mdzsfan · 5 months
Unspoken Bonds Part 5 *NSFW
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GIF by jay070490 on tenor
Lan Wangji's longing for y/n burned like a fervent flame, a molten intensity that seemed to transcend the very boundaries of their beings. The air around them was charged with a palpable electricity, an unspoken promise of the passions about to unfold.
As their lips met in a passionate collision, it was as if time itself held its breath, allowing their souls to entwine in a dance of heated fervor. Y/n's response was nothing short of exquisite; her heart's rhythm synchronized with his, an unspoken symphony of desire echoing in the chambers of their chests.
Their connection deepened as she found herself instinctively drawn to his lap, a throne of desire where she perched with a grace that mirrored her essence. The subtle friction of their bodies meeting sent shivers down their spines, a delicious reminder of the decadent journey they were embarking upon.
Yet, with every stolen kiss, the hunger within Lan Wangji's gaze grew, an insatiable appetite that mirrored his fervent heart. Each press of their lips was a confession, a silent proclamation of a love so intense that it defied conventional boundaries. The taste of her, the sensation of her breath mingling with his, fueled a wildfire within him that threatened to consume every fiber of his being.
It was as though he had tapped into a wellspring of desire, his once-controlled restraint giving way to an intoxicating greed. The layers of y/n's hanfu became the embodiment of his yearning, a metaphorical barrier that begged to be stripped away. With a mixture of urgency and reverence, his fingers sought the hidden clasps and ties, unveiling her form layer by layer.
The unveiling was a ritualistic unveiling of not just clothing, but of inhibitions, of doubts, of fears. Each piece that fell away was a testament to their shared vulnerability, a surrender to the emotions that had been building between them. The silk and satin cascaded to the floor, leaving her bared to his adoring gaze, a masterpiece of curves and contours that he had longed to explore.
As the last layer of fabric surrendered its hold, their connection became an unbreakable thread, woven from the strands of their souls. Their gaze locked, and in that shared moment, there was no room for shame or hesitation. Only the raw, unadulterated truth of their desires, a truth that beckoned them closer, binding them in a dance of fervent love and insatiable lust.
With a hunger that resonated deep within his core, he leaned in, his lips brushing against her delicate skin, igniting a trail of fire that coursed through her veins. His touch was a symphony of sensations, each note played upon the canvas of her being. Tenderly, he lowered his gaze, his eyes locking onto her bosom, a shrine of her femininity that beckoned to be worshiped.
He planted kisses like delicate blossoms upon her breasts, his lips bestowing a devotion that knew no bounds. His mouth explored every contour, every rise and fall, as if seeking to etch her essence into his very memory. Her breath quickened, a melody of desire escaping her lips, a sweet chorus of pleasure and longing.
"Wangji," her voice trembled, a melodic plea that hung in the air, woven with vulnerability and anticipation. "It's not fair," she whispered, her voice a soft caress, "I stand bare before you while you remain adorned in yours."
A commanding gentleness lingered in his gaze, his eyes ablaze with a possessive ardor that bespoke his longing. "No," he asserted, his voice a resonant echo of dominance, "You are mine."
As if guided by an irresistible force, his ardency deepened, his fervor leaving behind an indelible mark. His lips, now on a passionate quest, journeyed southward, bestowing fervent kisses that ignited flames of pleasure. With a deliberate hunger, he tasted her skin, teeth grazing against the peaks of her desires, leaving imprints of his ardor in their wake.
A symphony of sensations enveloped her as he ventured further, his lips descending like raindrops on parched earth. Her neck, that slender bridge between body and soul, became a canvas for his fervent artistry. His tongue danced upon her skin, tracing intricate patterns that spiraled into a crescendo of ecstasy, each movement a testament to his unquenchable yearning.
"Say it," his voice was a whisper, an enchanting spell woven into the fabric of their shared passion.
A quiver of pleasure escaped her lips, a harmonious response to the crescendo of sensations that his touch elicited. "I'm yours," she moaned, the words a surrender to the tidal wave of pleasure that engulfed her, an admission of her heart's deepest longing.
Embraced within the cocoon of their desire, he cradled her in his arms, their connection transcending the boundaries of the physical. The bed received their fervent devotion. With a deliberate tenderness, he bound her wrists together.
Blindfolded with the ribbon that adorned his forehead, she surrendered herself to him, her vulnerability a testament to the trust that flowed between them. Stripped of physical coverings, she stood bared not only in body but also in the profound vulnerability of her heart, a canvas upon which he painted his love. Wangji," she murmured, a soft pout gracing her lips as her doe-like eyes were veiled beneath the silk embrace of a forehead ribbon. A ribbon that concealed her vision yet unveiled the deepest recesses of her yearning heart.
A flicker of something in his gaze, a smoldering ember of want, stirred as he corrected her, voice low and commanding, "Address me as Hanguang-jun." The words dripped from his lips with a potency that resonated through the room, a command as much as a declaration of his dominance. His hand moved with purpose, tightening the ribbon gently but firmly, ensuring that her sight remained shrouded, her sense of sight relinquished to the whims of the unknown.
Yet, his gaze lingered upon her form, tracing the contours of her body with a fervor that bespoke of an unquenchable thirst. The layers of his hanfu, once a symbol of restraint, now transformed into tools of seduction, fell away like the petals of a forbidden flower. Each fold revealed a glimpse of his taut, sculpted physique, each bared inch a declaration of his intent to unravel not just her clothing but her very inhibitions.
Their hunger for each other was palpable, an electric current that surged through the air, leaving no space for inhibition. As he gazed into her eyes, a primal fire ignited, consuming every rational thought and kindling the flames of their most forbidden fantasies as she licked his cock.
The tug of her hair sent a shiver down her spine, a prelude to the intense sensation that was to follow. Her breath hitched as a mixture of anticipation and excitement swirled within her, a storm of emotions that mirrored the tempestuous passion building between them.
As the crescendo of their fervent embrace approached its zenith, he surrendered to the intoxicating tide that surged within him. A guttural moan escaped his lips, a testament to the building storm of ecstasy that could no longer be contained. With a primal urgency, he released the essence of his desire, a molten offering that spilled forth and cascaded into her waiting mouth.
Her lips enclosed him in a fervent embrace, a willing vessel for his ardor. The taste of him was a heady cocktail of passion and submission, a sensation that seared itself into her senses and left her craving more. The flicker of hesitation was swiftly consumed by the flames of her own burgeoning appetite, and she drank him in with an eagerness that mirrored his own unrestrained yearning.
His gaze, heavy-lidded with a hunger that could not be denied, locked onto her. It was a gaze that stripped away all pretense, baring the raw intensity of his desire for her. As her struggle to accommodate the intensity of his offering became evident, a surge of possessive pleasure coursed through him, igniting the smoldering embers of dominance that lay just beneath the surface.
She quivered, a mix of sensations coursing through her as she battled to fully embrace the potent intimacy of their connection. "Too much!" she managed to gasp, the words a mixture of surrender and defiance. The vulnerability in her voice only served to stoke the fires of his lust, reaffirming his grasp on the reins of their shared passion.
A sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips, a hint of wicked amusement dancing in his eyes. "You can keep going," he murmured, his voice a velvet caress that held a command she couldn't resist. With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, she felt his firm hand against her head, a directive that propelled her to take him deeper once more.
With a controlled release, Lan Wangji relinquished his grip on her head, a silent signal of the transition from one layer of their connection to another. As his fingers tenderly guided her hands to encircle his neck, they embarked on a journey of shared intensity that would etch its memory into their very souls.
Her touch, tentative yet determined, conveyed a yearning that mirrored his own. With a surge of fervor, he surged forward, allowing the entirety of his arousal to claim her with a force that bordered on the primal. The initial sensation of his entry was an electric shock that rippled through her, setting her nerves ablaze and erasing the line between pleasure and aching need.
The rhythm they established of desire, a primal cadence that echoed the tempo of their racing hearts. His thrusts were a potent blend of dominance and intimacy, each movement a declaration of his ownership of the moment, of her very being. The sensation of him pushing in and out, a carnal ebb and flow, was intoxicating, a visceral reminder of the depths to which they were willing to descend in their pursuit of the ultimate ecstasy.
With every powerful thrust, her body responded in kind, a dance of submission and voracious craving that left her senses reeling. Her eyes fluttered and then rolled back, a visual testament to the waves of sensation that coursed through her, leaving her breathless and teetering on the precipice of something sublime. Beads of sweat traced erratic paths down her forehead, glistening like precious jewels in the ambient light, a testament to the fervor that consumed them both.
A moan, deep and fervent, spilled from her lips, the syllables a mixture of plea and surrender. "Please," she gasped, her voice laden with a desperate need that held an unspoken promise of release. The sheer vulnerability of her plea was met with a sly chuckle, his voice a dark velvet that cut through the air like a dagger of desire. "Use your words," he goaded.
The plea for release hung in the air like an unspoken promise, a crescendo of need that defied the constraints of language. And in response to her fervent appeal, he leaned in, his lips brushing against her tear-stained cheeks. The taste of her salty tears was mingled with the taste of their shared desire, a heady cocktail that threatened to unravel them both. "Together," he murmured, his words a whispered command that ignited a surge of anticipation within her.
As their bodies moved in a synchronized rhythm, the culmination of their fervor loomed on the horizon, a climax that held the promise of release and fulfillment.
"No more," y/n whimpered, her plea laced with desire and urgency, her body quivering from the lingering waves of climax that had just washed over her.
As his eyes met hers, smoldering with a mixture of tenderness and hunger, he leaned in with deliberate intent. His body pressed against hers, his hardness finding its way back to her warmth. The moment their flesh met, an electric jolt of anticipation coursed through her, igniting embers that had never truly extinguished. She was a willing captive in his embrace, yearning for more of the exquisite agony and pleasure he so expertly bestowed upon her.
With a commanding yet achingly tender hold, Lan Wangji guided her movements, their bodies were in a synchronized rhythm of desire. He claimed her lips in a kiss that was as fierce as it was intoxicating. His lips moved against hers with a controlled urgency, and his tongue danced with hers, igniting a fire that seemed to burn from deep within her core.
Her gasp was swallowed by the voracious kiss, and in the midst of their passion, his lips traced a fiery path down her neck, leaving a trail of bites and nips that marked her as his. The mixture of pleasure and pain was an intoxicating elixir, heightening every sensation and melding their souls together in a way that was both primal and profound.
With each rhythmic thrust, the ache between her legs intensified, the boundaries between agony and ecstasy blurred into an exquisite fusion. Lan Wangji's skilled hands roamed her body, igniting every nerve ending with their possessive touch. He was her tormentor and her savior, the architect of her deepest desires and the sculptor of her most intense pleasure.
As their bodies moved in unison, a symphony of moans and gasps painted the air, a testament to the passion that bound them. In this timeless moment, y/n existed solely in the realm of sensation, her senses overwhelmed by the symphony of touch, taste, scent, and sound that enveloped her.
Their bodies glistening with the aftermath of their shared passions, y/n and Lan Wangji found solace in each other's arms, their bare forms pressed close in an intimate embrace. The air was thick with the heady scent of their desires, a tangible reminder of the boundaries they had crossed.
As the hushed moments passed, y/n's voice emerged, a delicate murmur that cut through the lingering traces of their shared ardor. "A-zhan," she breathed, her tone a mixture of wonder and uncertainty, "Do you realize the path you chose? Is it not forbidden for a master and servant to share such a connection, to be so intimately intertwined, especially between a maid like myself and a person of your status?"
Lan Wangji, his gaze soft yet resolute, responded with a gesture that transcended words. His hand reached out, gentle fingers entwining with hers, guiding her touch to the silken ribbon that adorned his forehead. It was a symbol of him choosing her as his wife. 
As her fingers brushed against the fabric, a silent message passed between them, a declaration that defied societal norms and echoed with the depth of his emotions. He was claiming her as more than just a servant, more than just a passing desire. He was acknowledging her as a cherished part of his world, a connection that went beyond the constraints of their roles.
Tears welled in y/n's eyes, shimmering with a mixture of emotions too profound to contain. His lips, tender and compassionate, brushed against her cheeks, tasting the salt of her unshed tears. Each kiss was a soothing balm, a promise that he would wipe away not only her tears but also any doubts that clouded her heart.
With delicate reverence, his lips trailed a path from her cheeks to her neck, a journey that resonated with both tenderness and fervor. The sensations rippled through her, awakening the embers of desire that lay dormant within her once again. The space they occupied became a sanctuary of shared longing, where every touch, every sigh, was a testament to their unspoken bond.
In the hours of their clandestine love, y/n and Lan Wangji surrendered to their yearning once more, a union that defied societal norms but resonated with a resonance that was undeniably real. The world beyond their cocoon of intimacy faded away, leaving only their shared desires, their whispered promises, and the intoxicating rhythm of their intertwined souls.
