s the bad thing about working with the binary tool scroll fast the song has a lot of words!
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Being able to talk about your OTP with someone who loves your OTP just as much as you is the greatest feeling in the world.
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who’s mama’s lil cutie?? that’s right, it’s frigglish!!
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silly jakeadoodle where he realizes he can change outfits!! cause these updates are making me sad for him and i just wanna see him get his pants and his self-determination back gosh dangit
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I’m on a mission to the housing office (I don’t actually know where that is) but I thought I’d drop by real fast for a pop culture-inspired meta post. Yes, I’m happily dashing off a meta post while letting another languish in agony. That’s how I roll.
First of all, I don’t particularly approve/subscribe to making sweeping plot predictions based on pop culture references. Someone mentioned Merchant of Venice and so far no lead caskets have been involved. But I’ll indulge in a sweeping ‘what if’ for a moment.
We have Callie as the wizard behind the curtains, with Jade as Dorothy/Toto opening them and looking behind them. Now, Jade has embodied pretty much everyone at this point (and if she floats around doing good deeds in the bubbles, that’ll embody movie!Glinda as well) so she could easily interact with Callie alone. That’s my best bet.
However, people have specul8ed that unconscious Roxy might show up. A cat-themed girl who used to rely on ‘liquid courage’? She could be the cowardly lion. And if Aranea has a trick up her sleeve, BG Dirk might take a fall and show up as the ‘heartless’ tin man. Which would leave us short a brainless scarecrow. Jane, with her brain rewired, perhaps?
I doubt this will be a thing however, so I will transition into the next part of this post with all the grace of a speeding train.
I think the plot relevance of these wizard of oz parallels are less important than the thematic relevance. Now, this is a lot clearer in the books (there are fourteen and they are excellent, go read them) but it comes across ok in the movies too: the scarecrow, cowardly lion, and tin man had what they wanted all along. What’s more, they had a lot of it.
The scarecrow is the one coming up with clever schemes. The tin man makes sure not to hurt a fly. The cowardly lion faces down kalidhas (did I spell that right?), scary creatures from the forest. They do this all before they meet the wizard and explain it away as ‘compensating’. The scarecrow says his wisdom is only the brainless kind that anyone could come up with. The tin man says he has to be careful not to hurt anyone because he doesn’t have a heart to be careful for him. The cowardly lion argues that he was still scared while he fought, so how could he be brave?
The wizard gives them what they want - a silken heart, a draught of courage, bran and needles for brains (he’s sharp, get it?) - but of course that never meant anything. It just allows them to accept and embrace what they had within them all the time. The symbols hold no power, no more than mixing up random household objects can get you in touch with the forces of darkness. Everything you are capable of is already within you. Sometimes it just takes someone pointing it out.
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Now that Dream Soul Dirk has challenged the Sylph, I wanted to draw him in matching fanart.
am so tempted to put them together in a photoset it hurts.
*edit* Oh darnit
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Serket exorcism
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oh my god im done with this
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Outta the way fuckers Here comes the radical team
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