mech-angel-c09 · 6 months
You guys gotta give me a sec to keep writing that new Murder Drones teaser MESSED ME UP-
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mech-angel-c09 · 6 months
- Character Profile -
Name: Oricroi
Species: Lightwing
Gender: Male, he/him
Sexuality: Aroace
Title: Guardian of Light, The Omega
Elemental Alignment: Light
Weapon Of Choice: Broken tree limb with a bandage wrapped around it
Oricroi was one of the Guardians of Eternity and is the incarnation of Light. He is a stoic, but kind person with a reverence for all living things. He is one of the components of the Balance of Darkness and Light, the other being his brother, Dhymmos, the incarnate of Darkness. His staff was taken from a tree native to the Lightwing homeworld. It is incredibly durable and does not bend easily. Because of this, Oricroi has kept it since before the destruction of his home dimension.
He is very faithful and places his beliefs in the idea of the Balance between Light and Dark and the Unity of Space and Time being the keys to peace across the universe. Oricroi is so devoted to this faith that he would challenge anyone that would suggest to overthrow Balance or Unity.
(Visual ref below!)
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mech-angel-c09 · 6 months
- Act I, Chapter 0: Beginnings -
Like all things, everything began with nothing.
An endless void, chaotic and misshapen.
Left alone forever, to writhe in agony.
Until it arrived.
A being came into existence, shining with a blinding power. It spread its endless wings, unleashing a wave of energy across the unborn cosmos. The chaos stopped, the sea of unfinished stars calmed, and nothing became everything.
The first realm was a plain that stretched on forever, littered with small forests on the ground and floating islands in the sky. At the center of all of this was the blinding force that had caused the birth of this world. Around it, something else began to rise up... creatures. Winged beings that were the byproduct of the blinding one's unleash of power. Not knowing any better, they worshipped the heavenly fountain of energy that had generated this plain.
They called it: Eternity, the First Lightwing.
Eternity watched over the blooming Lightwings benevolently, acting as a source of hope and guidance to them. The species began to evolve. Building shelters in the forests, using their wings to travel the skies, and honing the powers that were left to them by Eternity.
There were six core forces that held all existence together: Light, Darkness, Time, Space, Creation, and Destruction. They were equals, one element could not overpower the other on its own. Eternity chose six Lightwings to step up and ascend to a higher power, to become the harbingers of these elements.
The Lightwings known as Oricroi, Dhymmos, Reaver, Exodus, Solargenesis, and Finality were chosen, together becoming the Guardians of Eternity. Along with their master, they would watch over and defend their homeworld from any threats. They developed a bond with each other, becoming almost like siblings to each other. They were inseparable.
Peace reigned in the Lightwing's homeworld for ages, but like all things, it would not last forever.
Eternity had seen this world grow from nothing, but it was... unsatisfied. It viewed this world, and all worlds, as imperfect. Imperfections on what once was a perfect reality. And if it continued, it would be irreversible. Eternity knew what it had to do.
The heavenly force that once watched over the Lightwing's homeworld had spread its wings once again, ready to bring an end to all that existed, including those that worshipped it. Eternity's guardians tried to reason with it, but there was nothing to be reasoned with.
As their homeworld collapsed around them, the Guardians attempted to save as many Lightwings as they could. Those that managed to escape were scattered across the dimensions. But before the Guardians escaped, they used the last of Eternity's power that lied within them to seal their former master away in their collapsing homeworld.
As the Guardians made their escape, Solargenesis and Finality were separated from the others, landing in another dimension. Oricroi, Dhymmos, Reaver, and Exodus would crash-land elsewhere. As they made a small camp for themselves, they lamented their old home's destruction, and those that were lost in the chaos.
Still, they moved on. The Guardians of Eternity, now lost in a new world, took a new oath:
To protect this plane of existence, and prevent its downfall, unlike how they did for their home.
(And that was the intro to everything! I still have a lot to write, since there's gonna be around FIVE ACTS TOTAL, but I'm still proud of this as a start! And I hope everyone reading it likes it too!)
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mech-angel-c09 · 6 months
New beginnings!
Hello everyone! My name is Eon (Or N, depends on what you prefer!), and welcome to my page! As of posting this, I haven't posted anything yet, but I will soon! I'm probably just gonna use this blog to infodump my ridiculously long OC lore to people and post a bit of art. If you like stuff like that, feel free to drop by!
Now time to write an intro for the aforementioned ridiculously long and complicated OC lore...
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