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mdzsfan · 5 months
Unspoken Bonds Part 4
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GIF by yuuriiviktor on Tumblr
Ever since the tender moment they shared with the bunnies, something had shifted in Lan Wangji. A subtle change in his demeanor became evident whenever y/n was around. His ears would turn a faint shade of red, and a bashful blush would grace his usually composed face. It was a transformation that didn't go unnoticed, especially by Wei Wuxian, who took great delight in teasing him about it.
The teasing would evoke a glare from Lan Wangji, a silent response that spoke volumes about his discomfort with having his emotions on display. Yet, amidst the playful banter and the occasional embarrassment, there was a warmth that had settled in the air. A warmth that mirrored the feelings that had taken root within his heart.
Sitting together over a cup of tea, y/n broached the topic of Wei Wuxian. Her words were gentle, an attempt to bridge the gap between Lan Wangji and his friend. "You know, a-xian is not really that bad," she remarked, her gaze sincere.
A flicker of tension crossed Lan Wangji's expression, his unease evident. "No nicknames, only me," he responded, his possessiveness peeking through as he asserted his claim on her.
Y/n nodded, understanding the unspoken message behind his words. "Okay," she acquiesced, her hand reaching out to pat his arm reassuringly. "But I think once you get to know Master Wei better, you'll definitely like him better."
The mention of Wei Wuxian seemed to set off a wave of jealousy within Lan Wangji, his emotions evident in the subtle change in his demeanor. He was not one to easily share his feelings, and the idea of y/n being close to someone else seemed to awaken a protective instinct within him.
"No more talking about him," Lan Wangji's tone held a note of finality, his eyes fixed on her with an intensity that was hard to ignore. "Focus on me."
Y/n couldn't help but smile, touched by his possessiveness. His vulnerability, though often hidden beneath layers of stoicism, was a reminder of the depth of his feelings.
As the conversation shifted, y/n shared a glimpse of her past. Her words were filled with nostalgia as she recounted the festivals and the lanterns of Caiyi town. The image of children with their parents, the vibrant colors, and the laughter seemed to come alive in her words.
"But it doesn't matter now, since that's the past," y/n concluded, her voice carrying a mixture of acceptance and a tinge of sadness.
Lan Wangji's gaze never wavered from her, his expression unreadable as he absorbed her words. 
With the passage of time, as Lan Wangji continued to learn more about y/n's past and the experiences she had missed out on, a desire to create new memories seemed to take root within him. He recognized the significance of those missed opportunities, and he was determined to offer her moments of joy that she had long yearned for.
As the next Yuan Xiao festival in Caiyi town approached, Lan Wangji quietly made arrangements. He knew that this festival held special meaning for her, and he wanted to ensure that her experience would be a memorable one.
When the day arrived, there was an air of anticipation that hung around them. Y/n, guided by Lan Wangji's intentions, found herself blindfolded with a cloth. The mystery of their destination added to the sense of adventure that was building within her.
As they journeyed to Caiyi town, y/n's heart raced with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. The blindfold was a barrier that heightened her senses, allowing her to focus on the sounds and scents around her. The world seemed to become a symphony of sensations, each one a clue to the surprise that awaited her.
The journey was filled with a quiet intimacy. Their shared presence, the steady rhythm of their footsteps, and the promise of the festival ahead seemed to draw them closer. Y/n's trust in Lan Wangji was unwavering, a testament to the connection they had forged over time.
Finally, they arrived at their destination, the vibrant heart of Caiyi town. The air was filled with the aroma of delicacies, the sound of laughter, and the sight of colorful lanterns illuminating the night sky. The festival was in full swing, a celebration of light and joy that had a timeless quality.
Lan Wangji's hand remained a constant presence, guiding her through the bustling crowds. The blindfold remained in place, a veil that separated her from the visual spectacle before her. 
As the blindfold was gently lifted away by Lan Wangji's hands, y/n's eyes blinked in surprise and wonder. Before her stood a scene of enchantment, the town adorned with intricate decorations, lanterns casting a warm and inviting glow, and a palpable atmosphere of celebration. The sight that greeted her was even more breathtaking than she had imagined, a visual feast that seemed to reflect the emotions that had grown between them.
"You remembered!" Her exclamation carried a joyous disbelief, a testament to the thought and care that Lan Wangji had put into this moment. Her heart swelled with gratitude and happiness, emotions that were reflected in the embrace she enveloped him in.
"Hmm," his response was a simple affirmation, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he allowed himself to bask in her delight. His efforts had been rewarded, and the sight of her happiness was a treasure that he held close.
Together, they wandered through the festivities. The vibrant colors, the laughter that echoed in the air, and the shared moments of wonder seemed to wash away any remnants of the past. It was as if the festival had the power to create new memories, to overwrite the moments that had been missed, and to replace them with the beauty of the present.
Their fingers intertwined as they sampled tangyuan, the sweetness of the delicacies a reflection of the shared sweetness between them. Each bite seemed to carry with it the promise of their growing connection, a connection that had transcended barriers and had led them to this moment of shared joy.
And then came the lanterns. A symbol of hope, wishes, and the beauty of release. As they lit their lantern together, their hands working in harmony, there was a sense of unity that enveloped them. The lantern's glow cast gentle shadows on their faces, a testament to the light they had found in each other.
The lantern lifted off the ground, its ascent accompanied by a whispered prayer, a silent wish that seemed to encapsulate their shared hopes for the future.
As Y/N gazed upon the enchanting sight of countless lanterns ascending into the velvety night sky, her heart swelled with a mixture of awe and wonder. Each lantern seemed to carry not just the flickering flame within, but also the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of those who released them. The dark canvas of the heavens was being painted with a myriad of shimmering lights, a celestial ballet orchestrated by human hands.
Lan Wangji's fingers delicately tilted her chin upward, his touch igniting a cascade of shivers down her spine. The cool night air seemed to hold its breath, as if the very cosmos were holding witness to this intimate exchange. And then, in a move that felt both inevitable and surprising, his lips met hers in a kiss that held multitudes.
The kiss was a paradox, a collision of love and urgency, of tenderness and longing. It was as though Lan Wangji was pouring into this kiss all the emotions that his reserved nature had kept hidden, a torrent of feeling that threatened to breach the walls he had so carefully built around his heart. Y/N could taste the bittersweet intensity, a flavor that left her both satiated and craving more.
The lanterns continued their ascent, oblivious to the intricacies of human emotions unfolding below. In their rising light, Y/N felt the weight of Lan Wangji's unspoken words, the depth of his affections that transcended mere vocabulary. It was a moment suspended between the earthly realm and the infinite expanse above, a moment that held the promise of a future woven with shared dreams and whispered promises.
As their lips finally parted, Y/N found herself lost in Lan Wangji's gaze. A gaze that held understanding, vulnerability, and a silent vow to stand beside her through the tapestry of life's uncertainties. The lanterns had begun to fade into the distance, their ethereal glow merging with the stars that adorned the night sky.
The whisper of her gratitude hung in the air, as delicate and profound as the lanterns that graced the firmament. "Thank you, A-Zhan," her voice was a soft murmur, a secret shared between their hearts, "for making this the happiest day in my life." And then, with a tenderness that matched the emotion imbued within her words, she leaned in, placing a gentle kiss upon his cheek. It was a kiss that held within it a world of unspoken affection, a promise of more to come.
In response, Lan Wangji's fingers found solace in her hair, his touch a feather-light caress that communicated a silent agreement, an acknowledgment of the depth of his feelings. He lowered his lips to her forehead, a gesture that was both protective and tender, an unspoken pledge to guard her heart as fiercely as he did his own.
They stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, their souls entwined as they watched the lanterns dance their way heavenward. The delicate paper vessels seemed to carry not just the dreams of those who set them free, but the aspirations of the two hearts that beat in unison. Each lantern's ascent mirrored their own rise, their journey towards a shared future that held the promise of infinite possibilities.
As the night progressed, nature's orchestra played on. But amidst the symphony of lanterns and stars, a softer melody emerged, a rumbling that couldn't be attributed to the celestial realm. Y/N's stomach, seemingly awakened by the emotional whirlwind of the evening, let out a quiet growl. Lan Wangji's lips curved into an amused smile, a rare and endearing sight.
Chuckling softly, he shifted his gaze from the luminous sky to her. "Seems like someone is hungry," he remarked, his voice a soothing melody that blended seamlessly with the night. His hand found hers, their fingers intertwining naturally.
Guiding her with a gentle tug, Lan Wangji led Y/N toward a quaint restaurant that lay nestled nearby. Its warm lights spilled onto the cobblestone path, inviting them into a haven of flavors and aromas. The ambiance was cozy, a stark contrast to the expansive night sky they had been immersed in just moments before.
In the cozy embrace of the restaurant, Y/N and Lan Wangji found themselves seated across from one another, a table laden with steaming dishes and the promise of culinary delights. The transition from the celestial dance of lanterns to the intimate sanctuary of this eatery was seamless, a continuation of the evening's journey that now delved into the realm of earthly pleasures.
As Y/N deftly poured the fragrant tea, each nodded their heads in understanding. The tendrils of steam rose, like fleeting spirits ascending from the porcelain vessels, carrying with them the essence of warmth and camaraderie. The anticipation of the meal danced in the air, a tantalizing prelude to the flavors that awaited their palates.
With a graceful synchronicity, the food arrived, a symphony of colors and aromas that beckoned to be savored. Each dish exuded a vibrancy that contrasted the serene simplicity of the Cloud Recesses, as if the very essence of this restaurant was to awaken the senses. The plates were laden with spices and seasonings that set the air aquiver with their tantalizing scent, a fragrant invitation to embark on a culinary adventure unlike any other.
However, as Y/N took her first cautious bite, a fiery explosion of flavors engulfed her palate. The heat was intense, far more potent than anything she had encountered within the tranquil confines of Cloud Recesses. The foreign spiciness set her mouth ablaze, igniting a fit of coughing that seized her unexpectedly. She reached for her tea, her hand trembling as she brought the cup to her lips, desperate for relief.
Yet, the tea that met her tongue bore no resemblance to the soothing brews she had grown accustomed to. It was bitter, a stark contrast to the comfort of a warm embrace. The bitterness lingered, like a reminder that the journey of discovery was not always paved with sweetness alone.
Lan Wangji observed her with a mixture of concern and amusement, his gaze a steady anchor amidst the storm of flavors assaulting her senses. With a gentle touch, he reached for his own cup of tea and held it out to her, a silent offering of solace and camaraderie. It was a gesture that spoke volumes, an unspoken assurance that they were in this together, navigating the uncharted territories of taste as they had navigated the uncharted territories of the heart.
Amidst her coughing and the jolt of unexpected flavors, Y/N managed a rueful smile, a smile that carried within it the recognition of the absurdity of the moment. She sipped from Lan Wangji's cup, the bitterness of the tea blending with the warmth of their connection. 
As Y/N and Lan Wangji emerged from the restaurant, the afterglow of their shared meal lingered like a comforting shroud around them. The scents of the culinary journey they had embarked upon still lingered, mingling with the night air as if to ensure that every step they took was accompanied by a reminder of the flavors and laughter that had graced their evening.
Y/N's eyes were fixed on Lan Wangji, an enchanting mixture of admiration and playfulness dancing within their depths. The moonlight painted him with a silvery glow, casting an ethereal aura around his figure. With a soft chuckle, she let her thoughts slip into words, her voice a gentle breeze that carried the weight of her musings.
"Wangji," she began, a playful cadence in her voice, "how do you manage to be the most handsome man?" Her words held a note of wonder, as if she were genuinely perplexed by the charisma he effortlessly exuded. Her gaze remained locked on him, a warm smile playing at the corners of her lips.
Lan Wangji's lips curved in a half-smile, a hint of amusement twinkling in his eyes. His humility and quiet confidence were like twin currents beneath his exterior, a magnetic pull that seemed to draw people to him without him even realizing it. He met her gaze with a softness that spoke of shared moments and a connection that transcended mere words.
The corner of her lips twitched upward as she continued, her voice now laced with mock protest, "It's not fair that you attract all the girls." Her words were delivered with a playful tone, revealing the camaraderie that often characterized their interactions. She teased him affectionately, her words a gentle reminder that his allure was undeniable.
Lan Wangji's laughter, though rare, was a sound that held a certain charm, as if it were the embodiment of the unguarded moments he allowed himself to experience. His fingers found hers, intertwining as if they were part of the same story that had been unfolding throughout the evening. His gaze held a warmth that matched the night's gentle embrace, a warmth that enveloped her and made her feel cherished.
And then, as if to amplify the shared laughter and camaraderie, Y/N leaned in with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Guess what I'm thinking," she declared, her words carrying a playful weight as she leaned into the alcohol's pleasant haze.
"How you want to stay here forever?" Lan Wangji's words carried a touch of amusement, a reflection of the shared enchantment that had woven itself into the fabric of their evening. The serenity of the night seemed to amplify his sentiment, making the moment feel as if it were suspended in time.
