majorasrtist · 1 year
Fallen Angel Ben with Nymph Reader🎶
"Nature's Gift"
Ben Drowned x Fem|Y/N
Warnings: Mention Of Drowning, Sad!Ben, Fluff
Ben has fallen from grace, stuck in a pit for he doesn't even know how long.
An angel with clipped wings serving a faceless demon, someone of such a tragic story, a wandering soul in a way- lost and forgotten.
He gazed out towards the creek watching as it flowed, every little ripple reminded him of how it felt when it flooded his lungs all those years ago. He's forgotten a lot of things but never that sensation.
Then he spots you in all your beautiful glory, squatting down by the bank. Your hands sink into the water, sunlight casting a warm glow upon your skin, his chest feels heavy inside as he watches your every little movement.
He stays tucked amongst the trees, something about you seems so beyond ethereal to him. A beautiful nymph tending to the forest she calls home- how could he not be fascinated?
He was caught by surprise when you chuckled softly, lifting your head and gazing in his direction.
"I know you're there."
So much for his attempt at being discreet... He should have known better after all, you're literally a forest spirit- of course you would easily spot him.
"Sorry... Just didn't want to disrupt you."
When he heard your soft giggles again, that reassuring glint in your eyes- for once he felt truly at peace.
Like a cool breeze in the middle of summer you washed away the darkness that consumed him, that feeling of drowning in the hole he dug himself dissipated.
"Would you like to sit with me?"
This was a chance he couldn't miss out on, for once afterlife was kind to this broken angel. He needed to experience your warmth for as long as he could, he needed to just feel like Ben again... Not the darkness he had fell victim too.
You truly were nature's gift to him and the world. One day perhaps he would be able to open up and tell you that- but for now. He just enjoyed this simple but endearing moment.
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majorasrtist · 1 year
Don't forget to help out! The more help the better 🤞
Something has been brought up in my relationship and it's my fault which i didn't mean to let it happen. So if anyone sees this at all, don't ignore it. I need wishes, rituals, prayers that my bf will come back to me and text me when he calms down or asap. It will be greatly appreciated 🙏💕
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majorasrtist · 1 year
Something has been brought up in my relationship and it's my fault which i didn't mean to let it happen. So if anyone sees this at all, don't ignore it. I need wishes, rituals, prayers that my bf will come back to me and text me when he calms down or asap. It will be greatly appreciated 🙏💕
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majorasrtist · 1 year
Something has been brought up in my relationship and it's my fault which i didn't mean to let it happen. So if anyone sees this at all, don't ignore it. I need wishes, rituals, prayers that my bf will come back to me and text me when he calms down or asap. It will be greatly appreciated 🙏💕
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majorasrtist · 1 year
can we stop arguing about ben lol. The arg and creepypasta versions are soo separated from eachother, and no ones ever gonna have an accurate dipiction at this point, especially with jadusable writing contradictory things in his character to begin with.
But who cares! If you don't like how someone is portraying a character just block and make your own content instead. Go draw! Make edits! Write fics! The fandom need more content anyways
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majorasrtist · 1 year
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majorasrtist · 1 year
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I’m starting an art series by drawing every Link in my style. This’ll be interesting since I hadn’t drawn them all in quite some time.
Starting off with my FAVORITE Link, ocarina of time! (I revamped the colors)
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majorasrtist · 1 year
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I’m starting an art series by drawing every Link in my style. This’ll be interesting since I hadn’t drawn them all in quite some time.
Starting off with my FAVORITE Link, ocarina of time! (I revamped the colors)
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majorasrtist · 1 year
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barking and woofing, click the second pic for the full thing
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majorasrtist · 1 year
Down you go matt
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majorasrtist · 1 year
Down you go matt
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majorasrtist · 2 years
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This user likes Ben Drowned
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majorasrtist · 2 years
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majorasrtist · 2 years
Dating BEN Drowned Would Be Like This:
A/N: I've suddenly got inspiration to write dating headcanons/imagines for the creepypastas, so… requests are open, I guess (but I won't write smut) 🙃 This is based on the original first arc (The Haunted Cartidge) written by Jadusable, so there's no mention of Moon Children and BEN's still the antagonist and not a victim 😎 I love writing for BEN Drowned... my fave Creepypasta 🙃
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🎮• So, you found the Majora's Mask cartridge and started playing it on your N64. Everything about the game is horribly wrong, and there's the Elegy of Emptiness that keeps following you around. Wherever you go, he's following you, even if you don't notice - from the top of buildings, hidden in the shadows, or just straight up in your face. It's unnerving, to say the least. That, and the things he says.
🎮• All too familiar lines like "You shouldn't have done that," and "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" but then there are other odd things on black screen scenes, like "There is beauty in your suffering, but there is so much more," and "You need me more than you'll ever realise..."
🎮• BEN kind of likes toying with you to see what reactions he can get out of you, as he does have quite a sadistic streak in him. But instead of just terrorising you until he gets bored and then going to find another victim, he enjoys just watching you, staring at you with empty, observant eyes. He watches you while you sleep for hours at a time, mesmerised and somewhat confused by what makes you stand out to him. It's not just because you're pretty, it's something much more than looks. It's just... you.
