matooqkh · 6 years
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الحمدلله، اليوم قدرت أحقق أحد احلامي بقيادة طيارة على ارتفاع تقريبا اكثر ١١٠٠ قدم فوق الارض. #nevergiveuponyourdreams (at Legacy Aviation)
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matooqkh · 6 years
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Food=Silent #🤤... #happiness #food #hungrypeople #eaters #pizza #🍕 (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
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matooqkh · 7 years
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يقول الغزالي:(إن الإنسان يستغرب ما لم يعهده، حتى لو حدّثه أحد، أنه لو حكّ خشبة بخشبة، لخرج منها شئ أحمر، بقدر عدسة، يأكل هدة البلدة و اَهلها، لم يكن رأى النار قط، لا ستغرب ذلك و أنكره) #الغزالي
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matooqkh · 7 years
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That what I call happiness!! 😍 Can’t wait to listen!! @swordandscale #swordandscale #monstersarereal (at Temple University)
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matooqkh · 7 years
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قد تخلوا الأماكن، أما الذكريات فلا... و هذه نعمة من الله #الحمدلله #❤️
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matooqkh · 7 years
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Happy national day to all Saudis 💚 #saudinationalday #2017 #sep23 #saudiarabia (at Temple University)
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matooqkh · 7 years
#Repost @khalidalameri (@get_repost) ・・・ Today is the Islamic New Year! __ As per the Islamic calendar (which is based on the lunar calendar or the moons phases) the year is 1439 AH or After Hijrah which is marked by the year the Prophet Muhammad travelled from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD to set up the first Muslim Community. __ It's a special moment of celebration for Muslims around the world and here is how we celebrate. Wishing all my Muslim sisters and brothers a Happy new year and a wonderful year ahead inshAllah. #Hijri (at Temple University)
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matooqkh · 7 years
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يقول فخر الدين الرازي في كتاب الفراسة: قبيح الوجه لايكون حسن الخلق إلَّا مادراً لانَّ المزاج الموجب للخَلَق الظاهر و الخُلُق الباطن واحد." فما الظاهر إلا تجسيد للباطن. #الرازي #فراسة #كتاب #وجة #جمال #📖 (at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
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matooqkh · 7 years
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قال لي في الأمس أمريكي مسلَّم، "الصوم في امريكا لا يتوقف فقط عن الطعام، ولكن الأهم صيام العين." كنت أعلم ما قاله جيدا ولكن في بعض الأحيان نحتاج لمن يقول لنا ما علنا لأننا بشر و من طبيعة البشر النسيان. فيا صائمين.. الصيام ليس عن الطعام بل الصيام يجعلنا نكبح الرغبات و نقتل الأمر التي تتحكم بمشاعرنا و افكارنا. #صيام #صايم #مبتعث #مبتعثين_امريكا #مسلمين
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matooqkh · 7 years
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Just being me! 😂🙇🏻 credit to @hassanhfarrash #beyourself #smile
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matooqkh · 7 years
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That's a problem!! 🤔 when your friends got dressed up and you don't 😅 always me #TASS #weirdo #fiends (at Temple University)
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matooqkh · 7 years
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But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad." "How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here. . Credit to @noelleqifu . #LewisCarroll #AliceinWonderland #Wonderland #freelymagazine (at Temple University)
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matooqkh · 7 years
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تحقيق الأمنيات لا يتم بتأمل السماء، بل بحسابها و فهم حقائقها. لا تقف لكي لا ترى نفسك في الخلف فالحياة تسير بسرعة… #الحياة #التأمل #طموح #انا #حلم #علم_النفس #😜 (at Longwood Gardens)
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matooqkh · 7 years
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Never take a boring picture because life is short 😜😎 #exciting #happiness #Friends #wereallmadhere (at Penn's Landing)
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matooqkh · 7 years
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"A Pice of Home" will be in our camps March 24th, 2017. Do Not Miss It!!! There will be photos form all over the world 🌎 and will be so much joy that you would feel like you are at home. #piceofhome #🌎 #🏡 #freelymagazine (at Temple University)
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matooqkh · 7 years
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If you didn't make a sound, they would remember you. But don't make it loud because they might heat you. #🦋 #😜 #fiends #snow #snowball #☃️ #❄️ (at Bucks County, Pennsylvania)
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matooqkh · 7 years
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Living in a foreign country without sisters is like a colorless world. Nothing has a taste. It has been only a day without her, but it felt like years and years of loneliness. My sisters are the ones who raised me and taught be how to love. #❤ I miss them #🦋 #😭 #missthem #sisters
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