Y/N's gaze flickered to him, a playful grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "Hmmm," she mused, her voice holding a note of thoughtful contemplation, "Close. But I was actually thinking how incredibly lucky I am to have you." Her words were an echo of the feelings that had been swelling within her heart, a sentiment that she had carried through the twists and turns of their journey.
A gentle chuckle escaped Lan Wangji's lips, his laughter a gentle melody that harmonized with the night. Her candidness was a treasure he cherished, a glimpse into the inner workings of her heart that left him both humbled and grateful. He met her gaze, the affection in his eyes a silent affirmation of the emotions that coursed between them.
The softness of their exchange was punctuated by Y/N's curiosity, her words carrying the weight of her inquiry. "You feel the same way, right?" she asked, her tone a mixture of curiosity and vulnerability. Her cuteness was endearing, an aspect of her personality that never failed to elicit a smile from him.
Lan Wangji's laughter danced in the air once again, a sound that held a warmth that mirrored the adoration he felt for her. "Hmm," he replied, his voice a gentle caress that enveloped her like a protective embrace. And then, as if to seal his words with a gesture, he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss upon her head. It was a gesture that held the weight of unspoken promises, a promise to stand by her side through all the moments life would unfold.
As they continued their walk, Y/N's condition began to betray the effects of the evening's indulgences. The laughter and emotions seemed to have spun her into a state of intoxication that left her feeling blissfully unaware of her surroundings. Sensing her condition, Lan Wangji's protective instincts kicked in, guiding him to a decision that would ensure her comfort and safety.
With a tender touch, he gently led her to a nearby inn. The inn's warm lights spilled onto the pavement, a welcoming beacon that promised respite from the outside world. 
Stepping into the embrace of the room, the transition from the outside world to this private haven was a shift in atmosphere. The air was filled with a gentle serenity, a haven that promised respite and the continuation of their shared journey through the night.
As Lan Wangji approached Y/N, his fingers moved deftly to untangle the intricate folds of her hanfu. His touch was a delicate dance, a symphony of care that mirrored the connection they shared. The moon's soft glow filtered through the curtains, casting a silvery sheen over their surroundings.
With a hint of a smile, Y/N's gaze met his, her eyes shimmering with affection. "Wangji, you know," she began, her voice a soft whisper that carried the weight of unspoken thoughts. Her words held a sense of familiarity, as if she were about to share a secret that was meant for his ears alone.
Lan Wangji's touch paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on hers as he awaited her revelation. There was a depth to his attention, a curiosity that held the promise of understanding and connection.
"You should smile more," her voice was a cascade of giggles, a melody that danced through the room like a gentle breeze, "instead of being the grumpy man you always are." Her words held a playfully teasing lilt, a sentiment that was conveyed with a tender mirth. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, a reflection of the carefree state that the night had ushered in.
A soft chuckle escaped Lan Wangji's lips, his amusement a glint in his eyes as he met her playful gaze. Her candidness was both endearing and refreshing, an aspect of her personality that never failed to elicit a response from him.
"Is that so?" he replied, his tone a blend of wry humor and genuine curiosity. His fingers resumed their delicate task, his touch carrying a warmth that mirrored the night's gentle embrace. "Perhaps I shall consider your suggestion," he added, his voice a melodic cadence that danced with the rhythm of their shared moment.
Her laughter echoed in the room, a sound that seemed to fill the space with joy and light. "It does," she affirmed with a bright grin, her words carrying a certainty that could only come from someone who had glimpsed beyond his reserved exterior. "It suits you more. A smile like yours can light up the night."
The corners of Lan Wangji's lips curved into a genuine smile, a rare and precious sight that seemed to illuminate the room with its warmth. Her words had touched a chord within him, a chord that resonated with the truth that had been hidden beneath the surface all along.
As the night's enchantment finally succumbed to the pull of slumber, Y/N found herself drifting into a peaceful sleep on the bed. The room seemed to embrace her, cocooning her in a realm of dreams and quietude. Lan Wangji's gaze lingered on her as she settled, his emotions a tumultuous sea that he navigated with care
With a tender touch, he pressed a kiss upon her temple, a gesture that held a multitude of feelings. Relief washed over him as he realized that she was peacefully asleep, her rest a balm to his own tumultuous thoughts. The unspoken currents of desire and restraint had coursed through him, but in her slumber, he found solace, the knowledge that he could safeguard her heart even when his own was in turmoil.
As he nestled beside her, sleep claimed him as well, their breaths falling into a rhythm that echoed the harmony of their connection.
Y/N was awakened by a throbbing headache that seemed to have taken a residence in her temples. She groaned softly, her hand instinctively moving to cradle her head as if to contain the pain.
But amidst the haze of discomfort, her awareness was soon greeted by the gentle sensation of kisses upon her skin. Her eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting Lan Wangji's as he pressed kisses upon her lips and temple. The sweetness of his gestures chased away the remnants of her headache, leaving only a warm ache in her heart.
Before she could even formulate her thoughts, she found herself being lifted onto his lap, her confusion melting into a mixture of surprise and affection. His closeness enveloped her, his arms a protective embrace that seemed to banish any lingering discomfort.
"Lan Wangji," she began, her voice a blend of curiosity and vulnerability, "why did you kiss me?" Her words flowed like a gentle stream, carrying with them the unspoken queries that had taken root in her thoughts. Her fingers trailed over her lips, as if she could still feel the echo of his kisses upon them.
His hold tightened around her as she nestled her face into his neck, the comfort of his presence soothing the uncertainties that had plagued her thoughts. Her questions tumbled forth, each word a fragile thread that wove a tapestry of her feelings.
"Why are you holding me like this? Why do you want to be with me, when I have no family and I'm just a maid?" Her voice held a mixture of confusion and yearning, a yearning to understand the depths of his affections and the reasons that had led him to this point.
Lan Wangji's gaze held a tenderness that seemed to pierce through the layers of doubt and insecurity that shrouded her. His fingers threaded through her hair, his touch an anchor that held her close. With a gentle grace, he tilted her chin upward, his eyes locking onto hers as he offered a soft smile.
"I never saw you as just a maid from the very first day," he confessed, his words carrying a weight that resonated deep within her heart. "I will never treat you like one, because you are mine. My wife, my soulmate, and my everything." His voice held a quiet intensity, a fervor that underscored the truth of his words.
And then, as if to seal his declaration, he pressed another kiss upon her lips, a kiss that held the promise of a future woven with shared dreams, overcoming obstacles, and the unbreakable bond that had been forged between them. In that moment, amidst the soft morning light, Y/N felt the weight of his love, a love that transcended societal boundaries and embraced the depths of their souls.
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mdzsfan · 5 months
Unspoken Bonds Part 3
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Y/n's heart was a swirl of conflicting emotions. The memory of that night, when she had left Lan Wangji after a forbidden gesture, weighed heavily on her conscience. The guilt that gnawed at her was a reminder of the boundary she had crossed, a boundary that was fortified by centuries of tradition and societal expectations.
Yet, even amidst her remorse, one question echoed persistently in her mind: Why hadn't he stopped her? The fact that Lan Wangji had allowed her to proceed with removing his forehead ribbon perplexed her. He was not her cultivation partner, nor was he family. The implications of his action were layered, a puzzle she couldn't solve.
The uncertainty she felt was a constant companion, a shadow that clouded her thoughts. She had sensed a connection between them, a shared understanding that defied explanation. But her own feelings, the tangle of emotions she couldn't fully comprehend, had prompted her to withdraw.
Avoidance became her strategy, a way to shield herself from the complexity of her emotions and the unspoken tension that had arisen between them. She limited her interactions with Lan Wangji, reserving them for emergencies, for moments when she had no choice but to acknowledge his presence.
In her heart, she understood that the distance she was putting between them was a means of self-preservation. The uncharted territory of their emotions was both alluring and terrifying, a maze she was hesitant to enter. Her guilt, her confusion, and her own burgeoning feelings were threads that wove an intricate pattern within her, shaping her actions and decisions.
As the days passed, the ache of their disconnectedness weighed on her. The moments of shared camaraderie, the laughter and the genuine companionship, had been replaced by a gulf of silence. And yet, despite her attempts to distance herself, the memory of his gaze, the depth of his eyes that seemed to hold secrets and promises, continued to haunt her.
Unable to find solace in slumber, y/n had ventured into Lan Wangji's chambers, the surroundings were as immaculate as she had come to expect, a testament to his meticulous nature, yet the evidence of his disarray was also apparent.
Lan Wangji himself seemed a reflection of the room's contrast. His appearance was marked by an uncharacteristic dishevelment, the usually pristine forehead ribbon now slightly wrinkly. His hanfu bearing wrinkles that seemed out of place on his dignified form. His very presence carried an air of turmoil that contradicted the orderliness of the room.
As y/n's gaze met his, a tension seemed to fill the space between them. Their eyes locked, two individuals who had been navigating a labyrinth of emotions, unsure of where the path might lead. The silence was palpable, a mirror to the unspoken questions and unfulfilled desires that had been left unresolved.
Each of them held a mirror to the other's confusion. Lan Wangji, with his furrowed brows and searching gaze, was a reflection of the bewilderment that had taken root within him. Why had y/n chosen to distance herself? The question echoed like a haunting melody, its notes filled with longing and uncertainty.
Y/n's gaze, though equally perplexed, was a window into her own internal struggle. The emotions that had led her to keep her distance were a tumultuous sea within her, a maelstrom of guilt, longing, and the unspoken acknowledgment of their shared connection.
As their eyes held the other's gaze, a strange sort of understanding seemed to pass between them. Their emotions, though complex and conflicting, were shared. In this silent exchange, they offered each other a glimpse into their hearts, a fleeting moment of vulnerability that transcended words.
"Why are you up this late?" His voice, a gentle ripple in the silence, cut through the tension that had enveloped them. The question hung in the air like a fragile thread, connecting them in the midst of their shared uncertainty.
"I couldn't sleep," y/n's words were soft, her gaze briefly meeting his before flickering away. Her answer was simple, yet beneath the surface, it carried the weight of unspoken thoughts and emotions. She was caught in the liminal space between her feelings and the reality of the situation, a space where answers were elusive and the heart's desires remained hidden.
His concern was evident, and yet y/n's resolve to leave, to give him the space he needed, was palpable. "But don't worry about me. I'll go now, so you can have enough rest tomorrow." Her words were a mixture of courtesy and selflessness, an embodiment of the care she felt for him.
"Wait," Lan Wangji's voice, though quiet, held a note of urgency that caught y/n off guard. His request to stay was unexpected, a plea that seemed to carry unspoken desires and a yearning for connection.
And so, she remained. Seated next to him, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight. The guqin, a cherished companion in the midst of his solitude, became an instrument of shared solace. As the notes flowed from his fingers, the music seemed to wrap around them, a bridge that transcended the barriers that had kept them apart.
The soothing melody was a balm for y/n's restless soul. She closed her eyes, allowing the strains of the guqin to guide her into a tranquil state. The tension that had once held her captive seemed to dissipate, replaced by a sense of calm that was both welcome and surprising.
In that moment of vulnerability, as the music danced in the air, the barriers between them seemed to thin. Lan Wangji's gaze rested upon her, a mixture of tenderness and longing in his eyes. As the guqin's gentle notes continued to weave their magic, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, a silent gesture that spoke of affection and a depth of emotion he had been hesitant to reveal.
The kiss, though fleeting, lingered in the air like an unspoken promise. A promise of a future where their emotions would no longer be shrouded in uncertainty. It was a declaration, a hope that one day, the feelings they shared would be acknowledged and reciprocated.
When y/n awoke, she found herself back in her own room, the memory of the night's events lingering like a dream. The guqin's melody, the touch of his lips on her forehead, the unspoken emotions, all were woven into the fabric of her thoughts, a reminder that the path they were on was one filled with twists and turns, challenges and revelations.
Another moment, where y/n knew that she was in love with Lan Wangji was when y/n found herself standing beside Lan Wangji in a place that held special significance for him. It was a spot where the gentle breeze seemed to whisper secrets and where the rustling leaves were like a symphony of serenity. Here, in the embrace of nature's beauty, their connection was unburdened by the weight of expectations and norms.
Bunnies, a symbol of innocence and gentleness, populated the area, hopping around as if they were the guardians of this sacred place. Y/n's heart swelled with a mixture of awe and wonder, for this was a side of Lan Wangji she had rarely seen, the side that found solace in the presence of these small creatures, the side that was capable of finding joy in the simplest of moments. 
"Lan Zhan," y/n's voice, soft and filled with wonder, broke the silence that had enveloped them. "They're so cute."
His response was a slight smile, a rare glimpse of emotion that danced in his eyes. The simplicity of her words, the shared admiration for the bunnies that surrounded them, seemed to bridge the gap between their unspoken emotions.
As y/n's gaze remained fixed on the creatures that had become a part of their shared moment, her heart felt light. The world seemed to have receded, leaving only her and Lan Wangji, the bunnies, and the feelings that flowed between them.
