Desperately looking for Hadestown rps! I mainly love PersephonexHades but I will do anything, can be text message based or paragraphs. Message me on discord Sophia#2579 or ask for my email to help me satisfy my Hadestown cravings!
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You don't know // I know you don't know.
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welcome to our house on maple avenue
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les misérables + text posts
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Musicals are magical. When I’m watching musicals nothing matters. I don’t care about my failures. I don’t worry about my grades or my future. I’m not lonely, I’m not sad. I’m just completely content. They’re perfect. 
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I think we’re alike, in a certain way.
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When you’re having a great time and your crush sits next to you
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every single musical number in next to normal
doctor: tr y this semi legal thign
diana: i kind of dont want to be crazy???? haha who said that of fucking COURSE i want to be crazy bring on the pain train ya fuckers
natalie: this family sucks im outie
dan: *existential crisis*
gabe: Suprise bitch bet u thought
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The Miss Saigon Original Revival Cast 2014/2015
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Story time about high school theatre?
High school, okay man that’s stretching back a ways. 
Okay so once upon a time I was in a production of Peter Pan where I played Hook’s first mate and we were the two gayest pirates to ever grace the stage at a children’s theatre. But, um, that’s really not important to the story. 
Anyway this was kind of an old theatre and if I’m being totally honest with you it was falling the fuck apart. Now, most theatres have this hallway that runs end to end behind the stage (called the ‘crossover’) so that actors can exit on one side and enter again from the other. This theatre had that, but the door was old and rusty and gross and sometimes it would just get stuck shut, and I shit you not, there was no budging that thing without a battering ram or like a fucking siege engine or some shit. 
So there’s this girl named Christina playing Tinker Bell and we have her in the pretty classic Disney getup–big blonde bun perched on top of her head, short little green dress, you know the look. And she has this exit where she has to dash off stage left and then enter again from stage right really fucking fast, so basically she’ll just walk off, run down the crossover and come back in. In theory. You can see where this is going, I’m sure. 
One night Chris goes to make her exit and the crossover door is fucking stuck. She doesn’t have time to bang on it and get someone to open it or anything and she’s gotta fucking be there for her entrance because there are lights and music and shit because she’s a damn fairy and if she doesn’t appear it’ll look super fucking stupid. So she just bolts the fuck outside and starts sprinting like a cheetah around the back of the building. But this is in January, okay, and she’s in this green mini-dress and little slippers with no traction and she hits a patch of ice halfway across the parking lot and just goes fucking flying and just eats shit. But here’s the thing, guys–actors are metal as hell. The show must go the fun on, blood and broken bones be damned. (Really. The stories I could tell.) 
So she scrambles off the ground and runs as fast as she fucking can and flings the loading dock door open and like crashes onstage just in the nick of time. But because she didn’t stop to see what the damage was, she didn’t realize her knees were like fucking shredded from wiping out in the parking lot and she’s bleeding fucking everywhere. Now, this is a kids’ show and some of these little fuckers are sitting like a foot from the stage so this is problem. They’re gasping and pointing and she does her bit and Hook and I kind of cut the scene short and usher her off before the kids start crying. We’re scrambling around in the wings trying to find a first aid kit and we finally lay hands on one and Hook is like trying to wipe the blood off Tinker Bell’s knees and she’s trying not to fucking cry and I’m digging through the box looking for fucking band aids. I finally find some and I’m like, “Oh, perfect, they’re green, it’ll just look like part of her costume, fuckin’ A, that’s grand.”
She grits her teeth, I slap like fucking eight band-aids on each of her knees and Hook hauls her out of her chair and shoves her onstage and we high-five like hell yeah, crisis averted. But then the lights go out for a scene change and we realize that because this is a fucking kids’ theatre, the fucking band-aids glow in the fucking dark. So you can just see these two like weird glowing green spots that are Christina’s knees as she runs around onstage and Hook and I are both like What the fuck? What is that? Oh no. But then thank God one of the Lost Boys has the presence of mind to just yell, “Look, Tink has a friend!” And for the rest of the show every time there was a blackout Chris ran back and forth across the stage and her knees were ‘fairies’ and the kids fucking loved it.
And that is the story of the time Tinker Bell wiped the fuck out and glow-in-the-dark band-aids became an last-minute special effect.
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I hate when “You Don’t Know” comes on my ipod but I forget I have it on shuffle so when the song ends I belt straight into, “CAN YOU TELL MEEE-” but some other song comes on and I’m just
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Reasons why you should have plants in your room
-          More clean air
-          People think you are cool
-          They look pretty
-          You can sing to them and they won’t tell you to shut up
-          You feel proud when they grow
-          You can give them cute names
-          pLAnTs
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Okay, to make a long story short, I’m in the process of moving and I just realised I have a lot of theatre stuff accumulated from just this year so I thought I’d give some of it away 
- Must be following me; I will choose the winner from my list of followers - Reblog this using the tag #westendgiveaway so I can find it on your blog in case Tumblr decides to be annoying - Because I need to find the post on your blog, likes don’t count. sorry - Feel free to reblog this as much as you like but please do not use giveaway blogs - I will ship anywhere, but please remember to ask your legal guardians if they’re okay with this if you’re under 18
There will be five winners and five slightly different prizes 1. A les mis 2014/15 programme signed by all cast members  2. A phantom 2014/15 programme signed by most cast members (including all of the principals and Lisa-Anne Wood) 3. A miss saigon 2014/15 programme signed by most cast members (including all of the principals, Rachelle Ann Go and Nial Sheehy) 4. A billy elliot 2014/15  programme/souvenir brochure signed by all of the adult cast members and with a bonus poster inside it 5. A sweeney todd concert programme signed by some cast mémbers (including Philip Quast and John Owen Jones)
In addition to that all winners will get 12 leaflets from different west end shows [as seen in the picture] and one person will also get a City of Angels leaflet signed by Samantha Barks, Rosalie Craig, Hadley Fraser and Tam Mutu
Please specify which prize you want in the tags. If you’re interested in more than one prize feel free to reblog this multiple times with hashtags such as #westendgiveaway, #1, #2, etc…
I will pick the winners through a random number generator thingy on the 1st of July. Please remember to have your askbox open so I can contact you. If a winner doesn’t reply in three days I will pick a new one. 
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friend: “can you teach me about musicals?” me: “let’s start cause you’ve got an awfully long way to go”
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↳ NEXT TO NORMAL (2009-2011): Scenic design by Mark Wenland and Lighting design by Kevin Adams
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