mara777 · 1 month
⋆˚࿔ My current makeup routine 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
here it is babes!! <3
since the weather is getting warmer, my makeup routine has simplified A LOT lmao… but I feel like this is a pretty “fool-proof” make-up routine, so maybe you guys can take some inspo from this!!
what I used:
Benefit "goof-proof brow pencil" (shade 3.5)
Nars "radiant creamy concealer" (shade custard)
Benefit "Benetint"
Charlotte Tilbury "airbrush flawless filter" powder (shade 2 medium)
Too Faced "Cinnamon Swirl" eyeshadow palette (like 3 years old and most likely expired)
Catrice "More Than Glow" highlighter (shade 010 platinum glaze)
Benefit "they're real! magnet" mascara
Radome lash clusters on the outer corners only
Clinique "Black Honey"
Let me know if you guys have any questions and pleeeaassee let's just ignore how seorjgspewijef my eyes look in the beginning, I cried myself to sleep last night!! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆
‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧౨ৎ
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mara777 · 8 months
Becoming "that girl"
💌 Stay hydrated (drink atleast 2L)
💌 Try to get 6-8 hours of sleep
💌 Take a daily walk
💌 Stretch your body
💌 Do small sets of workouts every morning/evening
💌 Have a proper hygiene (please take care of yourself. You will feel so much better)
💌 Journal
💌 learn a new language
💌 Listen to a podcast
💌 Make a playlist of uplifting music
💌 Read a book
💌 Create new habits and stick to them
💌 Be kind to yourself and to others
💌 Don't compare yourself to others if you lack confidence ...(fake it till you make it)
💌 Cut off toxic people
💌 Do a social media detox (unfollow people that serves you no purpose in life)
💌 Repeat positive affirmations daily
💌 Have respect for yourself & other's
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mara777 · 8 months
How to get yourself out of a slump
Take a bath ( it will help you after taking a bath don't go back into your bed )
Take a walk
Watch your favorite show/movie
Clean your room
Prepare for school (or if it reopen already)
Do assignments that you didn't do even though it was from last year Still do it can help to refresh your memory
Create a new pintrest board
Play a game 
Create outfits with the clothes you have at home it's such a fun thing to do (well for me atleast lol)
Take your pet on a walk or play with them
Listen to uplifting music
Do something that you have been putting off for long time now
Stretches/exercises (it helps you feel better)
Brain dump anything that's been bothering you
Brush your teeth
Listen to a podcast
Wash your face
Water your plants 🪴 if you have any
Keep yourself smelling nice and clean ( no one wants to stay next to someone who doesn't smell nice so make sure to take care of yourself it's worth it )
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mara777 · 8 months
Feminine activities
Cooking ( learn to cook something new )
Bake ( bake cupcakes, cakes, sweet bread ) - basically anything you want to bake there are tons of recipes on the internet
Try new makeup looks
Read books
Dance ( dancing is my favorite thing to do )
Go out and buy new clothes or thrift
Color ( while coloring have a cup of coffee)
Spend time with your girl friends
Taking care of yourself
Redecorating your room or study room
Journal ( if you don't have a journal start one )
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mara777 · 8 months
10 Things to do alone🧚🏻‍♀️
Read a book, blog ....or my blog lol (:
Watch a show... I'm currently watching out gilmore girls I absolutely love it
Try a new recipe. There are literally endless recipes on the internet
Make a birthday/Christmas wishlist. My favorite thing to do when I'm bored
Journal. You can jot down any ideas or thoughts you have basically anything that you think of in that moment
Try a workout on YouTube. I do daisy keech workout (:
Go for walk . It helps keep your body active
Bake a cake. You can also decorate the cake and make it look pretty
Take a nap. It's literally the best thing to do
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mara777 · 8 months
How do you go about self-care and self-improvement when you go to school. I find it harder to prioritise myself and my mental health when I'm surrounded by negative people who most definitely influence me and are people who I don't particularly like.
Hihi I'm so glad you asked this because I think it's a struggle for a lot of students in every day life as going to school/university.
And don't worry I struggle with this too especially if I'm in environments where people are simply not like me or not kind or has a negative mindset that can also have a influence on you.