And then, in a moment that held both longing and a childlike delight, she turned to him, her eyes bright with a new thought. "Could we take one back with us?"
Lan Wangji's response was gentle, his eyes fixed on her as he considered her request. "The bunnies have to stay here," he explained, his tone soft yet firm. And yet, his next words held a promise that couldn't be overlooked. "But we can stay as long as you want."
With a mischievous yet affectionate smile, y/n caught a bunny and placed it on Lan Wangji's lap. The gentle creature seemed content in his presence, its soft fur a contrast against his hanfu. As he patted the bunny, his touch was tender, his actions a reflection of the depths of his emotions.
In that moment, it was as if time had slowed, and the world had faded away, leaving only the two of them. Their shared connection, the tranquil surroundings, and the unspoken feelings that lingered in the air. The barriers that had once kept them apart were now mere shadows, and the vulnerability they had guarded so carefully was now exposed.
As their gazes met, the bond between them seemed to crystallize. There were no words exchanged, no need for explanations. The bunnies bore witness to a silent understanding, a connection that was unmarred by expectations or societal conventions. In this secluded corner of the world, they were free to be themselves, to acknowledge the feelings that had grown between them.
With a playful grin, she reclaimed the bunny from Lan Wangji's lap, the innocent creature now nestled against her. But her actions didn't stop there, her head finding its place on his lap, the bunny as a gentle companion to their unspoken connection.
As she settled into this unexpected closeness, the world seemed to hold its breath. The sun continued its watchful gaze, as if in awe of the intimacy that was unfolding beneath its silvery light
Lan Wangji's fingers, like a gentle breeze, brushed across her hair. The touch was a tender caress that stirred something within her, a mixture of comfort and a growing awareness of the emotions that had been building between them. And then, his lips pressed to her forehead and then her cheeks, his affectionate gestures speaking volumes in their silence.
The kisses were like whispered promises, a testament to the affection that had been growing quietly yet steadily. Each touch, each gesture, was a declaration, a declaration that went beyond words, beyond the confines of tradition, and into the realm of the heart.
For y/n, lying there in his embrace, time seemed to blur. The bunny, a symbol of innocence, nestled between them, seemed to be a witness to a moment that was both pure and profound. The sun's bright glow seemed to wrap around them, cocooning them in a world where nothing else mattered but the connection they shared.
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mdzsfan · 5 months
Unspoken Bonds part 2
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As y/n trailed behind Lan Wangji, the atmosphere around them seemed to thicken, heavy with unspoken emotions. The palpable tension was like a veil that enveloped them both, casting a shadow over their steps. For y/n, this current of intensity was perplexing; it wasn't often that she found herself on the receiving end of such strong reactions from Lan Wangji.
Amidst the quiet steps and echoing silence, y/n's mind raced, trying to unravel the puzzle of his behavior. She was, after all, just a maid, an inconspicuous figure in the vast tapestry of the sect. With no family ties or notable background, it seemed rather odd that her interaction with Wei Wuxian would provoke such a reaction from Lan Wangji. Her thoughts whirled, grappling with the dissonance between her perceived insignificance and the intensity of his feelings.
Mixed within her confusion was a web of her own emotions. Y/n was not oblivious to her feelings for Lan Wangji, though she harbored no illusions about the reality of their situation. The chasm that separated them in terms of social standing, wealth, and societal expectations seemed insurmountable. Her heart understood the unlikelihood of him returning her affections, yet her emotions persisted, casting their own shade upon her thoughts.
In her heart, y/n recognized that her affection was a quiet ember, a secret flame she kept close, understanding the unlikelihood of its ignition. The intricate dance of emotions that had formed between her and Lan Wangji was a melody that played within the confines of her own heart, often hidden from the world.
Just as the tension between y/n and Lan Wangji seemed to tighten its grip, a soothing voice broke through the heaviness. "Wangji," Xichen's call acted as a balm, swiftly diffusing the atmosphere that had been fraught with tension. His presence was like a beacon of serenity, casting a gentle light that momentarily eased the weight between them.
Y/n's gaze shifted to Lan Wangji, finding solace in his eyes. The words that followed, spoken with a quiet resolve, reassured her that he was not blind to her well-being. Her lips curved into a soft smile, her response carrying a whisper of understanding. "Don't worry about me, you go with your brother," her assurance was imbued with a quiet strength, an assurance that she could handle the complexities of the situation on her own.
As they parted ways, y/n found herself alone in the aftermath of this emotional tempest. The scrolls in her arms served as a tangible reminder of her responsibilities. Despite their intended recipient being Lan Wangji, she quietly made her way to the library, the weight of her emotions and the scrolls a metaphorical journey in themselves. 
Y/n's fingers moved with practiced grace as she shelved each scroll, her motions precise and efficient. Amid the familiar texts, her eyes were drawn to a book that seemed to stand out from the rest. An oddity in its appearance. As she pulled it from the shelf, curiosity flickered in her gaze, a silent question hovering in the air.
The words and images that met her eyes were like an unexpected gust of wind, stealing the breath from her lungs. A flush of warmth crept up her cheeks, her face turning a shade of crimson that mirrored the contents of the book. The unexpected nature of the text left her momentarily speechless, her heart pounding in her chest.
Quickly, as if the very act of reading those words was a transgression, y/n placed the book back on the shelf. Her fingers trembled ever so slightly, betraying the turbulence of emotions that had been stirred within her. The mixture of surprise, embarrassment, and an odd sort of delight swirled in her mind like leaves caught in a whirlwind.
The stillness of the library was abruptly shattered by the sound of Wei Wuxian's voice, a familiar presence entering the space like a gust of wind. "Xiao-mei!" his exclamation carried a note of cheerful recognition, a warmth that reflected their previous interactions. "Nice to meet you again, pretty lady.". 
"Master Wei," her voice carried a note of respect as she addressed him, the honorific a reflection of the hierarchies that governed their world. Her bow, a symbol of deference, held within it a hint of the thoughts that had occupied her mind.
Wei Wuxian's smile held a playful twinkle, his eyes crinkling with mirth as he regarded her. His ability to lighten the atmosphere was evident, his presence a reminder that life could still hold moments of levity, even within the confines of tradition.
"You don't have to be so formal, Xiao-mei," he said with a teasing lilt to his voice. "We've interacted enough times for you to address me casually."
"Then you can call me, y/n," she replied, a soft smile gracing her lips. Her words held a hint of playfulness, a deviation from the formalities that usually defined their interactions.
"Y/n, what a pretty name! For a pretty girl like you," Wei Wuxian's words flowed like a melody, his voice a mixture of genuine admiration and his characteristic cheerfulness. His compliment, while candid, felt like a sunbeam warming her heart.
"Thank you, Wei Wuxian," y/n's response was gentle, her gratitude sincere. His ability to create an atmosphere of ease was a gift she had come to appreciate.
"A-xian is fine," Wei Wuxian's invitation was extended with a friendly pat on her head, a gesture that carried a sense of camaraderie. His casual manner was both surprising and endearing, bridging the gap between their statuses.
As he looked at the shelves, a sudden shift in his demeanor caught y/n off guard. His eyes lit up with mischief as he singled out a particular book, a book that seemed entirely out of place amidst the scholarly tomes. Before y/n could fully register what was happening, the book was in his hands, its contents displayed openly.
Wei Wuxian's playful demeanor was infectious, his intent to shock and amuse clear in his expression. The fact that he was openly displaying such a book in the library was both audacious and typical of his irreverent nature.
"See how the illustration shows the love between the two," Wei Wuxian's teasing voice echoed through the air, his words carrying a playful undertone. His mischief was evident as he openly commented on the explicit content of the book, daring to highlight the intricate details that illustrated a different kind of connection.
Y/n's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red, her embarrassment escalating as Wei Wuxian continued to engage with the book's content. The combination of his commentary and the nature of the book itself created a swirl of emotions within her, a mix of discomfort, surprise, and an odd sort of fascination.
"Why you've been awfully quiet, xiao-mei," Wei Wuxian's words were a playful challenge, his gaze dancing with mischief. His insinuation was lighthearted, yet it managed to stoke the flames of her embarrassment. "Perhaps this scene excites you."
Y/n's heart raced, her own teasing retort caught in her throat as she attempted to quell her blush. She averted her gaze, trying to regain her composure amidst the whirlwind of emotions that had been stirred. The blush on her cheeks was evidence of her internal conflict, a battle between her desire to maintain her poise and the sheer audacity of the situation.
"It's forbidden to look at such things, Master Wei," y/n's voice carried a note of calm and propriety, an attempt to steer the conversation toward more acceptable territories. Her words were a gentle reminder of the boundaries that governed their world, even in the midst of playful interactions.
"Aww, don't start acting like Master Grumpy over here," Wei Wuxian's playful retort carried a tone of mock exasperation. His words were accompanied by a grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement. His nickname for Lan Wangji was delivered in a teasing manner.
"Perhaps you're this shy because you imagine this to be you and Lan Wangji instead," Wei Wuxian's whispered words were like a mischievous breeze, carrying a playful insinuation that brushed against y/n's ear. His teasing was evident, his voice laced with a knowing tone that hinted at a deeper understanding.
"That's preposterous," y/n's response came out in a gentle stutter, her cheeks aflame with a mixture of embarrassment and surprise. The idea he proposed was absurd, and yet there was an underlying truth to his words that she found herself unable to entirely deny.
Wei Wuxian's grin widened, his amusement evident as he watched her reaction. His ability to tease and prod at the edges of her thoughts was a testament to his intuition and the shared moments they had experienced. His willingness to blur the lines between playful banter and deeper truths was both exasperating and oddly endearing.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your secret fascination with Lan Wangji," Wei Wuxian's words carried a tone of assurance, his playful tone weaving a web of intrigue. His teasing was a dance of words, a playful acknowledgment of the unspoken feelings that lingered beneath the surface.
As the weeks unfolded, a new layer of complexity began to emerge in the interactions between y/n and Lan Wangji. The possessiveness that had once been hinted at grew more pronounced, like a shadow gradually lengthening with the setting sun. Each time Wei Wuxian made an appearance, Lan Wangji's demeanor underwent a subtle shift. The spark of jealousy that ignited within him seemed to cast a cloud over his interactions with others, especially when it came to y/n.
Wei Wuxian's presence, once a source of playful banter and lighthearted moments, now elicited a different reaction from Lan Wangji. The elder Lan's tendency to ignore him and divert y/n's attention was a testament to the depth of his emotions. It was as if he couldn't bear the thought of sharing her attention, even for a moment, with anyone else.
Amidst these dynamics, there existed moments that lingered in y/n's memory, moments that seemed to hold a significance that transcended the ordinary interactions. One such moment, when they were alone together at night, seemed to resonate within her thoughts. The quiet intimacy of that setting, illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight, left an indelible impression.
As y/n read the scroll to Lan Wangji, she could feel his gaze on her. A gaze that held a depth of emotion she couldn't fully decipher. Her cheeks warmed as she realized the intensity of his observation. His eyes, like stars in the night sky, seemed to hold a universe of unspoken feelings.
In that stillness, her own thoughts drifted, and she found herself captivated by the details that had escaped her notice before. The way his lips curved slightly as he listened, the way his brows furrowed in concentration, and the way his presence seemed to envelop her in a cocoon of quiet companionship.
The moment took an unexpected turn, shifting from the realms of unspoken understanding to a more tangible connection. As y/n made to exit the scene, Lan Wangji's sudden action stopped her in her tracks. The feeling of his hand grasping hers was a delicate yet undeniable sensation, a touch that sent a jolt of electricity through her veins.
Her eyes met his, and in that shared gaze, a profound understanding seemed to pass between them. It was as if the barriers that had held them apart had momentarily dissolved, leaving only a sense of raw vulnerability and a connection that defied definition.
The realization struck y/n like a bolt of lightning, the significance of what had just transpired, the unspoken implications of the act.
"Sorry, Hanguang-Jun," y/n's voice held a mixture of sincerity and contrition as she bowed, her posture a reflection of her respect for him. The weight of the moment lingered in the air, a tangible reminder of the boundary that had been crossed.
With a quick withdrawal of her hand, she departed the scene, the weight of the forbidden nature of their interaction lingering like a bittersweet aftertaste.
As y/n's words and actions sank in, Lan Wangji found himself grappling with a mix of emotions. Confusion, like a cloud, hung over his thoughts. He had allowed her to touch his forehead ribbon, an act that held profound significance in their world. It was a gesture he had reserved for those closest to him, only family and cultivation partners. And yet, in that moment, he had permitted her to cross that sacred boundary.
The weight of his own actions began to dawn on him. Why had he allowed her to do something that was forbidden? His feelings for y/n had been growing steadily, like a quiet flame that couldn't be easily extinguished. The strength of his emotions had caught him off guard, leaving him to question the choices he had made.
The memory of her leaving the scene, the abruptness of her departure, was a puzzle he couldn't unravel. He had seen something in her eyes, a connection that seemed to mirror his own feelings. And yet, she had withdrawn, as if the very act of removing his forehead ribbon had awakened a realization that needed distance.