🎮• Hidden inside your computer while you go about your day, or playing with the electrics when he wants to remind you he's there. He's obsessed with the little decisions you make, the way you look, and the idea of you being, well, all his. It's extremely hard to have secrets or privacy, because BEN doesn't believe in that. He can read your expressions easily, or what you might say before you say it, almost as if he's reading your mind. So there's no way to lie to him and get away with it.
🎮• When you go to school or work, you notice that the annoying ones who used to pick on you and all have suddenly gone quiet, only giving you wary, wide-eyed looks every now and then. The next day, there's no sight of them, and a missing person poster is up soon after. You have your suspicions immediately, and go straight onto Cleverbot when you get home:
BEN... Yes, what happened to him? Cut it out. I know you're there. Where? You killed her, didn't you? She didn't deserve that. I want you to stop. Just, please? Stop? Why would I do that? They lost the game. Besides, you're much more important. Why? Because. Because what? I choose you. Don't you feel safe? I don't know. Not really? You will.
🎮• BEN isn't kidding though. You'll never have a lasting incident with someone being horrible or being in a dangerous situation. He's always watching, extremely protective and possessive. You see more of that when he reveals yourself, which is after you'd injured yourself slightly somehow, and after a short struggle of trying to patch yourself up and stop bleeding, the TV glitches, crackles and opens up from the inside like a portal.
🎮• You almost have a heart attack as you can only watch as a boy with deathly pale skin, hollow black eyes and intense red pupils steps out casually, a look of amusement as you grip the chair you're sitting on to try and ground yourself and make some sense of the situation. It fades into huffy annoyance and almost unnoticeable concern as his red gaze flicks to your wound.
🎮• "You shouldn't have done that."
🎮• "Well I-" You don't get much of a chance to say anything, because in less than a second he's right opposite you, making you flinch back in surprise as a cold, glitchy hand takes the supplies out of your own and does an exceptionally good job of wrapping it up. His messy, snowy blonde hair tickles your skin as he looks up, sending chills down your back as his inhumane eyes lock onto yours with a playful, dark smirk.
🎮• "It's rude to stare."
🎮• BEN can be absolutely impossible by the things he says sometimes, and he loves watching you frown in frustration and try to get back at him. Ever since he first appeared in a materialised form to you, he does it more often, and you get used to the unnatural sight of him as he pops out of screens into your home whenever he feels like it, crashing your websites and snickering when you get annoyed because it didn't save some of the work you were doing. But the way he 'has fun with you' isn't all malicious and threatening as it is with the others, it's more playful and teasing. If anyone else does the same, he'll scowl and their phone will give them a harsh electric shock.
🎮• It doesn't matter how much you try to tell BEN you can look out for yourself and he can lighten up a bit when you're around others, he's still going to be watching out for you with a slightly overprotective mindset. In his mind, your 'friends' and those around you aren't as deserving or worthy as you are for pretty much anything. He doesn't pester you with the questions of where you were and who with, since he already knows, but isn't above mentally torturing people who seem like trouble until they go away.
🎮• He can also be kind of clingy, but in his own way. BEN doesn't give you much of a warning when surprisingly strong arms make you slide onto his lap while you're sitting and doing whatever it is you're doing in your room, or fiddles with your hair and examines your body and face like a curious painting. He stares a hell of a lot too, which is another thing to get used to. Hugs are often initiated by you, and he'll never push you away, though he's not that used to it. BEN will grumble under his breath if you cuddle him with a content grin, but you know he's enjoying it really.
🎮• BEN's possessiveness is shown by his like for marking you up, which he does pretty much whenever he gets the chance. He smirks roughishly as you jump at the sudden feeling of cold lips sucking and biting down on highly noticeable places of your skin on your neck and even your arms. If you ask him with those big eyes to do it somewhere that's less noticeable, he'll roll his black and red eyes dramatically, as if you're asking for the impossible, but do as you say anyway.
🎮• You can never just kiss BEN when you leave or something. He'll draw them out into heated makeout sessions that he only stops when you're gripping onto him tightly with shaky breaths, where he'll grin and wink at you before disappearing. Jackass.
🎮• He shows his crazed, obsessive love by getting you whatever things you want or have mentioned by shoving them through random screens' portals to where you are. BEN enjoys playing video games with you too (obviously) where it's entertaining to see you annoyed at him beating you all the time, but then cute when he messes with the game to let you win sometimes. His soft side comes out when you're upset or need comfort in a non-violent way to whoever could have caused it. No words are said, just cool arms around your middle and the thoughtful boy tracing shapes on your skin and enjoying the unfamiliar sense of peace he gets with you in his arms.
🎮• Dating BEN Drowned isn't the easiest relationship to be roped into, since he does have a fair few past experiences that have scarred him emotionally and made him who he is (quite literally). Bit by bit, he'll tell you things, showing you that you're earning his trust, and you can absolutely trust him. Because, for once, he doesn't want to hurt someone. He wants to care for them. It just takes a little getting used to, that's all.
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majorasrtist · 2 years
Don’t think I ever got the chance to show off the ben drowned keyring I made a while back ago….
(Ignore the small chipping on the bottom side my pencil case has been throw against the floor multiple times 0-0)
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Yikes old art
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majorasrtist · 2 years
Here's the new permanent link
Anyone interested in a ben drowned or majora's mask cult?
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majorasrtist · 2 years
Don't give up twilight,i love you too much 😭
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Sunset pt.13
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