This is a post I'd highly recommend you reading I think it would help you a lot self improvement also when we speak about self improvement it's something inside of us which will reflect on the outside look at this way as you were saying when you are surrounded by negative people right that just their inner being reflected in the outer world because they have such negative mindset that can affect others around them too because you can be so good and joyful and when you around them everything In you changes if that would make sense because thats how I feel around negative people. And I think something that would help you if you find yourself being surrounded by negative people 24/7 and you don't like them best possible thing is to stay away from them as far as you could if you can't then there's areas that you need to figure out in your life how do I stop myself from being influenced by negative people start by Journaling your thoughts every single day even how you feel also stop caring about these people because by they being influence on your life means that you are just continually thinking about how they are influencing your life get something better to do start thinki positive thoughts oh you are around negative people when you be a positive person yes it may be hard but you cannot let a negative person influence you when you are a positive person.if I don't like that person because they are so negative I'd never let them ruin my happiness or the positive side in me.
Start prioritizing your mental health start by not checking your phone when you wake up in the morning I don't what your religion may be but pray first thing ask God to give you strength and wisdom on how to deal with negative people and situations and ask that they may not be infl on your life.
Go for long walks or even short ones just sit alone have time to process your thoughts
Find hobbies that you like for example painting, drawing or even coloring other things like reading or making a new friend someone you can talk to about these things before you find a friend write down the qualities of what you want in friend are they positive or are they negative? And so much more you can write.
I know myself I need help in these things to and I struggle with it too but I hope this helps you and you can also look through my blog and you will find many posts about self care and self improvement which I'll reblog for you so you can see them at the top
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mara777 · 9 months
how to build confidence
Confidence is a wonderful thing to have, but it's not something we're born with. Second guessing your dreams or being paralyzed by pre-conceptions of your abilities can damage your ability to achieve you potential. Having poor self esteem isn't something to be ashamed of, it's something you can improve.
Here are some practical tips on gradually improving your confidence.
Be kind to yourself. Make an active effort to say nice things about yourself. Take good care of your mind and your body. You're a person, you're important and you deserve kindness.
Remember your positive qualities. Write them down and add to the list regularly, even daily if possible. It's especially important to do this on the days you need to think hard about what your positive traits are.
Set goals and achieve them. Start with simple goals, such as making your bed every day for a week. Build up to larger more difficult tasks. Actually completing these goals will build trust within yourself and will make you see how capable and competent you are. Monitor your progress in a notebook so you can look back on your achievements when you're feeling insecure.
Practice self forgiveness. If you make a mistake, commit to doing better and move on. You don't have to hold on to that feeling. Take a deep breath and release it with the intention of moving on.
Counter negative thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself thinking poorly of yourself, stand up to it. Argue with the self doubt and win. The more you do it, the easier it will get.
Stick to your values. Don't do anything you don't believe in. Avoid people who pressure you to break your value system.
Try things, even if you fail. Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying to achieve things will give you a rich life experience and will help you understand that failure is not the worst thing that can happen to you. Taking opportunities that are handed to you will give you agency to achieve bigger things.
Don't let people disrespect you. Be firm with your boundaries and stand up for yourself whenever anybody messes with you. Don't stoop to their level and carry on with you life, with people who actually care about you.
Keep your promises and don't make promises you can't keep. This will improve other people's confidence in you and make you feel like a reliable person.
Keep your bigger goals in mind. If you're trying to get good grades, remember that when you're down to choosing between going out with friends and studying. If you want to run a race and get a good time, remember that when you want an extra five minutes of sleep in the morning.
Show off your achievements and be proud of yourself. You deserve the spotlight for anything you're proud of. Celebrate yourself every step of the way.
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mara777 · 9 months
𝓗𝔂𝓰𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓮 𝓰𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓾𝓹 𝓰𝓾𝓲𝓭𝓮
Hygiene is something so important in our everyday lives, and many people may know about it, but now, sure how or even where to start with taking care of themselves I'm here to tell you how to start and how you should be taking care of yourself.
Showering the most important thing that you should be doing every single day. It doesn't really have to be a long bath, but just using a body wash or bar soap should do just the work.
Washing your hair and getting it trimmed washing your hair also keeping it neat now I don't mean you have to comb it 24/7 you can just plat it or put it in a bun. You can wash your hair just at least 1 or 2 times for the week according to hair type and schedule it's always different for each one of you. Get hair trimmed at least at 3-4 months. This will keep your hair healthy and not damaged. Get a hair treatment done. You can also put in a leave in a conditioner or even a hair mask and oils. Some of the oils that I'd recommend are: castor oil, coconut oil, and argan oil.