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mdzsfan · 5 months
Hi, can I request an OS with Lan Wangji and female reader? Reader was given as a gift to Wangji to serve him as a maid by another clan. Reader belongs to a poor background (she was an orphan grown up in a foster home). Reader feels honoured to be his maid and serves HanGuang-Jun with all her heart. Slowly, Wangji developed feelings for reader and started loving her secretly. He becomes protective of her and started getting jealous whenever she gets attention from other mdzs boys. Reader has a crush on HanGuang-Jun but she never expected that someone like Lan er-gongzi who is a noble man belongs to the highest social class can like her, let alone love her(reader is an underconfident maiden because of her poor background). Wangji started dropping subtle hints for the reader to show his love for her. Like, one day, Wangji took reader's hands in his and made her touch his forehead ribbon, which reader misunderstood as a mistake. Another day, he played guqin for the reader when she was unable to fall asleep. Some other day, he kissed her forhead & cheeks when she was playing with his rabbits. One day, Wangji takes the reader to Caiyi town for Yuan Xiao festival. Reader loves going to festivals and fairs a lot since she never got a chance to go there during childhood (she mentioned it to him casually one day) where they both light a lantern together and wish to stay together forever. Wangji couldn't stop himself from kissing her when he feels the reader so close to him which made her really surprised since she didn't believe what has just happened😳 Wangji takes her to a restaurant to eat where someone spiked her tea and reader got drunk. They decided to stay in a hotel in same room and Wangji takes care of the drunk reader. Her cute antics made him laugh and gives him a hard time to control himself as he doesn't want to take advantage of her in drunken state. (You can add as many cute antics as you want as drunk reader is quite adorable and cute). Once she became sober, there, sitting on his lap, reader asks Wangji, "why does he not treat her like a maid anymore? Why did he kiss her?(touching her lips while saying that), What does he feel about her? Why is he holding her in his arms like this as it is forbidden to be like this with a maid?" To which Wangji replies that, "he will never treat her as a maid because she is his woman and he consider the reader as his wife, his soulmate, his everything. And he is holding her like this because she is his and she will remain in his arms forever." Listening to this, reader kisses him and Wangji couldn't control himself anymore so they both kisses each other passionately and things got heated from there between them and they had sex in the hotel room(you can write implied nsfw if you are not comfortable). Lying naked in each other's arms, reader asked Wangji if it is okay to be intimate with a maid? Is it not forbidden to have a relationship like this between a master and servant? To which Wangji made her touch his forehead ribbon and declares that only she is allowed to touch his forehead ribbon as he considers reader his spouse. Reader gets emotional and they had sex again, this time Wangji being gentle with her as she was already sore from previous rounds. Next day, when they go back to cloud recess, Wangji tells Zewu-Jun that he wants to marry the reader ceremoniously and Zewu-Jun shows his concerns regarding Shūfù's reaction as he will never accept reader (a maid from low class) as Wangji's wife. When Shūfù called HanGuang-Jun and Zewu-Jun to talk about this matter, to convince him not to marry the maid reader, Wangji declared that the reader has already became his woman because Wangji has embraced the reader and had taken her virginity, her honour. The marks she bears on her body are the evidence of their passionate night together. Shūfù has no other choice so he accepts their relationship and reader and Wangji gets married in a traditional ceremony and declares their love to each other and vows to stay with each other forever. Thank you in advance😊
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this oneshot that I wrote. I unfortunately did had to split into 3-5 parts as it was very long, and there are some parts such as smut that might be uncomfortable for some readers. As not everyone is okay with the idea of smut however, I really hope that you like the one shots, as I personally loved writing it!
Unspoken Bonds
From the earliest days of y/n's life, a sense of unrelenting hardship took root, as she navigated a world that was harsh and unforgiving. Abandoned to the streets with neither family nor means, she fell into the hands of a family that offered shelter, but at a cost that was far from kind. This supposed refuge, unfortunately, evolved into a crucible of cruelty that shaped her formative years.
Optimism, naive yet persistent, had once painted this family as her potential saviors, a way out of the torment she had known. Yet, the stark reality unfolded with a grim contrast. Instead of the sanctuary she yearned for, she became a target for their frustrations and anger. Mistakes, no matter how minor, ignited storms of abuse that rained down upon her fragile shoulders.
Her daily life became an endless cycle of servitude. Cooking and cleaning were the tasks she was relegated to, her hands worn from the labor that sustained the very family that ought to have nurtured and protected her. But instead of gratitude, they rewarded her dedication with disrespect, dehumanizing her by spitting on her, a poignant reminder of her status as the lowest rung in their household.
Time went by, and the cruelty only intensified. The shadows of her circumstances grew darker, blotting out any semblance of hope that dared to flicker within her. The family's satisfaction seemed to derive from her suffering, twisting her dreams into nightmares she couldn't escape.
And then, when their need for her waned, they made a callous decision that would forever alter her fate. Selling her, as if she were mere chattel, became their solution to an inconvenience they no longer wished to tolerate. To a neighboring clan hungry for power and willing to pay, y/n was a transaction, a cruel exchange of money for a life.
In the face of life's unrelenting challenges, y/n remained resolute and unyielding. Despite the difficulties that surrounded her, she refused to surrender to adversity. Over time, her indomitable spirit led her to forge meaningful connections with the fellow maids and servants who, like her, dedicated their lives to serving the illustrious Xiao family. Through shared experiences and a mutual understanding of their circumstances, the bonds of friendship blossomed, offering solace and camaraderie in a world that often seemed harsh and unforgiving.
Yet, as the hands of fate would have it, echoes of history began to resurface. Just when y/n believed she had found her place amidst the companionship of kindred spirits, an unexpected twist emerged. Rumors spread, whispered in hushed tones among the manors' inhabitants, conveying a revelation that cast a shadow over the newfound harmony y/n had cultivated. It was decided that y/n would be entrusted as a gift to the revered Gusu Lan Clan, an act motivated by a deep sense of gratitude.
The Gusu Lan Clan, renowned for their steadfast support of the small clan to which y/n had belonged, offered her presence as a token of appreciation. It was a gesture meant to convey not only the Xiao family's acknowledgment of the Gusu Lan Clan's assistance but also their genuine desire to strengthen the ties between their clans. 
Prior to y/n's entrance into Gusu as Lan Wangji's maid, a myriad of rumors had reached her ears, painting a multifaceted portrait of the enigmatic man. Whispers echoed about his piercing gaze, capable of peering into the depths of one's soul, and tales circulated of his unwavering adherence to rules and decorum, lending an air of unwavering obedience to his presence, seemingly mirroring the very essence of Lan Qiren.
However, as y/n stepped into her role and began to interact with Lan Wangji on a more intimate level, she found that reality diverged from these conjectures. The man who stood before her was not a mere embodiment of rumors; he was a complex individual with layers that extended far beyond the whispers of gossip. Yes, there existed an initial distance between them, a consequence of his accustomed solitude, yet this did not deter her from pursuing a genuine connection.
As y/n assumed her role as Lan Wangji's dedicated maid, a profound sense of honor enveloped her. Each task she performed, every moment she spent in his presence, was imbued with a deep reverence for the man she served, HanGuang-Jun. Her heart swelled with pride as she tended to his needs, and she approached her duties with an unwavering commitment that stemmed from a genuine admiration for his character.
In her eyes, every action was a testament to her devotion. She meticulously arranged his belongings, ensuring that his environment was one of tranquility and order. The act of preparing his tea became a ritual, a delicate balance of precision and care. As she observed him from the periphery, his presence radiated a quiet strength that commanded respect and kindled an unspoken understanding between them.
Amid the tranquil rhythm of their daily tea ceremony, Lan Wangji's voice cut through the stillness with a question that echoed like the delicate chime of a distant temple bell. "Do I frighten you?" he inquired, his words carrying a weight that seemed to stretch beyond their immediate context.
Caught off guard by the unexpected inquiry, y/n paused in her meticulous task, her movements stilled by the gravity of his question. Her eyes met his, a moment of connection that held a world of unspoken sentiments. She could sense the complexity within those eyes, a depth of emotions that remained enigmatic yet inviting, like the surface of a tranquil pond concealing the currents below.
In response, her voice carried a gentle timbre laced with a touch of reverence, as she inclined her head in a respectful bow. "I'm sorry, Hanguang-Jun," she murmured, her words threaded with sincerity. "I didn't mean to offend you. Please forgive me."
With the pot placed delicately on the table, a fleeting impulse surged within y/n. An impulse to escape the room, to retreat from the intimacy of the moment. But before she could act upon it, her attempt to slip away was thwarted by the firm yet gentle grasp of Lan Wangji's hand. His touch was unexpected, a tether that pulled her back from the precipice of her own uncertainty.
"Stay," his voice resonated, carrying a command that was as soft as it was compelling. His gaze, steady and unwavering, met hers, and in that instant, she was held in his gaze as if suspended in time. His finger extended, pointing to the table that held the tea they were meant to share, a silent insistence that resonated more deeply than mere words.
Caught between his unspoken desire and her own momentary hesitation, y/n found herself rooted to the spot, her instincts conflicting with the undeniable pull of his presence. It was in this very moment that the lines between servant and master, duty and emotion, blurred into something more intricate and profound.
As she remained by the table, a swirl of emotions stirred within her. The unexpected touch, the commanding yet not unkind directive, created a fissure in the façade of their roles. A hint of vulnerability flickered in Lan Wangji's eyes, a vulnerability that mirrored her own feelings of uncertainty and longing.
This moment was the very beginning. A small, unassuming step that would unknowingly set the course for a transformation within her heart. The tiniest seed of affection, of admiration for the man who stood before her, took root and began to flourish. The reverence she had always held for him deepened, evolving into something more personal and profound.
As they shared the tea, the air between them seemed to shimmer with unspoken emotions. Her heart, once steady, now danced to the rhythm of a new melody, one that resonated with the harmony of unspoken feelings and secret desires. 
Throughout their shared moments that accumulated over time, the connection between y/n and Lan Wangji had deepened and gave a rise to an enduring love that seemed to flourish with each passing day. The tender affection they nurtured for one another became a beacon of warmth in their lives, radiating an exquisite glow that illuminated even the darkest corners of their hearts.
Lan Wangji's regard for y/n was a testament to the transformational power of genuine love. Unlike the treatment meted out by the previous clans, he adorned y/n with the dignity and respect that she deserved. Each gesture, each word he spoke, was a brushstroke on the canvas of their relationship, carefully painting a masterpiece of equality and mutual admiration. The societal boundaries that typically governed interactions between different strata of society held no dominion in their bond.
On a serene day, with scrolls in her hands meant for Lan Wangji, y/n embarked on her journey towards his presence. However, her path was momentarily intercepted by the boisterous voice of Wei Wuxian. His voice echoed in the air, calling out to her, "Hey there, pretty lady!"
Pausing, y/n turned to face Wei Wuxian, a playful smile tugging at his lips. His inquiry was direct, laden with curiosity, "Why do you always hang around with that grumpy, old, boring, mean man?"
A chuckle escaped y/n as she contemplated the question. Wei Wuxian's amusement was evident, yet there was a genuine inquisitiveness in his gaze. "Grumpy, old, boring, mean man?" y/n repeated, a glint of humor dancing in her eyes. Then, with a sly grin, she ventured, "Lan Wangji?"
Wei Wuxian's nod confirmed her guess, and y/n couldn't help but offer a gentle smile. "You see," she began, her tone thoughtful, "It's my role to serve Lan Wangji, to assist him with tasks that are entrusted to me." Her words carried a sense of purpose, a conviction that underscored her actions.
The accusation that Lan Wangji was mean warranted a soft shake of her head. "Oh no, he's not mean," y/n corrected with an air of certainty. "In fact, he's anything but that. Lan Wangji has been a savior in my life, a pillar of support and understanding. His demeanor might seem reserved, but beneath that lies a depth of compassion and wisdom."
Y/n's words carried a weight of sincerity, a testament to the profound impact Lan Wangji had on her life. Her steadfast defense of his character was unwavering, rooted in the countless moments they had shared and the understanding that had grown between them.
She continued, her tone soft but unwavering, "It's true that his sternness may seem directed at times, but it's often a reflection of his dedication to principles and order. And as for you, Wei Wuxian," she paused, a playful glint entering her eyes, "you might find that his 'meanness' is a response to your rather inventive interpretations of the rules."
Wei Wuxian's laughter rang out, a melody of amusement that danced through the air. Y/n's steadfast loyalty and her ability to see beyond the surface intrigued him, a curiosity stirring within him like a hidden current beneath the surface.
Lan Wangji's arrival on the scene was as graceful as ever, his presence a calming breeze that stirred the air. A smile graced his lips as his gaze fell upon y/n, the sight of her never failing to evoke a sense of serenity within him. However, the tableau before him quickly shifted his emotions in an unexpected direction.
Observing the easy camaraderie between y/n and Wei Wuxian, their laughter and exchanged smiles, Lan Wangji felt a subtle pang in his chest—a twinge of jealousy that seemed to tighten his throat. The warmth that had previously filled him was now juxtaposed with a slight discomfort, a feeling he struggled to name.
"A-y/n," he addressed her, his voice steady but tinged with an undertone of something he himself couldn't quite grasp. Stepping into the midst of their discussion, his gaze fixed upon Wei Wuxian, his stare carrying a weight of warning, like a hawk assessing its territory.
Y/n's attention shifted seamlessly, her focus now on Lan Wangji, her demeanor respectful and attentive. "Hanguang-Jun," she acknowledged with a graceful bow, the gesture a testament to the deference she held for him.
The air seemed to hum with unspoken tension, the energy between the three of them palpable. Lan Wangji's reaction was a confluence of emotions, protectiveness for the bond he shared with y/n. A hint of insecurity at the sight of her engaged with another, and a flicker of curiosity about the nature of her rapport with Wei Wuxian.
Y/n's posture remained poised, her ability to navigate these subtle undercurrents a reflection of her perceptiveness. As her eyes met Lan Wangji's, there was a gentle reassurance in her gaze, a silent message that affirmed her unwavering regard for him.
Wei Wuxian, though he had been met with Lan Wangji's glare, seemed to take it all in stride. His own expression was a blend of mischief and curiosity, a playful acknowledgment of the tension that had arisen. It was as if he recognized the significance of Lan Wangji's feelings, perhaps even the depth of his emotions, without needing explicit words.
Amidst the charged atmosphere, Lan Wangji's composed demeanor remained a steadfast anchor. His subtle gesture caught y/n's attention, a silent communication that conveyed it was time to depart from the scene. Y/n's acknowledgment was swift—a nod that reflected her readiness to follow Lan Wangji's lead.
As if choreographed by an unspoken understanding, y/n gracefully turned her attention back to Wei Wuxian, her respectful bow a final farewell gesture. The act was imbued with a sense of gratitude for the exchange they had shared and a promise of a future encounter.
However, before the moment could dissolve into the annals of memory, Wei Wuxian's voice reverberated through the space like a lightning bolt. "DOES LAN WANGJI LIKE A-Y/N!?" The words were proclaimed with a volume that defied subtlety, and echoed. 
The scene that followed was a mix of reactions that could only be expected in the wake of Wei Wuxian's exuberant declaration. The elder Lans, though mildly scandalized by the outburst, were not entirely surprised, a testament to Wei Wuxian's notorious reputation for audacious behavior. 
"WEI WUXIAN!!!" Lan Qiren's stern voice shattered the calm like a thunderclap, a sharp reprimand that cut through the atmosphere with a forceful command. His displeasure was evident in both his tone and expression, a manifestation of the elder Lans' commitment to decorum and discipline. The echoes of his voice lingered in the air like a tangible reprimand.
Startled by the force of Lan Qiren's shout, Wei Wuxian's eyes widened and his heart raced. He was well accustomed to Lan Qiren's disapproval, yet the suddenness of it always managed to catch him off guard. Without a moment's hesitation, he turned on his heels, his quick retreat evidence of his familiarity with this routine. 
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mdzsfan · 9 months
Hello! I really enjoy reading your writings. They always make my day :) I'm just wondering if you're going to continue the Jin Zixuan x reader x Jin Guangyao? I really enjoyed the part 1 and I hope you continue after you finish your exams and assignments ofc
Hi Anonymous!
I just updated, and part 2 is up right now! Hope you like it.
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mdzsfan · 9 months
hi! could you put your posts under a readmore please?
Ok sure, I'll fix them right now!
0 notes
mdzsfan · 9 months
Lovers from the past part 2
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GIF by whovian-on-ice
"A-Xuan, where are you off to?" Y/N's voice carried a note of concern as she observed her husband, Jin Zixuan, making preparations with his sword. The room was infused with a sense of anticipation, a tension that mirrored the unspoken words that lingered between them.
He turned to face her, a soft smile curving upon his lips as he met her gaze. "Don't worry," he reassured her, his voice a gentle caress that held the warmth of their shared history, "I'll only be gone for a few hours." With a tenderness that mirrored his words, he leaned down and pressed a kiss upon her forehead, his lips a fleeting promise of his return.  (author: we all know that's not true hehe)
Their son, Jin Ling, nestled in the embrace of his mother's arms, gazed up at his father with curious eyes. His chubby fingers reached out, brushing against Jin Zixuan's cheek as if to echo his mother's sentiments. A fond smile played on Jin Zixuan's lips as he gently rubbed his son's head, a gesture that held the weight of fatherly love and a promise to return.
"But Jin Ling's one-month celebration is today," Y/N's voice held a note of gentle pleading, her eyes a mirror to the heartache that tugged at her. "It's important for you to be there, as a father to share in this milestone for our son." Her words were woven with the threads of tradition and the longing for familial unity.
Jin Zixuan's expression softened further, a mixture of understanding and conflict dancing within his eyes. He reached out, his fingers brushing against his son's tiny hand before he gently cupped Y/N's cheek, his touch an unspoken reassurance.
"I promise, Y/N," his voice was a solemn pledge, a promise etched into the very fabric of his being, "I will be there. I will not let this moment pass without sharing it with our son." With a final lingering kiss upon her lips, he reluctantly left the embrace of their chambers, the echo of his footsteps a testament to the weight of his responsibilities.
As Jin Zixuan departed, his footsteps echoing in the corridors of his thoughts, he found himself traversing the landscape of his memories. Each step seemed to unlock a vault of moments he had shared with Y/N, fragments of happiness and laughter that had once painted their lives with vibrant hues. In the midst of uncertainty, he held onto these recollections, as if they were the fragile threads that could weave a tapestry of hope against the looming shadows of the unknown.
The scenes of their past played out before his mind's eye, he found himself transported to a moment that seemed to encapsulate the essence of their shared journey.
The air was charged with a palpable tension as Jin Zixuan and Y/N faced each other, their words held a pregnant pause with the weight of unspoken emotions. The silence was as thick as the moonlit night, a canvas upon which their inner conflicts painted themselves.
"I know you still love A-Yao," Jin Zixuan's voice held a mixture of understanding and vulnerability, a confession that seemed to bridge the gap between their hearts. "But do not blame me," he continued, his words gentle yet firm, "I am strongly against this marriage as well."
Y/N's gaze was averted, her fingers tracing patterns on her robes as if they held the answers to the complexities that enveloped them. Her voice, when it finally emerged, was a reflection of the truth that had been buried beneath layers of tradition and obligation. "It seems as though none of us wanted this marriage," she stated plainly, her words a raw acknowledgment of their shared plight, "as it was arranged by our parents."
A pang of sympathy tugged at Jin Zixuan's heart as he observed her struggle to meet his gaze. The words that followed were a testament to the strength that lay within her, a strength that was willing to accept the circumstances they had been thrust into. "I guess the best thing for us," her voice held a quiet resolution, a resolution that carried the promise of finding harmony amidst discord, "is to try to get along instead of living a life of misery."
And as the night deepened, casting its shroud over their conversation, Jin Zixuan found himself taking a step towards the door, his heart heavy with the weight of both their history and the uncertainty of their future. It was in that moment, as he began to turn away, that her voice reached his ears once more, a whisper that seemed to linger in the stillness of the room.
"But I will never love you," her words were a crystalline declaration, a truth that hung between them like a delicate thread. "A-Yao is my only love."
The echo of those words seemed to reverberate in the chambers of his heart, a reminder of the complexity of emotions that bound them together. He carried her truth with him as he stepped into the corridor, the memory of her voice an imprint upon his soul.
However, life had a way of defying expectations, and the unfolding days revealed a truth that Y/N could not have foreseen. As time drew her closer to Jin Zixuan, a shift occurred within her heart, the tides of her emotions ebbing away from the shores of her feelings for Jin Guangyao. It was a transformation that took her by surprise, a realization that brought with it a sense of guilt, for she had once promised her heart to another.
The bond that she had believed to be love began to unravel like the delicate threads of a tapestry, leaving behind a tangled mixture of confusion and understanding. The more she spent time with Jin Zixuan, the more she found her feelings for him deepening, overshadowing the emotions she had once harbored for his elder brother. It was a bittersweet revelation, a recognition that her heart was not bound by promises made in haste.
She wrestled with her own emotions, grappling with the weight of her shifting affections. Had her feelings for Jin Guangyao been nothing more than a mirage, a connection born out of shared experiences and mutual understanding? The notion tugged at her, a mixture of relief and uncertainty intertwined.
One evening, as the moon cast its soft glow upon the world outside, Y/N found herself in the presence of Jin Zixuan. The words she had longed to speak swirled within her, carried by a courage that was fueled by the truth she had come to acknowledge.
"A-Xuan," her voice held a quiet earnestness, her gaze meeting his as if searching for the answers that lay within his eyes, "I love you, and I hope you feel the same way." Her words were a vulnerable admission, a confession that bared the depths of her heart. "If you don't, that's fine," she continued, her tone a blend of acceptance and hope, "we can remain friends, and perhaps time will bring clarity to our paths."
Before she could finish her sentence, he moved closer, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the whirlwind of emotions that surrounded them. His lips met hers in a tender kiss, a kiss that spoke of unspoken emotions and a shared understanding that transcended words.
"I..." he began, his voice a soft whisper as their lips parted, the weight of his emotions mirrored in his gaze. "I like you too."
In that moment, as the moon continued its journey across the sky, Y/N felt the weight of uncertainty lift from her heart. The bond that had once tied her to Jin Guangyao had transformed, evolving into a connection that resonated with the truth of her feelings. And as they stood there, two souls on the precipice of a new chapter, they found solace in the understanding that sometimes, the heart could find its way even when promises had been broken.
As the time slipped away, the anticipation that had surrounded Jin Ling's one-month anniversary began to mix with an undercurrent of worry. The sun cast its golden hues across the landscape, painting a picturesque scene outside the gathering, yet within the heart of the celebration, there was an undeniable absence, a void that was carved by Jin Zixuan's missing presence.
Despite his absence, the celebration pressed on. The grandparents, uncles, aunts, and sect leaders had all gathered, their smiles and laughter a testament to their shared joy. Among them, Y/N stood, her eyes occasionally flickering towards the entrance as if hoping to catch a glimpse of her husband's arrival.
"A-Y/N," the voice of Madam Jin cut through the hum of conversation, drawing Y/N's attention. She turned to face her mother-in-law, her lips curving into a respectful smile as she prepared to greet her.
But Madam Jin's words carried a note of understanding, a hint of sympathy that resonated with Y/N's own unspoken thoughts. "It's Jin Ling's one-month anniversary," she continued, her voice soft and gentle, "no need for formalities."
Y/N's smile grew warmer, a reflection of her appreciation for the maternal understanding that Madam Jin extended. "Of course," she replied, a soft nod accompanying her words, as if they were both acknowledging the complexities that lay beneath the surface.
"But where is Jin Zixuan?" Madam Jin's voice held a tinge of concern, a concern that echoed the worry in Y/N's heart.
"He assured me that he would be here," Y/N's voice held a mixture of hope and unease, her gaze briefly averting from Madam Jin's knowing eyes. "There were matters that demanded his attention," she continued, her words chosen with care to shield Jin Zixuan from any potential judgment.
Madam Jin's expression shifted slightly, the frustration evident in her furrowed brows. "It's his son's one-month anniversary," she mused, her voice carrying a note of incredulity, "surely those matters could have waited."
Y/N's lips curved into a sympathetic smile, her gaze now focused on the other guests who had gathered to celebrate this milestone. "Of course," she agreed softly, her words a reflection of her understanding of the intricate balance between duty and familial commitments.
Amidst the mingling guests, a servant entered the hall, a hesitant expression etched upon their face. Their arrival was accompanied by a heaviness that seemed to settle over the room, casting a shadow over the festive atmosphere.
Y/N's heart quickened as the servant approached, and before words could be spoken, she already felt the gravity of what they carried. The news that fell from the servant's lips was like a thunderclap, jolting the celebration into stunned silence.
"Jin Zixuan was killed by The ghost general"
The words hung in the air like a lament, their impact rippling through the room. Shock reverberated through Y/N's veins, her thoughts frozen as if time itself had momentarily halted. The joy of celebration was abruptly eclipsed by the weight of tragedy, leaving Y/N standing amidst a sea of stunned faces, grappling with the sudden and profound loss that had shattered their world.
In that instant, the once joyous occasion was transformed into a gathering of mourning, a communal space where grief converged with the echoes of happiness that once filled the air. Y/N's heart ached as the realization settled upon her, Jin Zixuan, the man she had once loved and the father of her child, was now forever absent, leaving behind a void that could never be filled.
The news had struck Y/N like a physical blow, the words reverberating through her being as if they were echoing in an empty chamber. A feeling of nausea surged within her, an overwhelming sensation that threatened to consume her. She needed to see for herself, to confirm that it wasn't a cruel trick played by fate.