Another thing you can do if you wish to is shaving now not everyone would shave and it's totally okay not to but please if you are shaving any part of your body make sure not to use and old shaver because it can cause cuts also you can use a shaving cream or conditioner or a simple bar soap such a dove anything that works best for you.
Washing face I like to wash my face in the shower or you can do after you finish shower using a face wash that is for your skin type and what will make you're face more soft and not dry.
Also when in the shower you can use a loofah to exfoliate especially before you shave like oh my let me tell you exfoliating before you shave literally leaves you feeling like a princess so definitely give it try if you haven't.
Taking care of your body is such an important factor because if you don't look good, you have dry skin, messy hair people really won't want to be around you. After every shower, you should be putting on lotion or baby oil. Trust me, it keeps your skin so soft and smooth. Also, on dry parts of your body, you can put Vaseline .
Another really really important thing is wearing deodorant the amount of people that don't wear it that's just disgusting especially if you sweat a lot there are so many good and cheap deodorant I'm sure you can afford one. I like to use the spray because it doesn't leave any stain on my clothes, which looks bad if it stains, so I'd highly recommend the dove spray,which doesn't leave a stain on clothes.
Perfume it doesn't have to be expensive, but you can also have a signature perfume.
Oral care many people don't really take care of there teeth which can cause you to get cavities or other gum diseases and stuff make sure that you atleast brush your teeth 2 times each day if not 1 time in the morning or night always floss try your best to floss everyday it takes out any food that we left between the teeth and if not removed can decay the tooth and can go into the gum itself and it can lead to a gum disease or inflammation also using a tongue scraper to get that gunk off your tongue which can cause you to have a bad breath and always use mouth wash after.
Keeping your finger nails and toe nails neat and looking good I feel like if people look at your feet most of time and that can tell them if you take care of yourself or not especially if your toe nails look bad and not cut you can trim them and polish them even if not polish make sure they are trimmed neatly and doesn't look dry for your nails you don't have to go out and get acrylics you can simply polish your nails at home and keep them neat and that black thing that be under your nails please if you have that gunk clean it make your nails look well groomed.
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mara777 · 11 months
10 Things to do alone🧚🏻‍♀️
Read a book, blog ....or my blog lol (:
Watch a show... I'm currently watching out gilmore girls I absolutely love it
Try a new recipe. There are literally endless recipes on the internet
Make a birthday/Christmas wishlist. My favorite thing to do when I'm bored
Journal. You can jot down any ideas or thoughts you have basically anything that you think of in that moment
Try a workout on YouTube. I do daisy keech workout (:
Go for walk . It helps keep your body active
Bake a cake. You can also decorate the cake and make it look pretty
Take a nap. It's literally the best thing to do
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mara777 · 11 months
Hii everyone I hope you are enjoying your weekend and i hope that this new week that we are about to enter brings you Joy, peace, and blessings.
In this post I'll like to talk about being a high value woman. I've honestly seen so many people talk about it so I'd definitely love to talk about being one.
Don't chase men and i literally mean it you are the prize who should be chased how stupid you would look if you are chasing a man, do not try to even change his mind about why you should be loved and valued. Work on yourself to become a more attractive person for yourself, place yourself on a pedestal you CAN'T attract anything if you live in scarcity mindset you will only end up placing men on a pedestal. Do not nag men to treat you right no women should never do that move on there are millions of other men who are out there and would treat you right because a man words means absolutely nothing his actions means everything.
Avoid cursing women who curse have no respect for themselves or others no other persons that treat and value themselves right does not want to be around someone that curses there are many other words you can use in place of a bad word that should not be heard from a woman's mouth.
Never give up your hobbies, goals, and ambitions for a man if you have the right man he will support you in every way he can if this person you are with is not doing that something is wrong because you are not gonna be on a pedestal anymore because you are letting someone take your goals and dreams away from you.
Know your self worth a woman that knows her self worth never settles for less she doesn't even have the time to compare herself to others or listen to the opinions of other people i can literally give you an example of how not to care about other people opinions on you it has this girl that views my stories everyday whatever i post she just wants to see them to give her opinions i felt so hurt because it wasn't positive things that she was saying she would always try to bring me down so one day i was like you know I'm tired of this she responded to my story "that dress wasn't for you" i simply said i looked good in the dress thanks for your opinion i learned not to care about others opinions because they are just jealous if not they just wanna find someway or the other to bring you down and that's why most women today are insecure oh yes not every dress would look good on a woman body because you need to find one that suits your body and it did suit my body so why would i care about her opinion. And that is just something that i hope you all can learn from.