She ran, her feet carrying her outside and towards their chambers, her heart pounding in her chest as if trying to break free from the confines of her ribcage. Each step felt like a desperate plea to the universe, a yearning to wake up from the nightmare that had swallowed her reality. Her mind raced, torn between hope and despair, the memories of their happiness juxtaposed against the stark reality of loss.
As she entered the chambers that had once held their shared dreams and laughter, she was met with the cold reality that seemed to seep into her bones. The room felt both familiar and foreign, a place where their love had once flourished, now transformed into a realm of absence and ache.
And then, as if echoing the cruel irony of her thoughts, Y/N's eyes fluttered open. The transition from the dream world to her waking reality was disorienting, her senses adjusting to the soft light that filtered through the room.
Her heart raced as she took in her surroundings, her breath hitching as the remnants of her dream lingered like the tendrils of a fading fog. She was in her chambers, just as she had been in her dream. But the weight of the loss was no longer a mere illusion—it was her grim reality.
Her gaze shifted, and there, by her side, was Jin Guangyao. The sight of him was both comforting and perplexing, his presence a lifeline amidst the storm of her emotions.
"A-Yao," her voice was barely more than a whisper, a fragile thread that carried the weight of her grief, "is he really gone?"
His response was silence, an unspoken acknowledgment of the truth that hung in the air like a heavy shroud. And in that silence, Y/N felt her heart shatter anew, the pain of her loss threatening to engulf her.
Jin Guangyao's arms enveloped her, a gesture of comfort that she instinctively leaned into. Her tears flowed freely, a river of sorrow that seemed to have no end. She wept for the life they had shared, for the dreams that had been shattered, and for the future that had been stolen away.
In her anguish, Y/N didn't notice the slight smirk that graced Jin Guangyao's lips. His embrace was warm, his presence a balm to her wounded soul. As she sought solace in his arms, unaware of the hidden currents of his intentions, she was vulnerable to the comfort he offered, a comfort that was layered with his own agenda.
And so, Y/N wept in his embrace, her tears a testament to the depth of her sorrow. Little did she know, her pain was both a genuine expression of her loss and a pawn in a larger scheme, a scheme that Jin Guangyao had meticulously orchestrated.
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mdzsfan · 9 months
Echoes of Love
Thank you so much for requesting @Aelsher_- (wattpad)
Wei Wuxian's heart was a battlefield of conflicting emotions, each sentiment warring against the other. Amidst the backdrop of their shared world, he found himself ensnared by a web of misconceptions and misgivings.
In the midst of bustling days at the Cloud Recesses, he often found himself stealing glances at her. Lan Y/n, a presence that both soothed and agitated his heart, and was a force he couldn't ignore. Their paths crossed often, her laughter echoing like chimes in his ears. Yet, with each joyful interaction he witnessed between her and Jiang Cheng, a shadow of doubt cast itself over his feelings.
Amidst the intricate dance of emotions, Lan Y/n's voice cut through the tension like a calming breeze. "A-cheng," she spoke gently, her words an attempt to soothe the unease that had taken root. "Don't be silly."
Jiang Cheng's response, unyielding and fervent, shattered the silence with its boldness. "Wei Wuxian doesn't deserve you," he declared, his words resounding with a conviction that brooked no argument. "He's too busy chasing around Lan Wangji."
Lan Y/n's laughter, like a soft melody, echoed through the air. "Lan Wangji is my brother," she explained, her tone laced with amusement. "It's only natural that they spend time together."
But Jiang Cheng wasn't swayed, his voice rising as he continued to press his point. "See?" His exasperation was palpable, his frustration echoing through the space. "You're too good for him."
For Wei Wuxian, the exchange was a whirlwind of emotions, his heart a canvas splattered with colors of uncertainty and understanding. He listened as Lan Y/n's voice wavered, her hesitation a reflection of the complexity of the situation. "A-cheng, I'm flattered," she admitted, her words laced with both gratitude and uncertainty. "But this is inappropriate behavior. I'm with A-xian now. It's time for you to accept that."
"If you'd only give me a chance," Jiang Cheng's voice was laced with a mixture of desperation and longing, his words hanging in the air like a plea. In a moment fueled by his emotions, he leaned in, attempting to bridge the distance between them with a kiss. But Y/n's instincts kicked in, and with a resolute push, she managed to create a space between them, halting his advances. It was a gesture that spoke volumes, a silent boundary that held within it her unwavering stance.
As the echoes of their interaction reverberated, Y/n's gaze darted, her heart seizing as she caught sight of Wei Wuxian turning to leave. "A-xian!" she called out, her voice a mixture of desperation and urgency. "Wait! What you saw was a complete misunderstanding!"
But his form continued to recede, each step carrying him away from her, and her words seemed to dissipate into the air, unheard by the retreating figure.
"A-y/n," Wei Wuxian's voice was gentle yet resolute, his words carrying a weight that held a spectrum of emotions. "I've seen the ways you guys interact with each other. You don't need to hide it."
His statement hung in the air, the truth of it echoing in the space between them. Y/n's heart ached at the apparent inevitability of his conclusion, the misunderstanding solidifying into a perception that cast shadows over her truth.
With a voice choked by emotion, she sought to break through the barriers that had emerged. "But A-xian," her voice trembled, the words carrying the depth of her feelings, "I love you! Why won't you believe me?"
Tears glistened in her eyes, emotions raw and unfiltered as they overflowed. Her heart laid bare, her words carried the weight of her vulnerability, a plea to be heard, understood, and believed. In that moment, the connection between them seemed to hang in the balance, the threads of their shared story stretched to their limits, waiting for a resolution that could bridge the gaps of misunderstanding and reveal the truth that lay hidden beneath the surface.
"Perhaps, this is for the best," Wei Wuxian's words fell like a quiet sigh, heavy with a mixture of resignation and regret. With a gentle but deliberate movement, he gently removed her hands from his, the action speaking volumes of the distance he felt compelled to put between them.
The weight of his statement settled upon the air, a sense of finality hanging between them like an unspoken truth. Y/n's heart clenched at the realization of his decision, a blend of understanding and heartache weaving within her.
But her desire to salvage what they had refused to be quelled. "A-xian!" Her voice rang out, charged with desperation, as she tried to chase after him. Her feet propelled her forward, fueled by the fervent need to close the gap, to mend the fraying threads of their connection. But her efforts were in vain, for he outpaced her effortlessly, his strides longer and faster.
As she watched him slip through her fingers, her heart ached with a sense of helplessness. The space between them widened, a visual representation of the emotional chasm that had come to define their interaction. She felt a wave of frustration mix with her longing, her fingers stretching futilely toward him as if to bridge the distance that separated them.
The echoes of her cry, the unspoken plea that had been woven into her voice, reverberated through the air. In that fleeting moment, it felt as though the universe itself was conspiring against their desires, emphasizing the challenge of trying to hold onto something slipping through their grasp.
As the sound of Lan Wangji's voice reached Y/n's ears, a rush of emotions surged within her, compelling her to move hastily towards the doorway. Her heart raced with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, the mere possibility of seeing Wei Wuxian again propelling her steps. However, as the scene unfolded before her eyes, her hopes were met with bitter disappointment – there was no sign of Wei Wuxian.
Her breath caught in her throat, and her eyes scanned the surroundings in vain, desperately seeking a glimpse of the man she longed for. "A-zhan," her voice wavered, her tone tinged with desperation and a silent plea, "where is A-xian?"
There was an unspoken urgency in her question, a fervent hope that her worst fears had not materialized. Yet, even before a response could be offered, the weight of silence settled upon the air, and realization dawned upon her like a cruel revelation that Wei Wuxian was truly gone.
The truth hit her like a physical blow, and the world seemed to blur around her. The ground beneath her feet felt unsteady as her legs threatened to give way. Her vision swayed, and her consciousness teetered on the edge of oblivion. Just as darkness began to encroach on the edges of her awareness, Lan Wangji's presence became her anchor, a lifeline that prevented her from succumbing to unconsciousness.
Y/n's voice trembled, her words etched with a raw and unrestrained pain that seemed to emanate from the depths of her soul. "He promised," she managed to choke out between sobs, her voice a broken whisper, "he promised that he knew he could control it."
Her tears flowed freely, each drop a testament to the overwhelming sorrow that had enveloped her being. She clung to Lan Wangji as if he were the last semblance of stability in her crumbling world, her grief pouring out in waves that seemed to echo through the very fabric of existence.
In the years that followed, the echoes of Y/n's cries reverberated within Lan Wangji's mind, etching themselves into his consciousness as an indelible mark. The sound of her anguish became a haunting presence, a recurring nightmare that visited him during countless nights. Each cry was a reminder of the pain he had witnessed and the helplessness he had felt in the face of a love lost.
Timeskip (resurrection era)
"Lan Zhan, how is y/n?" Wei Wuxian's curiosity about his former lover was evident in his question. "Has she married Jiang Cheng?"
"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji's voice held a touch of sadness. "What you witnessed back then was a misunderstanding."
"When it was discovered that Jiang Cheng played a significant role in your tragic fate," Lan Wangji continued, "she embarked on a path of seeking revenge against him, driven by the need to avenge you."
"All the suffering my sister endured was a consequence of your actions," Lan Xichen interjected, his tone laced with reproach. "You became a catalyst for countless tragedies in her life."
"If she had never crossed paths with you," Lan Xichen added with a hint of bitterness, "she wouldn't have experienced so much heartache, and she wouldn't have compromised her principles for one mortal man."
Wei Wuxian's gaze dropped, his expression a mixture of guilt and regret. He hadn't realized the extent of the pain he had inadvertently caused y/n. The weight of his actions weighed heavily on his heart as he absorbed the truth of Lan Xichen's words.
"Where is she now?" Wei Wuxian inquired anxiously.
"After your passing and her numerous unsuccessful attempts to seek revenge against Jiang Cheng, she secluded herself in her room for years. It seemed like history repeating itself again, and all of it traced back to you," Lan Xichen recounted before taking his leave, leaving Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian alone.
"Can I see her again?" Wei Wuxian's voice held a tinge of longing, the words escaping his lips like a fragile plea seeking solace.
Yet, silence remained in response, a heavy quietude that hung between them, only to be broken by the subtle incline of Lan Wangji's head. A silent understanding passed between the two as they continued their steps, advancing towards the door that Lan Wangji gently pushed ajar, unveiling the figure within none other than his own sister.
The effervescent radiance that once graced Y/n's complexion had now surrendered to a dry and lackluster pallor. Her eyes, once bright and vibrant, were now burdened by the weight of exhaustion, manifesting as deep shadows that had found their home beneath them. The hanfu, a symbol of grace, had lost its former elegance, now bearing wrinkles and creases that mirrored the unrest within. Even her hair, once meticulously arranged with utmost care, now cascaded in disarray, a visual testament to the upheaval that had touched her life.
"Y/n," Wei Wuxian's voice held a softness, a gentle murmur that hung in the air like a delicate secret shared only between them. With measured steps, he bridged the distance, each footfall a reflection of the cautious hope and tenderness he carried in his heart.
As he drew closer, it was as though time itself stretched, allowing him to absorb the changes that had befallen her. His gaze, filled with a mixture of empathy and affection, held the unspoken promise that he was there, not only as a witness to her struggles but also as a steadfast presence in her life.
The space between them seemed to hold an unspoken dialogue, a conversation that transcended words. In that fleeting moment, their connection was a bridge between separate worlds, drawing them together despite the trials that had sought to pull them apart.
"Y/n," Wei Wuxian's voice trembled with the weight of emotions too profound for words, a symphony of sentiments that resonated through the very fabric of the room.
Startled, Y/n lifted her gaze, her eyes meeting the figure standing before her. "A-xian?" Her voice quivered, a mixture of disbelief and vulnerability. "No, you can't be A-xian! He's gone, taken by Jiang Cheng, leading to his death."
"Y/n," Wei Wuxian's voice was gentle, his eyes brimming with tears that mirrored the sorrow etched within his heart. Each tear seemed to carry the burden of countless untold stories, of regrets and longing that spanned time itself. "I'm sorry," he whispered, the words like a fragile promise, a confession of remorse that hung in the air.
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as her emotions erupted, the dam of her heartbreak finally breaking free. She trembled with a mixture of anguish and anger, her voice quivering as she spoke through the waves of pain that consumed her. "Why did you choose demonic cultivation?" Her words were punctuated by sobs, the syllables heavy with the grief she had carried for years. "Why did you choose this path? Why did you have to leave us behind, to die and be gone for so many years, only to return now?"
Her fists balled up, her grief finding an outlet in the form of strikes against Wei Wuxian's chest. Each blow was a testament to the tumultuous sea of emotions crashing within her, a physical manifestation of the questions that had haunted her in his absence. "Why?!" she cried out, the anguish in her voice echoing off the walls. "Why did you leave us to suffer? You said you could control it!"