Always have self confidence don't look just to improve yourself for others just for validation improve yourself for you and you only.
I hope you all enjoyed reading this post and i hope you learnt something from it
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mara777 · 1 year
Tumblr media
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mara777 · 1 year
Tips on good eyebrows too!!!💓
Every two months try to get it waxed
Every 2-3 weeks you can pluck any unnecessary hair
Don't have bushy eyebrows it may not look good at all times keep your eyebrows well kept always make sure that you also don't have it looking messy a tip from is to use a mascara brush to fix it or an eyebrows brush
You're eyebrows can change how you look
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mara777 · 1 year
Glow up with me 🎀
Wax eyebrows
Shave ( this is optional )
Do your nails or just make sure they look clean and neat
Face mask also you can try other masks like a hand, foot or hair mask
Buy a really good deodorant that works for you
Drink water
Get off social media and stop scrolling for countless hours it's not good for you
Take more walks
Excercise more ( don't over do it take your time)
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mara777 · 1 year
Hi! Any beauty hacks you mind sharing?
𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔:
- use silk pillow cases for your skin & hair
- lash growing serum works!! (I use grande lash)
- rice water / rosemary oil for long silky smooth hair
- ice masks / quartz rollers for your skin: promotes blood circulation & is meant to depuff and reduce inflammation
- cuticle oil for healthy strong nails
- putting a little bit of peroxide in your mouth wash helps whiten your teeth
- men’s after shave to reduce razor bumps
- always brush your tongue first thing in the morning to get rid of any toxins
- hyaluronic acid oral pills enhances its benefits and keeps your skin hydrated & plumped
- getting hair trims every 6 months promotes hair growth by getting rid of the split ends and breakage.
- with skin care, remember mornings are to protect & nights are to repair
- ditch the dairy and sugar if you want clear healthy skin
- remember that your neck and chest are an extension to your face! treat them with protective products as well.
- if you struggle with body hair and are constantly needing to shave, i truly recommend doing laser hair removal. it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself, i went from shaving my underarms and bikini area every 3 days to only once a month which helped so much with hyperpigmentation and razor bumps. it’s expensive but totally worth it.
- wrap your hair in a cotton t-shirt place of a towel to prevent breakage and roughness
- castor oil to thicken your eyebrows
- vitamin E brightens scars
- put Vaseline on the areas you want your perfume to stick
- look into the stomach vacuum exercise! performing it daily will help shrink the waist line and tone your abs
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mara777 · 1 year
Hii my angels I'm finally back after being inactive for such a long time. I've been caught up with life that i totally forgot about this account but i definitely did not forget you all wonderful amazing people✨️
I'd definitely love to start back making a lot of posts or content for you all🤍
If you have any suggestions or a topic that you want to know about let me know and I'll help. It can be anything pertaining to selfcare, healing, becoming more feminine, developing positive mindset also productivity and so much more.
I'm so happy that I'm back even though i still have 3 exams to complete but I'll definitely respond to each one of you also i wish those who has exams right now the best💌🤍✨️
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mara777 · 1 year
2023 New Year's Resolutions
-note: I know I'm really late with this post but I'm so happy that I can share this with you. May this inspire you (:
Drink more water
Meditate ( 5-10 minutes)
Journal everyday
Excercise more often
Cut out eating junk
Eat more green foods
Read more ( self help books, books that can expand you're knowledge)
Write down goals you can write long term goals & short term ones
Keeping a room clean
Spending less time on phone
Spending more time with loved ones
Studying more ( if you are in high school or university) - make sure to enjoy that time aswell because it will never come back
Cutting off toxic friends
Having more patience with yourself
Have a more positive mindset ( everything will work out just how you want it to )
- I hope and believe that 2023 will be the best year for you to start new ( changing is not really about going to a new place to live but it's about changing your mindset that will be the new you people will view you different because you will see everything else different and more positive once you change )
Happy New Year ✨️🤎
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mara777 · 1 year
I love being a beautiful angel who gets everything she wants in milliseconds and has the world’s most powerful mind and supermodel goddess body, getting everything I want in milliseconds and being the most powerful princess alive is just a regular day for a living barbie like me
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