Wei Wuxian's expression remained a canvas of sorrow, etched with the lines of regret and the weight of his choices. As he endured the physical outpouring of her pain, his voice held a soothing quality, laced with an understanding of the pain he had caused. "I never intended to inflict this much pain towards you," he confessed, his voice a whisper that sought to bridge the chasm between them.
The room seemed to hold its breath, the space between them charged with a fragile vulnerability. Y/n's fists slowly unclenched, her body trembling with the aftershocks of her emotional release. Her tear-filled eyes met his, and within their depths lay a tumultuous mixture of emotions – anger, sorrow, longing, and the remnants of a love that had weathered the storm.
In that moment, as they stood facing each other, a profound understanding passed between them. Words, no matter how eloquent, would always pale in comparison to the depth of their emotions. Their hearts had been scarred by misunderstandings, by the passage of time, and by choices that had led them down divergent paths. Yet, within the fragments of pain and regret, the essence of their connection still remained, an unspoken bond that transcended the barriers they faced.
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mdzsfan · 9 months
Whispers of innocence
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Thank you Lily (quotev) for requesting this!
d/n = daughter's name
Lan Xichen stood at the doorway, a worried expression softening his usually composed features as he observed Y/n nestled in bed, visibly unwell. It was a rare sight to witness her in such a state, and his heart tugged with concern for her well-being. Approaching the bedside with a quiet grace, he couldn't help the tender smile that curved his lips as he gazed down at her.
"Rest well, my love," his voice was a soothing murmur, laced with affection. He leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead, his touch lingering as if to impart his comfort and care. "I'll be right here if you need anything."
Y/n managed a faint smile, her fingers weakly curling around his hand. "Thank you, Xichen. I just need some rest."
"A-niang!" D/n burst into the room, her energy uncontainable as she barged in. The Lan disciples scrambled to rein in her exuberance, their attempts to hold her back a gentle reminder of decorum in the presence of the Clan Leader and his wife.
"Sorry, Zewu-Jun and Lan Furen," the lan disciples offered apologetic bows.
Lan Xichen raised a hand, signaling a halt, and offered a reassuring smile to the disciples before they left. He turned his attention back to the scene unfolding before him, where d/n stood with her parents.
"A-niang!" D/n's voice was a symphony of delight as she addressed her mother. "Are you feeling better?"
Y/n's lips curved into a warm smile, her eyes shining with affection for her daughter. "I am, especially now that you're here."
D/n's face lit up with joy, her happiness radiating like a sunbeam. She approached the bedside, her small hands reaching out to brush a strand of hair away from y/n's face.
"But Lan Jingyi told me that if you're sick, you'll grow worms in your belly and have bugs coming out of your head," d/n said, her innocence evident in her tone as she relayed the curious information she had picked up.
Y/n couldn't help but giggle at the absurdity of Lan Jingyi's imaginative warning. "Oh, really?" She exchanged a knowing glance with Lan Xichen, amusement dancing in their eyes.
Lan Xichen joined the conversation, his voice gentle and reassuring. "Well, d/n, Lan Jingyi's imagination can be quite vivid, but I assure you, your A-niang is in good hands. She's resting and will be better soon."
D/n's brows furrowed in contemplation, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "I guess worms and bugs are not very good caretakers, are they?"
Lan Xichen chuckled softly, his gaze fond as he ruffled her hair affectionately. "No, they're not quite the nurturing type."
D/n nodded, seemingly satisfied with this clarification. Her attention shifted back to her mother, her expression softening with affection. "A-niang, can I stay with you for a while?"
"It's best for A-niang to be alone for a while so she can recover," Lan Xichen gently explained to his daughter as they exited the room, leaving his wife to rest and recuperate.
D/n's brows furrowed in a mix of concern and curiosity as she mulled over her father's words. "But Lan Jingyi told me that if you're alone for too long, you won't get better. He said little bugs will start to collect your soul." Her pout was accompanied by a worried expression.
Lan Xichen couldn't help but hide a small smile at the imaginative explanation provided by Lan Jingyi. "Oh, is that so?" He knelt down to her eye level, his tone conspiratorial. "Well, I think Lan Jingyi might have been having some fun with his words. You see, A-niang just needs some quiet time to rest and regain her strength. No bugs involved."
D/n's eyes widened with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. "Are you sure, a-die?"
Lan Xichen nodded with an earnest expression. "Absolutely sure. Sometimes, being alone and resting can help our bodies heal faster."
D/n pondered his words, her pout slowly transforming into a thoughtful expression. "So, no bugs?"
Lan Xichen chuckled softly. "No bugs, I promise."
D/n's lips curled into a relieved smile, her worry dissipating. "Okay, then. I guess I can let A-niang rest."
"That's very considerate of you," Lan Xichen praised, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Your A-niang will appreciate it very much."
D/n beamed with pride, her worries now replaced with a sense of understanding. "I want her to get better soon so we can play together!"
Lan Xichen stood up and held out his hand, ready to continue their journey. "That's a wonderful thought, d/n. Now, how about we go for a little walk while A-niang rests? We can come up with fun ideas to surprise her when she feels better."
D/n's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of planning surprises. She took her father's hand, her grip firm and determined. "Yes, let's do that, a-die!"
As the father and daughter strolled through the tranquil corridors of the Lan Clan residence, the serenity of the surroundings seemed to trigger a flood of memories for Lan Xichen. The way y/n interacted with d/n, their laughter and affectionate exchanges, transported him back to his own childhood days alongside Lan Wangji, a time when their mother's presence still graced their lives.
Lost in his reminiscences, Lan Xichen was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of d/n's exuberant voice. "You know, a-die!" Her declaration echoed down the hallways, drawing curious glances from passing disciples.
Startled by her enthusiastic announcement, Lan Xichen couldn't help but pause in his steps. "D/n," he interjected gently, his voice laced with a mixture of surprise and amusement. "Let's keep our voices down. We must show respect for our elders as they go about their duties."
D/n nodded in understanding, though her enthusiasm remained undeterred. "Yes, a-die," she responded in a hushed tone, her eyes shining with energy. "But you know, when I grow up, I want to marry Lan Jingyi!"
Lan Xichen's steps faltered as d/n's words hit him like a sudden gust of wind. Her declaration seemed to reverberate through his mind, momentarily jolting him out of his composed demeanor. He looked down at his daughter, his eyes wide with a mixture of astonishment and disbelief.
"You want to marry Lan Jingyi?" he repeated, his voice tinged with shock as he struggled to process her straightforward statement.
D/n nodded enthusiastically, her innocent expression unchanged. "Yes, a-die! When I grow up, I want to marry Lan Jingyi. He's funny and nice, and we play together all the time!"
Lan Xichen's mind raced, trying to reconcile his daughter's innocent proclamation with the reality before him. He hadn't expected such a candid revelation, especially from someone so young. He cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure.
"D/n, that's a very interesting thought," he managed to say, his voice gentle yet tinged with surprise. "But you're still very young, and there's a lot of time ahead for you to grow and explore different paths."
D/n looked up at him with wide, earnest eyes. "But a-die, you always say that we should find someone who makes us happy. And Lan Jingyi makes me really happy!"
Lan Xichen blinked, her innocence cutting through his momentary shock. He had indeed imparted those values to her, encouraging her to seek happiness and kindness in her relationships. He couldn't help but smile at her conviction, a mixture of fondness and amusement in his expression.
"You're absolutely right, d/n," he conceded, his smile softening. "Finding someone who brings joy to your life is important. But remember, there's no rush. Take your time to grow and discover what truly makes your heart happy."
D/n's face lit up with a bright smile, her trust in her father unwavering. "I will, a-die!"
Lan Xichen crouched down to her level, his hand gently resting on her shoulder. "That's the spirit, d/n. Enjoy your journey of growing up, and know that your family will always be here to support you."
D/n's smile widened, and she gave him a quick hug. "Thank you, a-die!"
As they continued their walk, Lan Xichen couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself. His daughter's candidness and straightforwardness were a constant reminder of the purity of childhood innocence. And in her innocent aspiration, he found a reminder that life's dreams and aspirations often take root in the most unexpected moments.
Lan Xichen's attention was swiftly captured by d/n's excited exclamation. Her little finger pointed towards a group of baby bunnies, their soft and pristine coats standing out against the green backdrop of the lan clan's surroundings. Their playful hops and wiggles were a sight to behold, and a smile involuntarily graced his lips.
"Indeed, they are quite the adorable sight," he replied, his voice gentle.
D/n's request to take one of the baby bunnies home pulled at his heartstrings. Her earnestness and cute expression were hard to resist, yet he knew the importance of teaching her about the balance of nature and the creatures that shared their world.
He crouched down to her eye level, his eyes meeting hers as he spoke. "My dear, while it's a wonderful thought, these baby bunnies have their own homes and families here. They belong in our lan clan's environment, and it's best to let them remain where they thrive."
A soft smile graced his features as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, his fatherly affection evident. "How about we sit here for a while and observe their playful antics? We can appreciate their beauty and happiness without disturbing their natural habitat."
D/n's expression held a mix of disappointment and understanding, and he marveled at her capacity to grasp such concepts. She nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips.
"All right, A-die," she agreed, her voice soft but content. "Let's watch them play together."
On their journey back, d/n's excitement seemed to radiate as she bounded towards her mother, eager to share the day's enchanting escapades.
"A-niang, guess what?" d/n bubbled with enthusiasm. "A-die and I had the most amazing adventures today!"
Y/n's tender smile welcomed her daughter's chatter, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fondness and curiosity. "Tell me all about it, sweetheart."
D/n's yawn was a testament to her day's energy expenditure, but it didn't dampen her animated storytelling. "We explored and saw so many things. But the best part was when we found these cute little bunnies! I really wanted to bring one home, but a-die said we shouldn't."
Y/n's soothing voice carried a note of understanding as she responded, "I'm glad you had such a wonderful time, my love. Exploring with your a-die sounds like so much fun."
Lan Xichen's arrival with their tired daughter in his arms was a gentle interruption. D/n's eyelids drooped as her yawns continued to punctuate her words. Her mother's arms welcomed her into a cozy embrace, and Lan Xichen swiftly tucked her into bed.
"Time for you to rest, my little adventurer," y/n cooed softly, brushing a gentle kiss against d/n's forehead.
D/n's voice was a sleepy murmur as she nestled in her mother's embrace, recounting the day's highlights one last time before slumber claimed her. "Tomorrow, maybe the bunnies will have babies of their own..."
As Lan Xichen quietly left the room to give their daughter the rest she needed, he couldn't help but smile at the bond they shared and the joyful memories they were building together. Back in their own room, he rejoined y/n, the warmth of their daughter's stories lingering in the air.
"It seems like you guys had quite the adventure," y/n remarked with a knowing smile. "D/n's energy and curiosity remind me of someone."
Lan Xichen's expression shifted, a mixture of emotions passing through his eyes. "You promised, y/n. We agreed never to bring him up."
A heavy sigh escaped y/n's lips, her gaze soft but steadfast. "I understand your feelings, Xichen. But we both know Wei Wuxian isn't solely at fault. The past is complex, and there's more to it than what meets the eye."
Lan Xichen's brows furrowed, his frustration and lingering resentment evident. "He brought trouble to our clan, and Lan Wangji bore the burden of his actions. It's not so simple."
Y/n reached out, her hand finding its way to his. Her touch was a comforting reassurance as she spoke, her voice gentle but firm. "I know it's not simple, Xichen. But it's important not to let anger and blame cloud our judgment. We've seen the good he's done too. Just as Lan Wangji has."
Lan Xichen's gaze met hers, a storm of conflicting emotions swirling within. He knew y/n was right, but letting go of years of resentment wasn't an easy task. Their hands remained intertwined, a silent understanding passing between them, bridging the gap between differing perspectives.
"He caused an overwhelming amount of chaos within the clan," Lan Xichen's voice carried the weight of history as memories resurfaced. "The repercussions of his actions were extensive, leading to the loss of many innocent civilians. It's difficult to fathom how a single individual could bring about so much death and pain."
Y/n's gaze softened with understanding, her eyes reflecting the shared pain of their clan's past. She leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to Lan Xichen's temple. "You're right, my love. It's a topic best left untouched for now. The past can't be changed, and Wei Wuxian is no longer among the living."
Lan Xichen's shoulders relaxed slightly at her touch and words, the weight of his thoughts eased by her presence. "You're right, y/n. Thank you for being here with me."
With a gentle smile, she intertwined her fingers with his, their bond a testament to the strength they found in each other. "Always, Xichen. We face our challenges together, no matter the weight of the past."
As they settled into bed, the room filled with a sense of solace, a reminder that even in the face of their clan's tumultuous history, their love remained a beacon of hope for the future.
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mdzsfan · 9 months
Lan Wangji
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mdzsfan · 9 months
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Xiao Xingchen
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mdzsfan · 9 months
Lan Xichen
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mdzsfan · 9 months
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